3.6 Sister

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"What about my sister?" She asked while looking away. Everytime someone mention about Yuqi, her heart will be shattered all over again. Bleeding again. Her eyes will felt so hot and something inside her chest will force her to be exploded.

"You know. Miyeon told me about your sister's death anniversary." He said now playing with her fingers, not looking at her eyes because he knows that soon she will tear up. He doesn't like to imagining her to cry. "I am sorry I wasn't there with you, for you."

Its so relieved you werent with me. If you did, I won't hesitate to stab you right on your heart so you will feel the pain like mine. You were the one who caused all of what had happened. You are the reason why I lost her.

She thought but keep her face emotionless. She wanted to laugh at how he looks so naive and sad. He is not even sorry for her death because of him, he is only sorry for can't be there with her. He is so funny.

"I am fine." She said calmly but her voice cracked a bit making her to clear her throat and took her hand back from his. "I am sorry Jeon, I am so tired."

She hurriedly stand up and walk away, Jungkook tailing her with no sound, he knows that she need time but he wanted to be there with her. He doesn't know if she had class or not, because he has. But upon tailing Lisa, he realized that the girl wanted to back to the dorm.

She open the door and about to close it when she realized that Jungkook was on her behind.

"Jeon, please leave me alone. Just for this time." She pleaded but Jungkook shakes his head and push the door that she hold and stepped inside.

"No, I won't leave you alone. I know you need me." He said open up his both arms to hug her but she refused it. Walking backward she shakes her head.

"I am fine."

"Sure you are. Let me hug-" and then Jungkook half jumping hugging her. "-you."

"You will not understand." She said try to push his body but he is not even budge. Instead he grab her two arms and force her to circled her neck.

"Hug me. I miss you, doll."

"I hate you."

"I hate you too."

"She was an innocent girl when the first time I met her. But a bit silly. I thought that I will hate whoever that will be my step sister because her father will steal my mother from me." She paused while laying on the bed. On her underwear. With a messy hair and topless Jungkook who hug her. He always watching how her expression will change from sad to happy in no time.

"We only live together around 2 years and meet up during summer break. But I feel like already know her for all of my life time. I love her so much." She smiles and its blinding him. He loves her, more.

"She was and obedient, and smart, and stupid girl. She is so boring with all of boring thing. She is what every parents want. She is perfect. But she is gone now." She said, almost losing it but then cut the atmosphere with a plot twist.


"Suicide." And he is far from speaking. "After abort her soon to be baby."

And she looks at him, she can say that he stunned. Did he found out already?

"Someone who's handsome and kind heart as she said steal her heart, make her feel like a princess, took her tiara, and left." She chuckled mocking how she told the story about a man in front of him. "Little did she knew the man is a jerk, laughing at her pregnancy, and blame her instead and what makes me regret until now was, I wasn't there when she needs me the most."


"I am so angry and mad. I wasn't like this. Like you said I wasn't an innocent girl. If you ask my old friends they probably will run away even before they speak anything about me. I was a monster who break hearts and look at how Karma treat me!" She keep talking even when Jungkook try to calming her by tightening his hug.

"I hate this world, will always be. And it hates me back, more."

"Doll, stop. Please. I don't want you to think about it again. I won't ask anymore." He said nuzzling his nose on her neck. Regret.

"Why not? That's the part of me, the part of you too."

"I know. I know whats yours are mine too. But you arent ready to talk about it. Believe me, you better stop." He then release the hug and look her in her eyes.

"You don't understand, Jeon."

"I know I am sorry."

"No you are not." And he is not speaking because she is still look so mad. He thought it was because of her past. But it's not. Its because of him. Because of her present where she let him to touch her, to kiss her, to hug her.

That's true they never had sex, it's only about sucking, kissing but thats enough to make her disgusted. To herself. But she always tell herself, that's for Yuqi. I won't fall.

"Jeon..." she spoke and he hummed. "I don't want to hate you."

"So don't."

"But I had to."


"Because you force me to."

"Doll, I-"

"Sex is not a taboo thing for me." And there she make another plot twist and it successfully make him lost his mind for awhile. Wide eyes, and an o shape on his mouth. "I did it with anyone I want."


"But you."


"What's with a gloomy mood? It feels like will be rain, too shady." Jokes Lisa when she approaches the girls on their table at the cafeteria.

"Yoongi. That jerk." Speak Jennie and with all of her might she chopped the steak in front of her with fork mercilessly.

"Jennie, calm down." Scold Jisoo from the side.

"Did he really sleep after your date, unnie?" Lisa asked and Jennie pouted.

"If that's the case I won't be this ruined." She looks so sad. "He, want me to choose something for a woman, as her birthday gift. He uses me and shooing me after that."

And none dare to talk again. Not even Lisa. So they only eat in an awkward silence.

Right after the lunch break ended, the four girls separated for their own next class. And Lisa initiated to send Jennie, because she has no class again. So they walk together until they reach her class.

"Thanks, Lis." She spoke and motion to hug Lisa.

"It never stop hurting, does it?" Lisa said suddenly make Jennie stop abruptly hanging both of her arms in the air.

"What?" She asked back.

"Giving someone the best of you and watching them choosing someone else."

"What's this?" She asked when he came and give her a small box while smiling sweetly.

"No. You tell me." He said mysteriously and I am in awe when I open the box to find a necklace with a lock pendant. Gosh, it's so beautiful. She looks at him in disbelief while holding her scream. "They said it would lock the dream and happiness of yours so they will never left you."

"Its so beautiful. I mean, this must be expensive. Yoongi oppa you don't need to-" she talked but keep jumping little express her happiness make the guy chuckled.

"I know." The boy said and ruffling her hair before finally catch her body and hug her. "Happy birthday, Lisa-ya."

"I love you."

"What do you want again?" Asked Lisa as she saw Miyeon when she open her door. Its almost midnight. She has no manner.

"I saw a guy who's  not Jungkook come out from your room."


"There is a rule."

"He doesn't stay."

"Not that. Why don't you play a little harder and make him stay, make him fuck you and-"

"I am not slut."

"Oh right? Is that the only reason you had?" She inspect and Lisa almost lost her temper but its almost midnight, a night before her birthday and Miyeon ruin it. "Isn't it because you don't want to cheat on Jungkook?"

"Why don't you talk? What tied your tongue?" She mockes. "Oh right, this bitch right here didn't born to be a liar. How come a devil cant lie."

"Go away."

"I was expecting so much from you. And I see you looking more miserable day by day, I slowly giving up on you."

"Go away!" She said half shouting.

"Look who's in love. Make herself weak."

"I swear if you still stay, I will make you regret."

"Nice necklace, by the way Lily." She spoke not even scared of her treath. "Good hickey too."


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