Chapter 6

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The three dragonets were sitting in the dragonessess sleeping cave. Aurora was laying sideways on her bed, with Cometflinger next to her, and Sahara was on her ledge, barely Aurora's tail length away. The scroll with the Prophecy was on the floor, open. "So, tell me what I missed." He said, clearly unnerved by laying in Aurora's fur-covered bed this close to her. Sahara gave him a knowing smirk when he first sat down. At their old school in Possibility, everyone had teased them about them 'dating'. He always got mad when someone called Aurora his 'girlfriend'. She just responded with,'I don't date, I'm to young for that.' That was true. Sahara said something, jolting her out of her memories."We just figured out what some of the first lines meant. Oh, and Aurora, you want to tell him?" The hybrid paused for a second, wondering what she meant. "Oh! Yes, that," She said. Aurora looked at him with a grin and took her ring off and put it in her palm. "See this?" she asked. "Woah, it's so pretty," He said, taking it out of her talons and studied the colorful opals. "Where did you get this?" he asked, sitting up. She sat up to. "You wouldn't believe me if I told you." She said with a mischievous grin.


"The infirmary."

"The last time I checked, the infirmary didn't have a gift shop."

"Your right."

"Aurora," Sahara cut in. "Just tell him." "I'm good, thanks for the offer," The hybrid responded. Sahara snorted a laugh.

"Aurora, how did you get this?"

"You'd be surprised by how useful rocks can be."

"So, in about the five minutes I was unconscious, you somehow grabbed a random rock, found several perfectly shaped opals, and put them in this perfectly formed piece of obsidian that you found in another rock, and just shoved them in. Do I have this right?"


"What'd I miss?"

"I made it, yes, but your going about it the wrong way. Put it on."

He looked at her strangely, curiously, and somehow skeptical at the same time. Almost as if he didn't trust her. He put it on. It shrank to fit his small talons. Comet stared at the ring in wonder and awe. "Did it- How- What-" He stumbled for words as Aurora watched with a pleased, yet smug expression. Her words and the ring's actions seemed to finally make sense.He looked up at Aurora with disbelief, disbelief she could feel radiating off of him. "Your an animus," he whispered. She grinned even widder. "Your an animus!" He jumped up and tackled her in a hug, both of them laughing as they fell backwards. No male had ever hugged her. Well, except for one. Dash side-hugged her once because of a dare, but that didn't count. The small Nightwing fit neatly on her chest, surprisingly or not. Then again, Cometflinger was half Aurora's size. Her wings half unfurled against the fur as she clutched him. Out of the corner of her eye, Aurora saw Sahara wink at her with a knowing grin. She stuck her dark blue tongue at the Sandwing. "So, you gonna get off me?" Aurora asked Comet after a minute. He brought his head up to look at her, sitting on her boney ribs. "You got a problem with it?" He asked. She noticed his dark face looked a little red. Then she realized their snouts were only a claw length away.

"Not necessarily."

"Hrmm...Good to know."

He grinned as she laughed.

"Are you two love birds done yet?" Sahara asked. "Technically we aren't love birds, if anything, we are love dragons." She replied, looking over at her and smiling. His face grew redder as he laughed with Sahara. Comet got off of Aurora, letting her get up in a normal position. A chance she gladly took.

"So, what of the Prophecy did you two figure out?"

"Well, the first line is about Aurora, and the second is you. But we think the 'powers' are about your visions and her magic. That's as far as we've gotten."

"Alright." He made a face, as if he thought that the two of them were very bad at this. He grabbed the scroll of the floor and read it. He mumbled the last line:"Ice, Night, Sand, Sky, Have come to save the day." "What? Lemme see that!" She reached over and grabbed the scroll, reading it and ignoring his protests. At the end, pulled the scroll below her face, eyes narrowed, practically radiating anger and resentment. "Sahara," she snarled in a harsh voice,"Time for us to meet a certain Skywing."   

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