part seventy seven

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" Is it very necessary to go Maya? " , Siddhi said, her expressions helpless.

" Yes mom. It is. Jai is staying back. I am sure he's more capable than we can ever imagine.
Plus, when I could not save my own love, how do you expect that I'll take a huge role in saving my brother's? "
Maya took her bag and car keys from the shelf.

Siddhi stood staring at the ground.

" And I'll be back in the evening. Not that I'm going away for days together.

The truth is, I'm insecure. And I've a strong feeling that hell will break loose when he steps in. But, I don't have the strength to watch the whole process from the beginning.

You may call me a sore escapist. Maybe I am. I just hope you take the much needed stand this time.
I just hope I get to see a happy family when I return in the night.

However, don't call me in between. I cannot pick up because I've an important meeting, neither can I decrease my productivity out there owing to your phonecalls. "

Maya left.

Siddhi wasn't sure if she could blame her for everything, or if this was very obvious. That a human who has herself gone through a similar exam and failed, couldn't really help a new examinee.

Siddhi heaved a huge sigh.


Raghav Raichand stepped into the house when it was nine thirty in the morning.

Siddhi Raichand walked towards him, and they exchanged a warm hug.

" My goodness!! The flight felt like eternity. I am so damn tired. "
His eyes fell upon Jai, who entered the living room with a smile.

" Hey my son!! How have you been? " , Raghav walked towards him, encircling him in a tight hug. He reciprocated.

" He rejoined business. This time as the COO. " , Siddhi said.

" Wo ho!! " , Raghav exclaimed.
" My goodness!! Which means you and Maya have exclusively sorted out the differences and grown into a better team now. Did you see Siddhi? How our plan of moving out worked?
I'll be more than glad to proudly welcome you again, before the board tomorrow. "

Jai smiled.

Raghav crashed on the sofa.
" I need some water. " , he wiped the sweat off his forehead.

" Sonara, it's okay to have temporarily removed the hijab. Allah will understand. And very soon, you will get to wear it again, isn't it? " , Nandini whispered to Sonara. Both now stood in the kitchen.

Humaira was placed on the vegetable stand, she was playing with a potato.

" Not that I always wear a hijab Nandini, but the fact that we'll have to deceive him in the beginning is eating my own self respect up. " , Sonara spoke slowly.

" Don't think so much. Just go ahead with this glass of water. " , she put forward a tray.

" Yeah, Allah bless me. And Nandini, take care that Humaira doesn't put those raw vegetables to mouth. "

Sonara stepped out of the kitchen, refilling her lung with as much oxygen as she could.

" Jai, sit.
Did your mother tell you, I was renovating the farmhouse? " , Raghav leaned back on the sofa.

Jai slowly took seat on the couch.
Siddhi kept standing behind.

" Yeah, I heard. It's good that way.
When I used to stay there, it was in shape. But as soon as no one occupied it anymore, it was bound to.... " , his eyes trailed to Sonara who walked in the scene with a tray and placed it before Raghav Raichand.

Though Jai hated this introduction, everything was planned by Siddhi. And they had to follow the guardian.

Raghav watched her carefully.
His brows squeezed a bit.

Sonara was dressed in a very beautifully sequined white sharara.

Jai couldn't shift his gaze from her.

But he was very sure his father was examining her too.
Sonara stepped back, and kept standing.

Raghav now looked at Jai, and then Siddhi,
" this beautiful girl? "

Sonara knew, however much she tried to stay calm, her face displayed extreme nervousness. The man, of whom till date she'd heard of only in the most inadmissible manner, now sat before her. And surprisingly, he looked like a perfect gentleman who had a good heart as well.

Sonara knew men by their looks. She could gather at once, the man in front might be stubborn and orthodox, but not a villain.

Jai looked at his mother, trying to remain as cool as possible.

Siddhi intervened.
" She's.... Sona.
Jai's girlfriend. "

Sonara shut her eyes immediately. Jai breathed deeper.

Raghav's jaw dropped momentarily, but he soon overcame, and looked back at Sonara.

" Ohh.....

I see...... 

Things change so rapidly. It now looks like I'm returning a century later. "

He smiled softly at Sonara, and then at Jai.

" So, Sona, is it?

Listen, you don't need to bring in water and all for me. My children never do that. Hehe! These are not the means to impress me. " , Raghav Raichand took up the glass.

Jai and Sonara exchanged glances.

Siddhi settled in another couch now.
" I told her. She just wanted to do something for you. That's all. "

" That's sweet of you Sona....
Sona what? " , Raghav looked at her.

Sonara's breath fastened like her lung would burst.

" Choudhari. " , Siddhi immediately replied.

Jai clenched his jaw. He remembered how he hid her identity the same way before, and how it had hurt her self esteem. But he had no choice than to stay quiet now. He tried to judge Sonara. She however, looked more nervous than hurt. They both were now going through a major exam where nothing mattered more than the love they tried to preserve.

" I see.
And when did this begin Jai?
I was living under the rock then, with a misconception that you were with someone else. " , Raghav wiped his lips.

Jai now prepared for his share of the script.
" I met her at the flying club. " , he believed he sounded utterly fake.

" Yeah, she works there. " , Siddhi said. She looked much better an actor.

Sonara agitatingly rubbed her feet on the ground.

" I see.
Anyways, if you both are happy with each other, I'm happy too.
And Siddhi seems very impressed with Sona. " , Raghav smiled.

He had always seen his wife not very impressed with Jai's love life. Today seemed different.

Sonara and Jai stared at each other with growing anticipations. Was this going to be that easy? 

Siddhi said, " She's a very nice girl. She's currently staying with us. Because of some issues in the mess she resides. "

Sonara couldn't really comprehend Raghav's facial features.
" Is it? I see.

So, Sona...
Are you a trainer at the club?
Or in the administrations? " , Raghav looked in all mood for further enquiry.

Sonara tried to be as confident as she could.
" I'm....a receptionist there. "

Raghav stared at her for a long moment after that, unnerving her completely. Then he shifted his gaze to Jai.

" Is it? A receptionist? 
I see.... "
Raghav Raichand now, for the first time, looked evidently displeased.

Sonara looked at the ground.
A sudden shame gripped her so tight that she wanted to run out of the house right now.
She wasn't worth all these fights they were undertaking for her. No, she wasn't.

Humaira was screaming in the kitchen.

Everyone shoved in their places.

Raghav, surprised yet again, stared at his wife.
" A baby crying, is it? "

Without answering, Siddhi almost ran inside.

Raghav passed a smirk at Jai,
" Looks like everything turned upside down. I'm amazed! "

Humaira's wail increased.
Jai got up. Sonara wanted to run as well. But she contained herself with all her might.

" Excuse me Dad. " , Jai left the room. 

Face off, was it?
Sonara stood before Raghav Raichand alone, fighting for existence it seemed.
" Who's the baby that made them run? You know I suppose. " , he asked her.

" My daughter. " , she couldn't lie though this was out of the script.

Raghav now seemed dumbstruck.

Sonara gasped for breath.

Jai returned in no time. Followed by Siddhi. No baby was seen, but they both looked uncomfortable.

" Is that baby her daughter? " , Raghav stared at Siddhi.

Siddhi nodded.
" She is.

Sona is a struggling single mother. "

Raghav scratched his beard for a long time after this.

" I.... See.... " , he stared at Jai, and then softly smiled.
" So this is where it comes from.

Where do you stay Sona? " , Raghav asked.

" At a YMCA mess in Bandra." , she somehow uttered.

" Bandra....

Rangruchi owns a women's hostel there. Do you remember Jai? " , Raghav suddenly said.

Jai stiffened.
The board flashed through his brains.
' Dogs and Muslims not allowed. '
He suddenly felt sickening.

" I remember. Very well. " , he almost hissed.

" Raghav, will we have all the discussions here itself? Get up!! Change and come down for breakfast.
You just returned from a completely different country. Don't you have jet lag even? "
Siddhi intervened again, because she knew both the children were undergoing upheavals.

" You're right darling!
I'll just freshen up.

And then we can talk. " , he threw  glances at the couple, and climbed up the stairs.

Siddhi looked at them.

Sonara pressed her paining shoulder, and Jai crashed on the couch.


" Ahhhh!!! Thank you for these Parathas Siddhi!! You are love!!! " , Raghav occupied his seat at the table.

While the rest three stood around.

" You all have had your breakfast it seems. " , Raghav grinned.

" It's 11:30 Dad! " , Jai said.

" Yeah, of course. How's Maya? " , he said gulping a piece.

Sonara was a bit distracted, because she somehow felt Humaira was crying in the guest room, though Nandini was there with her.
Raghav did not ask for the baby yet, so she couldn't bring her here. Things had not even crossed level one out here.

She missed a part of the conversation, but suddenly got back when she was called.

" So, Sona, you are a single mother.
How old is your baby? " , he asked.

" 1 year 1 month. "

" Which means, you divorced not long back. "

Jai absolutely hated the conversation. But he was bound to keep quite. Siddhi too remained silent.

" I left him soon after I was pregnant. " , Sonara said.

" Why? " , Raghav asked.

" Dad, please!!! Not every marriage works out!! " , Jai couldn't help shouting.

" It's alright! Calm down! I'm just asking, I need to know things about my son's girlfriend. " , Raghav exclaimed. " Also, why did you even get pregnant with a disrupting marriage? "

" Mom! He can't do this! " , Jai was suddenly utterly impatient.

Raghav stopped eating and stared at them.
" Why can't I ask genuine questions? "

" No, it's alright uncle. " , Sonara choked.
" I can tell if you want to hear. "

Jai helplessly stared at his mom, who pressed her temple.

" You don't need to. " , Raghav got back to eating, after staring at them for sometime.

Sonara heaved a sigh of relief relief. So did Jai.
Once again, she realised, the man had no intention to purposely embarrass, hence was not bad a human at all.
Of course, a bad father could never produce two humane children.

" So, you left your husband, and, went to your parents I suppose.

See, I might sound a bit inquisitive. But I have always known every detail of my children's companions. You may ask Jai. I'm sure you know of his previous affairs. Though this one looks much real and organised. " , Raghav chuckled.

Jai made a face palm gesture.
" She knows everything. You might not choose to talk weird Dad, please. "

Sonara slowly nodded.
" I know him completely, uncle.

And I have no issues in you enquiring about me. That's your right.

No, I did not go back to my parents. Because my mother had sold.... "

" Because she's an orphan since childhood. She's been brought up in an orphanage. " , Siddhi quickly uttered, almost alarmed.

Sonara was startled, as if struck back to senses.

" Ohhh... " , Raghav reflected.
" Your mother had.....?  " , he looked at Sonara again.

But Sonara was now in a mess. She couldn't continue what she was about to say. And did Raghav find something unusual in the way Siddhi time and again intervened?

On the other hand, Jai was no longer in himself.

Sonara's fear and anxiety struck face, hit him hard on the heart. Why was he doing this?  Why was he unnecessarily weaving webs of lies, if he really loved Sonara? How could he afford to embarrass her every moment on purpose? How could he let Humaira being sidelined and, disrespect being spilt on his one love?
If the harsh truths of her life was being shoved under the carpet, even if for a moment, wasn't it being the biggest insult to her?

He couldn't do that anymore.
Come what may, he was going to face it, now, or never.

" Dad..

Let me tell.

Since you wanna hear every detail of the girl I love..

Here it goes.

Sonara was sold by her own mother when she was fifteen, for money.
She was almost being thrown into an inhumane circle, but she escaped.

Since then, she has been fighting for life. Her husband was her once upon a time rapist. Humaira is not a love child, but she's her life.

Her struggles are mine now.
I love her, I'll give her the life she deserves.

And last, but never the least....

Her name isn't Sona Choudhari. I cannot lie anymore. It's not worth the respect I have for her.

She's Sonara Parvez.

And a Muslim. "

Raghav Raichand stopped breathing.


Maya Raichand was in the middle of a meeting when her phone constantly went on a ringing spree.


She couldn't ignore for long. Because, she did not have the gut to.

" Maya....


Hell has broken loose!!!! 

Jai, and Sonara are leaving the mansion.

Come here, please for god's sake!!!!  "

Maya Raichand ran down the stairs from the fifteenth storey. Because she had not a moment to lose, waiting for the bloody damned elevator.

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