Chapter 19 : All in a day's time

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It was ten minutes to four. The hospital was relatively silent. Pinky, Rudra, and Shakti had gone back home. While Shivaay and Omkara had opted to stay at the hospital. Sleep was miles away from Shivaay. Ever since his father had told him of his grandmother's wish he couldn't stop his racing thoughts. He obviously couldn't ask Anika to marry him right away. But the worry was eating him up. He had clearly told his parents that he wouldn't want to put Anika into a tight situation by asking her to marry him right away. But he wouldn't be at peace if something happened to Daadi before his marriage.

He felt her head move away from his shoulder. "Don't worry, she'll be fine." She mumbled holding is hand. He looked at her nodding. On the chair across from theirs sat Omkara. He was mostly asleep with his head against the headrest.

Anika sat up straight staring at the empty space. She didn't know what to feel. She wasn't that attached to Daadi. But seeing everyone helpless and sad, she felt the same way. "You should have gone home," he muttered resting his head on her shoulder.

Anika glanced at his head. Every time he came near she felt very weird. Right now, she knew he needed comfort. He hadn't really spoken to her properly ever since they had arrived at the hospital. She understood that she wasn't the person he'd expect comfort from. Their relationship was still very nascent. She relaxed to his current position.

"I wouldn't be at peace being at home anyway."

"You should go home and get some sleep." he suggested. "Your eyes look drowsy," he added.

Anika sighed as he lifted his head off her shoulder. "Go home, please." he requested cupping her face. Anika nodded. Maybe she could get some sleep and come back recharged. Shivaay had asked the driver to be at the hospital's parking. He walked Anika to the car.

* * *

It was ten 'o clock and the hospital was once again buzzing with various sounds. Anika walked towards the room Daadi was in. She greeted Shivaay with a smile. He looked tired and worn out. "How is Daadi?"

Shivaay sighed. "She woke up a little while ago. She hasn't spoken to anyone." Anika responded by nodding her head.

"I – can we talk?" She asked softly glancing over his shoulder at Omkara who was looking at the screen of his phone.

Shivaay looked at her and then around. He nodded walking ahead with her. "Umm, your mom spoke to my mother about our wedding." Anika began fidgeting with her fingers.

Shivaay let out an exasperated sigh. "I told mom not to. Anika, you don't have to bother about it. Okay? This entire thought of preponing the marriage is a bad one. A wedding is a big event in anybody's life. I don't want to spoil that for you." He spoke holding her hand, standing at the isolated corner of the corridor. Anika raised her gaze to meet his.

"So, that is the only reason?"

He blinked baffled. "What do you mean?" He asked looking at her with his tired eyes.

Anika gazed at his hand that held hers. They were anyway tying the knot nine days later. How would it matter if they did it earlier than that? "You want to marry me right?"

"Of course!" he answered looking at her confused. A little doubtful he asked, "do you have second thoughts?" His heart began skipping beats.

"No. I don't. All I am trying to say is that... I wouldn't mind a simple marriage with Daadi's blessings. If you are thinking that the perfect wedding is what I would want... with the beach and the events and everything else. You're wrong. I would choose Daadi's blessing and your happiness." She tried her best to explain in words.

Shivaay stared at her. He hadn't expected it from her. Granted that she was different from usual girls but a wedding did mean a big thing to everybody. He sort of expected her to freak out. But, like always she surprised him. Or maybe he still didn't know her well enough.

"Anika, you don't have to do this for me, Daadi or – "

"I know. I just want you to know, that it doesn't matter nine days later in Goa or..." She took a deep breath looking into his eyes.

"I will ask Daadi what she wants. We'll let her decision be final." He spoke in a soft voice. Anika nodded passing him alight smile. She had very bravely said she wanted Daadi's happiness. But was she really ready to be married? Her thoughts were broken when he tugged at her hand pulling her close. He wrapped his hands around her shoulders.

There, her heart began pacing at his proximity. She snaked her arms around his waist placing her palms against his back. He broke apart quickly, his hands reaching to hers. "Thank you." His voice was soft. Anika smiled and they walked back.

* * *

Anika glanced at herself in the mirror. In roughly two hours from now, she'd be performing the marriage rituals with him. Daadi was more than happy to see them married. However, she tried convincing them to not do it for her sake. She had also agreed for the surgery. The surgery was scheduled for tomorrow afternoon. A lot had happened from last night to tonight. The previous evening she was trying her wedding attire and today evening she was getting dressed for the wedding.

Her mother had given her wedding dress back to the tailor who had undone the blouse to fix it. Hence, here she was adorning her mother's wedding dress. A golden lehenga. A few safety pins helped her fit well into the dress that her mother wore during her wedding.

"Anu, the car is here." Her mother spoke entering the room.

Anika turned around slowly meeting her eyes. "I am scared." She muttered trying to blink so that tears didn't spoil all the makeup. Her mother approached her smiling.

"I am not making a mistake, am I? I feel very weird. I – " she took in a shaking breath."

"Anu, you adapt to changes, you don't get scared of them. I know the restless feeling. I had felt it too. It's like you're putting your entire life at stake. Just breathe, it will pass. Once you're at the mandap sitting beside him, there will be a different feeling. Trust me Anu, it will all turn out to be well."

Anika managed to smile. "How do I look?"

"Just like I looked that day!" her mother beamed, clasping her hands together looking at her daughter with misty eyes. She quickly turned away and wiped her tears. "I can't believe you are getting married on the terrace of a hospital though!" her mother spoke to lighten the mood while she picked up the bag.

Anika smiled, even she couldn't. The Oberois had gotten permission from the hospital's owner to have the ceremony performed at the terrace since Daadi was under critical observation. Soon after their marriage had been decided the pandit was summoned to find the auspicious time to tie the knot. The auspicious time was found to be at eleven tonight. After that, it was only a week later.

After that everything happened in a blink of an eye. She was sent home to rest and then get ready for tonight so was Shivaay. God, she would never be able to forget this day ever. She picked up the framed photograph of her father holding her in his arms. If only he was here to see how happening her life was! She smiled as tears began blurring her vision, ss she caressed the photo with her henna painted hands.

"Anika, what's wrong with you! This is the third time you're crying again." Her mother scolded. "I swear I am not fixing your make up again. Go like a zombie to your prince charming."

Anika laughed rubbing the edge of her eyes. "Let's go." She said inhaling deeply. However, before she could even move a step ahead, her phone rang. She picked it up to see Shivaay's name flashing. Anxiety gripped her as she answered the call, "hello"

"You really want this right?" He asked. His voice was laced with nervousness.

Anika smiled," hmm, I am all dressed. Don't tell me you – ?" She teased.

"No." Came his quick sharp answer. "I am in the car heading to the hospital. Just kind of weird you know, I am heading to a hospital to get married."

Anika sat on the bed and laughed. "It's weird, I know. But everyone is happy, that's what matters in the end."

"Yeah!" he replied. "I'll see you soon, then."

Anika grinned, "soon" she replied ending the call.

"Madam, your 'soon' will only come when you move out of this room." Her mother teased. Anika rolled her eyes getting to her feet. Well, marriage here I come.

* * *

No one would we able to say that they were at the terrace of the hospital. The mandap had been set up in the center of the terrace. The floor was carpeted. From the entrance of the terrace to the mandap, a red path with rose petals was made for the bride to walk. The mandap was adorned with red and white flowers. The parapet wall of the terrace was lined with potted plants that were decorated with fairy lights.

Shivaay wheeled Daadi to the mandap. She was in awe. "Didn't I tell you Daadi, that there will be no compromise in the wedding." She smiled patting his cheek.

"Where is Anika?"

"Oh come on Mummy Ji, she is the bride, so she will take her sweet time," Pinky spoke while she wrapped a shawl around Daadi.

Shivaay smiled holding Daadi's hand and looked around. He was himself surprised at all the arrangements his brothers had managed to get done. There was tight security. The media had been tightly limited. The pandit Ji called for the groom. Shivaay took a deep breath and climbed up the two steps that led to the mandap.

"Please bring the bride." The pandit Ji requested. Shivaay's eyes were stuck at the entrance of the terrace. He was just too thrilled to see Anika walk in as his bride. However, he was momentarily dismayed when small kids in the hospital's uniform walked in. They were all smiling with roses in their hands. His lips steadily curved up into a bright smile. Behind the kids walked in Rudra holding the dupatta's edges. He caught a glimpse of his wife dressed in golden. As she walked ahead along the curved pathway laid with rose petals, he finally got a full glimpse.

She looked ethereal. Her eyes moved up and she looked in his direction. His smile only widened as a blush crept up her cheeks and her lisp formed into a smile. Rudra followed her holding the other end of the red dupatta that was above her head like a shelter. She walked in like a queen. He held her hand to help her sit beside him. Her eyes met his once she settled. Both of them taking a deep breath.

Anika's mother was right. She felt different once she was beside him. She looked up and around. She had never seen so many happy faces admire her before. Her mother's smile wouldn't waver whatsoever. Even the Oberois were all smiles. But the brightest smile was that of Daadi.

The ceremony started with prayers to Lord Ganesha and they were then asked to exchange garlands a ritual called Jai Mala.

Her mother was called forward to do the kanyadaan. Anika looked at her mother as she placed her hand in Shivaay's. However, Anika held onto her mother's hand. Suddenly, the entire idea of marriage seemed pointless. Why should she leave her mother? She was a part of her right? Her mother looked at her squarely in the eyes and whispered her name. Anika eventually let her mother's hand slip away. She lowered her gaze. To hold back her from crying she bit her lower lip. Within seconds, she felt his hand give hers a light squeeze. She looked up at him and he briefly shook his head.

The pandit chanted mantras as the holy fire flamed before them. Agni, the God of fire is considered the highest mark of purity. Hence, the couples take their vows before it, to enter into a pure relationship.

Daadi was then called upon to perform the gathbandhan. Gathbandhan signifies the sacramental bond between a husband and wife. A symbol that their lives henceforth are tied, they are one. Shivaay was then asked to tie the nuptial chain – mangalsutra, around her neck. Her eyes met his as he leaned forward. She closed her eyes lowering her head. She could feel his finger briefly brush the back of her neck. She could hear him breathing. With every passing minute, Anika was becoming aware that she was no longer just her. She was going to be a part of him, his life.

After a few more chants and mantras they were finally asked to stand for the saat pheras – the seven rounds around the fire each of which symbolizes a vow. He held her hand and they got up together. They walked around the fire with slow steps as the pandit translated the promises from Sanskrit into simple language for them to understand. After the pheras, they were asked to sit again. The groom was then asked to fill the maang – partition in the bride's hair, with the sindoor – the sacred vermilion. She closed her eyes when he filled the sindoor. He had taken a lot between his two fingers resulting in some falling over her nose. Everyone giggled.

"Anika, you're lucky. They say that if the sindoor falls on the bride's nose her husband is going to love her dearly." Daadi exclaimed with happiness, whilst everyone clapped. Anika blushed meeting his gaze.

Finally, the pandit concluded the ceremony declaring them husband and wife and summoning them to seek the blessings of everybody for a happily married life. Three hours was an awfully long time but for the two of them, it had passed all too quickly.

A lot can happen in a day's time. I tried showing that here. Life doesn't always follow what we've planned. So it happened to them. Their month of preparations reduced to nothing in a day's time.

Also, this is my first ever attempt to describe a Hindu wedding. I usually jump to a year or two later in my stories. I hope I haven't erred anywhere. (I generally escape to my room and nap when the actual wedding ceremonies happen. They are awfully long and boring for the onlookers. 🤷‍♀️ Don't judge me for it!😅)

Would love to know your thoughts on this chapter.


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