part fifty

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Jai stared awkwardly at Sonara.

Embarrassed, she tried hard to brush off the vermilion from her face.

Jai ducked his head into the car and brought out a bottle of water.

" Wash it, if you are uncomfortable. "

" No, thanks. "

Sonara got inside the car.

Jai too got in, even more surprised.

" Why? "

Humaira was asleep, and carefully placed on the backseat now.

It was seven in the evening, the entire Mukherjee house and others were preparing for the idol immersion. But Jai never remained a part of it. He found it typically saddening to see the source of everyone's happiness..... go into the water all of a sudden.

Sonara remained silent for sometime.
Then slowly uttered,

" I've seen in movies that the sindur is only washed when the husband dies. "

Sonara hardly even realised what she spoke, until he found a horrified Jai staring at her face.

She found her throat dry. She looked away.

Jai looked away too. Things were not very usual today, and hence he was in no mood to derive meanings of horrifyingly complicated statements.

However, a thorn as if pricked his throat for a moment.

" I thought...your husband was already dead. "

Did his voice tremble for a moment? He breathed faster. Everything seemed fragile and impalpable.

" I....don't know what I just said. I will wash it once I get home. " , Sonara too shivered within.

Without any explainable reason.

Jai started the car as quickly as he could.

And the entire journey went wordless.

Nor could Sonara complain against Jai's behaviour in the afternoon, nor could Jai explain the cause of his abrupt idea of changing Sonara's identity completely before his friend.


Next morning

Sonara had left for work early in the morning.

Because she hardly wanted any car to drop her to the confectioneries. It was typically weird.

Last night went awkward. She had retired to her room with her daughter, and not even came out for dinner. Everything had jumbled up in her brain..

Was Allah signalling her something? Or was she grabbing all signals wrong, because her heart and brain wanted those to be true?

The confectionery had just opened. Mr Shergil wasn't there. Three workers had arrived. Cashier Lataa, and two sweepers.

Sonara smiled at Lataa, who smiled back only, without exchanging words.

Sonara took her position, the exact position she had left some days ago. She hoped she was not moved.

Humaira was not with her today. Sonara was confused, yet relieved, when Nandini asked her to leave the baby with her in the house.
If she could leave her with Kanta's mother, she was sure the Raichand Mansion was a safer place.

Nandini had insisted her to stay till breakfast was ready, but she couldn't. She didn't want to face Jai, because she knew he would definitely dump her inside one of his expensive cars.

Also, Jai provided her a completely different vibe yesterday. And Sonara wasn't sure she wanted that vibe again, because she believed she was wrong in her judgement. Jai's change in behavior was only her illusion, only what.. she wished him to feel like, deeper in her heart. He didn't actually emit any such vibe, probably.

The problem about women was, they were overpowered by men who cared, a way too much. But Sonara wasn't weak enough to wave clouds of hope based on that. Because just like yesterday afternoon, Jai abruptly hurt her. And she was typically not interested in the reason.

Jai was....never supposed to be to her.. what a man could be to a woman....



" Where's Sonara? "

Jai asked Maya, who was checking out some papers at the breakfast table.

" Someone said she's gone for work. Good enough. Let her return to normal life. " , she then raised her head.
" And don't force her to stay here if she wants to leave now. We have done our part, it's her life now. " , she went back to work.

Jai stood, scratching his stubble.

" Did she have breakfast? " , he asked.

Maya only nodded a no.

Jai kept staring at her.


Som was about to get down his bike when another one stopped next to him.

He took sometime to recognise.

" Hi! I remember you very well as Jai's shy friend whom we got drunk last year in the Diwali party at Sushant's place. Recognize me? "

Som blushed immediately. Arnav was his name. A naughty human.

" How do I forget you guys... "

" But how come you didn't turn up for the Durga idol immersion, yesterday?
You and his girlfriend always do. But this year he was joined by some cousin sister. " , Arnav twisted his lips.

" Cousin sister?
I really don't know....

Anyways we both had some work. Jai had asked us to join. " , he had to lie.

After this continued a few minutes of casual chats ...with which Arnav left. And Som too walked towards the lift to his office.

However, things were knotting inside his brain.

Jai was taking Sonara along everywhere. Jai was discarding him and Bhoomi off his life. And most importantly, Jai was hiding things from not only them but the whole world.

Wasn't Sonara Parvez a growingly important part of his life?

A part, that was not very.....public? 

Som pressed the button to the seventh floor.

He did not know, what emotion his self should display now.


The shop was quite full today.

However, just as Sonara feared, she was moved to the dry fruit section.
She now had to be more careful of the prices and was having some difficulty in helping people choose.

" How much is this packet of Kaju? " , a woman asked.

Sonara took the packet.
The price wasn't written.

" Excuse me, I'll just check. " , she took the packet quite embarrassed and went to the counter.

She didn't really wish to be proved incapable. And thus she found her cheeks red.

When she returned from the counter, she found the lady filling her trolley with a huge number of other stuffs.

" It's one fifty madam. " , she said, returning the packet.

The lady smiled and added it to her cart.

" You seem to be new in this shop. "
She said.

Sonara nodded, happy to be able to provide an explanation to her incapability. She wasn't new at all but who would let this customer know that?

" Yes, I've never seen you. Though I think I visit this shop the most. "

" Yeah, I too have never seen you. " , Sonara said.

The lady stared weirdly at her at this reply. And Sonara too felt silly. How would she ever see a customer when she claimed to be new to a shop? So stupid! 

The lady went back to choosing other stuffs. And Sonara stood even more embarrassed.

However, the lady was noticing her time and again. And after sometime walked back to her.

" If you don't mind, may I know your name? "

" Sonara Parvez. " , she tried to be confident at least this time.

The lady stared at her for sometime.
Then put her hand forward, smiling.

" Hi Sonara.

I'm Bhoomi. Bhoomi Shetty. And I've heard a lot about you. "

Sonara didn't know how to react for the time being.

All she realised, was....

Bhoomi was beautiful. Literally, very beautiful.


Jai parked his car a little away from the confectionery.

He got down, with a bag.

The bag contained a tiffin box with breakfast stuffed in it.

The mad girl left early in the morning probably to avoid being dropped by a car, even without having breakfast.

And how could Jai let their guest stay hungry throughout the morning?
Hence he had asked a box to be prepared for Sonara.

Maya didn't know of it. Though he didn't know if she would have reacted in negative. Probably not, but he didn't share.

Jai walked towards the confectionery.

And then he saw Bhoomi push the door and come out of the same.

Jai abruptly stopped.

Bhoomi didn't. She rather smiled and came towards him.

" Good morning Jai! After a very long time! "

Jai half smiled. However, the most embarrassing thing right now was the bag in his hand.

" Hi Bhoomi. I thought you both forgot my existence. "

" We both? But I heard you met Som recently. In all possibilities you can forget me though. "

" You know very well who's getting ignored here. You spent your birthday well. You both. I am happy.

And Som met me. It's not the opposite. "

" I didn't even know Som planned a surprise. "

" And I was not included. "

" That's not my fault! And you didn't even wish me!! "

" You expect that I do so, when you can royally ignore me! "

" Jai! Calm down! We are not kids that we stop talking upon birthdays. You were busy in your life too. Sorting out things of someone else's life. We too were busy, that's all. "

" Sorting out what??

Excuse me! Som was thoroughly involved in the business with 'someone else'. I believe you too, in approaching my sister to help Sonara out. "

" No, I was not!! 

Anyways, I met her just now and she's very nice a woman. You don't need to get hyper because I'm not blaming you for anything. You are blaming me rather! 

Listen Mr Jai Raichand, you have hurt me in several ways but I hardly bear any complaint against you, because you have at least never blamed or judged or been disrespectful to me.

But I really don't understand what's hurting you in the ass now.

The fact that you are equally responsible in moving away from us maybe, the guilt maybe!

I waited the whole yesterday for a call from you to be taken to your friend's place for idol immersion. But you didn't. Now tell me, did you go there?

Of course you did. Even if alone, you definitely did. But you didn't call us. "

" I did not go alone! " , Jai interrupted.

And then went blank.

" I mean I went with other friends. "

" But you went, that's my point.

Anyways, I'm not here to blabber shit. Bye. "

Bhoomi crossed him.

And Jai felt a heat wave hit him. Bhoomi didn't even ask him who he went with to Sushant's. Why did he unnecessarily lie? What was he trying to hide? 

" Excuse me. " , Jai felt a tap on his shoulder.

He turned. Bhoomi was not gone.

" If you think we are secluding you, I insist you drop me home. Will you? " , she bit her lips, with frowned brows.

Jai stared, a bit messed up.

" Oh, you were here to buy some stuffs, right? You finish then. I'll leave. " , Bhoomi said immediately.

" No no! Nothing at all. I can come later.

I'll drop you home. "

Almost hiding his own bag, Jai placed Bhoomi's belongings on the backseat.

They both got in the car.

Jai pushed in the key.

However, his brains were thoroughly locked at present.

Bhoomi was not his girlfriend anymore.

Not someone who would judge him too, if he said he had come with Sonara's food. Because she was his guest.

Yet, he didn't have the gut to say that.

But why??

Why even?????


Was anyone waiting for the encounter of Bhoomi and Sonara? This was miniscule though. But, I promise that's not it. There's more to everything.

Put in your theories as to why Jai suddenly turned a rhetoric liar.

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