Geno/FatalError Sam

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Name: Geno Sam

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Straight

Age: 17(But is Immortal and Eternal)

Family and Girlfriends:(Same as Classic/Godverse Sam)

Powers/Abilites/Hax: Geno has all of Undertale Sans' attacks

He can bring other people into the Save screen.

He can erase, restore and manipulate people's memories.

He can create and control white blocky glitches around his body

He has the power of Determination. He still can use the Gaster Blasters, use glitched bones, and has his own version of Error's strings which is his own blood coming out of his mouth, these strings are made from red magic (DT magic). He can see ALL the codes and files.


This is a ability that allows Fatal404 to instantaneously read ahead in battle and respond accordingly to an infinite number of possible and impossible outcomes in a fight. Along with that it can also instantaneously replay an elapsed battle so that he can unleash countless attacks in the same instant, making it impossible to defeat. Making things like Reset, Overwrite, etc useless.

Death/Resurrection Manipulation

Fatal404 can control Death making it impossible for him to die and can cause the death of other with no issue. He can also Resurrect himself if he is destroyed, Erase, etc along with others, he used this power to resurrect Fei after he death.

Fatal-Paradox Blaster

These blasters are made to delete Outcode's and eradicate timelines. One of those blasters can match 5 of Error404 Dark-Blasters in combat

Monochrome Tentacles

Fatal404 tendrils can create a extra-dimensional space prison, for example where he traps the consciousnesses of the victims, by manipulating the Multiverse and exposing the victim to infinite possibilities. As possibilities are recognized, more alternate realities continue to branch. The nature of the labyrinth is that the universes are always branching and progressing simultaneously at the same time where people cannot recognize it, because the "possible future possibilities" are transformed into the "universes" as they are. The physical bodies of said "victims" are being ether left on their original places or slowly dying as they stay in that prison as their consciousnesses drifting through the infinite possibilities.


He has 2 pairs of strings one red and the other blue. the red ones are known to corrupt the mind of the victim successfully controlling them in all aspects of the mind and soul. The Blue strings are used to Manipulate anything they come into contact with of example they can corrupt the body of a being, create new creations and more. They both have the power to lock on to a target, once the strings lock on to the target they will track them no matter where they are. They can still erase/delete stuff with no issue.


Fatal404!Sans can rapidly evolve to match his opponents. He mostly uses it to match Error404(Error666/Puppet-Master) form while in his base form

Absorbing Regeneration

Fatal404!Sans can absorb anything (energy, matter, biomass, elements, etc.) to regenerate His body, but the amount absorbed power defines the strength and speed of regeneration.

Fatal Download

Fatal404!Sans can copy other beings' files/Code into himself making him more powerful in battle.


Unlike a normal Swords Fatal404!Sans Omega-Breaker was created from the Yggdrasil system as a weapon designed to cut anything it comes into contact with It also has a healing factor that makes the sword regenerate as it is damaged. The blade can easily cut throw space-Time with little effort and collapse the universe with ease. It can also alter its size becoming the size of the doodle sphere or the size of a moon. Fatal404!Sans can create it using bones or summoning it from a pocket dimension


Barrier.exe is a system born from within Fatal404!Sans causing he to Be unaffected by anything/everything. It also has a Probability manipulation meaning it can't be hurt/destroyed. Along with that is has a Counter Hax Enforcer making It capable of Creating Anti-Hax. In response to the opponents. Powers like Copy, Overwrite, Power hijack ,etc have no affect nor work on him. This even made him immune to Magic, Viruses, Errors and etc.


This world is actually a Pocket-dimension that is twice the size of the doodle-spears(basically the multiverse). In this place Fatal404!Sans can control everything to the point where the opponent feels like there is no way to beat him and loses hope. The place also drains the life force of said beings into itself especially Fatal-monster like Fatal-error, Fatal-Virus, Fatal-Void and etc. In this Dimension Fatal404 is granted Full access to information contain any characters powers a weakness. plus he can also manipulate anything from within said Dimension giving Fatal404!Sans High reality warping.

Black Hole Cluster

This is a sphere of antimatter contained into an sphere like structure in order to have better use. Said sphere is very much unstable and could easily destroy multiple universes if not used properly.

Red Chaos Laser

He has the ability to fire a mixture of plasma and anti/Dark-matter at the opponent. This attack can match other forms of beam attacks plus destroy anything it touches because of the Anti/Dark-matter infused into it

Ultra-God Beam

During his time with Error404 and Virus404, Fatal404!Sans was able to obtain this Ability to shoot a beam that can collapse the Multiverse. These beams can track the opponent even when time is stopped, faster than light speed, make other beings die an infinite amount of times, etc.

The first shot: the first shot has the potential to ether burn said target or just hurt them a lot.
The second shot: The second shot can Vaporised any target in its way plus. The degree of damage was shown when fighting error404 in his ButterflyForm.
Hyper Cannon-Burst

Fatal404 will reveal his rib cage where it will let out a huge blast of energy that will destroy the ArchVerse. The blast can is very enormous said to be used as a last resort because of the massive strain it has on him.

Multidimensional buster: Fatal404's powerful punch rips a hole in the fabric of reality.

Chōginga-Laser: The wings emitted a massive beam. It is so strong that it can wipe the Hyperverses
Ultimate Laser: This is a strong laser that, when used, destroys a large number of Realities

Chōginga-Laser: The wings emitted a massive beam. It is so strong that it can wipe the Hyperverses
Ultimate Laser: This is a strong laser that, when used, destroys a large number of Realities

Fatal Force: This lets him use the power of all Fatal404 Forms from Fallen to Fatal-V itself .
Rising Victory: This a ability Fatal-God uses to gain manipulation over the Concept of victory.
Chaos Meteor: Fatal-God will fire a Blast from his mouth destroying the opponent with the power of chaos.
V-Victorize: FatalGod will release a Blast from his chest Shaped like a V that will destroy everything in its path.

Unlimited/Nigh infinite Replication reality: Alter-S can create Nigh unlimited clones of himself or call different count parts of himself from other reality. For example He could summon a version himself that has Abilities this version dose not have and etc.
Oblivion Cannon: Alter-S can fire a Blast of Anti-Matter capable of completely destroying the opponent.
All-Erase: An ability from the Blitz Blade so that anything that comes in contact with its edge is not cut, but deleted.

Unlimited/Nigh infinite Replication reality: Alter-S can create Nigh unlimited clones of himself or call different count parts of himself from other reality. For example He could summon a version himself that has Abilities this version dose not have and etc.
Oblivion Cannon: Alter-S can fire a Blast of Anti-Matter capable of completely destroying the opponent.
All-Erase: An ability from the Blitz Blade so that anything that comes in contact with its edge is not cut, but deleted.

True Omnipotence

True Omnipresence

True Omniscience

Absolute Immortality

Reality Manipulation

Space Manipulation

Time Manipulation

Space-Time Manipulation

Absolute resurrection

Death Manipulation

Fate Manipulation

Logic Manipulation

Eyes of Destruction

Plot Manipulation

Physics Manipulation

Soul Manipulation

Mind Manipulation

Fear Manipulation

Erase Manipulation

All Stories

Void Body

Tier: High Hyperversal- High Outerversal

Looks:(Human form)


Anti form:

Fatal Error human form:

Fatal Error form:

Fatal Error 404 form:

(He gains the abilities of Both Error404 Sans and Virus404 Sans)

Fatal 999 form:

Fallen form:

Fatal God form:

Alter S form:


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