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Hermione's pov.
I was passing through the Ravenclaw dorm.All of them were having a party.Cho and Frank were lifted by their fellowmates.Then both of them came out with us.While they were busy talking with Harry,Luna came towards me."Hello Hermione!!I do believe you.I know that this was a totally idiotic and rash decision by Headmaster Dumbledore."she said.

I was happy.I hugged her while a few from her house were giving me nasty glares.They really thought that i was a beast.After that we passed through the Hufflepuff dorm where Mclaggen and Rose were packing their trunks.Cho's face fell at the sight of the Hufflepuff dorm.She was thinking about Cedric.Her eyes were moisty.Then we slowly made our way to telhe dungeons,the slytherin dorm.My new home!!

Except Harry,no one even acknowledged my presence.He held my had and smiled at me.This gave me some energy.Then,as we made our way to the dungeons,we heard the slytherins shout.Most of them were drunk.They cheered as Malfoy came out to join us.He was,as usual,dashing and handsome.

White shirt with the first two buttons open(duh!!)and a black pant.His hair was rough and uncombed.Devilish.The sight if him made me feel nauseous.He was a reeking cockroach.He took his trunk and walked next to me,maintaining a distance.He obviously didn't want to walk close to a mudblood.

As we reached the tower,Professor Mcgonagall was waiting for us."The door will open only when you cast your patronus charm.The eight of you have a unique patronus charm that no one can forge.So cast your patronus and enter"she said.

One by one,all of us did that.I was the second last.Behind me was Malfoy.He was waiting patiently.As i reached for my wand,it fell down.I was soo losing my concentration.As i reached for it,Malfoy bent down and both our heads hit.I fell back.Was Malfoy helping me?That was awkward.As i tried to process what had happened,he cast his patronus charm and the door shut,leaving me behind.alone.

That reeking ferret had taken my wand with him.I was frustrated.That bloody rascal!!I stood outside for a few minutes.Mcgonagall came outside with my wand and handed that to me.I cried"Did you see professor,the term has not yet started but i have all the students except Harry as my enemy and my number one enemy as my partner prefect.What is going on??"i said.

She conjured a chair from thin air and made me sit."Listen Granger,even if you are transferred to slytherin,from the inside,you are a true Gryffindor.Your qualities will not change if you change your house.You are the true Gryffindor princess."she said and bit her tongue.

A Gryffindor princess? I thought."I meant,a true Gryffindor.Be brave.By proving that you have not changed,you can win back your friends.Be brave and show the slytherins that no amount of pranks and shoutings will make you weak.Show them how strong you are"she said

I felt a really good feeling.It was true.I was not going to let a bunch of mindless monsters ruin my perfect fifth year.I felt happy and brave.She smiled and left.I conjured my patronus and entered with my trunk.The common room was beautiful with eight chairs,four tables in the house colours.There were four rooms ,two on each side.

I frowned.Four?There must be eight or atleast two,a boys dorm and girls.But four??I absent mindedly walked into the red room."Hermione!!"Harry said.Parvati was unpacking the trunk."Why are you here?Did that snake send you to spy on us?"Parvati spat.I felt ashsmed.Harry glared at Parvati and she shut.

I then walked into the opposite room that was green in colour.There,a handsome blonde boy was....wait was i seeing right?Malfoy was standing near the bed without his shirt and was left with his shorts.

"What the hell Malfoy??"i screamed.While i was freaking out,he kept a calm face."What happened granger?Can't resist my sexy body?"he asked.I was already angry and he was just adding fuel to the fire.

I landed on the bed where my trunk was kept.

Draco's pov.
Shit!Shit!That granger is one pathetic idiot.I was already pissed off when she became a slytherin and now she was making a big scene for me being half naked.

She was crying.This was strange.I have never seen her cry like a baby before.She always kept a.brave face in any situation.I picked up the courage to ask her the reason.

"Why are you crying like a kid,Granger?"i asked in the snottiest voice possible.For a minute thete was no sound.Then she answered in a small voice"You will know when you lose your close friends and the person you love."

I was shocked.I knew by friends she was referring to Potter,Ginny and that tall girl who always stuck along with her.But what did she mean by loved one?Of course she was not referring to the weasel.I had seen him snogging that brown haired Gryffindor idiot.Lavender,i guess.

Whatever,it was so irritating to share a room with her.She was a know it all and was egoistic.But i have to putup with this mudblppd for the restof my school life.Because she was slytherin,she will roam like an idiot in the slytherin dorms.

With this,i hit the bed.As it was hot,i decided to sleep only with my shorts on.I felt irritated as i felt the witchne t to my bed sniffing and sobbing.

Huff.She will never learn.i thought. With that my eyes felt heavyand i drifted away to a dream less sleep. liked it!!

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