The change.

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Hermione's pov.
We entered the headmaster's office and saw Professor Dumbledore sitting with his classic father-like smile that made me feel like i was at home.He asked both of us to take our seats.

As i sat down,i took a look around his office.It had a lot of things belonging to many ages.The one that attracted my attention was the sword of Godric Gryffindor.

Obviously,i am a Gryffindor and only an artifact from the founder of my house would intrest me.But i also didn't fail to notice a silver cup next to it.It had a snake embossed on it.The snake's eyes were studded with emarald.The slytherin artifact.It looked simple yet grand.

Mcgonagall's voice brought me back to the present."Professor,you wanted to have a word with Miss Granger before the start of the term."she said.Dumbledore nodded."How are you doing Miss Granger?"he asked me in a polite voice."Fine professor."i said.

"We know your potential and we have decided to give you a chance to prove yourself."he said.I was confused.What was the opportunity?"We have decided to make you a prefect."he said.I was shocked for a moment.I was beyond happy.This was the best thing that has ever happened to me.I couldn't supress the wide smile that was plastered on my face.

"Thank you so much professor.I will certainly live up to your expectations and will not fail you."i said in my best courageous voice."But you could have sent a letter to tell me this professor.Why call me here?"i asked."All for the good,my dear."he said.He brought out a parchment and handed me a quill.

"You have to sign in this parchment and then you can join your friends in the great hall."he said.Professor Mcgonagall flinched a bit.She was slightly nervous.She was the head of the Gryffindors.Isn't she supposed to be brave.I always used to admire the way she was brave and used to stand up for others.I smiled at her and took the quill.

When i came to sign against my name,i found something peculiar.

List of prefects.

Harry James potter. ____________
Parvati patil._______________
Hermione Jean Granger.____________

How can there be three prefects from the same house? There has been a mistake."Professor,there are three names from Gryffindor.There has been a mistake."i said."Miss granger,there is no mistake.Potter and Patil are the prefects for Gryffindor.There are two."said Dumbledore.Mcgonagall tensed."But what about me?"i asked utterly confused.

"While they are the prefects from Gryffindor,you are the prefect for Slytherin"he said,with no emotion.I dropped the quill.I felt the ground slip below my feet.My face lost it's colour.That was not possible.I stood up."Professor,i am Gryffindor.Why am i the prefect of Slytherin?"i asked."You are not a Gryffindor anymore Miss Granger.You are slytherin."he said.

"WHAT?What are you talking about?I am Gryffindor.I am not slytherin."i shouted.I was on the verge of crying."We have put you into slytherin for a specific reason Miss Granger.What ever we do is for the best."he said."This is outrageous!!You cannot dump me into a house without a reason.I was sorted into GRYFFINDOR and i will be a GRYFFINDOR.I am not a SLYTHERIN!!"i shouted like a mad girl.

"You may sign and leave Miss Granger.Just believe that what ever happened has happened for the best.I am sure that wherever you are,you will always be the wisest witch of your age and your friends will still love you"said Mcgonagall.I had no choice.

As i signed the parchment,crying,i hoped for Alice to jump from the back saying it was all a joke while Dumbledore and Mcgonagall changed into Harry and Ron who had taken the polyjuice potion.But nothing happened as i signed the tears filled parchment.

"You will return to the Gryffindor table and when your name is announced in the great hall,you will join you slytherin mates."Dumbledore said.I felt like someone had stabbed me with a knife,right into my heart.

I returned to the great hall and joined my friends."What happened?"Alice asked me,seeing me in tears."Nothing,tell you later."i said.I saw the faces of my fellowmates.Neville,Dean,Seamus,Lavender,Parvati,Ginny,Harry,Ron.All of them were laughing,not knowing my doomed fate.

Time went very fast when i wanted to spend every minute in my table.Soon the sorting was over.Mcgonagall was sad during the sorting.She was sad to lose me,i suppose.Then,she went to the mike."Dear students,i will now announce the name of the prefects."she said.I felt a pang of sadness wash over me.

"I am sure you will be the one."Alice whispered.You are right i thought but not of your house.Mcgonagall started.
"From ravenclaw,Cho chang and Frank Stilton"she said.A round of applause came from the Ravenclaw table as Cho and Frank came and stood near Mcgonagall.

"From Hufflepuff,McLaggen and Rose Thomas.The Hufflepuff table clapped as both of them stood near the tensed Professor.There was a long pause."From Gryffindor,Harry potter and Parvati patil"she said.Harry was beyond happy.Ron patted his back and Parvati hugged Lavender as both of them made their way towards the now shivering Professor.

"Next time."Alice whispered.I felt so sad to leave her.I don't know whether she will even look at me once the change has happened."From slytherin,Draco Malfoy and..."the slytherins did not let her finish.The roared and cheeered as their prince made his way towards the professor.

I was trembling.Being a prefect with Malfoy?I was doomed forever.This made me cry more."Silence.From slytherin,Draco Malfoy and...Hermione Granger."she finished.There was silence all over the hall.I raised my head to see Alice staring at me wide eyed,still,as though she had been petrified.

I got up from the table.All the eyes were on me.I felt as though my legs were tied to two big stones.Every step i took was heavier than the other.Finally i made my way toward the professor who was covering the tears in her eyes.

I stood near Malfoy who was all tensed up and shocked."There has been a small change.Due to a problem,Hermione Jean Granger has been put into slytherin due to the.....the ...change in her...aptitude."Professor chocked on her words.I was shocked.Has she just told that from beeing brave i had become a nasty,selfish,arrogant,pureblood loving monster in a year?

After that,everything became a blur.The last thing i knew was i hit someyhing cold,probably the floor and i heard Harry shouting my name while a few people were laughing,whom i bet were my mates,the slytherins.

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