7.0 Move In

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7th chapter.
Just so you know, it will be the last chapter. The 7th series.

"Good evening, mom, dad, uncle, auntie." He bows politely as he entering his family house to find they already sat at the dinning room. "I am sorry I am late." He said and then motioning to hug his mom.

"Its okay, son." Mr. Cho smiling brightly. "You are just too busy with so many projects. I've heard so many projects that you collaborate with my old fellow." Jungkook smile afterward and sat beside his mother, and her.

"Mr. Shin, please." Said Mrs. Jeon asking the servant to serve Jungkook's dinner.

"Thank you, nanny." He beams and eat with others. They already finish in half hour when the elders decide to talk about the main topic.


"So son, I've heard about something from Miyeon. Is it alright or she just misunderstanding what you said?" Ask Mr. Cho calmly but he cant hide those nervousness. Jungkook look at him, confident.

"About me want to end the wedding plan?" Ask Jungkook and he look at his mom. "Its true uncle. I am sorry."

"Why, son?"


"Because he likes someone who doesn't love him back." Miyeon cut his words and spilling the tea. No. Lisa loves him. "She left once, she hates me, its not because she loves him, its because she hates me that she tries to break our relationship."

"Its not like what you think." Said Jungkook but Miyeon wont let him say anything.

"Jungkook impregnant her younger sister and she came to take revenge."

Gasp was loud enough for Jungkook to look at his mother and father. They look at him in disbelieve.

"He doesn't want the baby of his and the girl take suicide that's why those woman wont let Jungkook happy."

"Is it true Jeon Jungkook?" Mrs. Jeon ask while she has tears flowing from her eyes right now. Jungkook cant say anything, its true. "Jeon Jungkook are you deaf?"

"Honey, calm down." Said Mr. Jeon while touching Mrs. Jeon' shoulder.

"How can I? I never teach him to be an asshole. How dare you hurt people to the point she take suicide."

"Mom, I am sorry." He said while trying to take his mom's hand but she refused.

"You wont be with that woman." Declare his mother. "You will only hurt her. You'll only remind her for her sister. Do you think she can forgive you easily? No. Miyeon is right, she will never stop."

"No. Mom. How can you be so sure?"

"Because that's what I will do if I were her." His mother' words was like a thunder which is slapping him on the face. "You'll still marrying Miyeon." She states full of finality. "Its been 2 years, who knows what filthy things you had done to her too."

"I never touch her inappropriately." He said and look at Miyeon for her to help him.

And he was wrong.

"He took my virginity when we were young."

"What?" Now, Mrs. Cho who's shouting, shocked.

"And I don't want to end the wedding plan." She states with finality. "I want to marry you."

"But what if I don't want to?" He challenging him but his father was fast enough to come and slap him on the face. His ear was ringing and could taste the stings texture of blood from his lip. He smile, sadly.

None want me now.

"And after what we know you still had audacity to refuse the wedding?" His father spatting on his face. "You took her innocence-"

"She was not even a virgin that time."

"Jeon Jungkook."

"I tell the truth. She manipulate me to do that. E dawn from the home beside us who took hers. I swear, he brags about that all week."

"Enough." Its not that strong but it hurts, even more than what's his father did. Maybe because it comes from his mother. "I didn't raise you for this."

"Mom, trust me please. Its not me who make Yuqi took suicide, I was meant to take the responsibility but Miyeon always been there, filling the thought of mine with her lies, she was the one who ask Yuqi to die. And Lisa, she left after she took the revenge, the blind action she had done after Miyeon filling her thought with anger and lies too. And I don't want to live with someone so manipulative like her. I rather be die."

"If you stay on your feet, you wont longer being a Jeon." Threat his father and he look at those old man, so similar with his face, he looks at him sternly.

"Just that?" He ask and smile. "If it the price that I should pay for the freedom of my life, I will." He said again. "I am sorry, Mr. Jeon." He said and took out his purse, his car key.

"All the clothes will be inside the apartment, I'll gave the key to the receptionist." He said and smile looking at his father and the already crying mother of his. "Thank you for everything, mother, father."

"What happen?" She asked annoyed by how Jimin dragging her out from the studio.

"Have you meet Jungkook this 3 days?" He asked and I shook my head. I have a busy schedule, and my things. I didn't comeback to my unit. I spent my times mostly in office or at mom's house.


"No. Nothing." He said bit startled but try to convince me with his bad facial expression. He is not good at lying.

"Ok." I said before I pull out my phone and I ring his number. I wait but there is no answer. I frown and recalling him back. And the same come. "Why doesn't he pick up the phone. Ck.." I hissed but keep on calling him.

And after good minutes its picked. I sigh and ready to scold him when I heard someone else's voice.


"Stupid." I grumble as I entering Namjoon oppa house. "So stupid. Fucking stupid." Namjoon oppa nearly laughing as I cursed and once we are in front of the exact door of guest room he turn back and look at me.

"I beg you, make him feel better. Not the opposite thing. Okay?" He said and I look at him speechless. Will I hurt him always, why did Namjoon oppa look so scared. "He is so emotional in this few days. He keeps on zoning out and when I tell him to call you he refuses and go away."

"I suppose he needs time. But you are here." He said again make my heart thumping. What's happening?

"What happen?" He shook his head and sign me to enter the room with his head.

"Better ask him."

"Thanks oppa."

"Very welcome, sister." He said and caressing my bangs make me smile. I should make Jungkook feel better. So I step up to open the door and watching him, on bed, near the window, looking outside, zoning out.

He looks pale and weak, dark circle was visible. He looks sick. I walk carefully not wanting to make any noise. And when I was near him I make a long step and without warning I sat my self on his lap as he struggle to not falling backward and he flinch as he saw me.

"Doll?" He said but then securing my body with his arm. Make me snuggling on his chest and look outside.

"What's so interesting outside huh?" I ask pretend to feel excited. "Was there a pretty and sexy neighbor?" I tease him and I can feel his muscle relaxing as he chuckled leaving a kiss on my left cheek.

"I love you." He said. I nod. "Do you love me?" He ask and I nod again. What's to hide? Everyone knows how my heart. "And you don't lie." He said and fixing my seat position make me face to face with him, legs on the outed side of his thigh and hand on his neck. "I am glad you are here."

"And Namjoon oppa said you were the one who refuse to call me." I said sarcastically while rolling my eyes. He only chuckled. "Are you okay?" I asked and he look at my lips. No. I still want to talk.

"I miss you." He said and peck my lips.  "I cant be okay of I miss you." He kisses my lips passionately as we both moan in unison feeling each other tongue and hand caressing each other back.

"You know that I am not easy to distract, right?" He smiles on my neck as he suck on it. I tilt my head back.

"Fucking woman." He cursed and look at my eyes stopping his work on my neck.

"You look pale and, tinier." I comment while caressing his too sharp jawline of his, dark circle under his eyes and slight wrinkle on his forehead. "And old." We chuckled at the same time.

"I am sick." He said.

"You should have told me. I can treat you better than Namjoon oppa. Or else you probably gay." I said while playing with his sweater. And I found that the sweater wasn't belong to him. "I thought you are busy." I said again and remembering whom sweater is it. "You even wearing Yoongi oppa's sweater."

"I am okay. I just don't want to make you scared. I am doing fine. I am having a wonderful days. I had a thought one but I guess I choose the right path now." He smiles as he gave my face butterfly kisses. As he will give my lips a peck I bit his lips and suck on it.

"I am proud." I said and his eyes instantly sparkling not like the first time I came here, its empty. "And can we go back to Hannam Hill now?" I said as I play on his abs. "We cant be loud in here." I tease him and he growled. I smirk.

"As much as I want it too, unfortunately we cant."

"Why?" I ask as I look at his eyes wondering, did he just refuse to had sex with me? "You don't want me?"

"Hey, who wont want you?" He ask suddenly taking hand on his. Kissing it lightly and put it on both of his jaw. "It just too complicated to say."

"Just say it, nothing can be that complicated for you to cannot telling me." I insist and he lowering his gaze on my neck.

"I have nothing now." I don't understand. "I am not a Jeon anymore." He said sadly and it just like a knife stabbing right on my chest as his cracked voice can be heard. "I am not that rich CEO anymore, I don't have apartment and car anymore, I am not even having shirts." I am speechless. What's going on. So I stay silent while looking at him intently from his lap. "I don't have parents." He looks at me then, and I can see the tears that he hold now. But he smiles thinly as he look up at me. "But I have you." Oh my heart. "And that's more than enough unless.."


"Unless you disowning me too."

"Why would I?" He hesitate as first and looking at my earing.

"No-one wanting a poor guy." He softly said.

"That's not even the point." I said as I cup his cheeks and meet his eyes. "Are you happy or not with this all? You, loosing everything for the first time, will you be okay?"

He sniffs and my heart clenched. He nods. "Lets see, doll." He said. "As long as you are with me, I promise I will try to have a decent job." He said and I smile. That's the spirit.

"But what happen? From what I know you have a good term with both of your parents." I said nit really understand everything that had happened to him. "They love you. And -"

"Will you leave me if I tell this one?"

"Well, lets see." I said and it make him in silence. I rolled my eyes. "Okay, I will try." And he nods hesitantly looking at my expression.

"I refuse to marry Miyeon."

I was thinking about him, how he manages to smile but I know that his heart was aches, he misses the life he once had. He misses his parents too. And he has a high ego, he doesn't take his hyungs offer for the job and begin to find them from door to door, from one company to others.

If he was an ordinary guy, they will take him surely. But when they know he was the ex of a big company' CEO make them hesitate. They would think that rather he was fired for the great mistakes or he is in the mission to spying their company.

He struggle to have a job. And every time I visit him he will welcoming me with an open arm and a weak and tired smile. My heart aches.

He will repeatedly asking for my forgiveness. To not be able to find a new job. To be a shame for me. He is such a stupid guy. Cant he see how woman will look at him drooling like a dog every time I take him outside, I am proud by having him.

He refuses to had sex until he find a job. It wont help, and it adds stress in his mind. And its too inappropriate to had sex in Namjoon oppa's house to think about how loud we can be.

So today after I threat him for an americano I drag him to Hannam Hill, he refuse and hesitant at first.

"I don't have the key anymore." He said as we enter the building, the receptionists bowing at us and greeting him. "Doll." I press the button and he looks at me, frowning, maybe thinking that I am crazy until the door opened. I drag him again and stop our track in front of a door.

"Don't you want to know where I live?" I ask him and he frowns even more make me irritated with his cuteness as I pinch his cheeks. "Here." I pointed at the door. "I am living here." I said again. And he looks speechless. "Will you move in with me?"

And look at how wide his smile could be.
"How are you auntie?" She awkwardly greet the woman in front of her.

"I am alive." The woman said coldly with her cold face too.

"Hmm." The younger one nodded.

"I know you." The older one talk again and the younger one frowning.


"Miyeon told me the story." The older one said again.

"Of course she will." The younger one, Lisa, chuckled, she wont let Lisa live in peace right. "It must be everything about the sweet of me." She mocked.

"Is he okay?" I frown as the older one asked. "Is my son doing good?" Lisa look at the woman pitifully. She doesn't need to be though. They love each other, a son and a mother. Why makes everything complicated?

"He is healthy." She said while smiling looking at her cup of thai tea. "He is living with me." He said lightly, her smile got even wider. "I cook him home made food everyday."

"That's good." Her voice cracked and she look away wiping the tears of hers. "What's he doing?"

"Loving me." She said playfully and the older one look at her in disbelief. Did the kid just joking with me?

"So he is jobless."

"He is not. Loving me is pretty though." She said and drink her tea. "Please stop doing something like this" she doesn't look at the older woman as she said this. "Lower your ego. I don't want to have him by myself but Miyeon is not the right decision, she-"

"You don't like her." The older one cut her words. "And you hate Jungkook for making your sister die."

"I don't like her, that's true." She smile. "But its not his fault yuqi was dead." She said again. "I just realize it years ago. I was wrong, he never ask her to die." She play with the straw. "Miyeon did."

"And auntie do you know why I hate Miyeon?" She asked again look right into the older eyes straightly. "She is manipulative. And can do everything to make what she want, as hers. No matter what she should do or what she should throw."

"And I agree if you think I am not a good girl who can make your son happy, I agree." She state while the older keep on listening. "But its definitely not her. I will gladly give your son back to you if you have someone who good enough for him to settle down."

"You'll leave him again?" The older one asked and Lisa stare it her blankly, smile was fading and disappear. The older one know what's the answer. "Then why did you come back?"

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