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jennie looked over at jisoo, watching how she was mostly eating in silence, however their gazes would meet from time to time, but she was the one to look away.

she gently pushed her hand in her bag, clutching the item inside of it as she looked down for a moment.

her thoughts spinning around that one object as she sighed and pulled her hand out of the bag, continuing to eat the soup in front of her.

"the food's good, right?" she asked as she looked over at jisoo, trying to start up a conversation.

she truly looked beautiful. to jennie, jisoo looked beautiful every single day. the way the moonlight glazed over her, making her skin look flawless and her brown orbs bigger, made it a breathtaking sight.

"yeah." came jisoo's short response.

"do you want to take some photos after this?" jennie asked as she grabbed her drink and took a big sip, keeping her eyes on jisoo.

"sure. we could take some photos here since the ambient around us looks aesthetic in a way." she answered as she looked back at jennie, giving her a small smile.

the younger female smiled at her as she finished the soup, reaching for one of the crab meatballs in front of them.

"sounds good."

jisoo just smiled in response as she reached for one of the meatballs as well. their chopsticks ended up clashing with each-other, which resulted into the two having a playful fight with chopsticks, only then to laugh afterwards.

as their food was finished and the staff cleaned their table, it was time to take a couple of pictures.

jennie placed her phone against the glass drink and used the timer to take pictures of the two. once the timer started, she rushed over to jisoo's side as they both started posing. during once shot, the elder kissed the younger's cheek quickly, which brought a bright smile to her lips and a slight blush to her cheeks.

"you look so good here." jennie told her as she showed her the picture she had taken.

"are you sure? my bangs look kind of weird." jisoo mumbled as she brushed her bangs with her fingertips gently.

"you always look good, no matter what." she told her with a smile as she pecked her lips, going through the rest of the photos on her phone.

"this one's my favorite."

she stopped once jisoo pointed at their recent picture. the one where jisoo's lips were against her cheek.

jennie looked down at the picture with a small smile on her face before looking back at jisoo.

"mine too."

the two smiled at each-other in silence for a moment as then jennie reminded herself on the item inside of her bag. she hesitated once again, only then taking a hold of jisoo's hand instead.

"how about we take a walk near the shore?" she suggested as jisoo looked confused at first, although she ended up agreeing.

the two walked near the shore, the stars of the night upon them reflected on the sea below.

jennie stopped walking as she face jisoo, holding her hand still as she smiled, but just as she was about to do what she had been planning to do, someone ended up interrupting them.

"jensoo, oh my gosh!"

it was none other than lisa, followed by chaeyoung as the two ran towards the couple.

jennie couldn't help but glare at the younger couple for interrupting them, however stopped once jisoo turned to look back at her.

"are you taking a walk? can we join?" chaeyoung asked as jennie rose a brow slightly.

"we were just heading back to our room." she stated and started walking while pulling jisoo with her.

"it was nice seeing the two of you!" jisoo said in a hurry as she waved at the two, almost stumbling at how fast jennie was walking.

"jennie-yah," she called, causing jennie to stop in front of the entrance as she looked back at jisoo.

"i'm sorry." jennie sighed as she looked down.

"you've been acting strange, are you okay?"

"yes, i just. . ." she cut herself off as she started walking to the elevator slowly, too lazy to take the stairs.

"you just?" the both got into the elevator as jennie didn't say anything. why did she hesitate so much? it wasn't that much of a big deal, was it? all she had to do was just say it.

the two walked inside of their room in silence as jisoo changed to her pajamas, landing on the bed with a giggle.

jennie couldn't help, but smile as she changed quickly and then fell on the bed next to her.

"marry me." she blurted out while admiring jisoo's features.

jisoo turned her head to look at her as she smiled brightly, chuckling afterwards. "we definitely will someday."

"will we?" jennie asked as she showed jisoo the small black velvet box.

even though jennie was someone who usually kept her cool, no matter what, you could easily tell she was nervous. in her mind, she had practiced what to say, however in front of jisoo she became speechless as she slowly opened the box, the diamond ring shining under the chandelier's light.

jisoo gasped upon seeing the ring, only then looking over at jennie with wide eyes.

the fact that she was silent, only made jennie more nervous. she didn't know what to say. she didn't do romance. she wasn't really the romantic type. and all of this felt weird.

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