3.8 War of Hormones

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"Stay." He whispered when I was about to stand up, reaching for my shirt on the floor - well, it's technically his, but he said everything he has is mine. So.

I look back at him, hand circling my waist gently, his eyes still closed tightly but his lips pouting. I can't believe I did that with him. I was too caught in the moment.

"Please stay for a bit." He pleads again and I gave in. I sat back on his bed and he lead me by my waist to laid on it. Then we hug each other, him spooning me, feeling the warm body of him pressed on my naked back. It's serenade.

"I gotta go." I whispered back at him but he stay still. And when I was about to move he is tightening his hand on my waist, nuzzling his head on my neck.

"Thanks for last night." Yeah, you should. "It was awesome."

"Hmm." I responded and suddenly feel shy when he force me to meet his face.

"I couldn't believe-"

"It's only a blowjob, Jeon. Dont over act." I look away not wanting him to know how terrible my feeling just now. "I don't know anymore what should I do if I end up naked and lost it to you."

"Glad I stop us, it took everything on me to stop." He said and then cupping my face make me look at his eyes. I was expect a disappointment in it, but no, he looks happy.

I still remember how wild we were last night, how I lost control over my body, I was hungry and thirsty of his touch. I moan on every inch of his skin that's touching mine. Even his clothed member make me went crazy. I was begging him to entering me. But he stop us. He groans and hit the bed, I looked at my right, and found the lamp and phone he broke last night before he walk away and spent another half hour in the bathroom. To finish what's unfinished.

"Why?" I spell it. "Why did you stop when you can always take it?" And he only stay silent. Look at me, emotionless.

"I told you, I'll wait."

And I felt like my heart was re starting itself.

"I'll wait till you are ready."

"I am so sorry if I make you stay late oppa." She said to the man when they cook.

"No it's okay, I really happy that you depend on me for something." He said while smiling looking at cake they decorate. "Jungkook will be die in happiness if he knows what you do. Late night, sleepless to give him surprise."

She shrug it off and put strawberry that she slices on top of the decoration.

"For what anniversary it is again?" He asked but the girl just smile proudly looking at their creation.


I stop cheating.

"Slut." Called someone from my back. But I refused to look at them. It's been since the morning they call me slut. And they only stop when I am with Jungkook and his friends.

It's the first party we walk in together as an official couple. Usually it's either only me or only him who will go. But tonight it's different. He sticks on me like a tattoo.

I can't help but feel so lucky everytime I look at how people look at us, envying me who can be with him. I know he is the gold among the stone.

And I like anything but gold.

"Wanna some drinks?" He offered half shout whispered on my left ear due to the blasting music around us. I shake my head and he smiles pecking my cheeks and brought me to the sofa, sat on his hard but comfortable thigh.

"Cola can do. Or you should restraining yourself again tonight." I smile cheekily make he groans and nodded after put quick kiss on my lips before he put me on the sofa gently and walk to the bartender.

"Be a nice girl." He states and I smile sat comfortably alone. I look at my surrounding, so many people living their life joyfully, full of smile but who knows what kind of sorrow they carried inside their heart.

Just like me, I smile like an idiot, while feel nothing but hole which is got wider and wider inside my heart. I pitied myself.

Its scary what a smile can hide, isn't it?

I look at my wrist checking on my watch when I feel that he took too many minutes only to have drinks, so I decide to stand up before the guy on my left make a move to flirt on me and found Jungkook.

I walk and bumping on few peoples who's immediately eyeing the entire me, maybe wonder what a saint like me doing in this kind of place, well they don't know me.

And there, my heart screams and cursed in every languages I know when I see him, sitting on the chair and a sexy girl grinding her body on him. He looks uncomfortable and trying to resist it, but half of himself cant denied his own hormones. Fuck man and their hormones.

With an anger which is raise inside of me I walk toward the table and take the first glass I could reach and without thinking I splash it on her. And she looks shocked along with gasp coming from our surrounding. Stop making mark on Jungkook's neck.

"What the hell?" She shouts still sitting on Jungkook's lap when the said man holding his breath and look like a lost puppy. You will be death.

"Get off of my boyfriend!" I gritted my teeth and hissed at her like a cat. A jealous cat. "Fucking go away!"

"Lis." He call me when we arrived at my dorm's front gate. Still in the car I cursed myself, and try to think what should I say to him after the scene I made. I fucking lost my temper. And I destroy the girl. "Talk, please." He plea.

"Sure. Thanks for tonight." I tell him refusing to look into his eyes and keeping my eyes on the front glass.

"That was an accident." He start and I'll end it.

"Lets not going to the party together, anymore." I cut him off. "I think I couldn't stand it and I know I shouldn't have done something like that." I confess and he kept on his silence when finally I speak up.

"I am so into this shit." I giggled forcefully feel so stupid on what I felt. "I should've know my limit."

"Why?" He speak and I don't know what to say, I don't understand. "Why did you feel sorry, that's what lover do. That is what should have we feel and do as a boyfriend and girlfriend things."

"You never limiting me so I shouldn't limiting you."

"You think I will stay still if some guys make a move on you and even have a gut to lay a finger on you?" He ask and took my hand before squeeze it gently. "I'll do the same as yours so its okay. It's my mistake to not be able to stop her, I was taken aback when she jump on me and attacking me."

"You don't have to tell me." I told him and looking away fell angry to see the marks on his neck. I want to remarking it but I feel to disgusted to do so.

"No I should have."

"Whatever, Jeon. I am tired, good bye." I said and motion to open the door before he slightly pulling me back again to receive a hug and vanilla kiss from him. On my lips. And he tastes good.

"See you tomorrow, doll." He whispered pecking the side of my right ear and he smiles smugly when I gave him my reaction, I squirm under his touch, he kisses my sensitive spot. "I'll miss you, a lot."

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