✩ Tamasha ✩

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Chapter 13 ~ "Tamasha"


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Akira's POV

"Let's begin by discussing the profits Vidyat Enterprise has made in the past two years, and our reasons for wanting partnership." I began, "Of course, Vidyat is one of the largest companies in our technologically advancing world. Since we all are well aware, Asia is the dominating continent within this field. Therefore, collaborating with other famous companies, such as Samson Softwares was a great deal on your part, Mr. Merchant." I said, shooting Ayan a devious smile, and he raised an eyebrow in response. I had made sure to be completely prepared for today, with the pledge of sealing this merger.

"Who wouldn't want to partner with the world's leading computer system designing corporation. In this up and coming generation, technology and media is the only way for presenting the product to the vast population. I am part of this 21st century and as unstable as it may be, we are all dependent on this technology developing world. And as you all may know, the power of media can change the face of many." I said, looking at every board member in the room, giving Chase a knowing look. "This is where Greyar Corps comes in.

"With both Mr. Greyars' hard work, the company has become North America's second largest media branch. Simply in a few years, our company has partnered with others, including ones in Australia, India, China, and a few countries in Europe. Your highly advanced applications will be utmost beneficial for our company.

"Indeed you will not be partnering with us simply for our greed," at this, most the people around the table paused and blinked at the blunt term I used.

Yet I ignored and continued, "The bar graph seen on the screen shows your companies annual net profit." I said, gesturing to the blue bars on the projector screen, then five seconds later it showed red bars overlapping the blue ones. "And this shows some sale decreases the overall year." I took a second to look at the CEO across the table who sat impassively.

Clearing my throat, I turned back to the screen, "As you can see over the course of the past seven months, the product revenue has degraded at a slow, but noticeably exponential rate. The latest promotion of your products was last year. Yes, there is absolutely no problem in the products, simply the lack of advertising and broadcasting of them has resulted in the lack of profits. What your company needs is not only promoting, but an alliance with a media company that will sponsor your brand.

"Vidyat charms have not been exposed to North America yet, except for partnering with the Jayant House, another famous publishing house in the US. To be frank, Jayant House lack in the self-promotion that you do as well, not helping you in the slightest. I understand that independence is an honourable trait, but only if you know how to broadcast yourself independently." I cursed at the snark that made it into voice, knowing by Ayan's quirked eyebrow that he did too.

"Why would I partner with your 'second' best company, when I could be working with the world's leading media company?" Ayan asked, his deep voice startling me with a tone of challenge.

It took me a few seconds to comprehend what he asked, before answering back with a focused gaze, "Simply because sir, Lance Media is an unreliable corporation." I tossed a glance around the room to see if anyone was to disagree. Realizing there would be no objection to my claim, I continued, "I'm quite sure all of you remember the great debacle that occurred a decade ago. Unfortunately, Vidyat faced the downfall, with minimum backlash to the company responsible. However, I very much applaud you for your great work at re-establishing this company to where it is now, in simply five years. And I'm sure you're intelligent enough not to repeat such a mistake once again." I stopped when I recognized the emotions rising slowly in his eyes. His expression hadn't changed, but his clenched fists showed his displeasure of me touching the sensitive topic.

I bit my lip and cleared my throat, before directing the conversation away. "So as I was saying, expanding your company onto another continent would be extremely beneficial to you. I believe that an expansion to NYC was underway for Vidyat Enterprise. Undoubtedly the company will be noticed with your large name, but having the power of Greyer Corporation to support will bump Vidyat to the top, surpassing the stage as an underdog that most companies go through in New York.

"A companionship between Greyar Corporations and Jetten Enterprise will beneficial to both. Technical skills and the media influence will give a killer edge in the market." I pressed my palms on the table, and leaned against it. "Now Mr. Merchant, the choice lies in your hands." I finished off my presentation confidently.

Everyone around the table were looking at me with slightly impressed looks, except for the bosshimself.

As the lights of the conference room turned back on, the members began conversing amongst themselves, and sharing their opinion. I answered all questions asked concerning specific details.

The clearing of a throat caused all of us to look at the head of the table, where Ayan stood with a blank expression. "This meeting has concluded. I will tell you our final decision by next Tuesday, after further review. Thank you." With that he walked out the room. Chase smiled at me, mouthing a "good job" before leaving. I couldn't keep the smile off my face, as I packed up my stuff and made my way home.

"Shit!" I groaned, jumping around in circles.

My curler fell onto the bathroom floor, as I nurtured my finger. I quickly turned the tap on as I placed my burned finger under the freezing water. I hissed out in pain.

I had decided, since I had a free day I would wander about the beautiful city of London. I was hoping that my phone would help me find directions to the hotspots in this city. Quickly changed into a turquoise summer dress, I had clumsily managed to burn myself while I was curling my hair.

Just at the moment the bell rang, echoing throughout the apartment. I picked up the curler from the floor, and raced to the door. The surprise was pretty evident on my face as I stared at the person across from me. "What the hell are you doing here?" I shouted at him, the stinging pain in my fingers causing the elevation in my voice.

"I forgot my jacket here two days ago." Ayan replied with raised eyebrows.

I blinked up at him, before the memory came flushing back.

"You know, when your drunk self couldn't even walk, let alone make it home?"

"Oh." I bit my lip as the cheeks warmed up in embarrassment. His eyes fell to my lips before flickering away.

I moved to side to let him enter. "Find your jacket and feel free to let yourself out." I muttered, disappearing into the kitchen for some cold water.

After wrapping a damp paper towel around my finger, I made my way back into the living room where Ayan was standing with his jacket in hand. "What?" I asked, uncomfortable under his intense gaze.

"Nothing." He shook his head.

"Great, please get out."

He gave a small chuckle before kneeling down to tie his shoelaces. That's when I noticed a change in attire. He was wearing a jean shirt and khaki chinos, fitting his lean body well, with his hair styled in a messy manner that made him look extremely attrac-

My eyes widened. Snap out of it Akira.

"Done?" He asked in amusement, looking at me with a laughter in his eyes.

"Leave," I scowled in reply.

He smirked, but headed out the door nonetheless.

"Wait!" I yelled, remembering something. "Uhm, how far is the London-eye from here?" I bit my lip.


"Nach naa hai mujhe."I said sarcastically. I want to dance there.

He rolled his eyes, "About half an hour, give or take."

"Oh ok. Uh thanks." I replied awkwardly. I stepped back in, and was about to close the door when I heard his voice again.

"I could show you the way there?"

I furrowed my eyebrows, "You would come with me, willingly?"

"I'm just offering, it's not like I have anything to do till my flight."

I had no reason to spend my afternoon with him, so I couldn't grasp why I nodded in confirmation, allowing him to guide me. I pushed away the sneaking voice in my brain telling me the real reason. 

"Fine. Let me wear my shoes." And before I turned, I swear I saw even the tiniest of smiles grazing his lips.

"I see the Big Ben!" I smiled staring at the large clock that just strikes 3:45 pm. I turned around to see Ayan rolling his eyes at my childish behaviour.

"What? Stopping judging me. This is my first time here." I snapped, slightly shaking the compartment. I don't know why Ayan was still with me, or why I didn't tell him to leave, but I was thankful to have a guide.

Guide, right.

Currently we were standing in one of the carrels in the London Eye and the view was completely spectacular.

After we got off, I spotted a tiny restaurant closely.

After we settled in and ordered for ourselves, an awkward silence lingered as we waited for the food arrived. "So..." I leaned forward, "why did you join me on my adventure today?"

"I already answered that."

"Sure, now how about you give me the real reason." I raised an eyebrow.

After a few seconds, he cleared his throat, "We need to clear the air around us a bit. Starting with the incident." At his words I stiffened.

"I don't need any tamasha at the moment so please, let's not do that right now."

"Can we please just sort of the problem? Once and for all."

"There is no problem!" I yelled in annoyance, catching attention from nearby tables.

He took a deep breath, "Fine. Can I just say my piece before you disappear on me again?" He waited for me to acknowledge him before continuing, "I didn't she was going to leave that night. I didn't know that she told no one."

I breathed deeply, trying to keep my emotions at bay. "Please Ayan, she told you. After you broke her heart."

"I didn't mean for it to go south. I didn't think she was seriously going to get on that plane without letting you know. I just told her the truth, Akira. I didn't mean for anyone to get hurt." He said lowly, the pain now shining in his eyes.

"Well, she did. She died, Ayan."

He huffed in defeat, looking at me in melancholy. "When will you forgive us?"

A bitter smile lingered on my lips as I said the next words, "When it stops hurting."

My editing is super slow, sorry about that guys.

Hang on, I'm almost through.

Love you guys!



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