108: Aubrey

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I looked at Ben and Rafe as Ben brought food into the house from outside and set it on the kitchen counters. We all started out there slowly. I took Rafe's hand and pressed hard on his CTR ring.

"You have your watch dog glasses on." I said to Kell.

"I act only in service of the clan patriarch who is very busy today, or would have come himself."

"Rafe, the reason Kell is the self-appointed watch dog, is because he is literally an orphan, and had no family of his own. He grew up in an orphanage and didn't know the joy and love that can be had in the walls of a home with a wonderful family. Kell values family possibly more than all of us who were born into families. He is very concerned about the welfare of all the members of this family."

Ben got out plates and started dishing up eggs and bacon and sausage and potatoes and fruit. There were fresh tortillas and chorizo as well. I asked Tecca to go first as I went to the cupboard for a glass for my smoothie.

Pretty soon we were sitting on the porch eating breakfast, and enjoying the soothing sounds of waves and wind and sunlight. Kell and Tecca were suddenly very agreeable, talking, asking questions and really being attentive and nice. Holli had stopped by and was shocked at our famous guests and asked about backstage passes.

This taken care of, Ben asked if I was going to rest today or come with him on the catamaran. At this Kell perked up as I knew he would. This is the man who never shuns adventure, who is so bizarre he has had himself shot out of a cannon.

"Catamaran? Whose cat?"

"There are Hobie Bravos and Elites down on the beach to rent. I've reserved three, we have developed a small group of explorers on this trip. You're welcome to come if you want."

Kell let his eyes find mine. "Would this arrangement be acceptable to you?" He asked formally--- but with a slightly pleading hope-- and I smiled.

"Of course."

He looked back at Ben. "Lead the way, senor."

Rafe and I were still in swimsuits. I decided to put my hair up and get sunscreen and a hat out of the belongings I had had brought from the bus. I asked Rafe about doing laundry and he said just to put it out--- but I insisted on doing it myself. As it turned out the bungalow was equipped with facilities. I decided to do it later--- couldn't very well start a load in this heat and leave for the day. I pulled my shades down over my eyes.

Rafe was waiting for me outside in his flip flops and sunglasses. He had a baseball cap as well. Kell and Tecca had gone to buy suitable swimming trunks and sandals, etc.

As we walked Rafe held my hand. "Are you sure you're up for this?"

"I love sailing." I stated. "It may not be as wild as our body surfing adventure on Day 2, but it will be amazing."

"Day 2?" He smiled gamely, having forgotten.

"The water gun fight? Ocean swimming?"

He slapped his forehead. "Of course. There have been so many excursions, I am having trouble keeping them all straight."

I held up my phone, attached to a little water proof case. "That's why I take pictures."

The little catamarans were white and yellow, with beautiful red and orange sails. We were given a heavily accented instruction course, and then sent on our way into the bay with life jackets.

I was quiet, languid, a little tired, but wanting very much to be a part of everything. These were bench type cats, where you used weight distribution and sail height and movement to catch the wind and propel you out over the surface of the choppy sea. It sat so low, like a kayak, so you felt you were in the water, and you definitely expected to get wet.

Jeremy, Rafe and I were on board the first catamaran, and Rafe was the most experienced. I've been on a cat, but like I said, I was tired, and he was aware of how tired I was, and so allowed me to lay flat on the canvas center piece, or else sit there near the front, catching rays.

Jeremy actually did check my face out, removing my glasses and gently twisting my chin to see the damage better. "I will not leave you again during a concert, Aubrey. If you want to watch from center ground floor, just wait and I will be there for you."

"That is so sweet, Jer. But I am positive I will never be left alone again. My security just got reamed by none other than Kell Stevak and Tecca Allen."

"Just the same. I'm probably more familiar with everything. I can get you anywhere you want to be." He stroked my face gently and his eyes were young and compassionate. For a split second I thought I saw a tingling smidgen of attraction in his face and then he looked over to where Rafe was adjusting the sail and he turned away from me.

The ocean breeze out here with the slight crest of waves and the feel of movement was intoxicating, perhaps the most fun we'd had. The coastline was beautiful, rising quickly into flora covered hills, and chasing bays and marinas, along with piers, and docks. There were islands, several very small ones, and the view of the peninsula was spectacular. We stayed only close enough to the other cats, to race, and to learn things.

I loved scrambling across the net to lend my weight to the other side, and my favorite part was when Jeremy was handling the tiller and Rafe suddenly grabbed me, and swung us out over the water as we turned, holding me around my waist in one arm, while he held on to the ropes with the other hand.

"You're Indiana Jones!" I screamed, hanging onto him for dear life. We swung wide, and the cat crashed against waves, and we jetted over the top, getting completely soaked. His legs were braced against the bench as we leaned out against the centrifugal force of it. There was nothing I had to compare to this.

And then when we were simply riding the ride, leaning out, hanging onto each other, Rafe leaned into my side. "I don't have this experience with other girls, Aubrey. Not any of these moments. You're fearless, and exuberant, and free!"

I grinned and threw my hands up. "I'm free!"

He laughed and then he was kissing me, hard and soft and choppy like the waves. And I had to recall that I didn't have this experience with anyone else either. Somehow we had to keep having these experiences. Forever.

He clasped my ear to his lips. "I want to name my kid--- Sailin' Sea."

"What? Sailin' Sea?"

"Yep. Sailin. Will you go for that?"

"It's your kid."

"Yeah, it'll be your kid too."

"Is it one of the seven or are we going for eight?"

"Eight. I'm already attached to everyone else, can't imagine my life without them."

I grinned at him, clasping his arm, kissing him as we bounced and jittered, and I nodded with my biggest smile. "Sailin it is."

He kept me tight in his embrace, holding me to him as we rode the waves far and fast. Skimming and catapulting, screaming and howling. Oblivious to everyone else except our little tag along, Jeremy, who looked at us with such adoring eyes, it was hard not to call him our puppy. So Rafe called him the sea serpent, and we pumped our fists and hooted and hollered some more.


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