✩ Shoulders Brush ✩

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Chapter 18 ~ "Shoulders Brush "


✩ ✩ ✩

"Didn't I say that you shouldn't be drinking when you're upset?"

Swirling the drink in the wine glass I shifted my eyes to the person settling into the stool next to mine. 

"Who says I'm upset?"

I averted my gaze back to the rotating motion of my wrist while Ayan rapped his knuckles against the wooden counter, gaining the bartender's attention.

A vibration against my thigh caused me to pull out my phone, and once glance at the oncoming call forced a tired sigh. Thinning my lips, I swiped the power off button before dropping my phone on the counter, faced down.

"She's still calling?" Ayan nodded in thanks to the bartender as he nudged a glass of some alcohol to Ayan before venturing into the backroom.

"Yeah." I briefly closed my eyes. My mother had been calling nonstop from the moment Kabir and I snuck out of the country. I had left both our parents a message vaguely explaining our decision without going into any details related to Rhea. After that, my phone had been put on mute once it started blasting with their texts. 

"She's freaking out for obvious reasons." I massaged my temples.

"Of course.  We literally left two days before Kabir's wedding. Your mother has to handle thousands of irritated guests and an upset bride all without knowing what the hell we're doing."

Silence overtook us as we pondered over the consequences of our actions, sipping on the burn in attempts to sting away the nerves.

"Kabir's asleep?" 

Ayan hummed in reply. 

We were engulfed into silence once again, my thoughts straying further as I took more sips. Ayan seemed to be in a similar state since he startled from his zone when I voiced a questioned into the silent room. 

"What if we don't find her?"

I took a pause before firing off my other concerns to him.

"What if this assumption we are going off on is wrong? What if we have to return without her? What then?"

"I don't know." 

I bit the inside of my cheek at his reply, expectant of it. 

"But we will get through it."

"You don't understand, Ayan. Some of us haven't healed from the accident, but at least some were on their way. And now if we return empty handed, it would just open up old wounds. How do we explain that we ruined existing relationships because of a hunch?" I blinked to meet his eyes, "If Adhaya reacted like that, then how can we expect others to react differently?"

"Adhaya was in a vulnerable moment and she reacted with a broken heart. Give her time, she'll come around. And I promise you, uncle and auntie will understand, they are the only ones who completely understand what you feel. Everyone else's reaction is insignificant. Okay?"

His words warmed me with reassurance and I nodded lightly. With a quirk of his lips, his eyes flickered over my face, as if he was memorizing my features. His intense gaze forced a flush to heat my ears. 

And in the next moment he was sitting straight from where we both had unconsciously leaned in, and clearing his throat. My cheeks grew hot and I easily blamed it on the buzz.

"We should get going." He stood from his seat, paying both our tabs even after much protest from myself. 

We shuffled into the elevator, our shoulders brushing as the levels ascended. 

I flickered my gaze up to his towering frame, clouded with memories of our past and disappointed of how we turned out. 

As the doors opened to our floor, he stepped out not sparing me a glance. 

Without a second of hesitation, I stepped forward and wrapped my fingers around his bicep, my veins quivering in anxiety. "Ayan, wait."

Re-positioning his body adjacent to mine, he hummed in acknowledgment.

"I...I'm sorry." I murmured.

He cocked his head to the side as his eyebrows furrowed, "What for?"

I huffed, "In the past."

He simply raised a brow motioning me to continue. 

"When I was inconsiderate...of your feelings." Once his face shifted into realization, I averted my gaze to the carpeted flooring.

"So you're apologizing because you rejected me?" I pursed my lips with my eyes still downturned.

A warm finger curled around the tip of my chin and pushed it upwards. I was met by his smirk, which seemed a little cutthroat, while the rest of his body remained stiff.

"I'm sorry." I repeated. 

The widening of his smirk caused a tremor to run through my body, "you think I need an apology for my unrequited feelings?"

He let go of his grasp on my chin, shaking his head a little. 

"I never knew you could think so little of me."

I stumbled to clarify, "It's not that—"

"Then what is it?" Ayan interrupted, taking a large step forward, forcing me to step back in rhythm.

"You think I was mad at you for not returning what I felt? What you never felt?" Another step forward. Another step back.


"You think I was a misogynist that didn't respect your choice? You don't think I was raised better than that?" One more step forward. A back against the wall.

The silent thunder in his eyes simmered to a cloudy haze, "if that's what you're apologizing for then you're sorely mistaken, Akira."

The breath of my name against his lips ran a shiver down my spine, while his bitter words burned behind my eyes. 

"I'm apologizing for everything." I exhaled into the space between us, twining with the after affects of the alcohol.

With his head tilted downwards and palms now resting on the wall, enveloping me in, his breath came out in a shudder. I watched silently as his shoulders shook in the slightest before he lifted his head once again. My heart paused at the absolute blankness his gaze held, before it galloped at twice the speed. 

"I don't need an apology, Akira. I need you to stop blaming my feelings for her death." His eyes held onto my widened ones for an intent second before he tapped a palm next to my ear and pushed away. Without another glance back, he slipped into his and Kabir's shared room, leaving me frozen once again.

✩ ✩ ✩

"Ayan, text your source."

"Will you be patient for two seconds, Kabir?"

"It's been two days, already. We've been rotting inside this hotel for 48 hours!"

Ayan simply rolled his eyes before repeating the same message for the nth time, "He will come to us when he is ready."

I huffed before rising from the couch I was lounging on. "Well, I'm not wasting my time in a hotel room. I saw a cute café down the street on our way over here and I need some caffeine, stat." 

Tucking loose strands of hair behind my hair and shouldering my purse, I made my way to the door. Leaning against the door, I take in the two, Ayan tapping away on his laptop with Kabir pacing in front of him. "Want me to grab anything in particular?" Receiving shaking heads in reply, I step out letting the door shut behind.  

Breathing a sigh of relief, I stepped into the elevator and instantly dropping my weight against the wall. The uncomfortable climate whenever Ayan and I were in the same room was unbearable. I was surprised that Kabir hadn't picked up on the stifling atmosphere. 

Our last conversation made it difficult for me to talk to him casually. Blame him for his feeling? I didn't even realize that's what I had been doing all along. For too long. And what could I even say to fix it? I could never formulate proper words in front of him, and my default would result in insulting him. Somehow, my mouth couldn't ever grasp what my mind relays for him. 

And here I was, stuck in a mess I created once again. 

Shaking off the heavy thoughts, I made it into the aforementioned café. A subconscious smile made its way onto my face as I took in the aesthetically rustic surroundings. Walking up to the counter I noticed the light smile on the barista's face, presumably taking in my touristy appearance and reactions. 

With my limited knowledge of Turkish, I rattled off my order successfully and moved over to the waiting area. I pulled my phone out of my pocket, powering it back on and wincing at the excessive notifications blowing up. Ignoring all the missed calls, I glazed my eyes over the messages spammed, primarily from my parents, and other family members. Meera's singular message caught my eye. 

I'm assuming everyone has already overwhelmed you with messages. Just please tell me you are safe.

With a smile, I sent back a confirmation, my heart warming at her understanding. Just then the barista called me over, handing over the three cups of coffee and box of delicacies. 

Nodding to her in gratitude, I struggled to keep a safe grasp on all the items when a voice directly behind startled me. 

With wide eyes I turned to face a young man. Lips crooked upward, thick brows hooded over sharp eyes that were presently scanning my features. "Sorry?" 

His smirk widened as he nodded towards my  order, "Need any help with that gorgeous?"

I shirked back, not expecting the sudden forwardness from some Turkish stranger. I pasted on a tight smile, managing on finding a tight grip on the drinks. "No, thank you."

Taking in my reaction, he chuckled lightly, "Don't worry, I'm not making a pass. Genuinely offering help, you seem to be struggling." 

When he noticed the purse of my lips, he quirked a brow, "C'mon. It's better to get some help, rather than risking the waste of food and money." 

I nodded hesitantly, and he took that as a cue to relieve the material from my arms, curious eyes taking in my person. "Thank you, stranger."

"Eren, actually." He grinned, gesturing me to lead the way.

Tipping my head in acknowledgment, I pushed open the café doors with my free hand, the wind chimes clinking above. 

"So, Eren, you don't have any drink of your own?" I asked, as we walked along the sidewalk. 

"Is that an invitation?" He smirked cheekily and I rolled my eyes. "And no, I was already there working on some things before you came in."

I hummed, "and you happen to offer you services to all tourists that stumble upon your way?"

"Only the pretty ones." He winked pulling a light laugh from me. "I still don't know your name yet, love." 

"That's confidential." I shot him a smirk of my own. 

He shook his head in amusement, "How ironic." My brows furrowed in confusion, but didn't bother delving on it. 

I stopped once we reached the entrance of the hotel, facing my new acquaintance. "So, this is me. Thanks for your help."

"I could help with these all the way up?"

I raised a brow, "And let you know my room number? Not a chance." 

He let out a dramatic sigh, "Worth a shot." Eren tilted his head, "You have anyone to come help you with these? I'm assuming you're not drowning down all three of these large double shot espressos."

I grinned, pulling out my phone. "I wouldn't put it past myself." 

I frowned when Kabir didn't pick up for the third time, but swallowed my pride and dialled my backup.

Once the ring finally went through, his voice spoke up "Akira?"

"Ayan? Where's Kabir?"

"He stepped out of the room for a bit."

I sucked my teeth, "Okay, well I need a little help with carrying these drinks."

"I'll be down in a minute." 

I hummed in response, disconnecting the call. I glanced Eren, noticing him studying my appearance and tonguing his cheek. "You're taller."

Alarmed, I fixed him with a look, "Excuse me?" 

"Quite taller than me. Here for a modelling job?" He asked casually, attempting to distract me from his slightly weird behaviour. 

"Uhm, no I'm not." 

"So, what are you doing in Gaziantep of all places?"

I bit my lip, answering dubiously. "Just here for family matters." At that, he appeared to contemplate me and my words.

"Akira, you're already here? Thought you meant to meet you at the café." Ayan's voice hollered over my shoulder. Turning I saw him approaching and flickering a quick glance to Eren before fixing on me.

"Oh yeah, I got some help." I smiled politely to Eren, before throwing Ayan a look to grab the drinks from his hand. 

"Hey man, I'm Eren," He introduced.

Ayan nodded tightly in response, and tipped his headed the lobby. "Well, we better get going." 

Eren raised his brows at the abrupt closure, but turned to me with a bold smile. "I'll see you soon though, Akira. This has been fun." At the mention of my name, I looked at him in surprise. Taken aback that he seemed to have quickly picked up my name from when Ayan called for me, and at the absolute confidence that he would see me again. 

"You seem very sure that you will be seeing me again."

"I'm nothing if not confident, gorgeous." He shot me one last grin before disappearing into the crowded street. 

I turned to come face to face with a frowning Ayan. "You can't go anywhere without picking up a stray, huh?" 

Rolling my eyes, I shouldered past him straight for the elevators. 

"Seriously Akira. You were alone for half an hour, and already attracting attention from potentially dangerous strangers?" He criticized, stepping into the elevator beside me. 

"I'm here. Alive and safe, aren't I?" 

"This isn't a joke. Anything could have happened, and I wou– we wouldn't have known what to do." He chided.

"I know, Ayan. But he was harmless. I wouldn't put myself in danger on purpose."

He shot me an annoyed glance, "I can't even count how many times I've saved your ass from risky situations in the past."

"Fair point." 

He huffed, "Just be serious for once. We're in another country, completely unplanned. You are my responsibility." He winced, tripping over his words, and I bit back a small smile. 

"Fine, I understand. Now can we let it go?" He rolled his eyes, stepping out the elevator and swiping his key card to enter the room. 

Dropping the box of treats and my purse on the coffee table, I glanced around the room. "Where's Kabir?" 

"Had to take a call." Ayan replied, handing me a coffee before settling down with his own cup and continuing with his work, I presumed. 

"Adhaya?" I asked excitedly.

"Unforunately, no. I think it was from the office." 

A pout formed on my lips as I contemplated texting my friend, but quickly diminished that thought. I didn't need Kabir to get upset with me once again. 

The loud opening and slamming of the door shook me out of daze and I noticed Kabir storming in, simmering in his anger. 

"What happened to you?" Ayan piped from behind his laptop. 

"Mom." Kabir growled. 

I quirked a brow, handing the last cup of coffee to him.

"She called the firm and demanded to know where we are." He dropped down on the sofa.

I furrowed my brows, "It's not exactly unexpected of her."

He massaged his temples, "She yelled at one of the name partners."

Ayan snorted, and I grimaced at the glare Kabir shot him. 

"I managed to grovel and fix the issue, but we really need to find her. And soon, before anything else happens." 

I sighed, and looked down at Ayan. Once he noticed my gaze, he raised a brow in exasperation. "Contact you source, again. Please." 

✩ ✩ ✩

Did I erase everything I had in this chapter? Yes. Am I hoping you guys forgot what I wrote previously? Yes.

No lie, Akira is the most frustrating character I've written. 

Also, this is Eren. ^~^ Isn't he cute? 

Anyways love you guys to Mars and back,

Vote, comment, and share!



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