The Prophecy

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Hermione felt like she had just come face to face with a dementor.The surroundings turned very cold and all the small plants had wilted.The sky was becoming pitch dark that nothing could be seen.

Hermione could not see anything around her.She only felt the eerie presence of the...creature.

The voice of the figure still rang in her ears.The figure came close enough for her to see the features.

The hooded figure was emitting a dark light on it's own.Hermione thought it was foolish to say dark light but she couldn't describe it in a better way.

The face was dark and the figure was wearing a black cloak that covered the whole body.From head to toe.And there was one queer thing.

The figure was riding on a horse.Not a horse exactly.It was like the horse was made of smoke.It was transparent and seemed to be floating.

It's eyes were bloodshot that looked straight into Hermione.

Andy was already shocked.He knew this was wrong and wanted to take Hermione away.But he couldn't.

It was like the presence of that person had sucked all his ability to think and move.

"Hermione Granger.  how nice to meet you at last...."said the screeching voice.

It echoed all over the forest like the voice had come from the forest and not the figure.

Hermione wanted to speak bravely but she felt her tongue had been tied and cut into pieces.

"Wh-what do y-you wan-t?"she asked,shivering.

"I  finally happy to meet the girl of the prophecy.The hero of Hogwarts.The saviour if the wizarding world...."

Hermione was utterly confused.

"I k-know t-hat you are a d-death eater..."

"Hahaha...a puny death eater?Me?Poor girl...I am not one of those powerless masked maniacs who follow the bald guy.I am an entity of my own."

Hermione got more and more puzzled.

"A-are you g-going to kill m-me?"she asked,forgetting the presence of Andy.

"Hahaha.It won't be fun killing you now...let us see what your puny wizards at you school do to bring you together....make you ready..."

Hermione wanted to smack the man's head.He was talking nonsense.

"Or on second thoughts...killing you would solve all the prophecy...isn't that better?"

Hermione was shaking.She wanted all of this to be false..a bad dream.

The figure took out a black wand.He admired it dearly before pointing it towards Hermione

Hermione couldn't find her wand .

A green jet if light sparked and Hermione feel out knocked black.

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