day 1: first kiss |scömichè|

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A/N: Before y'all start 31 days of August of Kisses with me, I want to send dwts_ballerina a dearest thank for letting me use her "Kisstemper" writing prompt. You are the best, Taylor. And to my readers out there, thank you for reading my book. This challenge contains all kind of ship, from platonic to romantic.

Let's start our August of Kisses with Scömichè!


The boy pacing back and forth and back and forth, heels clacking on the black wooden floor, his head buried in his hands. Tired up with the moving figure around his house, Scott shouted. "STOP! You're making me dizzy, Icarus."

"You don't understand, I’ve just killed a person, for God's sake!"

The superhero pulled off his white mask and threw it on the floor, then put his hand on his hips, grimaced. "I can't believe it! I just killed a person!"

Scott rolled his eyes at the little man in front of him. Let he presented to you, that was Icarus, aka Mitch Grassi, the superhero of America, aka his opponent, aka the one who punched him if he ever dared saying his real name. Never had Scott ever dreamed about his bitter rival came up at his door and drank all of his vodka.  

"Bitch, calm your tits. It's just a person, a bad person, a dangerous criminal, nothing wrong with killing him."

"But my rule is--"

"Return the criminal to the government alive, I know.", the blond cut off, snatched the bottle out of Mitch's hand.

Seemed annoyed at the villain's action, the petite brunette shot the web from his wrist and wrapped it around the taller man's arm. "Give me my vodka or fight me!"

"Hey hey hey, calm--"

And before Scott could finish his sentence, a punch was thrown in his face. Now it was real dizzy!

Grabbed a scissors from the air, he cut the web off his biceps before looking up at Mitch with a bleeding nose.

"Okay now", muttered Scott. "This is getting ridiculous". He stared at his adversary.

His opponent noticed him staring, he ignored all the flying clothes started to put themselves on the villain's body. "What is it, too scared to fight?"

"Please.", he groaned. "Because you were in shook, I didn't know if I should tell you or not but just saying, you look a little... cold."

Mitch found himself throwing more force than absolutely necessary into the next punch. The blond took a step backward and avoided it perfectly. "Hey, I mean, honestly. Aren't these shorts a little bit too... short?"

Rather than replying, he threw a fist his way, again. But, as with all the other punches, it missed. The hero angrily shot web to Scott's direction, which did nothing but wrapped around his PS4 and beverages.

"Seriously, Icarus, I could offer you a sweater, perhaps?"

Scott watched his rival's expression softened at the question. The boy lowered his fist. To be honest, when Mitch bursted in his house and started rambling about the serial killer he accidentally killed earlier that day, it had been a tad difficult for Scott to take him seriously. In fact, for a moment, Scott had thought one of the patrons of the gay club a few doors down had taken a wrong turn. Indeed he hadn't seen an outlined penis in such stark relief since pride week earlier that year.

He had never fancied himself to be entirely heterosexual. He knew there was always some flexibility in such matters. He was usually much too busy with his work to look into the matter too deeply. When you were trying to destroy the world, well... that was a weightier matter. It didn't leave much time for attachments. Romantic or otherwise. So when it came to appreciation of a beautiful form, male or female, he made a point of giving himself a moment to appreciate the sight, then forcing his mind back into work mode.

But now he literally couldn't tear his eyes out of the hero's body.

Took a sweater and a pair of sweatpants out of nowhere, the villain threw it to his opponent, forcibly. Scott coughed, tried to face his rival without blushing. "Listen, don't be to serious about the one you killed, alright? No one blamed you for that, you are like, the most famous superhero in this city. And finally,", used his invisible power to lift Mitch, or Icarus, now fully dressed, to the air, Scott led him out of his door. "Never show up in front of me again with that kind of suit. If you want to continue our talk, come back with proper clothes. If no, then goodnight."

And the door slammed in Mitch's, sorry, Icarus’ face.


"Soooooo, how was Parallax?", Kirstie asked teasingly when her roommate swung to their house through the open window. Hearing Scott's codename made Mitch grimaced. "You're wearing some oversized clothes which are totally not yours, I guess it went well, huh?

Mitch huffed, "It was boring."

"Mitchell, please.", the girl rolled her eyes when her roommate dropped himself on the couch. "How long have we been friends? Three days?"

"Fine, he hated it, ok?! I was just trying to be more appealing you know? I saw that bastard looked at my dick but five minutes later he kicked me out of his house!"

Kirstie nodded sagely, "Told you. Maybe you should, I don't know, actually try flirting like a normal person?"

"The only way of flirting I know is 'Hey bitch wanna fuck?', thanks for your advice.", he groaned, leant his head on his friend's shoulder.

"Then show up at his door, and 'Hey bitch wanna fuck?', Jesus! It has been three years, just go for it!"

"But if--"

"I'm sure that he likes you too, sweetheart."

“I don’t know why we are friends, Kir, but now i’m deeply regret it.”

Kirstie rolled her eyes, turned slightly to kiss Mitch on his forehead. “Come on, baby, I know you love me.”

“I don’t!”

“Yeah, maybe, you love Parallax.”

“Kirstie, I swear to God-”

The petite girl sighed, immediately made the boy shut up. Her hands slowly wrapped around his, her voice calm with a hint of seriousness. “Mitchie, baby, trust your best friend this time. You gotta man up and take things in your own hands. If he doesn’t want to date you, it’s his loss, and you can kick his ass. If he likes you, then bam, you get yourself a fine ass.”

The look in Kirstie’s eyes were so intense that Mitch could only nod. She seemed so content with his respond that she let him go to bed without asking any further questions.

That night, Mitch went to sleep, dreaming of blue eyes and broad shoulders.


Scott was sipping his second cup of morning coffee when he heard someone knocked on his apartment’s door.

Standing up from the comfy couch, the gorgeous man quickly reached the doorknob. He opened the front door to be surprised by the raven hair boy standing nervously before him.


Scott had only seen his arch enemy in the flashy, sexy suit, which, to be clear, really fucking cute on the boy, but it usually gives him hard time to focus on his evil plans, so, yeah, you get his point. Seeing his enemy in a pair of ripped jeans, a simple t-shirt and cardigan is a pleasure to himself, to say the truth.

“Mitch. Call me Mitch.”, the shorter man replied. Scott was stumped.

“Okay, Mitch.”, Scott opened his mouth to speak, still awkward with how the name rolled on his tongue. “What brings you here today? I have no evil plan until next month so-”

Mitch interrupted him by putting both of his hands on his mouth. The boy’s face went beet red. “So, I’m gonna put this real quick, and I won’t say it again: I like you, and Kirstie said I should wear something smoking hot so that you would want me but you didn’t seem to be impressed so Kirstie told me to come and ask you ifyouwannafuck. Okay, that's it, bye.”

“You… what?", the villain furrowes confusingly, and he looked up just to see Mitch practically running away from his door. Within a second, Scott got him back with his mindpower. "Not so fast, beautiful. First thing first, you gotta calm down. How about a cup of coffee?”

Mitch nodded hesitantly before following Scott inside. The taller man seated him down the couch comfortably, then sat down next to him after gave him a cup of cappuccino. “You wanna tell me things again? Slowly? I won’t laugh at you, promise”.

Mitch looked into those blue eyes in front of him, his heart beat faster than ever. He swallowed hard, found it difficult to start talking. The hero decided to put the cup back on the table in case he spilled it all over their clothes.

“You know I usually wear revealing hero suits whenever we meet right? Well, it’s because my best friend Kirstie told me that if I wear something sexy, you would like me more. I did what she told, but the last time we met, you kicked me out of your house. So she told me to be more straightforward and come and ask if you wanna fuck because I’m being a coward.”

Scott wanna laugh, hearing what his ‘enemy’ said. Oh dear Lord, this is ridiculously cute for some fucking reasons. Instead of laugh, he just hold Mitch’s hands.

“Hey, cutie, look at me.” Mitch raised his head. “You know, you don’t have to act sexy or wear those stupid suits to make me wanna take you out on a date. You could’ve just asked.”

The hero’s eyes widen in disbelief. His face went red to the tip of his ears. Scott whispered: “May I kiss you, because I really fucking want to do it since the day we first met.”.

Mitch just nod.

And these great first kisses they had somehow magically turned Scott's evil plans into a proper dating plans a few months later.

How magical first kiss was.

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