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Okey dokey lokey! So maybe a few of you will remember when  lightningstep made a story under this same name. Well new flash, Im her, hello! But I refuse to do lemons, smut or any thing like that. But there will be an example.

Now on to rules of sorts.
1) No lemons/smut
2) Basically rule one was it
3) Not sure why im adding moar

So onward with requests! Which I'd appreciate if y'all pmed me them but you can comment it. I dont care for a format but be warned: if I dont understand your request I will tell you and ignore it unless its revised.

Example tem.

Zakai X Erwin

  The pale skinned cadet sat across from her fellow cadets. She was in Hanji's squad like her friends. She had straight, long light brown hair. She only wore it down when not using the 3DM gear. In her pale hazel eyes, her emotional scars could be seen with ease.

  "Cadet Eriko, are you listening?" her close friend, a pale skinned boy with emerald eyes and short dark brown almost black hair mimiced. He smirked, his voice had sounded like the short captain who sat at nearby.

  Hanji snorted, standing. "Well got paperwork! Teeca, Zakai. Be careful not to piss off shorty too bad." with that Hanji strode out.

  The woman, Zakai, looked up to the commamder who walked over. Sitting down across from Zakai. Teeca, the brown haired boy, smiled. "Hey Zakai, arent you about Captain Shorty's height?"

  She finally spoke up, "Yeah but I'm tall for my gender. I suppose hes tall for a woman too." Teeca snickered, both were unaware of the captain behind them. The commamder, a tall amd quite buff man with short and neat blonde hair, stood.

  "Cadet Eriko, my office. After your done with Captain Levi's punishment for you of course." the commander spoke calmly, walking past Levi.

  Zakai gulped, turning around. Levi growled out, "You'll be cleaning the stables." Zakai nodded, standing and going off to do that. Teeca had to deal with the worst of it. Getting to clean the mess hall. Of course the new cadets made sure that was a quite difficult task.

  Once Zakai finally finished she bounded off to the commamder's office. She hesistated, but eventually knocked. "Come in." called the commamder's deep voice from the other side. Zakai opened the door, entering and shutting the door behind her.

  "You told me to come once I was done sir?" Zakai asked though it was more of a statement.

  "Ah yes. Cadet Eriko, are you aware what you said was... Unnessary and quite... Rude?" the commamder inquired. Zakai nodded, shifting her hazel gaze to the ground.

  The commamder stood, slipping off his jacket. He wore a white dress shirt with a blue bolo tie. The commamder, Erwin, approached her. Lifting Zakai's head.

  "S-sir--" she stuttered out only to be interrupted by Erwin kissing her softly.

  He pulled away, "You can call me Erwin Zakai." he muttered. Zakai's cheeks flushed light pink.

  "O-of c-course si- Erwin." Zakai stuttered. Erwin kissed her again, more passonately. Slipping his tongue in her mouth and fighting for dominamce, which he obviously won. Erwin pulled away, looking into her hazel eyes.

  "I love you." he purred with a smile.

  Zakai smiled, resting her head on his chest and muttering, "I love you too Erwin.."

The End

Ta da! Thats the example. The next obe will be more detailed. Annnnd itssss: Levi X Reader! Buh bai readers!!

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