Ghost Rider Sam

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Name: Sam

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Straight

Age: 18(But is Immortal and Eternal)

Powers/Abilites/hax:Gaster Blaster: Skeletal-like faces that shoot of beams of energy.

KARMA: A type of poison move that slowly drains the opponents HP away that adds up everytime they get hit by one of Sam's attacks.

Bones: Sam can shoot out rows of bones at his opponents as very fast rates.

Blue Bones: Similar to his brother, he can also shoot out blue bones in rows.

Teleportation: Sam has been known to teleport around the underground calling them "shortcuts."

Timeline Awareness: Similar to the other characters, Sans can still remember what happened in other timelines.

Soul Manipulation:

Blue Mode: Sam turns his opponents soul blue giving it gravity and allowing him to hit his foes more easily.

Telekinesis: Sam can throw the opponents soul while in blue mode around causing damage every time he throws the opponents soul around.

4th Wall Awareness: He is very aware in the player calling them the anomaly, and is aware that the player hacked the game in the dirty hacker ending.

Genius Intelligence: Sans has shown to be very intelligent when it comes to science and catching his opponents off guard, he even knew what the sun was when they went to the surface when Papyrus did not even know what the sun was.

Homing Attack: His Gaster Blasters acts as homing attacks that home in on his opponents.

Possible Time Stop: During the talk with Sam at Grillby's the light goes in on Frisk and Sans which stops Grillby's sprite to stop moving, this makes fans believe that Sam can possibly stop time.

Technology Manipulation: Sam was able to make a phone ring constantly

Ghost Rider Transformation: Sam possesses the supernatural ability to transform into the Ghost Rider at will. Originally, he would automatically transform at night or in the presence of evil. Recently, however, he has gained control over his transformations and can transform through an act of will or when innocent blood is spilled.

Superhuman Strength: The Ghost Rider possesses superhuman strength sufficient to lift up to 25 tons under normal circumstances, nevertheless if desired he could, given the divine nature of his powers increase them to incalculable levels.
Superhuman Stamina: The mystical energy that empowers Ghost Rider prevents his muscles from producing fatigue toxins during physical activities, granting him limitless superhuman stamina

Superhuman Durability: is highly resistant to the point of being basically immune to all types of earthly physical damage, as he has taken blows from beings such as the Hulk, had his entire skull destroyed and regenerated instantly without any discomfort,

Superhuman Agility: His mystically augmented being grants him enhance reflexes, coordination, dexterity and accuracy. This provides heightened movements allowing him to dodge projectiles such as Thor's hammer

Self-Sustenance: While in his rider form, Sam lacks the need of rest, food or respiratory dependence. Being at the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean without worry of drowning any more than the crushing depths he was at.[25] Moreover, he is immune to the rigors of traveling through space without any protective gear in his rider state.

Regenerative Healing Factor: Despite his invulnerability to conventional forms of injury, objects such as weapons forged in heaven by the archangel Zadkiel, can actually harm the Ghost Rider to a certain extent.[67] However, if his being is damaged, the magical energies imbuing him allows the Ghost Rider or Sam to instantly regenerate any and all damage done,

Supernatural Awareness: Ghost Rider possesses an extrasensory ability that allows him to detect any supernatural occurrences around him.[63]

Hellfire Manipulation: Ghost Rider possesses the ability to generate, control, and project mystical fire, or "hellfire" at will. Hellfire is an ethereal and supernatural flame that burns the soul of a person and can also be used to burn their physical body. He can utilize this fire in various ways:

Hellfire Infusion: His ability to channel hellfire allows him to imbue objects and vehicles by choice with his mystical element.[6] He can also control hellfire infused objects through his mind.[68]

Hellfire Projection: He can spew the fire from his eyes, mouth, hands and chest, including channeling the fire from his body into his weapons such as his shotgun. In addition to projecting and infusing hellfire, he can perform a number of attacks. He can create hellfire balls, spew out a massive wave and unleash omnidirectional explosions that are incredibly powerful, capable of bringing great pain to the Hulk.

Hellfire Constructs: He is able to construct various things such as walls, weapons, and his motorcycle.

Hell Firestorm: He is able to rain down a firestorm of hellfire directly towards the surrounding enemies resulting to devastating destruction.[9]

Sin Manipulation: Ghost Rider can manipulate the immoral act known as sin. He can purify any soul, whether righteous or degenerate, from sin. However, this effect may cause the victim to be emotionless. He will only backfire the wrongs of the victim causing either an emotional breakdown or repentance. He can do a number of things with it:

Sin Perception: In addition to read the heart and souls of his victims, he also read, feel and sense the sorts of sins the individual has committed in the rest of their life.[60]

Sin Eating: Also known as Sin Removal. Ghost Rider can remove/absorb any sort of sin from the individual if so desires.

Pyrokinesis: Ghost Rider possesses the ability to generate and project flames from his body. Although never stated, it is likely that the fire Sam generates is Hellfire.

Chain Manifestation: While transformed, Sam can manifest red-hot chains out of his body. These chains are shown to be strong enough to rip a Celestial's arm out of place.[23]

Ride Symbiosis: Blaz has an in-depth affinity for connecting with and commandeering his Hellcycle without need for direct control of it. Easily able to order it to drive around by its lonesome at his discretion or recall it to himself at will.[citation needed] Blaze as the King of Hell could even commandeer the decimated parts of his motorbike in order to fashion a makeshift gavel for himself while battling the Avengers.[58]

Soul Manipulation: Ghost Rider has the ability to manipulate souls, the incorporeal essence of a living thing. This more evident when he performs the Penance Stare, however he is able to manipulate souls in various other ways.
Soul Reading: Ghost Rider is able to feel the transgression of an individual he encounters by looking into their heart and soul. He can also decide whether or not a person is innocent or evil and in need of punishment. He is capable of doing this ability without the process of transformation. He can also determine the identity of the individual by simply looking into their soul. He can even use this ability on certain beings who do not possess a soul, such as a symbiote or demons.[citation needed]
Soul Consumption: He can consume souls if the individual is degenerate and heartless to an extent where the victim becomes lifeless.

Dimensional Travel: Ghost Rider is able to traverse different dimensions. Though it may have some complications due to hosts' unfocused behavior, he can open vortexes to escape other realms.

Demon Magic Manipulation: Ghost Rider utilizes demonic forces and satanic spells to his advantage. His knowledge of hellish energies and essence provides him supernatural awareness when he encounters otherworldly figures.[69]

Mystical Chain Projection: Ghost Rider wields a mystical chain that is capable of growing in length, cutting through almost anything, and transforming into other weapons. He can also spew and project chains from his mouth or chest at will, and control the movements with his mind.

Penance Stare: Ghost Rider possesses the supernatural ability to cause any individual who stares into his eyes to see and feel every bit of pain they have ever inflicted on anyone in their entire lifetime for all eternity. Recently, he is able to incapacitate the inhabitants of Mojoworld without locking into their eyes and still inflicting great suffering.[70] This, however, does not work on certain beings that are mentally unstable or enjoy violence.

Damnation Stare: As the king of Hell sitting on the infernal throne in place of Mephisto, Ghost Rider has the power to bypass typical methodology of burning sinners from the inside out using their past crimes and general maleficence in order to punish the wicked for a much more expedient means of deporting the unjust straight to Hell.[60] The damnation stare works (primarily best upon demons) by judging whether or not the individual deserves to be caste back unto inferno for their prior judgement both in life and in death. Eviscerating the target while sending their souls screaming through the purgatory gates in a visceral fireball of gore and agony once upon being found guilty.[64]

Self-Size Alteration: In the past, Ghost Rider demonstrated his ability to increase his size. After being shrunk, he was able to grow back to his original height through a sheer act of will. Recently, he once again perform this action but only by enlarging himself against beings such as Thor and Satana Hellstrom.

Exorcism: As the king of Hell, Sam gained control over other Spirits of Vengeance, allowing him to strip Danny Ketch of his power by forcibly removing the spirit from within him

(He will also have the powers of Robbie Reyes Ghost Rider, Cosmic Ghost rider, etc)

Absolute Immorality

Absolute Omnipotence

Absolute Omnipresence

Absolute Omnscience

Tier: High Outerversal-Boundless



Ghost Rider form:

Angel Rider form/Full power form:

Cosmic Ghost Rider form:

King of Hell form:


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