✩ Shopping is my Cardio ✩

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Chapter 4 ~ "Shopping is my Cardio"


✩ ✩ ✩

Akira's POV

After Shanaya had waltzed ragingly down the halls, the rest of us were staring at the door in slight shock for quite a while. Well, I was most definitely in shock.

Stella ushered her class back into their seats, and after bidding goodbyes we left her to continue with her course.

"She's not replying to her texts." Meera sighed, running her fingers through her straight hair. "If Vivan finally caught up to her, one of them is not leaving that conversation unharmed."

"Vivan most likely."

"How about I look around this floor and see if I find her, and you guys can head down to the car. If you see her, shoot me a text." They nodded as I turned away. Hearing their heels clicking away, I focused on trying to finding Shanaya.

Six years and nothing changed, I sighed.

Passing through numerous corridors, thoughts from the past plagued my mind once again. Shanaya and Vivan had broken off their relationship before the horrid graduation trip that took everyone to hell. I was still lacking details that Shanaya had withheld, but understood that my best friend was yet to overcome the heartbreak.

Glancing over the portraits of previous graduates along the wall, I came to a stop in front the 2011 one. My gaze traced over all the faces, bringing back memories of time spent here. The smiles on our faces, so genuine and carefree, unknown to all the ache the world would give us. I shook the rather depressive thought free of my mind, and giving the frame one last look I stepped into the last hall in the wing.

"Please, just listen!" came the sound of a husky voice from the end of the hall. Quickening my pace, I headed toward the voice, recognizing it to be Vivan's. I could hear the clicks of heels furthering away from me, proving that my best friend was still trying to avoid him, rather unsuccessfully.

"Would you stop following me like a dog?" The shrilled response from Shanaya bounced off the cemented walls.

"I would if you acted like an adult for more then two seconds." He defended. I just sighed, and slowed my pace to match theirs.

"What do you want Vivan?" She huffed, finally coming to a stop.

"I just want you to hear me out."

"If you're talking about what happened six years ago, then I don't want to hear it, okay?"

"Just listen to me once, please Shanaya." The way he said her name in desperation made my lips tilt down, feeling the loss of their connection affecting him as well.

"If we could go six years without speaking, I don't see why you have to break the routine?"

"Routine? Is that what you call it? You left." He scowled.

"And you cheated."

And I stopped short, hidden just around the corner from where they were, my eyes growing wide at the revelation.

Silence seemed to stretch on, and I could physically feel Shanaya's short temper growing quicker by the second.

"I didn't cheat. I've told you countless times that I didn't cheat."

She scoffed in return, "I'm not the idiot you took me for Vivan. I may not have had as many relationships, but I understand that when a girl is draped over you with you so willingly laying under her—while knowing you have a girlfriend—translates to adultery." Her voice broke near the end.

The uncomfortable silence in the corridor was deafening. If I couldn't hear their intense intakes of breath, I would've believed they had slipped away.

Vivan's crushed response finally broke the stillness, "I was drugged."

That's when I knew I had heard to much.

Stepping away from the wall, I turned and walked back towards the parking lot, with the guilt of eavesdropping gnawing at my conscience. You've done it again Akira. Try hiding this from Shanaya now.

I noticed the two girls leaning against Adhaya's car hood. Their backs straightened when they noticed me.

"Did you find her?" Meera's worried gaze shot over my shoulder.

I nodded, "she'll be here soon, hopefully."

"What happened Kira?"

I groaned, "I hate myself so much at times."

"What happened?"

"I heard more then I should have. Anyways, I think they have to sort an overdue issue."

"Well obviously. But what's going on?" Adhaya's voice growing with agitation.

I sighed. "Just don't ask when she gets here. And don't you both dare tell her I heard a good chunk of their conversation. She will tell us when she's ready."

Both of their heavy gazes studied me for a while before nodding slowly.

A few moments later, Shanaya made her way to us, eyes puffed and slightly red. But she still held her self together with a forced smile.

"You alright?" Adhaya rubbed her shoulder.

"Yeah, I'm all good. Now, let's go. I came out to go shopping and that's what I'm gonna do," she joked. 

Once settling into the car, Meera turned on the radio to lighten up the mood. I glanced over Shanaya and she shot my a quick smile, a faraway look in her eyes. 

I bit my tongue to stop from the overflow of inevitable questions stirring in my mind, and turned away.

✩ ✩ ✩

Three long hours and too many shops later, I had my arms full of shopping bags, half of which were Adhaya's since her arms were full too. The bride-to-be was taking complete advantage of this shopping spree, announcing it to be "one of her lasts, as a bachelorette."

"Shaadi karni hai, toh bauth kuch chodna hoga." Shanaya teased. (If you're getting married, then you got to leave a ton of things behind.)

I shared a smile with Adhaya and Meera, expressing our relief to having our Shanaya back.

"I'm so tired." Shanaya groaned, while we threw our bags into the car trunk, and assembled inside. 

"I still have to go to the gym, what're you complaining about?" Meera scoffed, as Adhaya started up the engine.

"Really? You're going to the gym? I shopped and that's my cardio." Shanaya stated proudly. I chuckled lightly. 

"Easy for you to say. I need to get into a killer shape if I wanna look hot for the wedding." I shook my head in amusement, as Meera winked at me through the rearview mirror. "Got to have those punjabi munde at my feet."

"You're ridiculous."

"I'm right."

First approaching Shanaya and Meera's house, I greeted their parents. And after too many attempts to stopping auntie from making chai, we escaped with promises to back soon. 

I glanced at the time on my phone, groaning at the seven p.m. blinking back at me. Noticing a text message from mom, addressed an hour back. I opened it to find out that she would be with Adhaya's mother till nine in the evening, and dinner was already prepared in the kitchen. 

"So amazing being home. Oh god, I missed mumma's khanna." I sighed. (Mum's food.)

Adhaya glanced over from the driver's seat with a grin, "then should have come home sooner." 

"You know I couldn't." 

Her smile faded away, "you weren't alone Akira. But you did leave us alone."

I pursed my lips, agreeing with her silently. Regret, it seemed, would not leave me for the rest of my life. 

I breathed out of relief when we finally reached home. I jumped out of the front seat, and got my bags from the back, and we silently walked into the house. Kabir should be home since his car was out in the front. 

"Hey Adhaya, I'm gonna put these bags in my room," I lifted the bags in my arms slightly as a gesture. "I think Kabir's probably in the kitchen." She nodded and walked off into that direction.

Sluggishly moving upstairs with the bags dragging along the hardwood, I noticed a few suitcases lying near the bottom of the steps. I racked through my memory to find if mom or dad had mentioned anyone staying over, and the chances of either of them travelling somewhere with the wedding so near was next to impossible. 

 I shrugged, too tired and lazy to dwell on the mystery. Dropping the bags near my closet, I entered the bathroom to freshen up. One look in the mirror was all I needed to believe that Ogres did truly exist. I washed my make up off and tied my hair into a simple ponytail, freeing myself of such a horrid look. Opting to not change, I skipped back down to the kitchen, hesitantly believing they both were responsible enough to have kept PG in my presence. 

Thankfully, they were on the other side of the counter simply talking animately with each other, with Kabir's arm thrown over a happy Adhaya's shoulder. Yet, there was someone sitting across from them, sitting on the bar stool with his back facing me. His elbows were on the island leaning leisurely with his chin resting on his palms. I couldn't make out his face, but I bet he was looking at the young couple with a bored expression. 

Kabir finally noticed my presence. And in a quick second his expression changed, and his smile dropped. 

"Mumma taught you better than that Kabira." I clicked my tongue approaching them.

At the sound of my voice, the man finally turned around, causing my step to falter. 

His eyes widened by a fraction and his angular jaw clenched. I felt the heat build up from inside me, igniting an anger I hadn't felt in years. My eyes flickered over his shoulder to meet my brother's gaze, showing the true betrayal I felt. 


I raised my hand up to stop him from coming up with whatever pathetic excuse he could on the spot.

With narrowed eyes back on the invader, I managed to grind the single word past my teeth. "You."

✩ ✩ ✩

Yeah it's short and I'm too tired to add to this shitty chapter. 

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Till next chapter babes!


loveYJHD out

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