Chapter 48 : A New Chapter

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It was New Year's eve and the entire Oberoi family was seated together after dinner chatting and waiting for the clock to strike twelve. Mrs. Talwar and Gauri had joined the celebration. Rudra had arranged for a few games. So currently they were on the second round of Antakshri. Shivaay had conveniently teamed up with his wife saying he wasn't good at songs and lyrics.

They all sat on the mattress laid out on the floor. He sat behind her while the others laughed and sang the two were involved in a secret touch game. Shivaay smiled leaning over her shoulder listening to his mother sing a song. When he saw that no one was looking he placed a soft kiss on his wife's neck. Anika casually glanced at him meeting his eyes. He gave her a smooth challenging smile. Anika looked away and stealthily placed her palm on his thighs. She tightened her grip. Then quickly turned her head around as much as she could to place a kiss on his cheek. However, in haste it landed on his lips. She blushed, turning to the front. 

Shivaay's lips formed into a wide upward curve. The cushion next landed on Anika's lap. Anika looked up, and everyone's eyes were on her. "H" was what she got. "Come on Anika, you can do it!" Shivaay encouraged while Anika tried racing her mind to find a song that hadn't been sung yet. Her mind was too lost feeling the lingering touch of his lips. 

"Come on sing your favorite song.." he whispered. 

Anika frowned turning to him, "Which favorite?"

He smiled leaning still closer, placing his lips close to her ears. He raised his palm to cover his lips from anyone's view. "The same one you stood on a chair and sang aloud wearing your mother's dupatta as wings!" He whispered and Anika's jaw dropped. He quickly tugged her earlobe with his teeth before backing off.

"How did you know about that?" Anika asked staring at him bewildered.

"Umm, your mom and I were seeing some old pics the other day." He shrugged. 

"Mumma, you told him?" Anika asked turning to her mother.

"Yeah, just like that," Mrs. Talwar shrugged, "Rudra, start the count down." She told Rudra to distract Anika.

Rudra began counting down, "Anika, sing!" Shivaay said tapping on her shoulder.

Anika quickly sang a few lines of Hawa Hawai while others giggled. "Now, tell us what was the story behind that?" Pinky asked curiously.

"Nothing," Anika spoke passing the cushion to Rudra.

"Come on, Bhabhi, tell us ...Aunty why don't you.." Rudra turned towards Mrs. Talwar.

"Well, Anika used to love this song when she was a kid. She does even now. So she used to wear my dupatta as wings and then stand up on a chair and sing that song while jumping down."

Anika looked embarrassed, "I was what... Ten!" 

Everyone laughed. 

"How about a demo for old time's sake?" Tej chuckled.

"Oh yes, Come on Anika!" Pinky smiled.

"Bhabhi, did you even set your hair and wear a funny tiara as Sridevi had in that song?"

"Shut up, Ru!" While everyone else laughed. She looked down feel an arm around her. She quickly turned to find him smiling. "All because of you!"

"Hey, what did I do? Now guys, come on, let's get on with the game. Enough of teasing Hawa Hawi, I mean my wife!" He grinned. She drove her elbow backward to nudge him at the ribs. 

He put his arms around her waist hugging her. "You looked cute though," 

She rolled her eyes looking away, placing a hand on his arm. Slowly a smile grew on her face while everyone focused on the game.

A while later they were all taking turns to dance. The couples went in pairs while the singles paired up. The deal was any random song would play. While Tej and Jaanvi had to dance on Gangam Style, Shakti and Pinky danced on One Bottle Down. The other had their time laughing. Mrs. Talwar and Gauri danced to Ude Jab Jab Zulfe. Omkara and Rudra went in second last and had to dance on Chickni Chameli.

Finally, it was the turn of Shivaay and Anika. Luckily for them a romantic number played. The music stopped and everyone clapped for them. Anika blushed making it back to the sofa beside her mother while Shivaay stood rooted. 

Suddenly the lights were out and a golden light shone on Shivaay. "I have something to say. It's been a bumpy ride through this year. Daadi left us and Anika joined us. Anika, I want to apologize for not giving you the proper wedding." He smiled looking at her. She looked on surprised as her heart racing. 

"You were, are, always so adapting. I know we didn't hit off well in the start, you were confused and so was I. I am glad, very very glad and proud of myself for dropping by at your house that day,  night actually, and going to buy tomatoes with you!" He chuckled lightly and so did others. Anika grinned glancing at her mother who was in awe looking at Shivaay.

"You were there for me, for us all, always. You ... helped me fulfill Daadi's only wish before she left us." He spoke with a tight smile, looking down momentarily.

"You are different. In a good way." He added smiling. "We never had anything perfect... not the wedding, not the honeymoon, not the...." he looked at her intently. She stared at him solemnly.

"You're an amazing wife, a wonderful companion, the awesome crazy friend I have never had. You make my normal, boring life interesting. I know, I am not perfect. I get angry at times, I throw tantrums, I piss you off, I forget things, I... I don't know, there are many things I don't do right. I know there are times when I let you down. Times when, maybe, you regret taking me to that supermarket!" 

Anika let out a laugh amidst her tears while everyone else looked puzzled.

"Whatever it is, however I am, I love you." He smiled and courageously met her eyes. She sniffed as tears silently streamed down her cheeks.

"I know I took a while to say it. But that's me." He shrugged, giving an apologetic smile. "I may be difficult to deal with, only at some times. Otherwise I think I am good." He chuckled blinking. 

"Just, don't give up on me. There are times when I wonder what my life would be without you. It would just be so hollow. You add meaning to my life, Anika. There had always been this connection," he gestured to the space between them. 

"This connection between us from the beginning. We are... very different. I thought it was best to not explore it earlier, but I am glad we met again and I had the guts to come to you. I just want to tell you that you are important to me. It may take me a while to become all that you want but... you... you are what I wished for. What I will always need to complete myself. Last time after New Year, we parted ways. I'd never ever want that to happen again. Never."

A silence fell in the room as the two of them looked at each other.

"I think this is the part where you come and hug me..." he smiled.

Anika took slow steps towards him.

"Anika, don't be so slow!" He muttered smiling through his tears.

Anika laughed running into his arms. Her mind couldn't form words. She had just heard the words are always wanted to hear from him. The wish she had buried deep inside her heart. She heard claps and more tears rolled down her cheeks, water trickling out of her nostrils. She pulled her face away from his shoulder and looked at him. 

"Why are you crying now?" He muttered.

"I know right, I am supposed to be happy..." she whispered.

"Yeah, you like a mess..." he whispered.

She hit his arm, pouting. "I love you too, and there's no way I am ever giving up on us." She said softly, looking at him in the eyes.

Everyone clapped.

"Comes on, give her a kiss, Bhaiya!" Rudra hooted.

"Rudra!" Jaanvi scolded.

"Rudra is right," Pinky smiled. "Nothing we've not seen!" She muttered aside causing Jaanvi to gape.

Shivaay grinned while Anika blushed profusely her cheeks turning to a deeper shade of red. He titled his head leaning closer. She raised her gaze and looked up at him through the length of her eyelashes. She was suddenly very conscious, as much as she wanted to kiss him. He smiled waiting for her to make up her mind. She smiled inching closer parting her lips ever so lightly. Shivaay quickly seized the moment and pulled her closer, kissing her. He broke away quickly smiling at her.

The others clapped and smiled, as they hugged again.

"That was very awkward," Anika whispered in his ears.

"We are on the same page, I hope they didn't take me to be a bad kisser." He whispered back.

"No one will ever know, except me." She whispered grinning.

"Hey, I am good."

"I know, very good!" She muttered kissing his ear.

"Okay, guys enough of PDA. Now for those who forgot why we are here... New Year is three minutes away." Rudra announced. He turned towards the couple who had their arms at the other's back. "You guys can continue later in your room, now can we have the cake?"

"Don't forget to close the door!" Shakti chuckled and Anika turned red glancing at Shivaay who was equally embarrassed. How did everyone know? 

Jaanvi brought the cake out and placed it on the table. "This year that rolls out will always be remembered for all the lessons and memories it gave us. So let's welcome the new year. May it bring us happiness, success, and love..." she smiled looking at Shivaay and Anika "and ... Togetherness!" Pinky added smiling.

"Rudra, the countdown?" Shakti asked.

"You guys are either too late or too fast..." he frowned looking at his watch. "Now.." he said seconds later.









Two.. and


"Happy New Year" the all wished in Unison. Shivaay smiled at Anika placing a kiss on her cheek. She hurriedly placed a kiss on his forehead. Soon the family members were all wishing each other with hugs.

* * *

"Shivaay, is there anyone at home who hasn't told us that we should close the door?" She asked as they entered their room. 

"Bade Papa and Badi Maa." He answered chuckling and she turned, rolling her eyes, as he closed the door.

Her jaw dropped as she saw the same poster in their room. The one she had got printed months ago for him. Except that at the end it read, "I love you, Anika!"

She felt his arms around her as he stood behind taking her in an embrace. "Shivaay this..."

"Yes, it's the same poster. I just got a flap over the last portion."

"You..." she turned loosening the hold of his arms.

"I kept it. Come on, it was the first time my special person wrote such a literally huge love letter." He smiled looking at the poster and then glanced back at her.

She looked at him, as old memories came back.

His smile dropped. "Anika, I am sorry. I have spoiled all your firsts. I just... I wasn't sure. I know I hurt you that night when you confessed to me. It took me a while to sort out things, emotions, feelings, and understand them. It took a while to understand that you're more than important to me. You're a necessity. Every time you go away for those volunteering trips or am away for trips. I get lonely. I miss you, your smile, your voice, your mere presence. I can't even say the right words to tell you how strongly I feel whatever I feel for you. The spark of connection we have always had between us... it's just got stronger over time."

Anika smiled.

"Say something..." he pleaded, "Did I do anything wrong ?" He asked as she stared at him.

"You're using too many words suddenly," Anika uttered her heavy voice giving away how overwhelmed she was.

"Yeah?" Slowly the smile appeared.

"Yeah," she nodded, her hands holding his face. 

"And all the wrong words?" He asked with doubt.

"No, not wrong." She smiled, "Sweet words, I feel so lucky, Shivaay."

"We are lucky, Anika. What if... what if we never met that night. I would have settled for someone else, someone who is not you... and you would have settled for someone not me. I don't even want to think of life like that."

"Let's be happy we had the courage to pursue and find out what was it between us."

"Yeah, don't give up on me.... ever. No matter how difficult or different from you I am."

"Same to you!" Anika spoke before pulling his face closer for a kiss. Soon the kiss grew passionate and heated. Shivaay pulled away, "It just struck me, that our first kiss was actually perfect."

Anika giggled, "to me everything was perfect. It had you what else could I want!"

"Issh, that's the most romantic thing someone has ever said to me. You're learning, well, you've always been a terrific learner." He winked.

Anika's lips drew into a smile and her eyes twinkled with mischief. She started unbuttoning his shirt while leaning to kiss him again.

"Anika, aren't you tired?"

Anika looked at him frowning and then declared, "We are celebrating a New Year!"

His gaze locked with hers. "Umm, I had other plans."

"What plans?" Anika asked arching up a brow, peering at him curiously.

"I thought you liked the idea of a late-night drive..."

"I do. But now?"

"Late night drive means now right?"

"Yeah, but ..." Anika looked on disputed.

"Maybe we can push the drive to some other time." He grinned picking her up.

"You've lost weight!" he commented putting her down.

"Are you implying I was heavy before?" Anika asked furrowing her eyebrows.

"No, no, I didn't mean that. I just said you've lost a few pounds."

Anika looked at him with narrowed eyes. "You-"

He seized her mouth for a kiss cutting her off. "We need to deal with this habit of yours."

"Yeah, and this habit of yours!" She muttered glaring at him, referring to his habit of kissing her to cut her short.

"Then we are even I guess!" He winked going down to kiss her lips again. She turned away, "What now?"

"Swap!" She commanded.

"Sure, Milady!" He answered rolling off her, to be beneath her.

Anika quickly straddled him peeling off her top. It was Shivaay's turn to gape. "Wow!" Anika bit her lower lip then traced her hands over the black lace, smirking. 

"Like what you see?" She teased. 

"Love is the word." He smiled.

Anika smiled fondly looking at him, "That's right, I love you!" She whispered letting her words end on his lips. 

Ah, finally the last chapter of this book. I hope you enjoyed this book. Like I keep saying, this book turned out to be way different than what I wanted. But I went on because you all enjoyed it. I really hope my efforts were worth your time. 

Coming to Shivaay's character (as usual), I tried keeping him as real as I possibly could. He wasn't a jerk nor was he the perfect husband. But he was what he was. Not all people go around doing small things for you. Shivaay was one such. Maybe with time he'll actually be more of a loving husband than a loved husband. Some people may still say his love was very... physical. Well, that maybe stage one! Some may argue that he isn't emotionally expressive but he does feel. He doesn't use the right words or actions but he still loves. Well, he is what he is!

With that said,

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