Chapter 45 : Making Mends

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Anika had decided to spend time with the other two ladies. They had given an off to the cook for a few days. So it was Pinky doing most of the cooking. Pinky noticed Anika unusually silent. She guessed it was to do with his son's goof up.

"Anika, are you upset about Shivaay?" Pinky asked looking at how focused Anika was at dicing the capsicums.

Anika looked up, "no," she tossed a smile.

"Lie!" Pinky sighed covering the lid of the cooker. Jaanvi looked on.

"Anika, it's only been a few months that you both have known each other."

"Pinky is right, men take time." Jaanvi piped in as she stirred the soup.

"I am not taking Shivaay's side. But yes, men in general take time to be sensitive about things. Coming to Shivaay, he's never been with a girl before, forget being in a relationship. I used to spy so much, never got a single girl's information from his room." Pinky smiled. "There were magazines though... when he was in tenth grade or something!" Pinky laughed and Anika blushed, understanding what kind of magazines Pinky could be referring to. 

Jaanvi laughed.

"See, it was wrong of him to not know your parents' names. I can even give him a smack for that if you wish. But, just don't feel bad about what happened. It took years for Shakti Ji to understand my choices. Until Shivaay was three he didn't even know that I hated mango kulfi. He got that every time because he liked it. Men can be like that at times."

"Pinky is right, Anika. We've all been through their insensitivity at one time or another. But with time things generally fall into place. Marriages need a lot of patience. The current generation doesn't understand this. If our marriages have worked today it's because we've given more than a second chance." Jaanvi said smiling.

"Exactly. I know nowadays girls want guys who'd go around the world for them. They want equality, they want respect and they want love. Over time girls have started taking a stand for themselves, even in relationships and that's good. Boys have become understanding too. But at the end of the day, they are men, the emotions take time. If you think Shakti Ji was sweet and so adorable before you're wrong." Pinky smiled stupidly. "He used to not even talk to me properly until some time. The arranged marriages weren't so rosy before. We didn't get to hang out as you all get to. Daddy Ji would have gone nuts if I said I wanted to hang out with Shakti Ji before marriage." Pinky chuckled.

Jaanvi smiled.

"What I am trying to say is, be upset with him but don't let it hurt you inside. It's going to take a while for him to actually understand and be sensitive to things about you. Be angry at him, it works most of the time. Even earns you gifts. Just don't let it hurt you or give up. If people started giving up, there would never be successful marriages!"

Anika hugged her immediately. Pinky returned the warm hug, kissing her cheek. "You can always tell me if my son is being a jerk. I won't stick to his side just because I gave him birth." Pinky said smiling softly.

"Or if she does, you can always get to me. Anyway, I miss fighting with Pinky."

"That's because you've become tolerable Bhabhi!" Pinky muttered.

"Excuse me. It's just that you've become sensible with age!" Jaanvi retorted.

"Really now... you remember the Holi when.."

"Mom, Badi Maa... we should focus on dinner." Anika intervened before the two started focusing on digging old wounds.

* * *

Shivaay had never felt so much off a failure as he did after that stupid game that was like a slap across his face. It just hurt so much to see Anika so disappointed. He had no guts to go back into their room. Anika's words kept ringing in his ears. Her gentle request. 

"Shivaay?" He heard Omkara's voice and sighed. "I know I suck at being a husband." He growled angrily.

Omkara sat beside him dragging a stool. "Don't be so bitter about it. You've never been in a relationship."

Shivaay looked at the dark night sky. "You're being very sweet. Get out."

Omkara chuckled. Typical of Shivaay to be rude when he thought he had screwed up. He didn't want sweet words nor complaints. "Well, you had enough time to learn about her parents' names."

"I know. I can't even look at her in the eyes. I screwed up, Omkara. She freaking knew everything so precisely while I was the dumb one."

Omkara looked at Shivaay, "What's bothering you more? The fact that she got all the points and you didn't get a single or that you let her down?"

Shivaay silently heard out Omkara's question, Anika's hurt face came up before her eyes. "I hurt her. And I have been doing that for quite some days now. I don't know what went wrong, Om. Everything was perfect."

"Or you thought it was until one storm carried you away in a jiffy!" Omkara said thoughtfully.

Shivaay glanced at Omkara. "How did you know when you fell in love with Gauri?"

Omkara was caught off guard. He looked puzzled wondering what Shivaay was trying to get at and then as Gauri's name sank in, he smiled. "I don't know when exactly. But I was kind of stupid around her. I loved teasing her with weird guys around campus she did the same. We even set up each other on dates. We bonded well. Knew the small things about each other. Shared secrets. She never questioned me about anything other than what was me. Over time I just had this weird urge to protect her, keep her happy, and be there for her. Our friendship grew stronger. And then... I just didn't want her with anyone else. I wanted her to know me more intimately. I didn't like it when she flirted with other guys. I always wanted to be the only one she flirted with. And then I told her what I felt... that I love her."

Shivaay frowned and looked away.

"So do you plan on sleeping here?" Omkara questioned.

"I don't know Om. I want to be better. I really do. She thinks I have changed after the wedding." He revealed.

"Maybe you have or you made her feel way," Omkara suggested.

Shivaay sighed reflecting back. "I really don't know where I went wrong. First of all the marriage happened so suddenly. Daadi just left us. And I was just lost. Everything was swiftly changing. I didn't know how to deal with it all. Work piled up and I think I was too busy just keeping everything together that I forgot to be more sensitive towards her."

"You have realized where you erred. Now correct it. Besides you've not known Anika for long. You started making more time for her maybe. Like you did before the marriage." Omkara spoke.

"What are you trying to imply?"

"Let's be honest, Shivaay. You did spend a lot of time hanging out with her as you called it. Now that you're married doesn't mean you have to stop spending time with her during the day. Maybe that's bothering her. Honestly, I had assumed you had fallen for her. I mean you were always so excited to see her. And came back home with that stupid lovesick puppy smile. I am surprised unpleasantly."

"What do I do?"

Omkara looked at his brother as though he was that hard walnut nut that wouldn't crack even on hitting with a hammer. But then be couldn't blame him, he had always been the practical one with no female friends or any relationships. "What does she prefer drinking in the morning coffee or tea?" Omkara asked.

"Uh, how is that.."

"Answer." Omkara cut him off.

"She drinks both. I mean... tea I guess. Cause she prefers coffee in office."

"Stop guessing and be more observant around her. Next, what's her boss's name?"

"How am I supposed to know that?" Shivaay asked appalled.

"Do you ever ask her how her day went?"

"Yeah we do ask each other that.. and she generally answers with single words."

"And you stop questioning further. She answer's in single words because she knows you are asking out of formality."

Shivaay pursed his lips. "I want to respect her professional life. I mean.."

"She's your wife. You need to know what goes on in her professional life. What if someone kidnaps her tomorrow? Would you even know where to start looking for her who to start suspecting?"

Shivaay stared at Omkara.

"There you go. Start talking for knowing her Shivaay. She's your wife. You're supposed to be each other's companions throughout the lifetime. You need to know her. Now, umm, what's her weakness? You don't have to tell me. But do you really know it? Do you ever talk about her past? Do you know about her college life? Her crushes? Her favorite subjects?"

"Woah, that's a lot." Shivaay inhaled. He definitely didn't actually know Anika. Maybe he knew that she loved adventure, she loves trying new things, she was judgmental about people and things. She liked helping people. But now that he thought over it. He only knew that what he knew before marriage or what Anika told him. He never told her what colors he likes. She knew them yet. He never told her what his favorite food or sport was. But she knew. 

"Yes! I told you marriage isn't easy. Should have tried a live-in first!"

Shivaay chuckled. "Is that what you plan to do with Gauri?"

Omkara chuckled, "Done that! Anyway, I think you should go back to your room and be with her. You're not wrong Shivaay. It's just your first time. Give your relationship time and effort it will just turn out fine."

"Hmm," Shivaay exhaled. "Are you planning to be the third partner in Mrs. Talwar and Gauri's venture. Counselor Omkara Singh Oberoi!"

Omkara chuckled, "well, I spend a lot of time with a good counselor. I have to pick up something. Plus they have books on how to survive a relationship and the kind. I do flip through them at times while waiting."

"It's nice to see you put your time into better use."

"Go sleep Shivaay! Good night."

Shivaay got off the stool, "good night!"

"Shivaay, umm, don't forget to shut the door!" Omkara teased grinning.

"Gosh, what's wrong with everyone at home?"

"Maybe it's not everyone it's you!" Omkaar spoke walking past him and out of the terrace. Shivaay sighed following his trail.

* * *

Shivaay entered his room and locked the door. He turned around to find Anika reading some book. Damn, she liked reading? It was the first time he was actually seeing her with a book. He tried to read the title but couldn't. "Hey!" He said softly perching on the bed. It didn't take him a minute to know he had freshly showered and had nothing on below that black tee. 

She gave him a small smile. He shifted closer to her and put an arm around her shoulder. "I know Anika, I messed up. I promise I will be a better husband. Always!" He kissed her cheek softly. 

Anika looked up at him shifting closer she hugged him resting her head on his shoulder, her book closing. She just didn't want to think about anything that had happened. Maybe she should just let things be and see how they turn out.

"Agatha Christie?"

Anika smiled, "I have always loved mysteries."

"Hmm, Anika it's a Sunday tomorrow. Do you want to go out?"

Anika pulled away looking at him. "Go where?"

"I don't know anywhere. Like we used to go out before marriage."

She looked at him thoughtfully. "Shivaay, you don't have to take me out because.."

"I want to!" He spoke earnestly before she could complete.

She smiled, "there's this wall painting tomorrow. They are painting a government primary school. Can we go there?" 

"Woah, umm can we not to something mainstream? Like.." he saw her excitement fade. "Fine, we'll go to paint tomorrow!"

She smiled, "Cool let me inform Nikki," she said getting off the bed. 

He smiled as she made a call to her friend and said that she and her husband would join them. "Anika," he called and she turned to him while on the call.

"We will drive in our car!" He said softly. 

Anika covered the microphone, "that will be a little too much to drive there in a jaguar or BMW."

Shivaay sighed, "I will rent a Maruti for a day!" He needed to spend time with her. 

She smiled amused, "it manual gear!"

"Big deal, I know how to drive!" He shrugged, liking that smile on her face.

"Umm Shivaay," she spoke leaning against the desk. Weirdly, Shivaay found that very seductive. He tried focusing on what she was saying. "Gauri, said she'd want to join if I go..."

"Invite her!" Shivaay smiled. 

"Do you think Omkara would like to come?" Anika asked him few minutes later after texting.

Shivaay smiled, "If he knows Gauri is coming he'd more than love to come along!"

Anika grinned, "Do you think he's awake?"

"Text him, he will answer right away," Shivaay spoke flipping through the pages of the book. His idea of being alone with Anika had totally gone for a toss. Gauri coming along meant trouble for him. Wow! Just what was missing in his life. A Tsunami!

* * *

Shivaay stood beside a pillar folding his arms. When his mother came to know in the morning of their plan. She had joined them in their adventure too. So the five of them were there. Shivaay didn't get a chance to talk to Anika. It was only the ladies on the backseat doing the talking throughout their drive to the outskirts of the city. Shivaay was pissed but then after a long time he saw Anika smiling, laughing, and just being herself. That meant he was doing something right.

"I don't feel like eating!" Shivaay said when his mother asked him to sit inside the car and eat. 

Pinky frowned in concern. Shivaay never really skipped meals. "What happened?" She asked checking his forehead.

"Mom, I am okay. I just don't feel like eating." He informed looking at Anika who was playing cricket with kids. More like teaching them to play. 

"Anika!" His mother shouted after giving upon him. His mother was dressed in a simple oversized tshirt and pants. Only Anika could get his mother to wear something like that! Anika ran up her tshirt stained with colors. He noticed palms prints of the little kids on her back. 

His mother helped her wash her hands and asked her to sit inside the car. "You're not eating?" Anika asked looking at him.

"No appetite!" He muttered.

"Eat a little, it's a pretty hot day." She said noticing the sweat beads on his forehead and neck. 

"Mom, I will be back in five minutes!" She said running off.

"I have never seen her so excited before," Pinky remarked.

"You should have seen how excited she gets at the thought of donating blood! Even more at convincing people to donate blood." 

"She made you donate blood?" Pinky asked surprised.

"Long time ago, yes!"

"Wow, what else?"

"You don't want to know!" Shivaay exclaimed with a smile lingering at the edge of his lips.

"She's different. I am glad you chose her."

"Yeah, she will make sure to keep you entertained!" Shivaay joked.

"She's loving too. So you should be happy!"

"I am!" He mumbled as he noticed Anika walking back towards them.

"What's this?" 

"Buttermilk," Anika answered pouring from the jug into a paper cup.

"Where did you get that from?" Pinky asked surprised.

"Rohini, Keshav's mother," Anika said pointing to the seven-year-old who was ready to bat.

"Wow," Pinky muttered surprised.

"Have it," she said handing it to Shivaay.

"No, thank you. I am good." Shivaay spoke eyeing the contents of the juice paper cup.

"It's hygienic have it," Anika said.

"I don't want it. I am good." Shivaay tossed her a smile.

She looked at him carefully. "You're sweating and you have a killed appetite. Drink it if you don't want to get hit by a heat stroke or fall ill."

"Where's Gauri?" Pinky asked turning.

"She's inside the building. You want me to call her?"

"No, no you sit. I am going to call her." Saying that Pinky walked away.

Anika sat inside the car and looked at Shivaay who glanced at her. "Sit inside now and eat something. Little.."

He sat inside and had a sip. "Okay, not bad!"

Anika grinned, "Now who was being judgmental?" 

He smiled fondly.

"Open your mouth now,"

"Anika," he looked displeased.

"You're eating a little. I can be generous and share!" She smiled feeding him. He took a bite and chewed on.

"There's a lot of color on your tshirt!"

"That's the fun part of it!" Anika grinned winking.

His lips curled up and he opened his mouth. 

Anika looked on surprised, "Someone likes to be pampered."

"Nah, was just doing it to be a sweet guy,"

"Liar!" Anika accused nudging him at the ribs.

He grinned, "feed me, now!"

Anika beamed as their eyes met. He blinked both his eyes together like a cute kid. Oh, God, she was in so deep!

Anika definitely has fallen hard for him! I would love to know your views after this chapter. 


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