ೃ⁀➷ Chapter 1: meet kwon jinah

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⚠️ this story contains topics as eating disorders, body dysmorphia, low self esteem, negative thinking, perfectionism and obsession. please read at your own risk. ⚠️

"Come on Robin" twenty-year-old Kwon Jinah called and turned around to her three-year-old Golden Retriever. Robin was a golden, fluffy dog with floppy ears and a wagging tail. She had a blood red bandana around her neck and her pink tongue was poking out of her mouth.

Jinah had gotten Robin as a puppy, since her parents thought the only child had been lonely her whole life. So the Nerd, that Jinah was, she named the dog after her favorite character from the Sci-Fi/Horror show Stranger Things.

And Robin was Jinah's workout buddy as the young woman was on yet another diet.

It was currently 7:30 a.m and the Gemini was jogging in Hangang Park to get rid of her bloated face from the pack of Shin Ramyeon she had devoured last night. Jinah hated herself for being reckless, but she had been rewatching season three of Stranger Things once again and just craved for a small portion of her favorite snack.

Even though it meant for her to run an hour more than normal. Robin didn't mind being outside in the early morning. It was a warm day in July and the air was still fresh from the night and not humid and sticky. The fluffy dog ran in front of Jinah and enjoyed the morning walk.

Jinah was a shy young woman. She was the only child of her parents and the apple of their eye. Jinah was not like other kids in their clientele. Jinah was the daughter of a model and the chairman of Seoul Zoo.

She had grown up in a world of luxury and wealth. But even if she has wealthy parents, and had a lot of money on her hands, Jinah was still humble, quiet and most of all invisible. Compared to the other Chaebol-children Jinah had grown up with, she was always the odd one out.

She didn't care for the newest brands, the fanciest clothes, the most high-tech cellphones and other stuff the kids around her were interested in. Jinah loved being around the animals in her fathers zoo—especially the penguins.

So when she graduated high school and took the entrance exams for college, she decided to not go to college but rather start a vocational education at Seoul Zoo. She wanted to become a zookeeper.

When she told her parents, her mother almost started crying. She had dreamt of Jinah to become a doctor, a teacher or a politician. Not a simple zookeeper. Her father had looked at her and pushed his glasses up his nose. "If I allow you to become a zookeeper" he had started and had looked at Jinah with a strict expression on his tanned face, "will you take over the job once I retire?" To that, Jinah couldn't answer.

She knew she had to take over her fathers position once it's time for that. That was why she was Kwon Marcus' daughter; the heir to Seoul Zoo. She had simply nodded. And her parents saw how much she enjoyed the physical work and being with the animals, so they left her alone for the moment.

Still they were worried that Jinah was lonely. So when Jinah was sixteen they bought Robin. Jinah was over the moon when she held the Golden Retriever puppy in her arms for the very first time. And now Jinah and Robin were inseparable.

But Jinah also had some human friends. Her longest and closest friend was none other than the son of her fathers good friend, Park Jay. He was more than just a childhood friend—Jay was Jinah's lifeline. He was the one she could run to, when she needed help or just a shoulder to cry on.

Jinah just didn't do that. She closed her feelings, secrets and emotions inside her. Locked away in her heart, so no one had to see them or listen to them. No one, and especially not herself.

Jinah's best friend was called Lee Namsoo.

Jinah had meet the black haired beauty in high school and the two immediately clicked off. Actually it was Namsoo who took Jinah under her wing. The young woman had said that Jinah shouldn't be a loner. She's too pretty to sit by herself.

And Jinah really liked Namsoo. She still did. Namsoo was warm, friendly and like a flower. Beautiful and delicate. But there were downsides to being Lee Namsoo's best friend. Having a god tier best friend like Namsoo made oneself feel insecure about their own appearance.

And that was Jinah's currently problem. She knew she was decent looking. But she could never be as beautiful as Namsoo. She was used to being the invisible girl on Lee Namsoo's right side.

But she wanted to be beautiful as well.

And that's why she was out at seven o'clock in the morning, three hours before she had to go to work, to run her usual three miles a day. Robin was running along the water of the Han river, while Jinah's feet were jogging in her own rhythm.

The Gemini looked over to Robin, who was sniffing on something, before running up to Jinah and jogging next to the athletic girl. Jinah had lost 0,2 kg this week and was proud of this achievement. Just a little more and she would be prettier. At least a little bit prettier.

A sigh left Jinah's lips as she finished her three mile run and walked back to her car. Her father had gifted her the cute black Mini Cooper D when she got her license at age eighteen. Jinah was happy to own a car. She didn't mind taking the subway—but a car was easier. Especially if she wanted to take Robin with her.

People on the subway or the bus sometimes looked at her and Robin in disgust. Jinah knew that Robin wasn't the go-to dog breed of South Korean citizens, but the small dogs almost every Korean had weren't her style.

Golden Retriever had been her favorite dog breed ever since she had been a child. She loved their golden fur, their big brown eyes and playful personality. Robin was her personal sun and Jinah was happy to have the dog on her side.

Just as Jinah reached her car, her phone vibrated. Jinah quickly opened the trunk for Robin to climb in and gave her some water. While Robin was drinking from her portable water bowl, Jinah unlocked the phone and saw a message of her best friend.

Bestie Namsoo: Morning, Jinah! I'll pick you up from work today. I want to go to this pub I've seen. A few of my college sunbae's will be there. And there is this guy I put my eyes on... he's super cute. I want to see him tonight. Love u, Namsoo.

Jinah sighed and looked at Robin. "Seems like Princess Namsoo needs me tonight" she said and scratched the fur behind Robin's ear. The Golden Retriever closed her eyes and leaned into Jinah's hand. Jinah chuckled.

After putting away everything and closing the trunk of the car, Jinah climbed on the passenger seat and started the engine. She was excited for yet another day at the zoo. Jinah worked at the penguin enclosure of her fathers zoo and had heaps of fun with the animals.

Some penguins always followed her around when she was feeding them, or training with them. Sometimes they hid behind her legs, when the vet was around and Jinah found the penguins inciting.

Opposite of the penguin enclosure was the seal enclosure. And sadly the seals didn't have a permanent zookeeper yet. The last three zookeepers quit their job, after one of the older seals—who had been pregnant and moody—had bitten them.

Jinah often helped out in the seal enclosure, but the head zookeeper had told her that they found someone who was willing to work in the seal enclosure. Even if one of the seals was a bit aggressive.

The head zookeeper had told Jinah that today would be their newest team members first day and that he was an apprentice just like she was. Jinah was excited. Maybe she could befriend them—even if it was probably not possible.

Jinah was shy. Really shy.

The drive home was quiet. Jinah was listening to Niall Horan, humming to the music and Robin was howling in the trunk—singing along. Soon they reached the apartment complex in Gangnam. Her family lived in the pent house of the building and Jinah had a huge room. She loved the space she had and especially her queen sized bed in which she often cuddled with Robin.

Once in the underground garage, Jinah collected her and Robin's stuff and walked behind her dog through the car park and to the elevator. Robin was sitting in front of the closed doors and Jinah pressed the button.

The elevator doors opened and Robin ran inside, her tail wagging. Jinah entered behind her and pressed the button for the pent house. Jinah leaned on the side of the elevator and smiled at Robin.

Robin's tongue was sticking out and she wagged her tail while looking at her owner. "What is it?", asked Jinah and clicked her tongue. Robin jumped up and head bumped Jinah's legs. "Yeah, we're almost home big girl" Jinah chuckled, "you're going to get food in a minute."

The doors opened and Jinah entered her house. Robin right behind her. "I'm back" she called and kicked off her feet. Robin patiently sat next to her, waiting for Jinah to clean her paws. Once Jinah had taken off her shoes, she knelt down and grabbed the wet wipes from the pet shop.

She cleaned Robin's paws and gently clapped on her back. The dog sprinted towards the kitchen, almost knocking over Jinah's mother that came out of the kitchen, wearing a beautiful satin bathrobe.

"Robin" Kwon Nabi chuckled, "calm down." Jinah went up to her mother. Her mother pressed a wet kiss onto her temple. "Breakfasts on the table, love" Mrs Kwon said and Jinah looked at her mother. "I don't want any breakfast, Mum. I'm full" she lied and her mother sighed.

"It's cinnamon toast" Nabi said and scanned her daughters form, "92 calories." Jinah looked at her mother. Mrs Kwon knew her daughter was struggling with her weight at the moment.

At first it seemed like Jinah was just becoming healthier. Then the portions on her plate became smaller and she didn't even finish a bowl of rice. Nabi had spoken to her husband about it. But Marcus had said it was a part of growing up.

"Don't worry, Nabi. You had weight less than Jinah is weighing now when you were her age. She'll be okay" Marcus had said and Nabi had sighed. She knew Jinah was going through something.

"It's just two small slices" Nabi said and Jinah sighed. "Mum, please" Jinah said, her bottom lip trembling. "I had Ramyeon last night and I'm still full from them." Nabi crossed her arms in front of her chest.

"Eat the cinnamon toast and I'll leave you alone. I promise" Nabi said and Jinah sighed. She looked at her mother and went into the kitchen. On the kitchen table her mother had set a plate with two small slices of cinnamon toast. On the right side was a huge glass of orange juice and on the left was a small plate with Jinah's supplements.

Looking at the toast she sighed and grabbed her supplements. Swallowing the pills with the orange juice, she glanced at the toast once more and sat down. She knew her mother wouldn't stop annoying her about eating, if she wouldn't eat the toast.

Robin was on the other side of the kitchen, eating her well deserved breakfast.

The toast tasted delicious, and Jinah tried not to feel guilty about eating it. Once she finished the glass of juice she cleaned up her place and left the kitchen to get ready for work.

Her mother looked at her from the living room, before running into the kitchen an checking every single trash bin for the cinnamon toast. A relived sigh left her lips. "She ate" she breathed out and looked at Robin, who was gulping down some water.

Jinah's work uniform was a pair of grey trousers with a lot of pockets. Long trousers for the winter months, and shorts for the summer. Todays pick were the shorts. Then she had a dark green polo shirt with the zoos logo on the left side and the word Staff on the back. A hip pouch for all her necessities and voila! Her work uniform was done.

She combed her short hair to a ponytail and grabbed her stuff before leaving her room. Her mother and Robin were waiting by the front door. Jinah hugged her mother and kissed the top of her dogs head.

"I'll be home late" Jinah said, while stepping into her Nike Airs. Her work shoes were at her locker. "Namsoo wants to hang out. Don't wait on me with dinner" Jinah added and looked at her mother. "Bye" Jinah quickly said, before her mother could say something about her having dinner.

She waved her dog goodbye and ran out of the door and into the elevator. She quickly pressed the bottom of the underground park. She felt guilty for eating the two toasts. But she felt way more energized now.

"Ninety-two calories won't be too bad, right?", she asked herself and moved her hands over her stomach. "Right?"

— ❄︎ —

A/N: Welcome to the first official chapter of "Attention"! I hope you got an insight on who our main girl for this book is! I hope you're going to like Jinah as much as I do. N E ways, did y'all watch the MV for "ParadoXXX Invasion"? That was so good! Jake and Sunoo looked so cute in it! And don't get me started on Sunghoon... he's insane. Ugh.

𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐤 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠!

𝐝𝐨𝐧'𝐭 𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐠𝐞𝐭 𝐭𝐨 𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞.

𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐤 𝐲𝐨𝐮.


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