part forty seven

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The morning evoked different emotions in Sonara's heart.

The sky had started oozing soft sunlight after a long night of rains. Birds cooed, and asked Sonara, if she should pack her bags and leave.

She wanted to set aside the thought for the time being. She would definitely leave, but, even she needed a holiday. A secure one.....

She had never been to holidays......

Sonara took out her almost abandoned phone from the bag and put it to charge. Today she might call Som and at least want her job back. Though she heavily doubted if the hostel room still remained.

Jai again....would be her ultimate need.

Sonara softly smiled.
What exactly was the difference between a need and a desire?

A need was something that situations made you ask for. And a desire was something that the heart craved for, even in unfavourable situations...

Jai was her need maybe, but her heart signalled, that it wouldn't mind if he just turned, the later.

And Sonara stopped thinking.

And began again.

Jai was rich, Jai hated Muslims, Jai was childish and stubborn. Nothing, she could really ever desire.

And then her heart again trampled these thoughts.

If she could fall in love, ever in life, Jai was perfect for that. And she knew very well, Jai had broken every barrier of convenience for her, but had never realised that. Till date.

And chances were there, that he would never realise too. Therefore, she would never fall in love,with him. Her heart was elastic, malleable. But not fragile. It could grow big for something, but not as much as, to break into pieces.

Humaira was crying.
Sonara quickly took her to lap. She was hungry. Sonara put a bottle of milk to her lips and she stopped crying. The side table had a series of prepared milk bottles. Sonara wondered, how could arrangements be so wonderful in a house, that you didn't have to ask for anything.

Sometimes later, washing Humaira's face, changing her clothes and placing her within a pillow fortress with plastic dolls inside, Sonara walked out of the room.

The living area was completely empty. But a breathtaking aroma filled the air. Something oily and spicy was being cooked in the kitchen. Though it was in a different wing, the smell was so enigmatic and gripping that it almost filled the entire mansion.

Sonara couldn't resist her footsteps towards the kitchen.

Three cooks appeared when she peeped through the door, silently doing their jobs.

Sonara knew they would never allow her in, or maybe treat her extremely cold that would hurt her. Hence she kept standing outside the door.

" Hi, Sonara! Wanna go inside? "

The maid who had been good to her since the first day, stood beside her.

" Err... No... I was just drawn by the smell.... "

" I know right. Typical Indian food for breakfast in the mansion. After a long time. Come with me. "

She moved the sliding door aside and walked inside. Sonara followed.

The kitchen was a palace in itself for Sonara. Her jaw dropped as she watched the huge counter and attics stuffing so many utensils, masalas, and accessories in such brilliant orders. She was almost speechless.

The cooks were unperturbed by second presence and kept working.
The maid went to a corner and began wiping and arranging utensils on a tray. Sonara followed her and stood beside her meekly.

" Butter naan, tandoori aloo, teekhi mirch achaar.

Maya ma'am has ordered these for breakfast. " , she chuckled.

Sonara too smiled. Realising that such spicy foods were almost banned in this house, hence today was different and funny..

" Any occasion? " , she generally asked.

" Not sure. I mean I know their birthdays, all of them. It's neither. But to be precise, as far as I remember, Maya ma'am orders special foods on this very day every year.

And sir gets his bread toast, as usual. "

" Which sir? "

" Raghav sir. He eats usual stuffs with a gourd face. This particular day. There's something about today which I'm yet to decipher. " , she winked and went to the fridge.

Sonara kept standing, wondering, how each family had hidden stories.

The maid returned with a big bottle of fruit juice, and began pouring them in glasses.

Her name was Nandini. Sonara gathered.

Suddenly, out of nowhere, she asked,
" What's for sweets on this special unknown occasion? "

" This, fruit juice. " , Nandini ducked her tongue out.

Nandini was a beautiful name, Sonara thought. But, fruit juice was typically not a beautiful sweet.


" Good food, great life. " , Jai commented as he watched the table being slowly decked up with highly aromatic food stuffs.

" OMG! 

Now what's today?!
I don't remember an occasion!! " , Jai looked around glancing at Maya once, Sonara once, and then at the maids placing the food pots.

Maya was checking her phone intently. Sonara stole glances at the faces. Nandini smiled through the corner of her lips, and Sonara looked down again. Humaira sat on the chair next to her and blabbered.

Jai received no answer from Maya and hence asked Sonara.

" Any special occasion? "

Sonara surprisingly shrugged. As if she would even know! 

" Whatever! I'm terribly happy!
Kindly serve! "

Two maids began serving. Sonara intently stared when the sweet was served in small glass bowls beside the plate.

Maya kept aside the phone. And concentrated on the food.

" Beautiful. Terribly beautiful. " , Jai exclaimed as he took in the naan and some aloo.

" Indeed." , Maya added. " We have the best cooks, who are only asked to prepare diet foods. "

Sonara silently ate. She had no words for the taste, and hence was growingly nervous.

The main course was soon finished by both the siblings, while Sonara was still tossing in nervousness.

" What's this? " , Jai stared at the bowl beside.

Maya too, as if suddenly realised, this was something she hadn't even asked for. She stared at the bowl, her expressions growing weirdly firm.

" Sevai.. " , she was the one who said.

Jai had already started with the first sip.

" My...... Goodness.... " , he almost screamed, shaking Sonara who was staring in utter apprehension.

" This is the best thing I've ever had in my life!!!!!!!

I want the cooks here, RIGHT NOW!!!!!!!!!! "

Sonara didn't know what her heart was enduring at the moment. A tremendous amalgam of joy, relief and suspense. Because Jai loved it. And he was yet to know, who prepared it.

Her eyes then went to Maya, who was lost in some utter depth while taking in the first mouthful.

While Nandini stood beside and kept quiet yet as per plan, Maya slowly looked at Sonara.

" You have magic in your fingers, my dear lady. And you won't even know, what you have gifted to me, on this day.

Something I had never asked for, from anyone. You gave it to me, on your own. You're an angel. Thanks for existing. "

Maya left the table, with the bowl in her hand.

No one gathered what just happened, but Sonara felt tears rolling down her eyes.

Maya's words had a deep melancholy hidden in layers.
In a second it revealed, Maya hid a lot of pain inside her steel body. But Sonara couldn't gather, how she felt it's impact so deeply.

Her eyes traversed back to Jai, who now stared at her, speechless.

" You.... Made.... This......
Lioness! " , he asked, almost breathless.

Smiles returned to her lips in seconds.

She nodded.

Jai got up immediately.

And spoke,

" Mademoiselle, may I kiss your hand? "

Blush. A severe red blush, hit her cheeks.

Nandini was smiling wide. Jai walked upto her chair, and asked for her hand.

" Are you serious? " , Sonara was embarrassed now. Thoroughly.

" Terribly. Your hand please. "

Sonara knew it was shaking, as she slowly put forward her right hand. Surprisingly, she truly did.

Jai grabbed it, and slowly placed a peck on it.

A ripple went down her entire body, as she snatched back her hand immediately. And looked at Nandini. Well, she was gone already.

Jai laughed.

" You are blushing Sonara. "

" No. " , she felt like mixing with the ground below.

In the meantime, Humaira was clapping and laughing loud.

" See, even the kid knows. "

" But, did Maya ma'am grow emotional with something? " , not only Sonara wanted to change the subject, she was genuinely concerned with the words she spoke.

Jai's smile too disappeared.

As he looked upstairs, he nodded.

" I think your Sevai reminded her of something....someone. "

Sonara frowned a bit.

" Anyways, I've a concert to attend today. One of my friends is a singer. I've got three passes. Was wondering whom to take along. Mind joining me, in the evening? " , Jai asked out of the blue.

Sonara stared at him.

" Concert?

Oh... Well... I don't know...
I was wanting to go meet Som sir or his father at the confectioneries today. To resume my job. "

" Ohkay.....

That's great I presume. None's so jobless as I am.

I feel like I should try joining back the business then. " , he sat down. Confused with choices once again.

" Jai, you have an option to live a life as you wish. So don't get deviated with how others run after life. Do what your heart wishes to. And this time when your father returns, talk to him seriously on the flying academy thing. "

Sonara picked up Humaira, and walked towards her room.

Jai kept staring at her..

The more he was watching her, the more he felt good about her presence around. She made life easy. She actually did.

However, he was yet to make out, if he had ever broken his barrier of convenience for anyone till date.

And then he was to make out, what Maya Raichand exactly felt about life, and...her someone.


Siddhi placed a cup of black tea before her husband, with a thump.

He lay on the rocking chair with his eyes closed.

He opened his eyes with the sound.

" How long are we going to stay here? " , she asked calmly as she sat on the settee beside.

" Till I don't feel like staying anymore. "

" And what about what I feel? "

" You can return if you wish. "

" Which means, I will have to accompany you when you wish for something. But, if I wish for something, I'll have to fulfil that alone. "

" Siddhi, you very well know I'm not in a mindset to argue with you upon anything. Please leave me alone if you want to fight. "

" Not in a good mindset, for years now. Isn't it? "

" Siddhi, please leave. "

" I won't. Neither will I keep shut. You have pained my daughter enough! "

" Pained your daughter, right? And what about my pain?? "

" You are sick. Otherwise, who would do what you are doing, to ease your pain? Any normal human would do the opposite. Any normal human would be happy to let his daughter choose her love, because that would even help him REDEEM! "

" Stop it!! Please!!! "

" Raghav, you are carrying along not only the burden of your ancestor, you are ruining your children's lives.

In order to hide a guilt, you are making mountains of lies! What exactly are you doing??? "

" Yes, yes I am making mountains of lies because I hate that race!! I hate that religion!! I hate the difference of religion and what that makes us do!!
I hate the guilt, this single religion gave me the reason of! "

" But you are sick Raghav!! If you were really guilty, you would have hated not that religion, but your own.

You are an opportunist. A selective opportunist! Both you and your mother!!!!

I feel ashamed, but what do I do, I still love you... " , Siddhi cupped her face.

" You won't understand Siddhi. It's utter guilt that makes me look sick. You'll never understand how I feel when I see a Muslim.

I am slapped as if. I hear echoes of conscience. I want to run away from them. I cannot deny my religion. Hence I shoo away Muslims, in order to not be haunted.

I would have never lied to my children at least, had not Maya brought that boy into her...."

" I can't bear these anymore.

I can't stand with an unperturbed face anymore, when you repeat the altered story again and again, to justify your actions.

The story where your father was murdered.

When actually, he was....the murderer. "



Kindly don't read if you cannot spare a few words. I maybe comment hungry but I'm that way and please avoid reading if you choose utter silence with every update.

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