Chapter 9

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Several emotions played on Uncle Harold's face. First he looked surprised, then disturbed and what I thought was coming to an agreement with his struggling thoughts, he drew a breath and smiled. 

"What did you want, dear? I thought you were out, meeting Colin. Is everything alright?" He spoke out the words in a rush.

I did not glance at Mrs. Harold. My eyes were only on the man whom I had respected as my father. And, when I saw perspiration forming in his temple, I knew that he was alarmed. What I could not control was my anguish.

"Clara, what's wrong my girl?"

If I was not so splintered at the moment after hearing the exposure, I would have applauded at his acting. Witth such a kind face, and such a warm smile, he could turn wise men into fools. How could he betray me after all these years?

"Wh _" 

"Please save your energy at pretending, Mr. Harold." I could not grasp that the words were out.

"Pretending?" He asked as fury covered his eyes. "What are you speaking of Clara? Pretending of what?"

After all the revelations, how dare he try to deceive me again?"

"Pretending to show affection. Pretending to care. Pretending that you love me as Zara!" I was feeble, but I managed to force my anger out.

"But, I do." He said, closing his eyes for patience. "Why are you _"

"You do not! You are hungry for Anderson Hall as your wife. I overheard your conversation, Mr. Harold. I am not a fool to rely on you after listening to all your deceptions."

"I trusted you, and what did you give me in return? Betrayal?" I spoke out the last words as I have spat out something bitter. "I felt that you are trying to complete the loneliness of papa, but what you have done is to plan on stabbing me!"

"Enough!" His voice was like thunder and I breathed harder, tears pricking my eyes as I gauged the soft tone in which he used to speak to me.

"No, I have not spoken enough!" I cried out. "I have been a fool all these years, leaving you to laugh behind my own stupidity."

"Did you hear what I say?" He clutched my arm tighter and shook me hard. "That's enough!"

He was altered. Totally changed. The face which possessed a warm smile, stood a fearful glare. I never expected such a look from the man I have known for years.

"Your cuddling has turned her obstinate." Mrs. Harold said, moving away with hawking eyes. "I have warned you to be more cautious, Harold."

"I have been cautious, Hannah. I knew that your hatred would not allow you to win Anderson Hall, so I chose the opposite path of yours. I forced myself to be kind. I know that she was lamenting for love and I wanted Anderson Hall in return. What have I not done to her? I stood as a pillar when she was in need of support."

He drivelled off as what he had done was fair enough, and I stood controlling myself from breaking off. Just then, I saw a man double in size entering the library. He moved to Mr. Harold and handed him some papers which he was clutching in his tanned hands. Mr. Harold took the papers and nodded him to stay aside.

"I have been waiting here for these papers." He declared, turning over the leaves to read. "As you are present here, Clara, it would be easy to finish this off. Now as you know that I have strained myself on helping your aunt to win Anderson Hall, what I want is your signature on these papers and make Edward the owner of this estate." He was now holding the quill which was on the table, minutes before.

I think that they believe me a puppy which will wag its tail to whatever they insist. I am not! I wanted to prove them wrong, and as he walked near, I stood still as a statue. He stopped mere inches from me, and held the papers to my face.

"I will not ever sign it, Mr. Harold! I will not ever give up Anderson Hall!" I shouted.

I can see him turning impatient. "Do not think yourself smart, dear. You cannot return back from this room without signing the papers. Giles will be ready to help me." He turned toward the man who was watching me with cold eyes.

Concealing the fear I felt watching him, I looked away and met Mr. Harold's eyes. "I would be sure to fight against your greediness on Anderson Hall." I replied, without any hesitation.

"From where did this aplomb appear in you, Clara?" He gripped my wrist tighter, this time.

"From your deception, Mr. Harold." I snapped back. "I trusted you and _____" I could not speak as my voice was unable to support me.

"I will be sure on unfolding this to Zara." I shouted out.

Listening to it, he flung  my wrist off in such a force that I whirled back and was about to collapse to the floor, but a familiar hand stopped me from it. I raised my head and smiled through the tears when my eyes met the ones which I yearned to see.

"Zara," I was on my feet at once. "He is a liar." I pointed out at Mr. Harold. "I admired him as papa and what he did was, planning to destroy me."

"You have spoken quite enough for now, Clara." He roared. "Do not misconstrue my patience."

"Misconstrue your patience? You have misconstrued mine! And, look at these." I hurried toward Mr. Harold and snatched the papers, handing them off  to Zara. "Read this."

She accepted it and read, taking in all the details. Finally, after finishing it, she tilted her head toward her father.

"Didn't she sign it yet?"

I was thunder struck at her question. 

"I have been fatigued by all the drama." Zara sounded as though she was exhausted. "Couldn't you take a single signature from her?"

My heart was ready to shred into pieces, and I just stood there, trying to take in what I had heard.

"I am just trying, Zara. Give me a second." Mr. Harold, soothed her. "I know that you have been tired of all these, but not anymore."

I was the one who had been deceived and fatigued by all the drama. I was the one who was so stupid to believe their deception as solicitude. But, they are consoling themselves!

"I will not ever do what you say!" I yelled. "I have trusted you and I don't deserve this!" The tears which I tried to conceal, sprang to my eyes as my heart ached at their pretence.

"Don't deserve what? "Zara asked. "You don' deserve the Anderson Hall. You don't deserve the estate. You don't deserve all these wealth. We just want the estate not the building in London. We did not leave you without wealth!" She bellowed, and it was a great blow after all the trust I have placed on her.

"Did I ever leave you begging for comfort?" I asked as  my rage increased. " I provided you with all what you need and did not turn out anything for you to mourn on!"

"That's the impediment, Clara. It's you who thrust me all the wealth while I lived in Anderson Hall as a guest. It was you who relished all the fortune at such a young age leaving me behind to weep at your state comparing to mine. And, as I grew older, the yearning increased.

The revelation turned me more and more desolate. I could not bear these words from Zara whom I esteemed as my own.

"If you have the same notion as Mrs. Harold, why disregard her? Did I plead you to be my support? Did I entreat you to give me false hopes of a sister?" I paused, struggling to bear the tolerance. And, after releasing few ragged breaths, I continued. "If you loathe my position why all the discomfort on showering me false devotion?" 

"It was all papa's plan. I could not forgive myself on bawling toward mama although she knew it was all acting, but as she neglected to show you affection, I had no other possibility than capturing your heart."

"And, of course you succeeded in it!" I laughed at my own stupidity. "I was blind at your guile that I did not have the slightest suspicion of your conception."

 "Certainly, after all the displeasure I faced, you had to." She sneered.

She does not have the slightest idea of the displeasure I face now. I had been blindfolded by all their cunning ploys which they schemed on Anderson Hall. Have I been so blind that I could not apprehend a slightest alter in their behaviour?"

"What displeasure did you have to face, Zara?" I shot her an accusing look. "You did not have anything to worry about, when your plan was just going on as you schemed."

"I had to accompany you to the solicitor disregarding the pain in my leg." Her eyes matched my glare.

I smiled in disbelief. "If you have a good memory, you would be able to recall that I denied you on joining me."

"How can I?" She tramped to the window.  "How can I lounge on bed all day, leaving you at your own when I clearly knew that there will be more significant details to be shared than resting in my room?"

More painful tears gushed out as I now, comprehended the genuineness which I saw that day in her eyes were nothing but, ruse.

"And, of course, Clara." Her words sounded like an irritating bark of a spaniel. "Can you remember the incident before the modiste? The plan just went out well when you set off into the busy street to pick up a ring which I least care of, but I did not succeed as Colin helped you out from the danger."

"Was it you ___ wh ___ who" I spoke between sobs, and as I could not discredit myself by weeping, I stopped.

"Precisely, you are right, Clara. Papa did not agree to this as he thought he would make you sign. But, perceiving  you well, I knew that you would be adamant when it comes to the estate."

The throb in my head which had stopped recently after the dinner,  started pounding again and I thought it would burst out in pain.

"Emma warned me at the dinner, but I was the one who ignored her." I managed to speak this time.

"That was the reason why I could not carry out my plan, yesterday."

"Was that your shadow, I saw behind the tree?"

"It was me, Clara." She said, storming away.

And, now understanding hit my mind. "That was the reason why you disappeared." I whispered to myself.

"Giles was ready to do as we planned, but Emma's suspicion prevented us from it. I cursed Emma for the delay and patiently waited for the next plot. But, before I could do anything, you can see what happened."

"Of course, I can see." I nodded. "I can see that you are such an inconsiderate, devious and a stone hearted, fool." I cried out in resentment.

"Stop all these!" Uncle Harold's voice was so violent that I jumped back. " Clara, you have wasted nine years of our lives, not a minute more."

"What?" I laughed. All my tears were now dried off, and I felt nothing but envy. "It was my life which was dissipated at dupe. I repeat myself again that I will not ever sign the papers, and now I am sure of it than ever before."

"If you will not, we will force you to." He snarled. "Do not struggle to bruise your pretty face, Clara." He uttered, watching the man whom I assume as Giles. "If you have the urge to die, we would not hesitate as all the other fortune would instantly be ours. What belongs to Edward is pretty much the same as ours."

"You could not go seeking anyone's help as Emma is in London and when you seek the officers, I would prove them, that you are insane. Who would believe that the adorable uncle of Clara would do this to her?"

That was the truth. Who would believe me? Emma is in London. The fact made me shudder  and meeting the man's eyes struck me with horror, but I was certain of one thing.

 I would not ever give away Anderson Hall as it is the least in my intention, that I would lose the only treasure which carries all my delightful memories for a bunch of deceits.

 That I would never!

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