Bex Taylor-Klaus

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disclaimer I don't own anything


Y/F/N = your full name (this story could be first and last or your full name)

H/N =hospital name

ICU =intensive care unit

Y/N pov

Finally it is my lunch break. I am driving to my favorite cafe to eat and text my girlfriend Bex. Ahh I love her more than anything I really hope she knows that.

Crash!!! A car comes and smashes into my car I hit my head on the steering wheel blood is pooling out of the gash from my head, black spots invade my vision then nothing pure black. I passed out.

Bex pov

We are rehearsing a scene for the movie that I am working when my phone starts to ring I realize that it is the hospital calling so I answer it.

"hello" I say into the phone.

"Hi, is this Rebecca Taylor-Klaus", a woman's voice says."Yes" I answer.

"you are one of the emergency contacts for Y/F/N she recently got admitted into the H/N from a car crash and is in ICU (I realize in a real situation they would say the words not abbreviation but I am lazy and in class) she is unconscious and we can not reach any of her other emergency contacts" the lady on the phone says. As she says those words my heart drops, but when I hear that they can't get a hold of her parents I slightly roll my eyes thinking 'of course they can't get a hold of her parents there probably somewhere passed out drunk'.

"ok thank you i'll be there as soon as I can" I say hanging up, rushing out of the room telling everyone there that I have to go Y/N is in the hospital.

I get to my car nervous as heck and drove to the hospital.

At the hospital still Bex pov

I put on a hooded jacket I didn't feel like having anyone recognize me and ask for pictures or autographs normally I wouldn't mind but right now I just want to be with Y/N.

I go in and ask the receptionist "Which room is Y/N in".

"Are you family of her" the lady asks me.

"No but I'm her girlfriend... I am one of her emergency contacts" I told her.

"I am sorry but unless your family you can't go in" she says typing on her computer not looking up.

"But I am her girlfriend, your not going to be able to get a hold of her parents... they haven't been answering anyone and there in another state also... besides there not going to come anyway... they don't really care there also probably somewhere drunk," I told her.

"Well-... ok I'm not really supposed to do this but ok she is in room 14 now she is still unconscious... hold on let me check with my boss... I really don't want to get fired," the lady said.

"Ok" I said really hoping that there isn't any problems with it.

She called her boss

"Go ahead they said that it is ok since you were on her emergency contact list" the lady said.

I rush to the room stopping when I see her tears coming up to my eyes, slowly I walk up to the chair to her bed side and grab a hold of her hand saying "Y/N I don't know if you can hear me but people say it helps to talk... I really hope you wake up soon-"

"hey" a voice near the door says.

"hey John..." I say looking up and notice that Willa and Carlson is there with him. "Willa... Carlson I didn't realize that you were with him" I said sadly and worried.

"We will always be here for you if you need something don't hesitate to tell us," Willa told me.

"Thanks... I don't know what to do... she is my world" I say.

Y/N pov

I hear a faint beeping sound and see blackness also, I hear someone speaking "she is my world" faintly I can barley make it out. I realize it is my beautiful girlfriend Bex. I try to speak but I can't so I smile... I feel Bex's hand holding my hand and. I feel her squeeze my hand.

"One of you get a doctor please I think she's waking up..." she says happy.

I try to speak again and this time I get a small word out Bex... although I'm not sure if anyone could understand me. But it just seemed to make Bex happier. I then hear feet running... no actually I'm not sure if they were fast walking or running.

Bex pov

I'm looking at Y/N as I say "She is my world"... she slowly smiles, and I squeeze her hand back gently.

I tell Willa and John to get a doctor that I think that she Y/N is waking up. Then she slowly croaks something out... my name... I could actually barley make it out. But it only made me happier... the tears that were in my eyes they are now streaming down my face because of how happy I am right now. Willa runs out of the room to get a doctor.

The doctor and Willa comes in John comes over to me grabs my other hand and pulls me away from her so that the doctor has room to do whatever he needs to do.

"She is waking up, and she can hear and feel everything around her but it might take a little while to open her eyes and move a little more then she already is... actually I am surprised that that she is moving at all, she is going to be ok... sore for a while but ok" the doctor said, then left.

-time skip-

About an week passed and I was able to get her to mumble a few words... Although I don't really know what she said to be honest but it made me very happy none the less. But I needed to see her eyes... I need her to open her eyes.

"Y/N I know you can hear me... please open your eyes.. I need to see your beautiful eyes please... I love you so much baby" I told her with tears in my eyes.

Y/N pov

I've tried prying my eyes open many times but I haven't been able to, I wish I could and I wont stop trying. I need to see Bex again.

Then I hear "Y/N I know you can hear me... please open your eyes.. I need to see your beautiful eyes... I love you so much baby" she told me it sounded like she was about to cry. She's right I need to open my eyes, all I see is darkness, I need to see her... I need to see Bex.

I thought for a moment. If I can't open my eyes yet maybe I can do other little times like wiggle my toes. I try and I can! Yay and I hear someone scream.

Bex pov

Carlson screams.

"Why did you scream," I ask.

"Her toes just wiggled," She says. I look and sure enough her toes are wiggling.

"I'll get a doctor," John says excitedly. Everyone misses her, to John she is like a little sister so of course he is exited that she might be waking up.

The doctors and John come in and they do their work.

"Ok she is definitely waking up this time, it might take a few hours though," the doctor said.

I'm so happy, tears of joy start filling my eyes, finally my beautiful girlfriend is waking up!

A few hours pass and she has started to move her fingers, I have gotten her to weakly squeeze my hand a few times.

I need to see her beautiful e/c eyes, "please baby please open your eyes... I need to see your beautiful e/c eyes please we have all gone to long without seeing them" I beg her.

Y/n pov

I hear Bex begging me to open my eyes, I've been able to move my toes and finget and squeeze Bex's hand but I haven't tried to open my eyes for a little while. What if I cans do it? NO I can't think like that I have to open my eyes!
I forays on opening my eyes, slowly but surely I pry my eyes open and see Bex smiling with tears in her beautiful blue-green eyes. I look to the other side and realize that John is there holding my hand.
"Hey" I say my voice ruff and scratchy. Then I realize I had know idea where I was or how I got there. "Wait where am I" I say.
Bex chuckles then says "your in the hospital... you were in a car crash... you don't remember any of this do you" she tells me. I shake my head no.
Then Carlson comes in with doctors following her. They come near and John gets out of the way, Bex tries to but I whimper scared and hold her hand tighter. She looks at the doctors and they nod indicating she could stay and she sits back down still holding my hand as they check me out to make sure I am ok.

The doctors kept me there for a few days to be on the safe side. Bex wanted to stay with me the whole time but I made her go to her interviews and go to film though... she wasn't very happy but she went anyway. When I was able to go home with Bex we stayed at our shared apartment cuddling both glad we were together. 


I worked long and hard on this imagine I hope you like it! (I wasn't sure how to end it...)

Please request!

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