Ep 02

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A drone flies in and hovers above Y/n.

Y/N: I guess I did complete my mission.

But, instead of dropping the mystery box the drone flies ahead and disappears.

Y/N: What?

She looks around confused.

Y/N: Where's my drone then?


Y/n ducks down instinctively hearing a bomb blast.

Y/N: Woah...

The bell rings declaring the death of some players. 4 holographic screens project to the sky, displaying the photos of the victim.

Y/N: 4 players?

A holographic screen pops up in front of Y/n, displaying the same but with the sentence "SUCESSFULY KILLED TOP 4 PLAYERS, MISSION SUCESSFUL" below it.

Y/n chokes.


Her gaze shifts from her screen to the one projected to the sky not understanding what just happened.

Y/N: How did I do that? Wait.... did I do that?

She actually thinks for a moment. She hits her forehead.


She anxiously circles the rooftop, and stops abruptly.

Y/N: It was a glitch. Yeah... a glitch. That makes sense. I can breathe.

Her wrist display starts beeping.

Y/N: Next level, already! Focus Y/n. Focus.

She exhales deeply.


Y/n is teleported to another abandoned building. She finds herself standing in the centre of huge room.

Y/N: SERIOUSLY! What is it with all the abandoned buildings!?

The holographic screen appears.

Y/N: Wow, my first level with other players, this should be fun.

She swipes the screen.

Y/N: The players are still not here. Good.

She roams around the building to kill time.

She climbs a broken flight of stairs to the next floor. She stops noticing a silhouette standing on the other side of the hole in the wall.

Y/N: It's a player...nice!

She smiles until...


She takes her gun out and aims at the silhouette. She takes a glance at her wrist display.

Y/N: Why was I not notified? Oh.... this is not a player in my level.

Her body relaxes and she puts her arms down. She continues to look at the silhouette loading a gun she has never seen before.

Y/N: That gun looks so cool, I want one.

She watches him aim at an NPC outside the building. but the NPC is chasing another player.

Y/N: I think he got the wrong NPC.


She sees the NPC drop dead, while the player continues to run away. Her jaw drops while completely ignoring her beeping watch indicating the presence of other players.

Y/N: Wai- how? How did he do that?


She ducks down instinctively avoiding having her head blown off. She looks up but the shooter is gone, Y/n hits the floor annoyed.


Player2: SORRY!

She stands up and dusts her clothes.

Y/N: Focus Y/n... this could be a trap. Right, this level. Focus on finishing this level.

A shotgun appears in her hand.


Player 2 withdraws and takes cover from Y/n's firing. Y/n takes cover too.

Y/N: Need to get the gem, well there are no hints. Best way is to take it from someone who is smart enough to figure out where it is.

She can hear other players firing at each other.

Y/N: Cool. All I got to do is wait.

She leans against the wall and taps her foot, impatiently.


Y/n flinches awake, she looks around confused.

Y/N: What the-?

She rubs her eyes.

Y/N: What was I supposed to be doing? Ah! I remember.

She eye catches a player stealthily walk into a wall a few floors above.

Y/N: She is quick. seriously, how long was I out?

The gun battle taking place in the background dies down. Y/n checks her surroundings and runs to the broken staircase.


On the 4th floor, she walks into a huge hall. She hears a player approaching and quickly presses on the camouflage button on her wrist display. She calmly walks and leans against the wall behind a broken door which is barely attached to the wall.

Y/N: Lets watch some free drama....

A player walks in. She is older and looks much cleaner than Y/n.

Y/N: How are her clothes so clean?

Another player joins her.

AISHA: Did you check?

Player2: Yes Ma'am, the building is clear.

AISHA: Good. You have been very loyal to me despite the rules.

Y/N: This is not going to end well.

Player2: Thank you, Ma'am.

AISHA: I'm Sorry.

Player2: What Ma'am?

Aisha takes out her gun and shoots the player in the head, the player drops dead instantly.


The players body disappears and the ringing bell declares her death.

Y/N: Wah.... wouldn't it be better if you were unconscious for a while?

Y/n presses a few buttons on her wrist display and a dart appears in her hand. She takes it and loads it into her gun. Y/n places it in the gap between the door and wall. She aims at Aisha who is loading her own weapon and shoots. Aisha falls to the floor, unconscious.

Y/N: Thank you.

The player who had walked into the wall earlier comes out holding the gem. Her smile fades when she sees Aisha's unconscious body. She dashes to the exit but falls to the ground as a rope wraps itself around her knees and pulls her down.

Y/N: I'm not going to kill you.

Y/n walks out from behind the door, towards the struggling player who is trying to break free from the rope.

Y/N: Chill, chill. I just want that.

Y/n points to the gem.

Player3: No!

She aims her gun at Y/n, who kicks it away and picks up the gem from the floor.

Y/N: Thanks.

Player3: Give it back!

Y/N: Adios.

Y/n cheerfully walks away leaving Aisha unconscious on the floor and a very angry player cursing at her.


Y/n walks out the building to an open ground. The building behind her is the only one visible for miles around. Y/n happily walks ahead playing with the jewel in her hand.

Y/N: Why are the levels so easy?

A terrified female teen player bumps into her.

Y/N: Careful

The player does not even stop to look at Y/n. She runs into the building as an NPC calmly but yet so creepily follows her.

Y/n shrugs her shoulder and walks forward.


The entire building explodes behind her. She is thrown to the ground. The dust settles down slowly. Y/n coughs her lungs out.

Y/N: Who knew dust tastes so bad?

She continues coughing lying on the ground. She manages to muster up the strength to stand up and dusts her clothes.

The bell starts ringing, a screen is projected to the sky, it displays the photos of the players Y/n had played against in her level and the girl she just bumped into.

Y//N: How did all of them die? The NPC was only after the girl-

Her head starts aching with so many questions.

Y/N: There must have been a reason. I am just exaggerating.... But I don't understand-

She turns around.


YO HAN: Are you okay?

Y/N: I did not expect to see you.

YO HAN: Sorry, I was leaving when the building exploded.

Y/N: Ah. Are you okay?

She notices his coat covered in sand and rubble and his messed-up hair. He starts dusting his clothes realising it too.

YO HAN: Yeah. I did not expect it to happen.... You finished your level?

Y/N: Just now.

She waves the gem in her hand.

Y/N: Which level did you get?

YO HAN: Hammer squad.

Y/N: Woah...how are you still alive?

YO HAN: Thick skull.

Y/n's wrist display starts beeping again.

Y/N: I need to go.

YO HAN: Me too.

Y/n teleports, soon after Yo Han does too.


Y/n teleports to an old town. A screen pops up in front of her face which displaying the details of the level.

Y/N: Haven't I already fought this lord of doom dude? Whatever.

She turns to her side.


Yo Han looks at her confused.

YO HAN: Do I look that scary?

Y/N: No, but what are you doing here?

YO HAN: My level is here, duh.

Y/N: What? what is your level?

YO HAN: To kill the lord of doom.


YO HAN: What?

Y/N: I have the same level! That's awesome!

YO HAN: I think it's who can kill him first.

Y/N: This is going to be awesome!

She offers her hand for a fist bump.

Y/N: May the best win.

He offers a handshake instead.

YO HAN: May the best win.

Y/n makes a cool gesture with her hand making a huge shiny sword appear in her hand. She smiles at Yo Han silently showing off her sword. Yo Han does the same gesture and a much more cooler looking sword appears in his hand.


She looks at his sword amazed.

Y/N: How did you get this!?

YO HAN: Mystery box.

Y/N: Lucky.

Black fog starts to appear ahead, an evil looking man dressed in a familiar outfit floats out the fog.

Y/N: Oh, I didn't know I was meeting Darth Vader today.

YO HAN: Neither did I.

The lord of doom lands on the ground and gets into position.

Y/N: Is he just going to stand there?

YO HAN: Probably.

They move in at the same time. Both attacking lord of doom who fights back.

YO HAN: Your good.

Y/N: Fencing classes.

YO HAN: Your rich.

Y/N: You can say that.

YO HAN: When did you log in?

Y/N: 5 years ago.

Yo Han stops fighting, and looks at her concerned while she fights alone.

YO HAN: Oh my god, you got into the game when you were 7?

Y/N: WHAT! NO! I am 16 years old.

YO HAN: Woah, really?

Y/N: I know my own age!

YO HAN: My bad.

He starts fighting again. The lord of doom kicks Yo Han, giving Y/N space to slash him.

Y/N: His sword is not even double edged.

YO HAN: I would not judge too soon.

Y/N: Oh yeah.

She slashes her sword making lord of dooms get hit by his own sword, which does not cut him, proving Y/n's point.

YO HAN: Got it.

Y/n puts up a tough fight. Yo Han stands up and steps aside for her to give the death blow. Y/n stabs lord of doom right in the heart. Her sword skewers through his body making him freeze.

Y/n drops to the ground exhausted.

Y/N: Why did you do that?

YO HAN: Simply.

Y/n sits up.

Y/N: Eyy....that ruins the match.

YO HAN: Who cares? you won anyways.

He sits beside her.

Y/N: Oh! You won't believe what I saw today. In the previous level where I had to get the gem, before I almost had my head blown off, I saw a player kill another players NPC. It actually worked! Now we can all get out of this game!

YO HAN: That can't happen. Maybe you hallucinated.

Y/N: NO! I actually saw it happen.

They see a really tall and strong NPC chasing 2 players. The players look extremely injured. The disappear behind lord of dooms cape.

YO HAN: Don't you need your sword back?

Y/N: Right.

She stands up and walks to lord of doom's frozen body.

Y/N: No wonder why he's still frozen here.

She tries pulling it out but it does not budge.

Y/N: Why is this not coming out?

She tries again, it moves a little but still does not come out.

YO HAN: I'll help.

He stands up and walks to her. A screen pops up in front of Y/n and she reads it.


YO HAN: What happened?

Y/N: I successfully killed two players? When? Where?

She storms around the field.

Y/N: This is so irritating.

She angrily walks to Lord of doom and pulls out her sword covered in blood.


Y/N: Why is there blood on my sword?

She walks to the back of lord of doom. She freezes and falls in shock when she looks at the 2 players fallen in a puddle of their own blood with a huge stab wound.

YO HAN: Woah! How did that happen?

Y/N: How? Why does this keep happening to me!

She rubs her head in frustration while Yo Han examines the 2 players.

YO HAN: There is only one explanation.

Y/N: What?

She looks at him hopefully, when they hear someone else teleport. Y/n and Yo Han turn around to look at a player being chased by a gigantic NPC, wielding a red-hot metal rod, he hits it against the ground to scare the player, the impact is so huge it makes the player fall down. The NPC lifts it up once again to burn the player to death when

YO HAN: One second.

Y/N: Huh?

He starts walking in the direction of the player and a gun appears in his hand.

Y/N: I've seen that gun somewhere? Why can't I remember..... What are you doing?

Yo Han aims at the NPC and shoots. The NPC drops dead in an instant. He stops walking and exhales relived, the player teleports in shock.

YO HAN: That was close.

He turns back to look at Y/n aiming her gun at him, he freezes.

Y/N: Who are you?

YO HAN: Y/n....I can explain.


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