Au: (Re-Edit)Sin of Blasphemy Story

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(Au: Hey again. I decided to add another chapter and wanted to give you guys a heads up. It does change the order of things a  little. Hopefully I will be able to update this story by Sunday.  If not than definitely somethime next week. And for once I think I'll be able to go through with this promise. You can read through to look at it (Bell Rings, Fists Swing). That's all, ttyl)

Au: Hello everyone! I hope all is well. As always, I have to apologize for my lack of updates. But during the remainder of my college break I plan on working on my stories as much as possible. And I still want to reiterate that I definitely have plans for this story and have parts of future chapters done. 

In return for everyones patience and cooperation.  I'm going to give you all some insight of my story and what I have so far. Not too much information that'll spoil everything, but just something that will make you at the very least intrigued(I hope). 

Lastly I will bring up some thoughts of the addition to the harem in this story(mainly Meliodas and Ban). But I'll touch upon that in the end.

Next Chapter: Bells Ring, Fists Swing

The next chapter to be updated will be Y/n and the rest of the crew/pack to meet up with Diane to release the doctors daughter as well as your fellow Sin. In this chapter,  the voice of FrostMourne will definitely be of use to you in this chapter.  And may rely in it for some battles in the future. 

(Au: Voice of FrostMourne form)

Au: This chapter is 95% complete. I need to write one more section and than it'll be ready to post. I also have to finish the next chapter but more on that later.  This chapter should be done within a day or two. Just one more section and it's complete.

The following chapter: Greed Sin Released

As Y/n and the others face their challenges.  A rumor spreads and trouble arises from within Baste Prison unkownst to the group. Will this force stop the group from saving a hostage and breaking out their Sin comrade? Or will this go in their favor and allow them to move forward? Fond out in this chapter. 

Au: Honestly I have around 20% complete. I know exactly what I meant to happen. I just need to sit down and just type it all out. Which I'll be able to relatively soon. I also plan on posting this up with the previous chapter "Bells Ring, Fists Swing". So I  want to get this done ASAP to post them both. Hope you end up enjoying them both. And the others to come. 

Afterwards Chapter: Dreadful Past

This chapter will shed some light on your characters past. Making him think back to his early days of adventuring. And meeting members of the Seven Deadly Sins. Some you recall, you met even before the Sins were ever formed. 

Au: 40% done. I have to complete the beginning and middle section of the chapter. I have a good portion of the ending done. But I think it could use some edits. I'm debating on how much i want to incorporate Y/n's past and the Seven Deadly Sins cannon into this chapter.  I don't want to overdo either. Want to find the good middlegrounds. 

Fourth Upcoming Chapter: Dead But Not Gone

This chapter will touch upon Y/n's Lycanthrope curse. And as this topic is discussed, Y/n, along with other members of the Sins will have to face their past. Y/n will also decide how far he is willing to go with his abilities,  and maybe find out more of the cost it has.

Au:...Okay, honestly.... I just have the title for this chapter. And the concept ofcourse. I mean I know what I want to write. I have the whole thing drafted out in my head. I just need to type it all out. Get the proper gifs that I need, and add the dialogue.  So this chapter needs the most work. 

Au: With that being said, what do you think of my concepts for my next four chapters?

Like I said before, I do have many things planned, I just need to get it done. And when these three chapters are done I will do my best to post them at the same time. There are other chapter drafts I have in this story. Some are way ahead in the anime seasons(I keep doing that for all my stories lol. I can't help it.)

Added Females:

Last thing for this update. I wanted to talk about Ban and Meliodas.  Like I mentioned before, I don't mind changing their genders. It seems to me you would be down for that. So I just wanted to ask....

Should i change their names? Or is it fine to keep calling them Meliodas and Ban?

Also would you like me to go back to my previous chapter to make Meliodas a female. I would have to edit some of the dialogue,  but if it's easier for everyone I'd do it. If you think it's fine... than the next chapter will magically have a female Meliodas... That's all I have for this announcement/update. Hope you enjoyed. Till next time!

Au: Heres some Ban and Meliodas fan art I do not own.

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