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Hermione just was lying on her bed till dinner,tossing and turning,her face bright red and her mind filled with ...inappropriate thoughts.

She soon heard sounds outside and saw the other prefects getting ready for dinner.

Harry saw her and gave a slight smile.

She grinned widely and Harry gave her a funny look.

She went down for dinner.She was a bit early and she saw many students were not there and the teachers were not yet there.

She saw Alice and grinned widely.Alice smiled and knew something had happened.

Alice came near Hermione."Promise you will tell me or I'll hex you"

"Promise Alice"Hermione said and went near the slytherin table,happy for the first time.

She saw Pansy sitting on Draco and Draco trying to ignore her.Hermione hated when Pansy the slut was slutting again.

Draco had been trying long to get Pansy off him.He was in excellent sprite from the afternoon and it was because of the...slytherin princess.

Draco saw Hermione looking at him and his eyes shined He decided to play a trick.

When Hermione passed by,Draco pulled Pansy closer and kissed her.His hands were all.over her.

Pansy was excited and went with the flow.

The while hall was waiting and watching the duo making out.

Hermione was shocked.She knew Draco was playing with her.She decided to play too.

She went near both of them and said in a loud sly voice.

"Malfoy!!This is not your bedroom!.And Pansy!Did you forget Theo and Crabbe and Goyle and...oh...every slytherin you slept with for the past one year?"

Both broke away and blushed deeply.Pansy was so red,with rage.Draco smirked.

"Do not poke in you filthy mudblood!"shouted Pansy.
Draco pushed her away and she fell on the ground.The whole dining erupted with jeering laughs.

"So...so you have been cheating on me Pansy?...on me?"Draco asked in a faked hurt voice.Hermione smirked and knew what he was up to."Oh my God!Someone cheated on Draco Malfoy?Poor boy"she said as Draco hung his head down,making sounds of sobbing.

Pansy was totally taken aback.She got up and tried to reach him.He pushed her away."I know!I know! You..I loved you and...this is how you respect...."he choked.

Hermione grinned seeing Pansy's face.She wanted to crucio her infinite times for touching Draco all those years.

"No..this..this mudblood is trying to break us!You filthy mudblood!"said Pansy and spat on Hermione's face.
The next second she was hit by a cruciatus curse.

It was Draco.

"You...say that again,you will not have your life to watch the consequences"he said,his silver eyes solid and his face red.

Hermione was shocked and so were the others.To their shock,the whole room clapped and cheered.Except the slytherins and the two of them.

"Draco rocks!!!"

"Awesome punishment!!"

Draco and Hermione smiled and blushed.Harry was a little taken aback.But he still shrugged and clapped along.

Parvati Patil came front"You used the unforgivable curse!You should be punished..."she said as the whole room fell silent.

Parvati continued"...to give such a poor punishment to that pureblood..no poorblood filth...not to offend the others.."she said frowning and the whole room smiled.They sat back before the other professors and seniors came.

No one acted as though anything had happened. Draco and Hermione sat together and are silently,not caring about the death glares from the other slytherins.

"And from the permission of the ministry we have decided to conduct a ball for the students above the fourth years....."

And Umbrige's other words sank amidst the shouts of students.All were happy and excited.

"Silence!!Screeched her voice"
"This is to promote and enrich the friendship and learn your manners and...'

No one cared about what the pink devil was ranting about..they were busy giggling and chatting and planning excitedly.

Dumbledore spoke suddenly.All fell silent obviously.The all respected Dumbledore.

"And against the wishes of the ministry...and as the headmaster of Hogwarts.."Umbridge frowned"...I go against people having to take dates from their own houses..you can go with anyone from any house and dates are a must"he said.

All cheered.They looked around excitedly at the other tables.

Hermione and Draco were the only people silently drinking their pumpkin juice.

Hermione looked over and choked on her juice.She just felt as though every professor had been looking at her a second ago and now they saw her turning and saw somewhere else.

But she was not sure.She and Draco led the others to the common room and went to their tower.They were the last ones to go.

"God!My wand is inside!I left it there!"she said and hit her head frustrated.She saw Draco casting his partonus and entering.He went in before she could ask.him to stop.

She just stared and looked at something on the ground.

Draco had left his wand for her to use.

"That boy was blushing all the way in.So cute!!"said the lady on the portrait.

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