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1. No Mary Sues/Gary Sues!

2. Play as my crush and I'll play as yours (If you don't I will not reply unless their off doing something not important (sleeping, wondering, etc) or we're waiting for a time skip because your OC and OC's crush is talking)

3. Please play as other characters. I'm willing to play as more characters but not all of them

4. LGBTQ+ characters are welcome! This is a safe place

5. Your characters can have crushes on my characters

6. Please make sure you character is 18 or older when you do smut. I'm not comfortable with teens/children

7. Tag me please if you see me online and not responding! I can't express this enough. I didn't see it or didn't get it! But don't over do it like if you see that I'm not on I'm probably busy or at school

8. Ask before you tag

9. No bullying roleplayers!

10. Please ask before tagging

11. This applies if we're doing group rp's. If you have a problem with other rpering please inform me and we'll work something out

12. Ships are cool with me. I don't care who's with her except if it's underage stuff! I don't tolerate that! That goes for AOT characters and OC's!!

13. Don't worry about asking to kill off a character/fake their death. I don't mind and I tend to do it as well when I rp AOT

14. Please put full sentences.
Don't do this: *wakes up* Good morning
Do this: Eren wakes up "Good morning" he said

That's all I have for now! Who's your favorite Attack on Titan character? Mine is Erwin Smith or Armin Alert!

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