part eighty one

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Bhoomi stood quietly in the balcony. The morning sun soothened her skin, and a restless soul.

The scars of chicken pox had started disappearing. This was her first.
And as much as she hated the marks the disease left, she was extremely thankful that it struck her at the right time.

Enabling her to reasonably avoid some very awkward situations.

Sonara, didn't I tell, he would fight for you?

Bhoomi rubbed her face with the back of her palm.
No, she wasn't cheating on Som. She respected him from the core of her heart, and would marry only him of all people in the ruthless world. Because she knew, he valued her. The way she wished to be valued, just that, by someone else.

Jai Prakash Raichand was a closed chapter whatsoever, but why did his face still wake her up in some lonely nights? Why did the news of him leaving behind everything for Sonara, stop her heart, even after everything?
Why did Som's presence in her life please her to the utmost extent, yet 'his' absence, left a void?

She would never know.

The only thing she knew was, she hated herself at present. A huge much.


When Jai stepped inside the Raichand mansion after twenty six long days, with a gleeful Humaira in his lap, he inhaled the aroma of his house with the whole of his lungs...

A soft smile appeared on his face, when his mom came running down the stairs with tears in her eyes, and almost crashed against him..

The maids and valets too appeared, greeting him.

Jai felt beautiful. Very beautiful.

Humaira was almost eating away her thumb. Siddhi pulled her in her lap and plopped kisses on her tiny face.

" Where's he? " , Jai cautiously asked.

" Upstairs. " , Siddhi grew stern.
" Come with me. "

Placing Humaira back in his arms, Siddhi walked up the stairs.
Jai followed, still unable to decide what he would actually ask his father, yet again, upon standing before him.

Siddhi knocked on the door to their bedroom.
It was locked from the insides.

" Raghav, open the door. Why did you latch it? " , Siddhi banged loudly.

Jai stood behind, silently. Calming himself as much as possible. Surprisingly, Humaira too was quiet, as if able to judge the urgency of the situation.

The door clicked from the insides.. Siddhi immediately pushed it open.

Jai could gather, the insides were dark, mostly because of the heavy curtains.

Siddhi stood at the door, and declared.
" Jai is here. Talk to him, for god's sake. "

Jai could immediately hear him exclaim from the insides,
" Has he returned, forever? "

" Just come out for once, Raghav! " , Siddhi hissed.

Jai stood, holding his breath.
Just moments later, his father appeared at the door.

Leaving him utterly horrified.
What had he done to himself??
Layers of unshaven hair covered his face. His eyes, tired, had deep patches of black beneath.
He looked destroyed, completely.

However, the smile that he had appeared with at the door, disappeared in flashes of a second.

When his eyes fell on the kid in Jai's arms.

" Why are you here? ", he asked after a long moment of silent stare.

Siddhi glared at him, struck by thunder.
"What are you even, Raghav???
He has returned home after twenty six long days!!!
This is how you talk to him?? "

" That's because he's supposed to return alone. " , Raghav screamed.

Siddhi held her temple and shut her eyes.

" Calm down Mom.
It's alright.

Dad, I'm here to see you all. To know, how you have been doing. Particularly, if you have changed your mind even a bit. " , Jai spoke as softly as he could.

Raghav Raichand's eyes emitted fire.
" What did you think Jai Prakash Raichand? You'll leave home, threaten me, and I'll fall on your feet accepting your Muslim girlfriend???
What did you think??? You will bring the kid along, and weaken me???

I'm your father, damn it!!!
And I've seen world better than you, your sister, and your mom as well!!!

I'll die, but never let a Muslim step into my house!!!!!!
And if you think, you can lose your father for one of them, you are free to go ahead.

Now get lost from before my eyes.
And stop using this kid as a bait. "

Raghav Raichand slammed the door behind.

Jai stood, almost frozen on his knees.

And his mother, crashed beside him on the ground, losing the last drop of faith she had in her heart.


Ten in the night.

Raghav had the back of his head hurting like never before. He felt as if he was soon undergoing a stroke.

Better. The best thing now was to leave this planet.
They all were together, and he could never be on their sides. Not till he had his heart beating.

His son had walked past him, long back it seemed. The boy did not need him anymore. And when, one day he would realise how right his father had been, it would be too late. Too too late for him to redeem.

Raghav crashed on the bed. He felt like puking.

Suddenly, the door to his room almost burst open.

Raghav could not even see properly as to who it was. His vision was as if blurring out.


He gathered.

She slowly walked towards him.

And slow-clapped.

Raghav kept staring at her, unblinking.

" Wow Dad!!

Wow!!!! I just don't have words for you. I seriously don't. " , she settled on the couch before the bed.

Raghav stared at the ground. He had no strength to fight anymore, at least with his children.

Maya continued,
" I had decided I would not talk to you again, until you called Jai and Sonara back home.

But, Aaahhh!! 

How could I forget?
You are Raghav Raichand!!
The one who could even murder to fulfil his own bloody ego!! "

Raghav glanced at her immediately, his eyes oozing tremendous shock.

" What????
Don't give me those looks!!!!

You killed Farhan!!!! I know that!!!! I believe it with all my heart!!! " , she screamed, and then her screams turned into a wail.

She began roaming around the room to calm herself down, while Raghav sat on the bed, grabbing the sheets, silently.

" What will you do now?? " , Maya suddenly stopped. Her face soaked in tears.
" Kill Sonara?
Or better even, Sonara and Humaira.
Isn't that a great idea?
My brother will have no choice than return to you. Isn't it?
Your ego....fulfilled. "

" Maya...... " , Raghav Raichand could not even shout.

Maya knelt before him, grabbing his knees with all her might.
" What???
Do you feel like slapping me??
What exactly??
You autocratic human!!!
What do you think, just because you are the birth giver, you have acquired every right to torture us? "

She shot up again.
" I feel ashamed to call you my father.
I disregard your surname from this point of time. I leave Rangruchi. And I will leave this house too, taking away mom with me.

Stay alone. Ever after. With your big fat ego. "

Maya Raichand slammed the door behind while leaving.

And Raghav Raichand, slowly found the world around him, go blank.


Two in the night.

Jai would never smoke at home, with Sonara and baby around.

But today, his head felt so heavy, that it needed an intoxication. Badly.

He walked out into the balcony, and lit a cigarette.

Sonara could not be always right. Raghav Raichand, was not in a position to change in days.
After all, scars of life, took years to heal.
Why did they even expect him to accept so early? 

But yes, sitting idly would not have helped either.
What if today's visit had actually softened him a bit?
What if, repeated visits as these, would actually help them achieve the goal?

Or were they wrong in judging him?
Would he ever in this life, accept their love?

Sonara was here. He felt her footsteps, and turned.
He immediately put out the cigar.

She smiled faintly,
" I understand what you are going through Jai. It's alright. "

Jai wound an arm around her, and stood staring at the sky.
She checked on his face for a long time.
" I'm sorry Jai. "

Jai frowned.
" Why are you sorry for every second thing on earth, can you tell me? "

" I forced you to go. I hurt your self respect. But trust me, I'm as worried about this as you are. Are we even on the right track Jai? "

" Don't start over again Sonara!!
No divine love story on the planet has happened without obstacles.
Imagine ours to be the divinest. And stay happy. " , Jai pecked on her cheek.

She blushed.

Somewhere, a metallic sound rose.

Jai's phone was ringing.

Both of them grew stern.

" Who, at this point of time? " , Jai ran into the bedroom, throwing the couple of words.

Sonara's heart paced. A tremendous unknown fear gripped her completely.
She stood glued at the balcony door.

Jai stormed out into the living room.
His face had lost all colours at a go.

He ran upto Sonara, and almost howled,

" Mom....called....

Dad.... Dad is in the hospital.

He has had a severe attack. Doctors say, it's.....stroke....

I need to go Sonara!!!  "

Streams flowed down Sonara's eyes in an instant.

She choked, yet managed to utter,

" Shall I.....come along? "

" No.... " , Jai immediately blurted while wearing his shoes.
Then got up, held her hand, and placing a soft kiss on her forehead, said before leaving,
" Let's not make things worse at the moment. I'll be back soon. Take care of yourself, and Humaira. "

Jai stormed out of the apartment.

As his figure receded, Sonara slowly crashed on the ground, like a demolished structure.

' Let's not make things worse....... '



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