Fuck Marry Kill - Binz, ST, Duy Khánh (eng)

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Khánh: Guys, let's play a game.

Binz: Cool, which game are we playing?

Khánh: It is a game called fuck, marry, kill

ST: No, not again Khánh!

Binz: It sounds fun. How to play it?

Khánh: *Ignore ST's moaning* It's simple. I give you 3 names. And you have to choose which one you will fuck, which one you will kill and which one you will marry.

ST: Please, don't Binz. Khánh always has the weirdest trio. You can't ~~

Khánh: Binz first. Fuck marry kill: Khánh, ST and uncle Hồng Sơn

ST: You little devil, you are putting yourself in this again? And why me? I don't want to be in that trio.

Khánh: Yeah, why not?

Binz: Well-

ST: Please Binz, don't answer that.

Khánh: It is just a game, don't be so serious.

ST: I definitely will tell Nam about this later.

Khánh: He is nothing to me now. Now Binz, your answer.

Binz: I think uncle Sơn will sacrifice himself to save anyone of us, so I will choose to kill uncle Sơn. ST is a very nice person, I think your personality is very compatible with mine. So I will choose to marry you.

Khánh: You don't want to marry me?

Binz: Khánh is cute. I think you better be my mistress.

Khánh: Aww, yeah, I'm ready.

ST: You can't be more shameless. And Binz, you better hope that this conversation doesn't reach Chau Bui.

Khánh: Now, your turn ST. Don't think I forget you.

ST: I never say yes to this game.

Khánh: You already sit in this circle. That means you said yes.

ST: How...?

Khánh: Let's see. Fuck marry kill : Thiên Minh, Thanh Duy and uncle Bằng Kiều.

ST: You little shit, you know Bằng Kiều is my father figure, right? Give me a new set or we are done.

Khánh: Fine, try this. Fuck marry kill: Jun Phạm, Neko and Tăng Phúc.

ST: That's not fair.

Khánh: That's fair. You can't order another set of names anymore.

ST: *silence*

Khánh: Chop chop, it's time.

ST: Jun used to be in the same band with me. I know him well.I will marry him.

Khánh: Ok, make sense. What about the other two?

ST: I will kill Tăng Phúc, because if I marry Jun he will be heartbroken, I don't want him to be in that pain.

Khánh: So that means you will kill Tăng Phúc to keep Jun for yourself. You dare to split their couple?!

ST: No, I don't mean that.

Khánh: And you want to fuck Neko?

ST: Yeah, but's that ...

Khánh: *shout loudly to the whole room* Neko, ST demand to fuck you!!!!

ST: No, it is just a game. You trick me.

Khánh: *keep shouting* Neko, ST demand to fuck you.

Neko who appears at the doors: Hummmhhh? *glance at ST*

ST: You better watch your ass. I will get back on you later. Neko, please hear me explain.

Binz who see it all from the start: Amazing, good job Khánh. 

Note: Đây là bức ảnh cảm hứng cho câu chuyện vô tri trên. 

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