Chapter 8

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So, here's a piece of there past, and why Aurora hates Inferno so much. She didn't used to, but she does now. Anyway, on with the story! 

One year ago.

Inferno was looking for Aurora. It was sunset, and she had a tree that she always loved to sit on to watch it. He flapped his wings to stay aloft. There- two dragons on a hill. Both sitting. The tree a little ways away from them, a towering oak. He landed close enough that he could still see them, but far enough that they couldn't hear them. He traveled the short distance on silent, yet swift feet. He stood on a hill behind them, not as big as the one they were on, but close. Both of their ears twitched. Cometflinger turned around and looked at him. Inferno held his head up high and ruffled his wings, making a small noise. Comet frowned. He whispered to Aurora.

"Inferno's here."

"I know, I have better hearing than you do."

"Oh yeah."

Aurora's spiked tail twitched. She sniffled. Cometflinger got up and walked towards him. He clapped his talon on the Skywing's shoulder and whispered in his ear: "Good luck with that." "I HEARD THAT!" Comet sighed and flew off, disappearing immediately into the sky. "Why are you here?" She demanded in a harsh, raspy voice.

"To see you."

"And why in all of Pyrrhia would you do that?"

"Because we're friends."

She snorted. "Another day ruined," She muttered to herself, so he could barely hear her. Inferno sat down beside her and looked her in the eye. She was crying.

"What's wrong?"




"What'd I do?"

"Insult me."

"When? I don't remember that."

"Today, while we were playing with the rest of the classes."

"What'd I say?"

She stiffened."You called me a rotting tooth." He vaguely remembered that. He realized that their friendship was on the line. One wrong move, one foul word, and she would never treat him like a friend ever again. He sat silently for a minute, planning ahead on how she would react to certain words or actions. He decided to go with the simplest, most common form of forgiveness and comforting. He put his wings around her, holding her close. It felt amazing, her cool scales colliding with his. "I'm sorry," He whispered, soft as the breeze that shook the leaves of the trees around them. Her head was resting on his chest, her spikes sticking straight out of her curved neck.

Aurora was stunned. Inferno was hugging her. INFERNO. A boy. A MALE. No. I'm to young for this. She thought. She looked up at him and put her talons on his shoulder, then flipped him over on his back. Her talons clenched. "Never, EVER, do that again. You hear me?" She growled, her tone growing dangerous."I-I'm sorry. I thought it would help." He whimpered. Aurora could see that. It felt like waves of sorrow and regret rolled off of him, with heartache in his eyes. "I thought it would help. I didn't want you to hate me like everyone else." "It's a bit to late for that." Aurora responded, walking past him to take off, scratching him with her tail, leaving him there, tears in his eyes.

Aurora didn't exactly 'blend in' to the night sky, but she didn't need to. If any dangerous dragons were out there, she would likely out speed them. And if any of them saw her fierce expression, they would likely stay away anyways. She was surprised when she saw a flash of movement and blue scales. Someone was following her. She quickly dove into the trees, using them as coverage as she looped around, confusing her pursuer. The dragon stopped in a clearing, looking around while hovering. She took her chance to attack her pursuer. She tackled him and had him pinned before she realized who it was. The dark dragon below her was Cometflinger. Aurora jumped off of him before snarling,"What are you doing! I could've killed you!" His voice was quieter and more calm when he answered, "I heard the whole thing." She blew out through her nose before taking off with narrowed eyes. "Aurora! Stop! I can help!" The hybrid either didn't hear him but chose to ignore him. Cometflinger knew he couldn't catch up with her, Aurora could almost out fly an adult. Oh well. He'll have to talk with her tomorrow, at school. He sighed. Another day, another chance. He thought. If only.  

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