How you meet

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Eren :

"(B/f/n) Yuma sir " (B/f/n) shouted
Shadis looked at her with the scariest face I ever saw , then he nodded and walked way he started to walk me way so I made an emotional face , he looked at me and walked to some guy, I signed of relief,  luckily no one heard , then I felt like someone was staring at me but I shrugged it off and waited for dinner to start

////Time skip/////

I was eating with (B/f/n) , I felt someone stare at me again I looked around but saw nothing , Then (B/f/n) started talking about making new friends , I nod knowing she's not going to give up If I don't agree on making a new friend when all of a sudden I felt someone tap my shoulder, I turn around to see a boy with brown hair and breathtaking turquoise eyes fall

"Hi I'm eren and I wanted to know if me and my friends can sit with you too " he asked

"Y...yeah of course and I'm (Y/N) and this is (B/f/n) " I say

Armin :

I was at the market getting some bread for my Aunt , I bought the bread and started to walk to my house when I hear people laughing and crying I looked around the corner to see three boys bullying another boy with blonde hair , I walk over there


They all turn to me and the three boys laugh

"Well what are u going to doing girlie " the leader says

I smirked

"Come over and I'll show you " I say

They star to walk over when there a few steps way I kick there feet and they fall to the ground shocked at what I just did , I giggle and crouch down to them

"If I ever see or hear you bullying someone again I hurt you way more then just now " they nod and run way

I walk up to the blonde boy and give him a Hand up to stand up

"Hey you okay "I ask with a smile

"Y...yes but how did do t...that " he stuttered

"My dad taught me it oh I forgot to introduce myself I'm (Y/N) " I smil

"I'm a...armin and thanks " he smiles back

Levi :

I'm walking around wait for my dad to finish work , yes I'm Commander Erwin daughter,  my mom died when I was born so my dad took care of me , I heard that three new people might be joining but I don't know , I then bumped into someone

"Watch were your going Brat " he says

"I'm sorry I'm just waiting for my dad " I say

I finally stood up and looked at him

"I'm (Y/n) Smith you are " I say putting my hand out to shake

"Levi ackerman brat " he says and shakes my hand

Jean :

I was sitting under a tree with sasha , We were talking about the military police , I told her about why I wanted to join because my dad jjoined and he helped a lot of people and I wanted to be like him , She smile at me

"That's so cool I'm also joining the military police if I get top 10 " she says

Then two boys walked over

"Hey sasha who is this " the short one asked pointing at me

"This is (Y/n) , (Y/n) this is Connie and Jean " she said

"Nice to meet you both " I smile

They then sit down with us and we talk the whole day

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