Ending C

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Ending C: Triple Threat

I can hold them off for a little bit, just in time to create a portal and escape for the time being. I can't harm them, they are my family after all. I just need to buy some time for the portal to boot up.

I use my protective seal to create a temporary barrier. With the portal almost done, I scribble on the notepad an energy burst spell and place it on the floor. It creates a flash of light and knocks everyone back, just in time for me to escape properly and into a universe.

I appeared to be in a city setting. Most likely the place this protagonist lives. But no matter.

I walk around the streets until nightfall. I head back into my universe carefully. Luckily, they left. But, now I needed some place to be, some place to hide from matt.

So, for the first time, I went to school. I went through the worst year of my life. I've learned of those who are manipulative and will do anything to get their way. Apparently, there are groups where people hang out, if there are no places that fit for you, guess what? You're alone.

It's what I had gotten used to. Maybe a little bullying here and there, but not enough to really hurt or hospitalize me. The school wasn't really aware, nor cared about the many issues kids were going through. But, this was just a universe. It didn't mean that every school was ignorant to problems. I just was unfortunate to go to a crappy school.

When I looked at people, their faces seemed to be covered up in scribbles. When I looked in the mirror, I saw many different faces. None of which were actually mine. I couldn't really remember who I truly was. I knew I was Kit. But, who was I as a person anymore?

I decided one day to eat lunch on the roof, since the weather outside was nice, and nobody usually hung out there. Unfortunately, my average bullies just had to swing by. One of them took it a bit too far.

They grabbed me by the jacket of my uniform and held me over the ledge. I struggled to get back onto the roof, but if I were to struggle too much, I'd meet my demise from underneath me.

I don't think they did it on purpose, but, their hand slipped. And of course, gravity pulled me down. I wasn't fazed. In fact, I cared too much about my identity crisis looking into the many windows that showed only anything but myself.

The different reflections started changing faster as I got closer to the ground. I closed my eyes in anticipation of what would happen next.

I blacked out.

In front of me, piercing through the darkness, was a mirror. It kept flashing different people. The ones I had seen before. Each of them had a different story to tell. The memories they had, were mine. Past lives. Maybe even past personas.

They were me. But who was I?

I took a deep breath, and my fists clenched. I am Kit Irona. I was a past creator, who felt no true emotions until a mishap with my Reboot button, which brought me into the universe I had created. In that time, I found out many things, and was happy. It was until Davis died that I felt those same feelings I dealt with long ago. Even then, there was nobody I'd rather be, than me.

I shattered the mirror, one strong blow sent glass flying everywhere. I picked up a shard and looked into it.

For the first time in a long period, I saw my face. But it wasn't the same as it was before. My happy 12 year old optimistic features were gone, replaced with new ones. My eyes once hazel, bright and cheery were now thin, black lines. I'm not lying when I believed it looked really edgy, honestly. It's like I'd gone through an entire goth phase. Even then, I still felt like myself. I didn't need anyone to tell me how strange I looked. I had found peace within myself.

I woke up on the cold cement. Bright teal blood was splattered on the floor. Ouch. I brought myself back up into a sitting position, despite my aching body. My energy was low, but it should be enough to at least get back home.

I limped over to an alleyway, making sure nobody saw me as I opened the portal. I was startled by Davis, but that was just him, so it was fine.

Wait a second.

I frantically look back. It's.....Davis? He's semi transparent, 100% not in the flesh davis but still. I presumed I was just hallucinating. I limped into the house and opened the door.

P.R.B. noticed how beat up I was, and rushed over to my aid. I told him I was fine, I just fell down a story or two.

And then I passed out. I mean, can you blame me?

I woke up in my bed, bandaged up. I had a small headache, but that was fine. Transparent Davis was sitting on my bed. I'm now sure that it's ghost Davis, and he's unaware I can see him. But, I'm also seeing transparent cameras. Were those always there? I was so confused. Davis started speaking.

"Kit, you really had to have yourself go to a bad school when you could've just went to another universe instead."

"Oh can it Dad. I'd like to think that it toughened me up."

We stood in silence for a few seconds to take in what just happened. We both are just staring at each other.

"Sooooo, what's it like being a ghost?"

"I'm not a ghost, Kiddo. I'm stuck in between the fourth wall. You see those cameras?"


"Those cameras are for other creators and spectators to watch you. They are right now. They seem interested in the plot."

"So, they've been watching our every move without us knowing it?"


"Well that's creepy."

"So, how long have you been able to see me?"

"Well, I had a whole identity crisis resolved in my brain and boom. I could see you."

"Ok, makes sense. Now hush and go to sleep."

"Fine fine,"

It was extremely uncomfortable with the cameras, but I was able to get some sleep.

The next morning, two strangers showed up in the void. I saw them through the window. I expected they were here on unfriendly terms. But before I left, Davis led me to a birthday present he had saved for me, y'know, before the whole death thing.

Inside a small box was a pair of goggles. They were really nice ones, and they fit well. Now, let's go and see who was outside. I'll be ready for them.

I hear a knock on the door, I slide down the railing to go and answer. What is there to loose? Possibly my dignity, but have I ever had any?

I grab my axe and place a strength seal on it. I'll make a plain and simple introduction.

"State your case, and why I shouldn't chop your heads off like Marie Antoniette."

There were two girls. One had Pink hair that faded to purple, hair up in a ponytail with a beanie on top. She wore a purple sweater with strange patterns, inside a collared plain shirt. She wore some normal blue jean shorts, er, jorts? Her eyes were a neon purple as well, menacing, yet, kind, in a way.

The second girl was slightly smaller than the other. She had a light tan, she looked fillipino, just as I was. Except I was pretty much a pale stickman now. She had 2 streaks of white highlights, blended in with the rest of her brown hair. She had 2 ponytails in the front with bows on them. Noticeably, she had white horns, along with a tail. Her eyes were white, followed by a black iris. She also wore round glasses. But, there was one thing strange about her. She wore a long yellow coat, but, I couldn't see any arms. I wouldn't be surprised if she had any.

"Psst, kiddo. I'm getting the same energy from the short girl. It's almost like that dimensional traveling dragon from before."

I nod slightly to Davis, since it's likely these strangers can't see him. The taller pink haired lady started to speak.

"You are, Hyjinx Studios, correct?"

"I'd prefer if you called me Kit."

"Alright. And you are inactive in the creation studio?"

"Yes. I don't plan on going back if that's what your trying to get me to do."

The smaller yellow coat one starts to talk as well.

"Well actually, we're here to recruit you to a different cause."

I must say, I'm a little curious.

"We want you to help us erase creators' unwanted universes!"

I tilt my head at a bit of an angle in confusion. Why would creators want to erase their own creations. The yellow coat girl seemed happy to explain.

"Obviously, I'm pretty sure C doesn't want to explain it, so I'll do it for her."

"You most likely at one point in time had a universe you forgot about or didn't take interest in anymore. Though, I'm sure this one is one you don't want to forget. But, there are way too many abandoned universes that are taking up space for the new ones. That's where we come in! We erase universes for a clean slate for others. The job is way too big for us alone, so the studio allowed us to contact idle creators to see if they were interested."

The whole, erasing this got me interested. But, there was one main thing that would give me the idea of yes or no to their offer.

"What about viruses or unwanted antagonists that show up?"

"We make do with those as well. Come to think of it-"

The yellow coat girl with glasses looked around at the empty, well, pretty much empty universe I was living in.

"-you probably have an issue with one yourself. Not to worry! We can track them down!"

The pink haired girl with the beanie chimed in, trying to get me to join.

"If that didn't sell you to our cause we-"

"I'm in.''

"Wait, what?"

The yellow coat with glasses shot up in joy.


"Mhm. It's not like I'm doing anything here. And getting rid of that character virus here would do this universe a lot of good."

"Great! I guess then it's time for us to properly introduce ourselves. I am Ageis! The very enthusiastic one is Creator, she doesn't have an alias just yet."

Creator started to speak.

"You might want to pack some things in your inventory, we're gonna be on the move most of the time. Packing things like food, flashlights, weapons, or any items of importance are a good idea."

"Sounds good. I'll grab a couple things. Wait out here on the porch."

Ageis and Creator waited outside for me, they both started a conversation with one another.

I go upstairs back into the room with the box. I notice that underneath the area where the goggles were, there was a small note. I opened it, and read the following:

"Dear Kit,

I just want to give this to you as not only a birthday present, but also as a thank you. You've brought so much joy in the household, you may not even know it. You're imaginative, thoughtful, cunning, and a whole bunch of other adjectives. Sure, you may be a little weird, no hard feelings, but, we all are. In our own special way, I mean.

I am happy to know you not only as a friend, but as a father. I may not be the best at parenting, but know I'm trying my best, K? I want you to live a long happy life. Don't cut it short on me-

If there's a chance that when you read this and I'm deceased, I want you to know that I'll probably be watching over you, whether you realize it or not. Maybe you will. You've always been an unpredictable person. I'm able to guess easily what Tyson or Tyler would do, but you? You always choose the choice I wouldn't expect. You're like a one in a million. Which makes me even more grateful to be your dad.

Don't pressure yourself, wherever you are now. I'll support you all the way. Now I don't want this to be a little too long, I know you have a short attention span, so I'll try to sum some of this up.

You are amazing. Stay strong. But most importantly, stay happy, and positive, for all of us ok? And now that you're 13, I'll let you help me on some projects.

Hopefully, the best dad you've ever had,

Davis Irona

(P.S. There's a second gift underneath the tissue paper. I know how much you liked star wars, minus the sequels of course, so I made a lightsaber axe. If you look at the diamond shaped button and press it, the item should extend both ways before the lightsaber axe blade lights up. I hope you like it!)"

I smile, feeling a little fuzzy inside after reading all of that. Dad really is thoughtful, huh?

I open up and around the tissue paper to reveal a handle with, you guessed it, a blue diamond button in the middle. I click the button, and the two ends of the handle extend from the inside before clicking into place. The two light blades start to spring out a vibrant green, the sound of electric and static as it was being used. It's 100% the coolest present ever. I place it in my inventory. I have 20 other slots to fill, so it's not really that many.

I grab my knitting kit, in case I have stress about something, you never know, a spare, not so cool very normal axe, Davis' scrapbook, my notepad and pen for magic seals, and some food and water. By then I still have 2 slots empty, so I let those 2 stay as is.

I walk outside onto the porch, where they were both talking about some bear that makes kids go through games. Not sure what it was.

"I'm ready."

Ageis jumped up from the porch.

"Alrighty then! Welcome to Double Threat, Kit!"

Creator interrupted.

"Aren't there three of us?"

Creator was right. Including me, there's Ageis and herself. So, what was the next part after double? Oh, right, Triple.

"It would hypothetically be Triple Threat then, Creator."

"Alright! Triple Threat sounds cooler anyways!"

Triple Threat...has a nice ring to it.

"I have one thing to ask you, Kit."

"What is it, Creator?"

Ageis started to open a portal.

"Are you a furry?"

"I'm sorry, what-?"

"You're technically the one who created the character of that protogen you're bringing along, so-"

Ageis burst into laughter.


Ageis started to utter something playfully under her breath.

"Pffft, ok furry."



Now you can probably guess by the length, that this was the cannon ending. We had to cut the other endings short for this one, since we're low on budget, ok?

But, yes, this concludes Aura: Forevermore. Don't worry, I left my story on a cliffhanger for another piece of the story to fit into. Where will you see me again? In the next part: The MisAdventures of Triple Threat. See you then. 

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