2.22 Maybe Demon

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"I am sorry." She said nervously, fidgeting with her finger and once in awhile playing with her strawberry blonde hair, biting her lips and looking everywhere but me. I sat still, watching the two unnies looking at me, with so much expectation, and I gave in. Fuck soft spot.

"For what?" I ask back deciding to playing dumb, if she is sorry, she should know and face her mistakes. Her face showing me that she wasn't comfortable enough talking about that at the canteen of the university. Her eyes looking around maybe afraid that someone will heard and judging her.

"You know about Jungkook.." she then look at me, wishing me to get the point but no, I want her to make it crystal clear by showing her my confusion look. And there she sigh, her shoulder slumping just like she took all the load on this world on it. "On our monthly dinner, I did something with him."

"Go on!" I told her keeping my straight face, and I can feel Jisoo unnie's hand reaching for mine. Tightly squeezing it. I won't go easy, I don't know how and why, but what Rosé did is hurting me. She is a good girl. A typical kind, humble and everything church girl will do. Just why she should be inside their inner circle?

"I am sorry, I did it out of my lonely state. You know how I depend my feeling on him, and he was limiting our interaction after you and him reunited." Fool her. She shouldn't depend her life even more her feeling and happiness on other people. It's not heartless act, its just smarter move. People know that we are fragile, and yet they will drop us here and there and then saying sorry.

But a sorry isn't a glue, it can't always fix everything.

"Honestly I didn't blame you." I said after long silence between us, I can tell few of students looking at our direction by how calming the situation at our table.

Since the monthly dinner, I and Jungkook wasn't in a good term. Which is resulting us to avoid each other, him by his childish judgmental and me by the disappointment. He promises me. I know that he is a liar, but I can't help but feel disappoint. I never hung out with Rosé anymore, not because I hate her but I just don't like how she makes Jungkook valuing her existence that cheap. And today become the first our encounter each other, everyone just like Jungkook, jumping in conclusion so fast.

Jungkook was cheating on Lisa with Rosé.

Breaking news said. And I felt like do nothing about the gossip and let the girls looking at me in pity.

"You are not forcing Jungkook to do that. In fact, he gave you opportunity. He just become his usual self, horny dog who can't hold on his lust." I slurp my syrup with the straw, and it felt so sour. Just like my feeling. She breath out in relieved and braving herself to hold on to my hand  and squeeze it. She smiles and I turn it to her back.

"Thank you, Liz. I feel like something weighting me since the night. I am dumb."

"Yes you are." Jennie unnie commented nodding with his poker face make me and Jisoo unnie chuckled.

"But Rosé, it doesn't mean that I agree of what you did." I told her, freeing my hand from her. Too much skin ship. "You can't use Jungkook just because you feel lonely." Its bitter, but its reality. You must face it. You can't run away. "He is not the shelter you can come in just because you are not sure where your house is."

"I know."

"But you keep doing it." I state make her looking down on her laps. "He had to living his life too. Believe me, I am not talking in the name of the jealousy or whatever that light mouth bitches talk about, I told you this because I care of you."

Her eyes already glossy with the ready born tears, and I don't want to see tears now. I am not in the mood for that.

"ehemm.... So...." I nearly flinching when Jisoo unnie from my side talking, try to change the subject out of blue and I am glad she did it. "Jin oppa bought a new mansion." I whistle and it brightened the mood. "That crazy rich asian just bought a mansion abroad and he initiate us to have vacation after final project. We need to be refreshed."

"I like the idea. But where?" Jennie unnie asked while elegantly taking sip from the coke can with the straw. Me too, wanted to know.

"Guess ....." oh fuck I hate that smirking face of Jisoo unnie. "Maldives."

"wow.." I could only commented with it while Rosé clasping her hand together cheering with a wide smile on her face, long gone unborn tears.

"That crack head will accommodate us with everything." And I stand applause it make the girl laugh and force me to sat down out of embarrassment.

"And it's your chance, Lisa." Then I look at Jennie confused and she explained it make me frown in disapproval. "You can have a moment, a good timing for explaining the misunderstood event between you two."

"Me with who?" I asked again stealing the french fries from Jisoo unnie.

"with Jungkook. Of course." She said in disbelief and I stop everything I do. Looking straight at her.

"Why should I explain everything to him? It's not my fault, it's his and I won't lower my pride for him." I argue.

"That's the only way you will have your relationship normal again. Every boys nagging on me to talk to you, because the grumpy and sulking Jungkook its not their favorite."

"Their problem. Not mine." I said shortly and look at my wrist. "Guys gotta go. I have the next class in five minutes." I collecting the belonging only for me to heard Jennie unnie hard tone.

"You are not leaving before we are done talking about him."

"Oh we already done. Believe me you don't want to talk about this now." I assure her but she keeps going.


"He is a grown man for god sake. He knows whats good and bad. If he choose the bad one in the end, it's his life. If he believe in something blindly so let him be." I speak a little loud make few head turn to our direction. "For him will finally learn what he had done and he had missed with his judgmental issue." I stand up and take my bag to my hand. "stop babying him because he is not anymore. Even he can fuck you if he decide to do so."

And there I leave.

The final project finally over and it makes me sigh in relieved. It drains out my soul and I need vacation. Fortunately Jin hyung already thinking about it. 3 days in Maldives and 2 days in Macaw will do. I can enjoy the scenery while capturing it with my new camera.

Oh yes, camera is my new favorites. At least I knew how to restrain my hormones now, she must be proud of me now because I stop hooking up. But I am still mad at her. She can't do that to me, she can't cheat on me when I, with all of my heart try my best to change.

And here I am, standing beside the entrance of the airport holding my  suitcase while playing game on my phone. I was coming earlier than anyone, and I regret it now. Boring as fuck playing game I look around and found one not so familiar face make me frown.

He is holding suitcase too, with all black outfit hugging his tiny figure, he walk passing me. I look at him, observing him and he looks my way when he arrived on my side. There we stand awkwardly looking at each other and I break the eye contact first, shyly. What should I ask him first regarding of her?

"Bambam." He then breaking the silences by extending his hand to me which is I received, half heartedly.

"Jungkook." I spoke and break the contact again. He scratching his nape and initiate a conversation.

"Maldives?" he ask and I nodded absentmindedly, oh don't tell me he will come with us because I will surely kill him now.

"Maldives?" I asked back pointing my finger to him and he shake his hand and head quickly.

"I am heading home dude." He said and I sigh in relief. Fiuh. "I am going to Thailand." He smiles and show me his merchandise, keychain that hung on his bag, he sure so innocent.

"You and Lisa...." I gesture my hand met my two pointing finger and he laugh while hit my shoulder. Man, what the hell?

"No. Oh my god, I never imagine if I should end up with her. She is so scary." I agree man. "Guess you got the wrong idea about us since you look at me with that laser gaze. Man, I rather die than dating her. She is just..." he seems hard to find a word that could describing her and I can feel him, there is no words to describe her. "Off Limit. We are childhood friend."

Oh shit, I fuck off again.

"But you know..." he said make me look at him curious. "Believe me she is a good girl." And I chuckled. Yes of course, she is a sinner who curse because of me now.

She cursed while smiling now.

"But you need to be careful." He said afterward make me confused. "She is an angel for some and demon for others."

"What are you trying to talk about, dude?" I asked and his gaze suddenly not focusing on me anymore, his pupil now moved at my behind.

"I told you this because I believe that everyone deserve the second chances." He said again and then patting my shoulder lightly. "Good luck. I wish you are wise enough to go away."

What the hell he talked about?

"Hey Liz, here!" He cheerfully said waving his hand welcoming her.

Rather than anger, it was something else in this heart when I finally see her walking to my direction. Something dark and painful, who is she? Is she plamning to be an angel for me?

Or as the demon?

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