Chapter 21 : Inevitable Affinity

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Anika woke up the next morning to find her husband softly snoring beside her. It was kind of weird. She smiled and stealthily got off the bed.

Anika was ready to leave for work. She had completed her breakfast and informed Pinky that Shivaay was still asleep, perhaps due to exhaustion. She picked up her bag, wondering if she should wake him up. Perhaps, let him sleep, he seemed tired when he came. She made her way out of her room.

* * *

It was late in the evening, around seven, when Anika entered the mansion. She greeted Rudra who was on his phone, making her way to the kitchen after leaving her bag on the dining table.

"Hey, mom!" She greeted Pinky hugging her.

"Here, you are!" Pinky smiled giving her a kiss on the cheek. "How was your day?"


"What about you?" She asked.

"Bleh!" Pinky replied and chuckled. Anika giggled, "What are you making today?" Anika asked peeping to have a look a the contents of the pan on the stove.

"Ladyfingers for the dry sabzi and brinjal curry," Pinky answered stirring the ladyfingers in the pan.

Anika grimaced both the vegetables topped the list of her dislikes, "why ladyfingers!"

"Anika, you must eat everything. Besides, ladyfing--"

"I know, I know, it's fiber!" Anika muttered, very well remembering what Pinky had told the last time Anika had shown her dislike for ladyfinger. Pinky had made sure to make her eat. "I will go freshen up!" She spoke losing the little appetite she had. She would have to eat brinjal and/or ladyfingers. How she wished her mother was here to pamper her and make aloo parathas for her.

Pinky was a great mother-in-law no doubt. In fact, she treated Anika like her daughter. But, she wasn't her mother. Although they both were loving ladies, they were different. Her mother was the kind who'd pamper and spoil. While Pinky was the complete opposite. She was strict with everybody, especially when it came to food. Nonetheless, she was a wonderful mother, always joking, smiling laughing and making sure everyone was happy.

With thoughts revolving around dinner, Anika entered her room. She had momentarily forgotten that her husband was back from his trip.

"Hi!" His greeting made Anika jump out of her skin once she had turned around after shutting the door.

"Oh, hi!" Anika replied as the shock wore off.

He looked at her smilingly.

"You didn't go to the office today?" Anika asked placing her bag on the table. The usually clear table had files, papers, and his laptop.

"No. Working from home for a week." Shivaay answered pulling his legs back, sitting cross-legged on the bed. He placed the tab he was holding aside.

Anika took that as a cue to sit on the bed and did.

"Did you miss me?" He asked smiling.

"No!" Anika giggled.


"Not really." Anika answered meeting his eyes.

He crawled closer to her looking into her eyes. "You're lying!"

Anika beamed, "Your family is pretty dynamic and engaging. They didn't let me feel that I was missing someone."

Shivaay smiled brightly. "our family." he corrected her. "How is your mother by the way?"

"She's doing great. I spoke to her three days back. The day she left for Rishikesh!"

"Wow, she is in Rishikesh?"

"Yup, isn't that cool!"

"Pretty cool. I know a few resort owners there, so tell her to let me know if – "

"Yeah, thank you!" Anika replied before he completed.

"Hey, I am your husband now. Stop saying thank you. I am her son-in-law, so let me own up my responsibilities as one, okay?"

"Okay!" Anika nodded smiling.

He shifted closer running his finger on her fringe. Anika was suddenly very aware of their closeness. "Shivaay, I will just freshen up," Anika spoke up when she noticed him gradually move closer to her.

"yeah!" he muttered sitting back.

She entered the washroom taking a deep breath. Shit! Why did she still feel so nervous around him!

Shivaay sat back on the bed resting his head against the wall that the bed was against. Darn, she had no clue how beautiful she looked.

* * *

Anika entered the room flushing. Suddenly,everyone was teasing them. Teasing her more than them, actually. It was pretty awkward. Anika had quickly excused herself to the room, and when she entered the room her jaw dropped. The entire room was decorated with petals and aromatic candles. The bed now was covered with a satin white bedsheet, with a soft-toy in middle. It two teddies who were kissing attached by their lips and hands. What even! Anika's heart was racing like crazy. No wonder the jokes and teasing.

She heard the room's door shut and turned. "Hey!" he said softly and his eyes widened. "What the fu--!"He muttered glancing around. His gaze fell on the floor where a black soft fur carpet had been laid with petals scattered over instead of the usual cream-colored one. His eyes then took in the sight of the freshly made bed.

"You did this?"He asked dumbfounded.

"Are you crazy? I was with you down there!"

"OmRu!" Shivaay muttered looking around.

"Oh, explains why the came late to dinner!" Anika vocalized her thoughts.

Shivaay's lips drew into a smile as he saw her stare at the bed. He quietly walked closer to her. "What's on your mind?" He whispered in her ears deciding to have some fun.

She turned to him with widened eyes. He arched a brow mischief shining in his blue eyes.

"Shouldn't we get to know each other more? I mean we do, –know each other, actually have known each other for a while now. But... isn't it.." She mumbled gulping, staring at the carpet that she noticed only now. What the hell!

Shivaay chuckled. "calm, down." He said, rubbing her arms gently, standing behind her. "Let's clean the mess they've made of our room."

Saying that he walked past her to the carpet. Anika could still feel her skin at her arms tingle. It was confusing how she liked the proximity but still was very nervous and freaked out about it. She began clearing the bed when she noticed a red envelope under the teddy bear.

"Anika, don't open it!" He spoke aloud when he saw her flip to find the opening. Anika looked at him baffled. He reached to her side and took the envelope from her hand. At the corner of the envelope was a fancy design. Shivaay knew that fancy symbol, it was Omkara's peculiar symbol for – 'Om'. He wouldn't be surprised if there was a really dirty message or condoms inside the envelope.

"I will keep this!" Shivaay muttered not bothering to open it.

"What is it?" Anika asked curiously, it seemed like he knew.

"Umm, I don't know." He answered looking at the envelope. On second thoughts he decided to open it. He peeped in and looked up. He was right. Anika was more than ever curious, she peeped into the envelope. "What is it?"

"Condom!" He answered in a clipped voice.

"Ohh." she mumbled looking away. Yuck! Like what the heck! She focused on arranging the pillows.

Shivaay dumped the envelope in his drawer and pulled out his night suit. What was wrong with Omkara!

Anika blew out a deep breath, why did she have to be so curious. She quickly gathered all the candles around the room and dumped them on the table. She pulled out a tshirt and capris for the night. Sitting on the bed she waited for him to come out so that she could use the washroom.

* * *

Shivaay felt the bed dip and turned to see her lying beside him. He turned and lay on his side, pressing his elbow against the mattress, resting his head on his palm.

She looked at him staring at her. He spoke nothing, he was just looking. A couple of seconds later, his hand reached out to hold hers. He dragged it to his lips and kissed it. She blushed to turn on her side so that her body was completely facing his.

"It's weird isn't it?" His voice was soft.

"What is?"

"Everything... I mean, you and me like this. It feels nice, too."

"It does!" She muttered a smile playing on her lips.

He leaned closer and kissed her cheek, Anika blinked her eyes and met his. His gaze traveled to her lips. Steadily he was inching closer. Anika parted her lips breathing deeply in anticipation.

Almost delicately he took her lower lip between his, sucking at it. His body turning as he lay with his abdomen against the mattress. His hand lazily ran over her hair. He broke apart looking at her. He so badly wanted things to go faster between them.

Her quivering lips made him close the distance between them, again. This time it wasn't just lips, there was a lot of tongue into it. He felt her fingers gliding through his hair. Oh, yes, this felt good!

They broke apart panting. It took a lot of effort for Shivaay to not go anywhere beyond the kiss. He turned around lying on his back. "I think we should get used to doing this!" he mumbled turning to glance at her. She blushed her gaze dropping down.

"Oh, Anika, you can do better than just blushing." He spoke placing his arm around her waist. Her body went stiff and her gaze dropped to his hand.

"Should I pull it back?" He asked smiling, she nodded in no blushing. He was doing something very powerful, yet in the subtlest way possible – controlling her heartbeat. She looked into his deep blue eyes. His gaze was caressing her softly all over. In silence, they kept looking at each other, until sleep took over.

* * *

Anika tried turning but something heavy held her in place. She struggled against the hold unsuccessfully for a few minutes before finally opening her eyes. Her eyes widened. Shivaay's face was just inches away from her. She glanced down and blushed. His leg was above her lower body hooking her body close. His hand on her waist. What surprised her most was that her hand was around his waist! She slowly withdrew her arm. She then proceeded to peel his arm off her.

Successful in her first two tasks, she looked at him. He seemed deep in sleep. She moved her hands down reaching his thigh. She tried to lift his leg, however, she was unsuccessful. She tried again, this time he moved in response. He shifted his lower body closer to hers tucking his leg around her firmly while his arm reached back to her body, This time higher than her waist. Crap!

Anika lay awake in his hold, he continued to sleep peacefully. After minutes passed, she decided to wake him up. "Shivaay.." she called – no response. She tried again but still no response. She finally tapped his cheek lightly, "Shivaay." He stirred his eyes squeezing more, his hand began moving. Anika froze it was too close to her bosom. His leg began to gradually move up. Hell, what was he even doing!

He opened his eyes to find Anika staring at him. His lips curved into a smile, "good morning."

"Morning." Anika muttered trying very hard to ignore his palm that moved against the side of her body downwards to her waist.

Shivaay's eyes drifted to where his hand was and then he realized he had his leg looped around her body. "Oh.." he muttered pulling his leg away.

Anika sat up quickly as he pulled away his hand. He turned and lay completely on his back, letting out a ragged yawn. Anika turned to glance at him before she got off the bed and hurried to brush her teeth. Early in the morning, he had managed to get her heart racing. She stepped out and he got off the bed walking to the washroom. Anika wiped her face proceeding to tidy up the bed.

Anika had one door of her cupboard open while she was picking out her brown formal pants and a light pink top. Generally, she preferred wearing a kurti and leggings to work. But after the first day at her new job she decided to keep her attire to western formals.

She gasped when she felt hands around her stomach. "Good morning!" He wished in his raspy voice kissing the side of her neck. Oh, wow, she definitely wasn't expecting this. She turned when his grip loosened. His hands quickly held on to her waist.

Anika just looked at him. He pressed his lips against her cheek. "Shivaay." She uttered, bewildered by the proximity. Men definitely had a surge in the testosterone levels in their bodies in the morning.

"Anika, we are married now. Drop this -I-am-shy attitude." his voice was soft and teasing.

"But – it's just..." Anika began.

She was cut off when he pushed her against the shut wardrobe and slammed his lips on her. Anika was astounded. But everything he was doing was so luring that she gave up the resistance and kissed him back. The clothes in her hand slipped onto the floor as her hands hurried to his hair. Oh, she could so get to used to this wonderful feeling!

I hope you enjoyed the chapter! Would love to know your thoughts on it.

Note: I am going to update this every Saturday from now on.


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