Part 27, Ending

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Hello everyone
Sorry for the late update. I did mean to finish this story sooner but life got in the way.

Without further ado let's get back to the story

I sit up with a start, quickly regretting my sudden jolt as I'm blinded by light. I flop backwards, landing on a pillow. I cover my eyes with arm as I let out a sigh; a headache is forming but wait, where did this pillow come from?

I just now realise the weight on my legs is a duvet. I open my eyes slowly so that my eyes can adjust. I look around and soon recognize the room I'm in.

The veins in the stone marble floor glitter softly from the light beaming in through the curtains that cover three floor to ceiling bay windows. Familer bedsheets cover me as well as pajamas.

The sudden realization of where I am sets in. I'm back home, in my bedroom. How? What?

Millions of questions buzz around in my head, but my thoughts are interrupted by muffled sounds from outside my door. Slowly the sounds turn in to voices. I rack my brain to figure out who is out there but no such luck; they are too far away.

I let out another sigh and flop back onto my pillow. The sudden sounds of movement from me makes the voices outside go quiet. Did I imagine them?

My question is answered without being askes as my door slowly opens. Ever so slowly a person comes into view. They stop moving once they see me watching them. I recognize them.  It's Layla. What is she doing here?

The last of what I remember was that we were heading to the PAX convention or was that just a dream?

A closer inspection proves the latter is true. Tears stain her checks and her her looks like she hasn't brushed it for days or cleaned it for that matter. Wide, blood-shot puffy eyes stare back at me like she's seen a ghost.

Fresh tears trickle don't her already wet checks as her nose scrunchs up; the result of a goofy grin, slowly growing wider as more tears flowed. She's gonna make me cry.

I feel my eyes start to sting and warm tears escape. There it is. We're just looking at each other for a solid couples of minutes. The moment is broken by the entry of a second person. A man.

He's old. His already white hair us thining in places on his head. Nearly completely bald. Only bits left is a ring like halo of long strands. At least hus beard makes up for the lack of what's on his head. Black bags hang low under his eyes, showing his real age.

It's utter silence as Layla and now Grandmaster just stands at the doorway, staring sith tears in their eyes. I jerk back the duvet and scramble towards them, but my legs feel like jelly.

How long was I asleep for?

Layla rushes over to my side; helping me to my feet and letting me lean on her shoulder. She helps me slowly walk over to Grandmaster as feeling slowly cones back to my legs.

Grandmaster doesn't hesitate to pull me into a close embrace as soon as I got close enough to him. Now we're all crying. So many tears. My stomach grumbling like a dying whale ruins the tender moment. Wiping the sleep out of my eyes, I follow Grandmaster and Layla out of my room and down the hallway to the dinning room.

Servants and maids stand in awe as we pass. A couple of them I hear breakdown and cry. More tears. I think they'll be a lot of them. As we get closer to the dinning room I notice none of have spoken. As I swollow it feels like I swallowed sandpaper. I better not be sick. I hate being sick.

I ache to now what has been happening as well as just aching in general. I hadn't noticed till now. My chest feels like I've been hit my a car and the sensation of a bandage rubbing against my skin at least my boobs aren't jiggling all over the place.

We are just outside the dinning room and I can already smell the delicious food that's within. As if on cue, my stomach makes an dying whale grumble just at the thought of food.

I clutch my stomach as the three of us walk in; the doors held open by servants that bow as we enter, especially low for me. Everyone is acting so strange, it's as if they thought I was dead.

The dining table is set for three but the amount of food on it is enough to feed thirty. There's plates of pancakes still steaming with maple syrup, stackes of golden waffles covered in berries to crip toast and latherings of butter. Bowels of fruit salad and of yogurt is scattered everywhere. My mouth is watering because of the array of foods.

As we are seated I see a cup of tea sitting in front of me is already made and is slowly going cold. Jugs of juice sit in the middle of the table. I can see slow droplets of water glides down the clear glass surface, leaving a water mark on the table cloth.

After everyone had eaten, myself eating majority of the array but mostly of pancakes and waffles; I finally have my throat restored.

The first question I ask has been the one gnawing at me the whole time I was eating.

"what has happened?"

I see that me speaking after a long period of silence had caught the two of them off guard. Grandmaster lays downthe newspaper he was reading to tell me everything.

As he speaks the fog on mymemories slowly clear. My eyes widen. I look around frantically; we are missing someone. Everything has come back to me. I was in a coma.

Neon and I was out fighting againt the army of the shadows.  I was against there "leader" Shadow herself. We were closly matched before a blast nearby caused a crater that we fell into.

We both got impaled by shards of rocks. Shadow worse of then me. I was trying to get her surrender but there was no use. Hearing people come near gave her a chance to jump into my body while I was distracted. I ended up passing out after that cause of blood loss.

That explains all the pain and everyone's sad looks. I know Grandmaster can feel my intentions and gently rests his hand on mine. We all jump when the doors open and in hobbles Neon on crutches with bandages everywhere. She stops as soon as she sees me.

We both run to each other, more me then her, and collapsing to the ground as we hold on to each other for dear life. We both thought the other person was dead.

Shortly after our little family reunion Layla leave probably to sleep. It looks like she hasn't slept for days. Neon helps me change into a nice sun dress with flats, since I'm having trouble walking without shoes, then we both join Grandmaster on one of the balconies to see our people. There was more tears and cheers.

                     THE END


I hope you enjoyed the little twist I put here at the end
Till next time ~ XD

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