Chapter One

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I smoothed down my black and white dress sighing. I was part of the Candor meaning I wore black and white all the time. They say this is because the truth is as black and white which is way we wear it. We have to be honest; it's what we are built on. We can't lie for that will be against what we believe. I hated telling the truth all the time. I didn't want to be honest. I just wasn't in my nature. 

That's what happens when you live in my world. There was a war that had people dying and splitting. After the war they decided to split everyone up into five factions: Candor, Amity, Abnegation, Daughtless, and Erudite. The factions show what people thought was wrong with the world and caused the world. 

Amity thought that violence was what caused it, hating wasn't the best idea. We call them the kind. They think that being peaceful and kind will make things better in the world. Abnegation, the selfless. They thought that being greedy was what caused the war. That wanting more made people go to extreme measures. They do things that no one else would, like feeding the fationless and running our government. Erudite are the smart guys out of all of the factions. They don't like stupidity so they go by logic and facts. Daughtless, the brave. They thought cowardice was what caused the war. They act as our police, keeping the factionless at bay and guard the wall that keeps us in and whatever they built it for out. And last and- in my opinion- less is Candor. We are the honest guys like I just said. Candor are the judges of the community. We have scales to show where we are. The other guys go by this: Amity a tree, Abnegation two hands holding onto each other, Daughtless fire, and Erudite by an all seeing eye. 

I was getting ready to take my Aptidue Test. It would help us chose what faction to go into, yet we got to pick. We were born into a faction, but we didn't have to stay. We could pick out of all five and stay with that for the rest of our lives. We could either be brave, smart, kind, selfless, or honest. We couldn't back out of our choice or we became factionless. That means we failed and couldn't belong to any of the factions. No one wanted to be factionless. 

I sighed and pulled my light brown hair up. I looked at my blueish-grey eyes and smiled. I wasn't too pretty but I wasn't ugly. I was... average. I wasn't putting myself down, I was told that I was. I didn't mind much since I didn't plan one getting a boyfriend anytime soon. 

I walked all the way to my school since I didn't have that many friends. I looked around, seeing that all of the factions but Daughtless was there. I could pick out all of them. Erudite always wore blue. Abnegation wore grey so that they didn't look like they cared about their looks. Amity wore red and yellows. All of the Candor kids were wearing black and white. That's when I heard the train. I turned to see all the black clothed kids jumping out of the train. Daughtless. They always jumped out of the train, showing that they were brave. 

I had to wait in a line that was alphabetical. It wasn't that long of a wait to be honest. I was talking to all of the Candor kids who bothered to do it. I wasn't that much of a good kid, marked as someone who got in trouble a lot. So of course no one wanted to deal with me half the time. 

"Alexandra Bretia," the man that was telling us were to go called my name. I stood up to take my test. I walked into the room that was covered in mirrors. There was a chair in the middle of the room and Daughtless man sitting next it. He had tanned skin and hair that looked like the ocean, clearly dyed. His green eyes looked up at him and he smiled. 

"Ready?" he asked me. "Just take a sit and we'll began. I'm Austin."

I sat down, a thousand of thoughts coming into my mind. What if I get Candor? Could I ever deal with that the rest of my life? What if I get Amity like my sister got? What if... what if I didn't fit into anything? What if I wasn't good and I got factionless? I mean that had to be a choice, didn't it? What if I made a choice my parents hated and I never saw them again, just like my sister? What if I hate what I get but chose it anyway? So many what if's. 

"Now I'm going to put this serum in you. It'll start the test. I'll be able to see everything that you see. Just do what you feel is right? Alright?" I nodded and he smiled. "It'll be over soon. Nothing to worry about." He put the needle into my arm and everything went blurry. I closed my eyes to get the blurriness away. 

When I opened them, Austin was gone. In front of me there were two bowls. In one was a piece of cheese. In the other was a knife. A voice came over, saying one word: Choose. I was never good at making choices, always having to know why. So I asked just that. 

"Why?" I asked, not seeing any real reason to. There was nothing there. Was I supposed to be stabbing myself or eating? 

"Choose," the voice said again. I didn't make a move to either one of them. I heard the woman's voice huff. "Fine than. Your way." 

Both bowls are gone in a flash. I heard a growl and turned to see a large dog growling at him. Now I knew why I needed the knife and cheese. It looked like it would attack me, and all I had was my bare hands. I did the first thing I thought of, lay down. I once read that dogs didn't attack you if you tried to just lay down. I closed my eyes, trying to get the fear out of me. Dogs could smell fear. After what I thought was hours, the dog licked my face. I smiled till I heard a little girl giggle. She was standing near us. The dog growled and started to run at her. Without even thinking, I jumped on the dog. 

There was another blurry moment. I was standing on a bus. There was a man sitting there, looking at the newspaper. He was looking at a picture. The man looked so familiar that I could tell I knew him. The person looked up, though I couldn't see his face because of his hat. He looked at the picture and the shadows moved so I could tell he was smiling. 

"Do you know this man?" he asked me. I shock my head. He smirked. "I think your lying. Do you know him? Do you?" 

"No!" I cried. "I don't know him!" I was lying through my teeth. Yet I didn't feel right to tell him that I knew him. Another blur and I was back in the mirror room. 

"Get up," Austin told me. 

"What were my results?" I asked him as I got up. 

"I'm sending you home. Say you got sick. If anyone asked your results say you got Erudite cause that's what I'm putting in." 

"That's what I got?" I asked, sounding confused. 

"No," Austin sighed. "Don't tell anyone this or else you'll be killed. You got inconclusive results. You are a mix between Erudite and Daughtless. You are Divergent."  

Things just got real! Well this is my Divergent fanfic. If I did the test wrong, I'm sorry. I was kind of following Tris' test, but I probably got the results wrong because of it. It was hard, okay?! Yet I think this will go better than how I think it will. I don't know, night's young. I also got my tattoos of all the factions and the ravens. Yes fake ones, I'm not going to get those tattoos at my age! I think I've said too much... Alex to the side! Peace out my Stars. 

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