Zeke X Reader X Eren- Guilt

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AN: High school au; part 2 of a 3 part series. Btw an OC of mine is present in this Oneshot. 

~~Reader's POV~~

I finally stopped running, I had 3rd Period with Eren. Him, Mikasa and Armin. History with Nile Dawk. I quickly walked into the classroom, I sat at the very front. Mr. Dawk looked at me, "Ms. (last name) don't you sit in the back?" he questioned. 

"Mr. Dawk, may I sit here? Next to Marco?" I asked, hope flaring in my eyes. He nodded. 

Eren walked in with Mikasa and Armin. Then the familiar freckled brunette and his friend. He looked to me and before Eren could sit in his or Jean's seat, the two sat down on either side of me. Marco smiled while Jean chuckled, shooting a knowing look at me. 

"What do you know Kirschtein?" I muttered, staring at the desk. 

"Well, I know that you should tell him." Jean answered.


"No buts. He has to know. No matter what." Jean countered in a matter-of-fact tone. 

I huffed, "You're right..." looking back at Eren who was talking with Armin about something. 

"But how is the question..." Marco added with a sad smile. 

I sighed, looking up at the teacher who was writing down notes. More notes... I thought dismissively, 40 minutes passed and the bell rung. I stood, seeing Eren glance over at me but leave with Mikasa and Armin. It felt as if he shot a dart into my heart, I sadly smiled, walking out of the classroom. Marco and Jean watching me leave. Tears began to fill my eyes to the brim, I ran forward, pushing myself, forcing to run faster and faster. Through the halls, everything a blur as I ran past and dodged the First, Second, Third and Fourth Years. 

Someone stuck their leg out just in time, sending me flying and onto the floor. 

"(name)." the teenager called, crouching to my level and yanking me up by my hair. 

"I know what you did." the female hissed, "With Zeke." 

I stayed frozen to the ground, crying silently. How did this get so bad? The pain searing from my scalp forcing tears to my eyes, the pain from my broken heart just making matters worse. 

"Look at me!" she yelled, slamming my head into the tile of the school's halls.

I glared at the girl, noting her appearance. She looked to be a taller girl, ginger hair which goes to the middle of her back, crystal blue eyes and wearing a pastel pink dress with a white vest and pastel blue flowers. 

"I want Zeke." she stated. 

"Have him... I never wanted him..." I stated coldly, standing. 

The girl was to giddy to notice anything, and me? I ran to my 4th period, I was done getting beat by a girl I didn't know for events I didn't want to take place. I sat in my seat, watching Mr. Ackerman do his thing. Soon enough the bell rang, Eren took his seat next to me. He glared at the ground.


"Don't (name)." Eren muttered, cutting me off and then focusing on the worksheet Mr. Ackerman passed out. 

I sighed, working on it until I finished. I raised my hand and Mr. Ackerman gave me the homework. 

"Work on it until the end of the period (last name)." The short teacher ordered. 

Soon enough the bell rang, I watched Eren promptly leave and converse happily with Mikasa and Armin. Guilt stabbing my heart like a knife. I stood, walking out of class. I turned the corner, going in the opposite direction than Eren, Mikasa, and Armin. Maybe this wouldn't have happened if... If I was never his friend in the beginning... 

I shook my head, sitting on the floor and taking out my phone. Listening to When In Doubt by Thousand Foot Krutch. I quietly sang along. 

"We sat upon your bed, you said the things you said... And I could not believe that you seem so naive. We exchanged our poetry, you seem to think a lot like me... I'll guess I'll just assume that we could talk about most anything..." I sang, earbuds in as tears cascaded down my face. My voice wavering. 

Memories came swirling by, when I first came. No one had made a single approach to be my friend... until him... he annoyed me until I became his friend. I laughed at Jean and his arguments and fights. Cried when Pieck and Porco began picking on me and Eren. I was so happy when Eren asked me out. I hadn't known about how much turmoil between the two brothers that would cause... that Zeke had began to like me. Never knew how much heartbreak, regret, guilt, and overall sorrow dating Eren would cause. 

I held my sobs in, my vision blurring because of the tears. My nails digging into my arm. If I never became Eren's friend... If I just ignored him like I did everyone else! If I just stopped being me! None of this would've ever happened and everything would be fine

I slammed my elbow backwards, into the wall, crying out in pain and soon sobbing. 


I walked into the school, wearing my favorite dress. An aqua dress with criss-cross straps. I looked around at the hallways, which were bustling with students. They all ignored my presence. A girl with long, straight black hair approached me. A smirk on her lips, she walked forward, pushing me down. 

"whoops~" she giggled, before walking away to a blonde guy. 

I looked up as a smooth and gentle voice asked, "Are you ok?"

I glared at the brunette who owned the voice, standing and answering, "I will as soon as you leave." before walking away. 

~~~End of Flash-Back~~~

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