Chapter 6

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Sunlight slanted through the window, interrupting me from a serene sleep. I awoke with the memory of last night's events and every moment I recalled it, I felt ease and relaxed of my new found courage.

Stumbling out of the bed, I peered out of the window and saw Colin and Zara engrossed in dinner arrangements. The lawns were getting mowed, the orchard being cleaned and the workmen shouted aloud, ordering for tools. If this place is being thus engaged, I cannot imagine  the situation inside the house.

I saw footmen scuttle in and out of the house and just as I gazed around, my eyes fell on Zara in a deep discussion with a maid. From her motions, I guess that she was clarifying the detail of some arrangements. All my surveys faded away when I found Colin in his former spirit.

Zara was now glowering to which he grinned and that attested, Colin is back! He tilted his head toward the window and spotting me there, he waved. I was gratified, and waved back. He signalled that I was late and I gasped, hurrying around to find hot chocolate on the table which was not so hot now. Right at the moment, Alice sprang into the room, straight toward the cup."

"I think it ain't a joke to throw for cups of hot chocolate, Miss."

"Four cups? Why didn't you wake me up?"

"Yer asleep, Miss and I didn' wanna bother yer after the pain last night."

"I'm sorry, it's cold now." I yawned.

I noticed Alice's face compose after yesterday's discomfiture. I was about to talk to her, but the sudden pounding that raised in my head last night, prevented me.

"Were you terrified yesterday?" I asked as Alice opened the wardrobe and took my dazzling gown off from it. "At the way Mrs. Harold acted?"

She gently, placed my gown on the bed and faced me. "I am sorry, Miss. I didn' think of her shoutin' for a small thing."

"Why did you seek her help?" I asked. "You know that she hates me."

"Miss, 'twas just food."

"I know that Alice, but Mrs. Harold would never like to be an assistance for me in any simple way. Especially on the celebration of my inheritance."

She was still for a moment and I questioned. "Did you perceive what I say?"

"Yes, Miss." She said, considering my words. "I'll not be askin' for Mrs. Harold's help."

Being satisfied by her words, I wondered of the dinner. Today I had a celebration to think of, and all the other quandaries would have time to pester me.

"Are all the arrangements done?" I asked Alice while the thoughts of the dinner, enlivened my mind. I own Anderson Hall today!

"Miss. Harold has been workin' for it from last night. I think this will be the best, Miss."

I knew it. I knew that Zara would always outclass in hosting a dinner as she has a keen sense of it. I have been attending many lavishing balls and parties, but I believe that this would surprass them all. I would like to rush down and find it out myself.

"Miss, yer be late. We will start now?" Alice asked, holding my gown carefully to prevent from any creases to appear.

I agreed, and let Alice spell her magic on me. When she had finished doing my hair, I was unable to discern the lady in the mirror.

The gown looked more breathtaking today, and my long, brown hair was adorned with sparkling pins. Mama's ring which I was wearing on my finger, sparkled through the mirror and I could see the joy brimming in my eyes. The dancing shoes on my feet, matched my gown and I had the urge to twirl around the room.

Steadying myself to an elating time, I embraced an astonished Alice and headed down. At the foot of the stairs, I stopped, heartening as I took in all the sumptuous arrangements.

The crystal chandeliers which were lit with candles, hanged enhancing the beauty of the room. The aroma of lavenders filled each and every corner of the walls, and I beamed at Zara's preference. There was something appealing in every corner I glimpsed.

Walking to the entrance, I welcomed the guests with Uncle Harold who wore a proud look on his face. Amelia and Edward stood next to us, donning the latest fashion in store.

The room now, began to overflow with guests and everytime they found something exceptional, they let out a small shriek in amazement. But, I could not detect Zara who was hosting the dinner on my inheritance. I could not spot Colin either.

Helping myself with a lemonade, my eyes swept the room, admiring the ornaments on the wall, but a pair of blue eyes which were a lighter shade than Edward's stopped mine.


I can notice her a fine lady now. Her green laced gown was upto perfection, and the golden hair of hers which was not so curly as Zara's was swept off in a style. The air in her walk and the poise of her head, asserted that she has pursued elegance in London.

Freya flashed a smile, and reached my side. "I am enraptured!" She said.

I suppose that she has not abandoned the form of her incomplete declarations. Colin despises the way she converse using her incoherent speech.

"Enraptured?" I asked, "Of arrangements?"

"To meet you." She giggled. "You look exquisite."

"Thank you, Freya and I can see to what a beauty you have grown into."

Freya looked flattered. "London turned me so." She batted her eyelashes and I broke into a fit of laughter.

"I have been here since noon and found you out in sleep."

"Yes, I have been infirm after the accident that I have escaped from." I casted an apologetic look.

Freya took a glass of lemonade as well. "I was so perturbed of it."

"And now you could find me fine as ever." I curtsied playfully, but my declaration was not the complete truth. I yet have sudden poundings in my head.

"How was it in London?"

She felt exalted in mere seconds. "It was just enthralling, and she was very solicitous."

"Who was very solicitous?" When will she desert her provoking behaviour?

"Emma." She pouted. "She was very kind."

Of course! Emma is a dear. I badly wanted to meet her after yesterday's incident. I believe it would be preferable if I have a word with her. I would not like the winsome lady in a misconception. A sudden thought of Harry surfaced as Freya acknowledged Emma, solicitous.

"How was Harry?" I instantly, sipped my lemonade to hide out the grin which will emerge with her strident words.

"He was compassionate and benign."

I nearly choked out the beverage which I was sipping, and held on to catch my breath. What an exact opposite view from mine? As Freya is sixteen, she does not have the ability to ruminate the conduct of a person. I swear that she will change her opinion as soon as she grows.

"He is really a gentleman." She said, breaking into my thoughts.

Although she did not mention the name of the person, I exactly knew to whom she was referring. I could bear the way she complimented him before but, this was inane. I could not endure it anymore. So, I directed the question to London.

She cheered me up with the details which occurred when she visited the Hyde park and her experience of the first masquerade ball in London. Obviously, some were imprecise and I had the dismay of requesting her to repeat it again.

"Oh, no! There he is!" Freya kept her glass of lemonade aside, displeased at the sight of Colin.

"Did you meet him?"

"The absurd was with Zara when I arrived, and I did not have the least of pleasure talking to him."

I despised that she hated Colin and adored Harry. Watching Colin, I saw him turn more restless. And, the reason for his conduct was none other than my friend Lady Ann Garret, daughter of Lord Carson whom I met in my finishing school. She pests Colin with her speech.

As a conscientious friend, I should be right beside Colin, rescuing him from a misery and I was rapid to do that.

"It's a pleasure to meet you Ann" I greeted her and saw a relieved Colin. "I hope you are enjoying yourself."

Ann turned her attention from Colin to me. "Clara, it's magnificent!"

"Thanks to Colin and Zara." I said, searching a scarper while conversing with Ann. Finding a lonely Harry in a black tailored coat and neatly tied, white cravat, an idea struck my mind.

"How is the viscount?"

My question, changed the colour of Ann's face in an instant.

"As you know, papa had a major attack and has been frail since last week."

"I am sorry to hear that." I voiced, sincerely. "Did you take counsel from a doctor? Exactly, you would have." I sent a smug smile toward Colin.

"We have." She agreed, "but, I would like to seek another as he had not completely recovered yet."

"It's heading as I planned!

"You would have to. Have you found out any?"

"No, I have not."

Then you will now, I thought

"Ann, Mr. Stanton is a doctor from London who will soon be starting his work in Hertfordshire."

Ann's face lit up at that. "Who is Mr. Stanton?"

"Harry is my cousin and I can introduce you to him. He is one of the best doctors in London and has handled many arduous situations."

"Did he?" Surprise danced in and out of her face.

"Obviously!" I tried hard to subdue my laughter. "I affirm that the viscount would be fit as a fiddle, at once Mr. Stanton examines him."

"Oh, I would love to see papa back as himself."

"Would you like to meet Mr. Stanton?"

"Precisely!" She said, linking her arm with mine.

Colin was clearly baffled and I raised my head in pride.

"Harry," I called him as I approached his side. "Let me have the pleasure to introduce you to Lady Ann Garret." I turned to my friend. "And this is Mr. Stanton."

Harry's face turned white like he was approached by the ghost itself.

"I am delighted to meet you Lady Ann." Harry bowed, quizzed at my civil conduct toward him.

"The pleasure is mine." Ann curtsied.

"Harry, Lady Ann has some queries of her papa's health and I assured her that I have one of the best doctors attending my dinner."

"And, who is he?"

I gulped off my laugh. "Obviously, it's none other than you, Mr. Stanton. Emma pours out praises of your work and I would like you to help my friend, Lady Ann."

"Is it?" He looked more puzzled now.

"Why not? I do not want to find my friend depressed."

That was true.

Harry moved near so that Ann would not hear him. "Has smashing your head on the floor yesterday taken all your good senses of?"

"It hasn't." I answered back and faced Ann. "As I have to greet the other guests, please excuse me." I bobbed a curtsy and let Harry cope with Ann.

"Thank you, Clara. It was an appreciable escape." Colin said as I joined him. "But, I assume it as absurdity at trapping Harry."

"Not execrable as he does."

Looking back at them, I saw Harry still and composed. Of course, he would be now. But, her continuous chatter would unnerve him soon.

"Have you seen Zara?" I tried hard to spot her in the crowd. "I did not speak to her since last night."

"I have last seen her before the dinner commence." Colin followed my gaze.

"There is Freya." He said spotting her with Uncle Harold. "I can notice that she has not quit the way of her unintelligible speech. I had to face an incredible situation today."

"I guess she hates you."

"Hate Colin? Unfeasible."

"You would find it feasible in few days and I ___ I hope that you have disregarded the dispute yesterday." I can feel my face hot in embarrassment.

"Who had a dispute yesterday?"

"I was solaced at his question, and was also relieved to find Zara heading forward. "Where have you been?" I asked.

"I was busy with some guests." She smoothed her sunshine, yellow gown. "How are you enjoying the party?"

"The guests look impressive and you have done a significant work."

"I always succeed in my work." She smiled, broadly.

"Clara turned guileful today." Colin jumped in, and I rolled my eyes at the disclosure.

"Did she?"

"Harry divulges the wily side of Clara." She tricked Harry to Lady Ann which I thought was not a good idea."

"Do you know how he feels content at deranging me?" I shot an angry look at Colin. "And, as you can see, he is not distraught as you. So, the idea was impotent."

"But Clara, he is your cousin. Why do you go on opposing him?"

Zara's question vexed me. "Do I go on opposing Edward? He does not annoy me."

"Harry too helps you. Edward apprised me of his support yesterday."

"He did. But, I also can recollect that the moment, the commotion came to an end, he was the irritating Harry again."

"He jests Clara, and you know that." Zara blew off the perfectly curled ringlet away from her face."

"I do not like jests. Either its Colin or Harry."

"Let's leave this off to rest." Zara shifted in her place uncomfortably. "I am happy as that lady did not attend the dinner, and do not want any misapprehension between us."

"When did Freya's disposition run on you?" Colin smirked. "There are many ladies in Hertfordshire, Zara and whom are you speaking of?"

"She is speaking of Mrs. Harold." I cleared the muddle.

Colin stared at me with wide eyes. "You are directing your aunt as Mrs. Harold? I have collected information of yesterday from Zara, but I did not expect this." He waved a hand at me as I was a wonder.

"You have turned doughty, Clara." He smiled at Zara. "She really has."

Zara smiled back. Not at Colin, but me. "I believe a trouble is brewing up." She said staring behind me.


"Turn around and find it yourself."

I prepared myself to find Mrs. Harold. But, turning around, the one who was facing me was Harry. Absolutely, a new trouble, but much better than that lady. And, how did he escape from Ann?

"Can I have a word with you?" His eyes were fixed far away, lost in thoughts.

I would have argued back, but looking at his uneasiness, I agreed.

And, as we veered away from my friend, I glowered at him. "What have you planned? To laugh at me infront of all the guests or to play a prank?

"Do you always miscomprehend me? Why do you conjecture that I would like to see you irate infront of the guests?"

"You always do so!"

"I do not. Things that we believe can hoax us Clara. Can you mention a day on which I have disgraced you in public?"

There were many, but when I wracked my brain to fish out a similar situation, I could not find any. I think that standing in the middle of a throng of guests, interrupted me from it.

"We are not children to argue upon a silly point." I said when I found him staring at me for a response.

"I hope you repeat it to yourself." Harry muttered.

"What did you want to speak." My glare strengthened at his words.

"I have sought you out for Emma."

"Emma? Is it something of vital importance?"

"It would be better if you talk to her as she is worried of you."

I was right. Emma is concerned of me.

"And if you have finished misconstruing me, I would like to join my distressed sister."

He strode away, leaving me wrestle with my guilt on misconceiving him. Looking at Harry in an earnest discussion with an inactive Emma, cautioned me. I have not ever seen her so solemn. What transpired in that incident yesterday that has totally knocked her off? She should be happy for my brave transformation. I believe that I should have a profound conversation with her.

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