16. Dɪғғᴇʀᴇɴᴛ Bʟᴏᴏᴅ

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Chapter 16
' Dɪғғᴇʀᴇɴᴛ Bʟᴏᴏᴅ '


"ARE YOU SURE YOU WANNA GO?" Mitch asked me making me let out a sigh.

"No, but I have to. I can't be there and I know I'm a bad sister for leaving my sister with my family but I just had to. I can't be there anymore and now that my brother will tell my dad I betrayed them and ran away with they will want my head." I said to him as we drive away.

"Why do you say that?" He asked me making me sigh.

"There's something my mother told me right after she died," I said remembering what my mother was hiding from my father.

"He isn't my biological father," I said to Mitch fiddling with my fingers.

"What do you mean?" He asked me.

"Before my mom met him, she was married to an abusive guy but she was also with my dad at the same time. I never met him and my mom lied to my dad making my dad believe in me and that I'm his daughter. But I'm not." I said to him.

"I'm different blood. I'm not a Reyes." I said to him.

"Why didn't you tell him?" He asked me making me sigh.

"Because if I did he wouldn't treat me like his own and I grew up with him thinking he was my dad but he wasn't," I said shrugging my shoulders at him.

"Do you want to meet your biological father?" Mitch asked me making me chuckle.

"No, If he was abusive to my mother why would I want him in my life even though I'll probably have a life," I said to him making him stop the car.

"Don't say that! You have a life." He said to me.

"No, I don't. My so-called dad is in the Mafia, my brother is with him my sister- I don't know and now my father is chasing you and me because I choose you over them. I'll end up dead and if he finds out I'm not his kid he will kill me." I said to him and he grabbed both sides of my cheek making me look at him.

"I'm not letting him kill you. I will protect you no matter what." He said to me making me smile.

"I know you will," I said to him before leaning in and smashing my lips into his. He placed his hands on my waist pulling me towards him and placing me on his lap, I began to move my hips making him groan into my mouth and making my hands run up his hair.

Our lips move in sync as he pulled me closer, his hands going under my shirt. When his hand touch my skin it gave me shivers.

I pulled him closer as he began to attack my neck making me move my head to give him more access. As he found my sweet spot making me moan feeling him smirk. His hands when up my shirt until his hands connected with my boob as he began to massage it making me bite on my lip and my hand hit the window.

"Ugh," I said letting out a moan at the feeling of his hand.

"M-Mitch," I said as my hand went down his shirt and I began to unbuckle his belt and pulled down the zipper.

"M-Mitch," I said breathing heavily.

"What do you want princess?" He asked me making me throw my head back,

"tell me what you want?" He asked me making me bite my lip.

"I want you," I said to him before leaning into his ear and finishing my sentence.

"I want you inside me," I said to him licking his earlobe and his hand gripped my hips.

"I don't have a condom." He said to me making me kiss his lips.

"I'm on the pill," I said to him as he had a smirk on his face. He pulled my pants down right after he pulled my underwear-well he ripped them,

"Eager huh?" I said to him with a smirk making him roll his eyes at me.

"Ever had car sex?" He asked me.

"Mhm, yes I did," I said to him.

"With who?" He asked me making me smirk.

"With Andrew," I said to him making him groan.

"Was he good?" He said to me making me chuckle.

"How about we do this and I'll tell you know after," I said to him with a smirk and that's m when he pulled me down making me moan as loud as I am.

"Fuck! Mitch," I said to him as I began to move my hips more and more.

"Faster," I said and he began to move faster inside me making me scream his name.

"Ugh, Mitch. Fuck," I said as he began to fuck my brains out. Not gonna lie this is the best car sex I ever had and with Mitch, it's ten times better. I bounce off my boobs and jump along with me watching Mitch attack my boobs making me grip his hair harshly.

"More," I said to him as he pushed in roughly making me moan.

"Your so beautiful," Mitch said to me pinching my nipples.

"Love how you scream." He said to me making me throw my head back. I began to feel myself coming making me move faster.

"M-mitch," I said trying to form a sentence but I could.

"I wanna-," I said but Mitch cut me off.

"You wanna come?" He asked me making me nod.

"Beg me." He said making me move more.

"Mitch, please, let me come, please," I said pleading with him as he had a smirk on his face he was between my breast and he looked up.

"Come." He said and with that, I came all around his cock making me moan louder and he let out a grunt.

"Fuck." I said as I laid my head on his shoulder.

"Holly shit," he said to me throwing his head back.

"This is the best car sex I've ever had," I told him making him smirk.

"Better than him." He said to me making me smile before I pecked his lip.

"Yes, better than him," I said to him.

We stayed in each other's arms in the car before I heard gunshots making Mitch cover me,

"We gotta go, now," Mitch said to me as I went to sit down in the passenger seat. Mitch began to drive as I sat down before I looked down and I was hit making me look at Mitch.

"M-Mitch," I said to him as he looked at me before he saw blood coming out my mouth making him look down to my stomach.

"I-okay put pressure on it." He said put I felt weak feelings my eyes shutting.

"No- baby, stay with me stay awake for me." He said to me grabbing both of my cheeks.

"Come on, princess. Stay awake for me," He said making me nod. I have to stay awake, I need to stay awake, I-I can't die. I don't want to.

"Put pressure." He said to me and I nodded I put pressure on us as he drove extremely fast to god knows where. I tried to speak but he didn't let me.

"Don't try to speak, I know where to go. We are going to a doctor I know. So just stay awake, baby." He said to me as I grabbed his hand and squeeze his hand with all the energy I have.

My eyes were shutting when Mitch got out of the car and ran towards my side, he opened the door.

"Okay, we're here, come on." He said to me as I wrap my arms around him and he slowly picked me up closing the door behind us.

My eyes open when I see that there's a monitor right beside me and I turn to the other side and I saw Mitch sleeping on a chair. Did he stay here? To watch me. His eyes open slowly and when he saw me he got up.

"Oh my god, hey. Your up." He said to me making me laugh.

"No, I just needed to open my eyes," I said to him sarcastically making him roll his eyes at me.

"I missed you." He said to me making me smile.

"I missed you too," I said and he gave me a peck on the lips making me hum.

"I've missed your lips too." He said making me laugh again.

"Well, you won't miss them for long because I'm here," I said to him.

"Where are we?" I asked him getting up slowly.

"Well, we are at the CIA." He told me making me frown.

"What? Mitch-," I said but he cut me off.

"It's okay, I already dealt with them it was hard, got a whole lecture for bringing you here and you know," he said to me making me frown.

"Me and you." He said to me making me nod. Probably he wasn't supposed to fall for me. I mean it's a job so, yeah.

"So what are we gonna do?" I asked him.

"Well, right now I want you to get better, and after I don't know." He said to me making me look down.

"I want you to help me." I blurted it to Mitch. "Help you with what?" He asked me.

"I want you to help me take down my dad," I said to him making him stiff a little.

"Luna- you know that's something big right?" He said to me making me nod.

"I know, but if he's in the Mafia and if he's one of the biggest criminals in this world that means my siblings are in danger and I don't want them with them. I know this is so much but I need your help I can't do this alone. And I want you to help me kill Angeline." I said to Mitch. This is big but I rather do this even if I end up dead.

"I know this is big and dangerous but I need this to be over. I can't have my family in danger because of something my dad did in the past. So please will you help me." I said to him before he could respond a lady walked in.

"Hi, my name is Irene I'm the director of CIA." She said making me swallow thickly making me look at Mitch who had looked away and leaned into the chair.

"So... you must be Luna." She said making me scratch the back of my head nervously.

"Uh... yeah," I said to her.

"Mitch leave us alone, please." The woman Irene said making me look at him. 'Please don't leave me' look but he gave me an 'I'm sorry' look. When I feel much better I will kick Mitch's ass.

"So- I've heard you the one who Mitch was attracted to you instead of focusing on his mission, but that turned into chaos." She said to me.

"I didn't mean any of that to happen, I'm so sorry," I said to her but she gave me a nod.

"It's not your fault, you could easily fall in love and you can't stop what happens." She told me with a soft smile.

"I want to help."

"Help with what?" She asked me making me sigh.

"I know this may sound like turning up against him but- I want to help you guys take down my so-called dad," I told her making her confused about the last part.

"My mom had an affair with my dad while she was an abusive guy. But Rafael isn't my dad- I guess I never told him. Anyways she was with an abusive guy and she fell in love with Rafael and I guess I was inside her while she pretended that I was his child-."

"Patrick Parker." She said to me making me freeze.

"P-Parker?" I asked again.

"Wait- Parker as in like Andrew Parker?" I asked her making me shocked.

"Yeah, Andrew Parker the son of Patrick Parker, along with Angeline Quinn," Irene said to me making me look at her.

"Angeline and Andrew are siblings."

A/N: THIS IS SUCH CHAOS LIKE OMFG, LUNA FINDING OUT ANDREW AND ANGELINE. What do you think about this chapter? Only four more chapters to go.

2084 Words

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