Most happiest night of my life.

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A/N.I would like to dedicate this chapter to fabulous_fandom who let me join their club as a writer.I am writing"Will he fall for me?"dramione fanfiction there.
Thanx!!The whole group!!

Hermione's pov.
I was very hungry.I had Charms,Dada and Herbology after divination.I was very tierd after the toughest day of my life.My behaviour with Draco today was a shock to both him and me.I never wanted to snog him,give him a show with only my towel and the last,see him naked.

It all happened on it's own.The one good thing about being a prefect is that after the day,we can change to our regular attire,for dinner.I was more than happy to remove my slytherin uniform.I changed to blue jeans and pink top.

I went to the great hall and sat near Pansy.The only place left."Hey!!I had saved this place for Draco!!I don't want to sit near a mudblood!!"she yelled."No choice!!First come first serve basis!!"i shrugged.The place near me was filled by a person whom i had expected.He had sat beside me for the whole day and seeing him near me again was no big deal.

We started eating.Pansy was giving me glares from time to time.Draco was seeing me too.Not in a creepy way.Like observing me.I felt someone was staring at me.I turned and was pleasantly surprised to see it was Harry.I grinned.Friends telepathy.

"After dinner,near fountain"he mouthed.I understood.

Draco's pov.
That scarhead was signalling something to Granger.I wanted to talk to her but didn't know how to start."I like it."i said.She turned and looked at me,her brown curls bouncing.She was thinking i might be stupid."Your shampoo.Honey and Sandal with Cocoa and..." "Alovera"she completed.

I babbled like an idiot.Who would start a conversation by complementing the shampoo they used?"Thanks,Malfoy.I am surprised as that is a ...muggle product."she said and continued eating."I shouldn't have done that."i said.Time for truth!!

"I shouldn't have done what i did today morning.It was....kind of over."i said.She looked at me with wide eyes."Are you asking for forgiveness?"she asked.Why was she making this very difficult?"Not exactly...but...kinda..."i mumbled."Take it'm sorry in"she was struggling.Her face was red.

I saw Pansy had stopped eating.She was eavesdropping."Muffiliato"i said.She got irritated.I got back to the witch sitting next to me."Are you struggling to find words?"i chuckled."For incident."she finished.

I found out that i myself was flushing red.She had seen me....that way."Um...that..Well...I hope you didn't do it wantedly..."i stammered."Of course not!!"she said.All that time that Git Umbridge had been talking about a few rules and blah blah blah.

As soon as dinner was over,i was searching for her so that we could lead he others to the common room but she was no where to be seen.She must have gone to meet Potter.


Hermione's pov.
I came to the fountain and saw.Harry there in grey shirt and tracks.I smiled at him."After a long time,i have done this."he said.I was confused.I saw someone emerging from behind the fountain.A girl in red uniform,jet black hair,tear filled eyes.


"I am sorry Hermione.I....i was just too....shocked to do anything.Harry told me that it was all out of your control.I am so...sorry for doubting on you."she said,crying.Tears weld up in my eyes.I ran and hugged her."No sorry between friends.Remember?"i said.She laughed."Sorry Hermione.We tried convincing Ron but he said that he wanted no connection with you."said Harry.

I expected,a little bit,that Ron would come."Did you tell him that..."i started."Yes.I told him that you are over with him.He was a bit startled and kept mum."he said."I don' about him.I have my two friends.What i need?"i asked.

We all hugged.This was the happiest moment in my life.Then something struck me."Harry,about you and Dumbledore...""No Hermione.He still refuses to meet me.And all the other students don't talk to me.They feel that i am lying about Voldemort's come back."Harry said,sadly.

"And there is this Umbridge who keeps giving me this stupid punishment every time i start talking about him in class."he said and showed his arm."I must never tell lies." was written in blood.Engraved in blood.Umbridge was cruel enough to banish the profs of Hogwarts too.

"See you later!!"said Harry.Alice hugged me and both of them left me.

Draco's pov.
I went to the tower to see no sign of her.Where had she gone?If she was with Potter,what was she doing with him for such a long time? These questions kept repeating in my mind.So,i thought of going to the common room to spend time with Blaise.

I was on my way through the empty corridor.I was climbing down the stairs when it started changing it's position. Darn.Now there is a long way to go.The stairs stopped near another lone corridor.As i was walking,trying to tell.where i was,a sound echoed through out the corridor.It was coming from the dusty cupboard on the end of the corridor.

I drew out my wand and neared it.It opened and showed.the figure of a girl.Pansy.I was shocked."Pansy!??What are you doing in a ...broom cupboard?"i asked.At the same moment,i heard footsteps coming in my direction.Pansy pulled me inside and closed the cupboard.There was no space for two.I was literally on Pansy.

"Where are those troublesome gits i have to punish today?Eh?Mrs Norris,let's...hey!!Why is the cupboard not locked?Must be pranksters.Let me lock it.....Ha!Come on Mrs Norris,let's hunt them down."

It was Finch.He had locked the cupboard.I tried to push it but it was vain."Draco...."pasny moaned dreamily."What??"i shouted."It is every girl's dream to be soo close to you and i am the lucky girl to please you.How lucky i am....."she said.I was aghast."We are locked in a cupboard and you are talking about the fucking luck of yours??"i shouted.I was shocked.

I was snogging this same witch this afternoon and now...i couldn't stand her next to me?Wierd....Pansy's hand was tracing my front muscles till the end of my shirt and went inside my shirt.I pulled her hand away."What in the name of Salazar are you doing?"i asked."I love you...."she murmmered and did something i never expected.Her hands went down to my shorts and she....she tried to tug the off!!!I couldn't take this nonsense any more.I had never had sex with this witch and now she was trying to do that?

"I am going to burst the door."i said and lifted my wand."No!!Finch will catch us.."she hissed,her hands still in my shorts."I don't care!!"i said and shouted."Bombarda!!" The door burst into pieces.I heard Finch's steps.I ran towards the steps while Pansy was trying to see through the smoke.She would get caught.Too bad.That instant,all the feelings or anything i had for Pansy vanished.Not that i liked her.She was just a distraction.Now she is....nothing.I had had enough for a night.I went to the tower.

My heart skipped a beat when i saw a girl in pink top brushing her hair."Hey Malfoy!!Went for a meeting with other ferrets?"she asked.She was still seeing me as the enemy.Too bad."Yes.And you were....crying and crying with your friends?I can see your horrible eyes even more horrible."i commented."Whatever...."she said and went to bed.I went to the washroom to wash my face.I came out and saw her sleeping.Her face was calm and serene.

Her quilt was near her legs.And it was freezing.I was hesitant but went near her and covered her.She caught my hand.I thought she was awake.But she was still sleeping.I tried to tug my hand away but she held it tight.She was smiling.If she knew what she was doing she would .....

"Don't...let go.......Drrrracooooo!"she mumbled.Did she just say my name?She knew she was holding me?Wierd.I had no option.I kissed her on the forehead."Never"i whispered.She smiled even more and her grip loosened.I lied down in my bed,facing her.Watching her sleep was.....was so comforting.I slept,without knowing that trouble was on its way.Hidden all over.Started the moment i kissed her....

Hello!!Hownis it?What is the trouble?
What was going on? it that both of them feel something for each other soo magically?

Check out the nxt chap.

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