part ninety

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Jai stood before the closed door that led to Humaira's room.

Pressing his lips, he knocked for one final time.

" I said leave me alone!!!! " , she screamed.

Jai did not wait any longer. He slowly climbed down the stairs, carrying forward his heavy heart and mind towards the secluded cubicle in the lounge, which ones belonged to his sister, when she was a loner. And now to him... 

He crashed on the couch, cupping his face in his palm. He wanted to cry out loud, as loudly as he could, forgetting every restriction, be it of age, or of responsibility to the inmates of this house.

Why Humaira?
Why even?
Couldn't you just be my shoulder at this vulnerable time, like always?
Why is it that my most loved ones leave me when I'm in dire need of their presence?
Or am I expecting a lot from you, my little girl who too is struggling to handle an abrupt situation?
How selfish of me....
But I need a support now, I vehemently need one...

Jai sobbed, however, not loudly. The walls of the mansion, and his mind suppressed the volcanos erupting in his heart.

" Jai.... "

A voice reached his ears. He turned, and that was it.
He broke every dam, and wailed.

Maya ran upto him, sat beside and grabbed her demolishing brother who now lay in her arms like a baby screaming his heart out.

Farhan too reached him and constantly patted his head and shoulder. His own eyes glittering.

" Shhh....shhh....calm down, we are here, things will be fine.. " , Maya constantly spoke while holding him tight, but his wails only kept on increasing.

" Di..... She.... Stood inches....away from me.... I knew....she needed me..... I knew at once....she's still mine....
But.... I could not......even hold her....hand...
I.... " , Jai tried to speak within hiccups.

Maya had never seen him cry this way for eighteen long years. The last time he did, was when she had learned from him about....her departure...

" Jai.... It's alright.... We cannot always react how we are supposed to....we need time, everyone does.... Jai, calm down... " , Farhan held his hand.

" Humaira.... Has locked herself.... I don't....know what she's....thinking or going through.... I cannot be of anyone' present....not even mine... " , Jai vehemently coughed in between.

" Ophh... Jai....calm down beta... You are forty four.... " , Maya poured water from a jug beside.

" What's with age now? You and your age logics. " , Farhan protested.
Maya did not answer.

Rather, asked,
" Jai......has she got a son with you? "

Jai looked up at her, his eyes still streaming.
" Yes...

A seventeen year old kid. My blood and flesh.
He's got my nose..
My lips...

He's my.....son....
Ayaan.. "

Jai cupped his face again.
Maya and Farhan exchanged vacant glances..

" He's.... A brilliant student....
He can do anything on earth for himself... But... He too loves the me...
He's here for....a " , he spoke within the curtain of his palm.

" And why does he hate you? " , Farhan asked.

Jai remained silent for sometime, only his hiccups echoed through the room.

" Supposedly.... I didn't look for them... "

" What....? " , Maya stared at him in utter disbelief, then at Farhan.

" But.... But... I don't think Sonara thinks so too....

She....was scolding him.... " , Jai said like a baby..

Farhan frowned. Deeply in thought.
Maya was still staring at him.
" I'm at loss of words and judgements. I need help myself. " , she said to her husband.

" I think.... " , Farhan said, " before confronting Sonara, the children should be talked with on a deeper scale. "

" Yes.... " , Maya said immediately, staring at Jai who had now somewhat gathered himself, staring at the ground.
" If Jai feels so, and if Sonara has returned after raising a son all by herself....a son who's got the brains to earn anything for him and his mother, reasons enough for her to never return, she still is equally in love with Jai...

So, the problem now lies with the children who misunderstand their parents big time...
Because.... I don't think Raghav Raichand is one anymore...

Does he know??
And is he home? " , Maya asked, suddenly remembering.

Jai slowly nodded a no.
" He's gone to meet a friend...
Mohan uncle...fetched him. "

" He won't have a problem. He has several times said to me. He wishes Sonara to be back in Jai's life, that's kinda his last wish. " , Farhan said.

" Did he? " , Jai stared at him, his eyes suddenly lively.
" But never to me....
I only remember a sorry, several years back... " , he drifted off..

Maya was deeply engrossed in thoughts too.

Jai suddenly grabbed Farhan's hand.
" Bhai....

Now that she's back, will she stay?
Will I be able to keep her this time? "

A vehement plead drooped from his voice.

Farhan smiled, and pressed his palm.
" Of course Jai!!
Of course!!
What are we here for, if not to unite Jai and Sonara??
Children might be difficult at first, but they are the easiest to change and convince.

My wait finally comes to an end.

Sun will rise again, I promise.
We promise, little brother! "

As streams flowed down through Jai's deep...sad eyes, Farhan discovered his wife staring at him, with utter respect... and a smile across her lips.


" Humaira! "
Maya banged on the door.

Farhan stood behind her, and Jai a distance apart, resting himself against the wall.

" Humaira! You know I'm not here to bear your nonsense! If you don't open the door right now, I'll take no more than a second to call someone and break it open. " , Maya hissed.

A minute passed, and the door flew open.

Humaira stood, her eyes red and swollen.

" Why???
Why do I have to be the mature one always, and behave like nothing happened? " , she screamed.

Jai shut his eyes tight.

Maya stared for a moment, then spoke as distinctly as she could.
" If you have been mature all these while, you'll have to be mature throughout your life. "
She immediately pulled Humaira into a hug.
But she pushed Maya, and struggled herself out.

" I cannot!! I don't want to anymore!! " , Humaira was crying.

" Don't do this Humaira. Your Dadda needs you. Look at him. " , Farhan said.

" Fine!!! I need him too!! What about me? " , she screamed.

" Do you even know what you're talking?
Humaira!! You will always remain the dearest, the loveliest, the eldest child of the Raichand's!!! " , Maya knew exactly what was bothering her niece.

" And you have to declare that right? See where I'm suddenly standing..! " , Humaira was breaking.

" Humaira.... " , Jai spoke for the first time, though he hardly knew what on his part could soothe her..

" I don't wanna talk to him. " , Humaira directed this at Farhan. " Ask him to leave! "

Jai took no longer to climb down the stairs.

" What was that Humaira?? What are you doing exactly?? " , Maya was evidently displeased.

Farhan stopped her.
And came closer to Humaira. She was sobbing hard.
" Humi...we exactly know what you are thinking...
And all we've got to say is, it might be normal, but it's not right... "

" I....have always loved you all..... beyond myself, knowing every bit of where I came from....

I have loved him, with every bit of my existence, as a daughter....

I CANNOT SHARE YOU ALL WITH ANYBODY NOW!! I CANNOT!!! " , Humaira screamed with all her might..

" I'll slap you Humaira!!
You are just exceeding your limits of being judgemental!! Have you been the only one to love?? Has he never loved you?? Have we never loved you? What exactly are you trying to prove?? " , Maya had lost all cool.

" Calm down Maya!! " , Farhan shouted.

Humaira was shaking vigorously, her emotions had taken over her physical abilities.

Farhan held her by the shoulder.
" Humaira.... Humaira!! "

She was being hysterical, her body parts beyond control.

" Maya!! Water!! "

Maya ran in with a jug. They emptied it over Humaira. She immediately crashed on the ground. Maya screamed,
" Jai!!!!!!!! "

Jai ran in from downstairs in no time.
He held his sinking daughter in his arms, and placed her on the bed, himself shedding tears in vigorous amounts...

Maya and Farhan immediately called for a doctor. The staffs too were alarmed in the hullabaloo.

While.. Jai sat beside an almost unconscious Humaira, rubbing her hands.

Ten minutes later, the doctor arrived.

Humaira had by then recovered from the sudden hysterical feat.
She was staring weakly at Jai, who stared back, without a word.

Checking on upon her, the doctor called the three of them out of the room,

" Nothing serious.

I guess..some kind of severe mental stress had inactivated her brain cells momentarily. Happens.

She's fine now, just that, I'll prescribe a sedative. Put one under the tongue.  The stress needs to be relieved, and she needs to sleep for a long time now. "

As Farhan escorted the doctor out sometime later, Maya stood beside an almost demolished Jai.

" This was supposed to happen, Jai. You please don't let this weaken you.

She needs to have our vision.
She has made one of her own, and that's terrible to her. We need to get her out of that. And it'll need time.
Let her sleep till tomorrow afternoon.
Things will be fine, very soon. I promise. " , she placed her hand on his shoulder.

He stared silently at the floor.


At 9:30 in the morning, Jai sat in his cabin, dejected.

He had left home an hour earlier. Humaira was in a deep slumber. He could not stare at her for long.

Raghav Raichand knew nothing, however, he too might have guessed something not alright with Humaira. He had asked Jai, who did not say a word, still. He rather instructed the staffs to not inform him about yesterday's incidents.

Jai had called upon the desk to know if Ayaan was in the academy.

He was.
He had a number of medical tests, and an aptitude test to clear before he could start training, according to procedures.

Jai checked upon the number to the intercom that connected to the quarters they were allotted.

He knew, Sonara Parvez was just a call away from him.
If he would dial her number, she would pick up.
If he would ask questions, she would answer.
If he would wish to visit, she would invite him with open arms.
If he would call up on her, she would come to him in no time.

But all he did, was lay back on his chair, and stare vacantly at the ceiling.

The door pushed open.
Maya entred, followed by Farhan.
Jai sat up immediately.

" Jai...

I visited home. Humaira is asleep. And.. did you ask the staffs to not inform Dad anything about last evening? "
Maya crashed on a couch while Farhan took seat on a chair before his desk.

"I'm confused.... " , Jai said slowly.

" Stop doing that Jai!
We are with you at least. Think about the woman who's fighting alone, with herself, for herself, in one of those quarters of yours. " , Maya uttered.

Jai's eyes immediately welled up, as he looked into hers.

" Gather yourself. I know you want to meet her soon, and that's what is the dire need of the hour. But before that, you need to talk to Ayaan. Today, here itself. For that, you should stop being confused. " , Maya now looked at Farhan.

" I will meet Sonara. " , Farhan said.
" We have decided. "

Jai stared at him, speechlessly.
Then heaved a huge sigh.
" You will? "
As if, he was extremely satisfied that someone from his side would reach upto her support, if not he himself.

" That's what he's here for.
Hand him over the quarter number.
While you buckle up, to meet Ayaan.
I'm here. " , Maya almost ordered in her husky authoritative voice.

Jai nodded, like a student ready to take up all instructions of the head mistress.


Sonara stood at the huge window to the quarter they were residing in, 
staring at the immense plane shaped main building of The Zenith.

The window overlooked the large cemented open space, on one side of which were situated the quarters in parallel rows.

The helipad was located just beside the main building. Planes took off and landed every split second.
Everything was vast, and so eye soothing, that Sonara was surprisingly calm.
Calmer beyond her own imagination.
She only knew one thing, Jai would reach her, and would listen to everything she'd got to say.
He just needed sometime.

Sonara wondered, if Ayaan was confronting him at present anyway, in the rudest possible manner. The next moment she wondered, what level of maturity she expected from her little son, who was himself fighting odd situations within.
Without bearing a single complaint against a mother, who even slapped him before the father he supposedly hated.

They hadn't exchanged words though last evening.

Ayaan had spent time preparing for the tests, and she at a small balcony attached to the room.
The single room, situated in the first floor, had two beds, some basic furnitures, an open kitchen, a washroom, and two huge windows apart from the balcony. One could prepare food, or bring them from a canteen two buildings away.

The door bell rang.

Breaking Sonara's chain of thoughts.

Who? Jai....? 

Her heart paced.

But, she hadn't seen him come. She was at the window all these while..
Had she overlooked?

Holding her breath, and tidying her hair and salwar a bit, Sonara opened the door.

A man stood with a smile.
Probably in his mid forties.
Very bright, very handsome....but the important fact was, she did not recognize him.

" Sonara? " , he asked first.

She nodded, counting on who this could actually be. Jai's....acquaintant?

" May I come in? " , he asked, still smiling.

Sonara shifted to a side, giving way to him, but didn't close the door behind.

Farhan walked in.

She was beautiful, very very beautiful, much more than he had ever imagined.
Her presence itself was so magnetic, that he did not take a second to realise, why he had been awaiting her return for eighteen long years....

" Erm... You might be thinking who this trespasser can be..

I'm Farhan... Farhan Khan.
Maya Raichand Khan's one and only husband. "

Sonara felt the ground slipping from below her feet. She froze......breathless, heart-beatless.....

" Farhan!!!!! " , she uttered..after a lot of effort.

" Yes, I'm alive.

I had returned, the day.....the very day you had left. "

That was it.

Sonara broke into an immense wail.
She cupped her face, and screamed..

" Ya Allah!!!!
I'm..... I'm.... So.... So..... Happy.... I don't have..... Words.... " , she sobbed immensely.

" I know.

We are united, just because of you, and because of Allah.

Alhamdo lillah.. " , he uttered.

" Alhamdo lillah...
Alhamdo lillah... " , Sonara repeated..

" Behn....

Jai loves you to the moon and back.
And I'm sure you love him too... " , Farhan said.

Sonara kept weeping, as she slowly nodded.

" Also, you'll be proud of how he's raised Humaira into a complete woman. She's a gem.

Just that, she's a bit upset with you.

She's a bit angry upon you.
Because she loves Jai insanely. And there's a huge lot of possession in the kind of love she has for him.. "

Sonara slowly smiled..
And took sometime to utter...

" I' proud of her....
That she loved him when I could not stay with him.... "

" I know you'll be....

The problem is, children live in their own world of delusion, until we step into theirs and make them realise.

But once we do, they are the easiest to mould...

Sonara, so is the case of Ayaan..

Jai will talk to him, before he talks to you. Because we know you understand each other more than even we do...
But the children don't understand that...

Will you please give him, a bit of a time?

Will you, please? "

Sonara vehemently nodded a yes, while her eyes streamed..

" I will....

I will....

I will Bhaijaan.....

Just, please make sure....

I don't have to leave him again.........

I cannot take that..... " , Sonara hiccuped immensely..

Farhan slowly placed a hand on the shoulder, of his sister..
" Your bhaijaan....has been there, done that. He knows each of your pains Behn..
We will one day talk about that..

For the time being, I assure you, your bhaijaan and aapa will unite you with your soulmate.

And, as we all know,

Allah is Meherban. "

" Is Maya upset with me? " , Sonara asked.

" A bit. But she knows everything of your side. She knows it all.
Just that she's a sister, and she had seen her brother cry vehemently after you left. I think, her being upset is justified. " , Farhan smiled.

Sonara.....stared into his eyes.
The eyes, that felt so like home.


Such a huge chapter.
Plus early update. You all must be so pissed off.
I thought being lazy won't do me any good. What if I cannot finish before 30th even, and you all start shipping PraShraddha and abandon my story? (That was a good joke. Wow I cracked a good joke.)
Anyway, I need comments.
Heading towards a tiring night shift.
Will want you to make me smile in between if I get to see my phone.


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