District 12 Male: Kale Emrys

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Name: Kale Emrys

Age: 17

Appearance: Kale is not handsome in the classical sense of the word,

but there is a certain quality about him which makes people look

twice. His black shaggy hair is often rumpled and dirty, his face with high

cheekbones smudged with the dirt from the mine.He has bright blue eyes

which often gives his emotions away. He also has pale skin from

working down in the mine. He has a slim, toned body, and stands tall

at 6'1.

Past: He has a mother, he never knew his father, it is said his father

was from the Capital....He grew up in the mines and loves to work there, all he wants is to be

free to work and to find a girl or a boy, to be honest, to love and marry. He wants a simple, free life...

He never wanted to be part of the games and his 19th birthday will be

the day after the games finish. The girl he loved died two games ago, she was killed by the victor of

that games, Kale wants to kill him...she was so beautiful...

Personality: Kale used to be impulsive, idealistic, naive and slightly

foolish: indeed that part of him is still there, it is hidden away but

still there. He is very outspoken and not afraid to speak his mind to anyone, noble

or poor...this has gotten him into trouble before and it will again...

He is a gentleman mostly but there is also a darker side to his

personality, He will go to extreme measures to protect those he cares

about, he will kill for them; and sometimes showing a cold, cruel, and

sadistic demeanor towards his enemies. Not letting them die quickly

and with little pain...He is tough and ready, his life in the mines marking sure of

that...yet, he is still a gentleman at heart...

Plans for the Games: To win, Kale is not the one for "plans"

Strengths: He is alert and very observant. He is good at using a sword

and also a longbow. He is used to little sleep and his eyesight it

very good in the dark.

Weaknessess: He tries to see the Good in everyone and is sometimes

blind to people's bad intentions.He speaks his mind and does not show respect to ranking, (This has

been attributed to the fact his father might of been a noble from the


Their deepest darkest secret: He likes boys,

Greatest Fear: To fail...

Type of person/personally they clash with: Haughty, bratty people...

Potential Ally stagey: As it was stated before,

Weapon of choice: Sword

Token: A golden, shark tooth necklace

Trinket Levingview: A gentleman with a dark past? You just might be the tribute I've been waiting for. Although, we shall see how far you will get in the Games... Oh, and... everyone has bad intentions at some point, especially in the Games. Learn that, or you will die.

Kami Jones: "Outspoken? Careful there, honey, you may just get yourself in trouble. Dark past, unknown father... I'm eager to see what deeper secrets you hold, sweetie."

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