Sponsorship Entry

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Trinket sighed, drumming her nails against the desk. Her eyes glazed over the screen, scanning over the tributes for the thousandth time. "I just don't know what I'm going to do! There's too many wonderful boys to choose from...." Her voice trailed off as she stared at the three particular ones she had in mind.

"Why am I not surprised about your problem, Trinkie?" Alaric said rolling his eyes.

Trinket giggled, and covered her mouth. "Trinkie? That's one I've never heard before. Well... I take it that means you've already got your eyes on someone?" Trinket winked at him, glancing at a few of the tributes on the screen she suspected Alaric had his eyes on.

"Aw, babe you know me so well," Alaric winked at her, "unlike you I'm not picking one." He said with a grin. District girls were more fun than the Capitol ones, they didn't look made up.

Trinket lifted one of her bright green eyebrows. "You're not picking one? But today is when they spend the day with a Capitol citizen and try to impress them to... impress us. Not that that's going to happen," Trinket snorted. Capitol citizens disliked people from the districts, so Trinket doubted impressing them would be easy.

"I can't wait to see how this goes it's been so boring around the Capitol! Maybe someone feisty enough will catch my eye," Alaric trailed off, it wasn't going to be easy for the tributes but this was their problem.

"Indeed it has." Trinket tapped her feet against the ground, giggling in excitement. "Maybe a few of them will do something... to add a little excitement around here. I might even give a few prizes if someone can impress me..." Trinket sighed, hopefully. Her eyes glanced over the three tributes she was hoping would impress her, and already plans formed in her mind on what to put them through in the Games.

"Knowing you you'll sponsor whom you like not someone worthy, Trinkie." Alaric said with a grin hoping to get a rise out of her.

She glared at him, and shifted her eyes to the one tribute she knew he wanted. "As if this one can be considered 'worthy!' Face it, your choices are no worse than mine. My tributes WILL BE worthy." She crossed her arms and huffed in anger.

"Sure babe. Whatever you say," Alaric grinned. His job was done, annoying her and Keegan gave him a kick. He didn't care what she thought about the tributes he'd pick, they had yet to prove themselves worthy. Till then he wasn't going to worry. When the time came he'd help them out.

Trinket grinned wickedly. As soon as he chose his sponsored tributes, she was going to make sure they paid, simply to get back at him for annoying her. I will make sure they fail, she thought to herself.

"Aww chill out, babe. Do you want me to get one of the tributes to give you a massage? Where's my pal, Keegan?" Alaric said, swinging in his chair.

Keegan shoved open the door and strolled in. "I'm here. What'd I miss?" He didn't bother to apologize for being late or explain. Neither Trinket nor Alaric asked him about it, so he figured he wouldn't bother unless he had to. Why waste time and energy?

In response to Alaric's earlier question, Trinket said, "Hehe... only if it's Colin or Chance... " She shifted her eyes to Keegan and winked at him. "Then again, you can always give me a massage whenever you want, sweetheart."

"Any time..." Keegan smirked back at her.

"Sure thing, babe." Alaric winked. You wish, you old bat.

A shriek echoed through the room, and suddenly the door banged open. Kami, dressed in a frilly pink dress, rushed in like a whirlwind, chasing a fluffy ball of fur. "Sprinkles! Sprinkles, no! Get back here!"

"Someone shoot me now. Is she chasing that dumb mutt again?" Keegan rubbed his temples. Why do I have to work with her? How can the other two put up with her? The answer to that, of course, was that they didn't. Well, maybe Alaric did, but Trinket certainly didn't. She had very little patience with Kami.

"Hopefully someone ate it?" Alaric said; he didn't like the scrappy little dog. It was small, annoying, and he was worried he'd squish the rat.

Kami dashes over to them, her hands on her flushed cheeks, gasping. "Oh my, oh my! Oh my, oh my, oh my, am I late? I've been chasing my poodle all over; am I late?"

"No, you're not late. We're all early," Keegan drawled, eyeing her poodle with a frown.

"Yes, once again, Kami, you're late!" Trinket glared at the little ball of fur at her feet. "And get this stupid, smelly mutt out of here! Gosh! And you call yourself a professional." She rolled her eyes at the youngest Gamemaker.

Kami picked up the poodle with a huff and stuffed it in her carrier. The dog growled.

"Go easy on her; Mr.Perfect Keegan is late too," Alaric said in Kami's defense. The only person he hardly annoyed was Kami but he had no clue why.

Keegan raised an eyebrow. "I was here five minutes ago. And I was only five minutes late. Some idiot took my last clean suit to the wash along with the dirty ones. I couldn't exactly show up with nothing on."

Trinket snarled. She had no patience for people who were late, even ones she thought were gorgeous such as Keegan. "Fine, fine. Just get in here, Kami. The tributes are about to spend their day with a Capitol citizen for the sponsorships."

Kami's eyes lit up, and she plopped herself down in a chair beside Alaric. "Really? Oh, really!?" she gushed in her high pitched voice. She clapped her hands together like a child. "Oh goody, I can't wait!"

Keegan rolled his eyes. Good lord... The woman is a menace. "Hate to rain on everyone's parade, but could you get that yapping mutt out of here? I'd like to focus sometime today."

"It's in a cage," Kami defended.

"That doesn't change the fact that it's a yapping mutt."

Sprinkles bared his teeth at Keegan, and Keegan glared at him. "Yeah, you..."

Kami pouted at him, and Alaric seemed to find this adorable because he immediately jumped in on the conversation. "Oh, leave her alone, Keegan. The animal's in a cage and quiet. Just don't look at it, and you'll be fine."

Keegan brushed off his suit, flicking away imaginary dog hair. "Fine... Let's just get down to business. We're here to watch the tributes spend their day with their Capitol citizens. So let's watch."


Welcome tributes! We've finally arrived to the sponsorship entry. This is the entry you will write to impress us, not only our Gamemaker characters, but us as well. After this entry is over, we will announce which tributes each of us will sponsor. 

For this task, your tribute will be spending an entire day with a capitol citizen. It is your job to impress them. Keep in mind that capitol citizens hate the districts, so this will not be an easy task. Even though you can write however you want, please also remember that we will be judging you on how realistic your entry is, as well as grammar, punctuation, story, character development and so on. 

We have assigned each of you to ONE WORD, and you are to use this word to make the capitol citizen. As long as it stays true to the word, you can make them look and act however you wish. 

What you try to do to impress them, is entirely up to you. Also, keep in mind that even though your tribute is getting sponsored by the Gamemakers on whether they impress the citizen or not, a few of the tributes hate capitol citizens just as much as they hate tributes. So not all of your characters would even try to impress them at all. It is your job as the writer of your tributes to figure out what they would do.

On your character information chapters, the Gamemakers have all left comments on what they think about your tribute. Use these to help you as you write your entries... That was our advice to you, what we expect, hope for, and plan to see coming in ways of character development. Using our advice would be wise on your part. You can include these quotes in your entries if you want to, but it is NOT a requirement. 

Somewhere in your entry, you can also include your tribute trying to make alliances. 

.5 bonus point will be awarded to anyone who lists their tributes' alliances at the end of their entry, and will be added to their score. Please put alliances in the place of deaths and ballots when you send it in. 

An award will be given to the most creative and they will receive a hint about the first task. On a side note, AWARDS WILL BE GIVEN OUT EACH TASK. Each task has its own set of awards we're handing out. There are also surprise awards we're giving out throughout the entire Games. 

Remember who the Gamemakers are, and the sort of tributes, and attributes they tend to sponsor. This will also help you gain sponsors. 

These are not in any particular order, so you'll have to read through until you find your tribute's name. 

1) Drunk –Anika Brand

2) Leader—Hunter Black

3) Absent minded –Destiny Muriala

4) Jerk – Chance Rollen

5) Nervous – Noura Katalin

6) Paranoid—Anthony Shoes

7) Charming – Phoebe Beckham

8) Ignorant - Alyssa (Lyss) Cameron

9) Weakling—Altrin Keene

10) Optimistic –Egan Blake

11) Intelligent –Jayden Armati

12) Arrogant –Coralie Dunbrylle

13) Smartalec—Alto Prague

14) Pompous – Kale Emrys

15) Conceited – Catherine Malfoy

16) Finicky –Athena Kelso

17) Adventurous –Christian Lewis

18) Egoistical—Natalie Pitchford

19) Cruel – Myka Sterling

20) Bossy – Dan Lincoln

21) Opinionated –Colin Vann

22) Brave – Heather Xaria Quire

23) Hateful – Dayshia Kelly

24) Lazy – Casper Roswell

****Remember this is not only about impressing them, but it will show how your character reacts when put in a situation where they are supposed to impress someone they cannot get along with.**** Do they give in and try their best to get along with them? Do they think outside the box and go out of their way to impress them, no matter who they are? Do they simply give up and walk away? Do they end up arguing and fighting? 

Once again, you get to choose whether your tribute succeeds in impressing them or not. 

You can do anything to try and impress them, or even if you don't, you can do anything (within rules of Hunger Games and Panem). The only limit is your imagination! This is why the most creative entry will be receiving an award!

Word count is 3000.

Due date is September 30 at 6:00 pm Central Time.

For those of you who think skipping our little snippet at the beginning is a good idea, keep in mind reading it could help you decide which direction to go to impress us

Go back to the formatting chapter to remember how to format your entries!

Feel free to comment any questions! Good luck and may the odds be ever in your favor :D

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