Sponsorship Entry: Female Entries Districts 1 - 5

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Here are the entries between females from districts 1 through 5. 

District 1 Female: Anika Brand

My district escort, Queenie, had woken me up at an ungodly hour to "get ready".

"Get ready for what?" I had asked, half-awake and groggy, probably looking like a hag.

"Today you'll be assigned a Capitolian guide for the day, Ani!" Queenie replied, the peppiness still clear in her light, sing-song voice, even though it was four am in the morning. I rolled my eyes at her nickname but buried my head in my soft, comfy pillow, "Just five more minutes, Queenie."

The next thing I knew Queenie had yanked the pillow out from under my head and was whacking me with it, suppressing giggles. Despite her heavy makeup and neon hair, Queenie Anderson was actually quite good company. I would've liked her a lot if it wasn't for one thing.

Queenie Anderson acted just like Lauren McKinley.

They looked completely different, but acted almost the same. The immature giggles, the random and very not funny jokes...they even both liked peaches, for goodness' sake! Queenie was a constant reminder of everything that I had lost with Lauren.

Lauren McKinley. Eighteen years young. With her fiery auburn hair and sparkling emerald-green eyes. She was one of the most popular girls in the entire school-heck, maybe in the entire district. But she chose me to be her girlfriend. Anika Brand, jeweler's daughter, semi-popular, but with almost no friends.

And she chose me.

"...let's give a big round of applause for your guides today!" I snapped out of my thoughts to see every other tributes clapping, some enthusiastically, some not. I immediately straightened up, trying to give a good impression, and flashed the 24 guides what I hoped was a charming smile.

The host for this year's Hunger Games--a man who's name I still didn't know, grinned at all of us before lifting his cue cards and beginning to read again, "Now, each of you will be assigned a guide who will show you the sights of the Capitol! First off, ladies' first...this is a random selection, by the way," the man quickly added, earning a round of laughter from the guides and a couple of half-smiles from us tributes.

"Now...Anika Brand's guide shall be Thomas Marston!" the host read out in a clear voice that reminded me of Queenie's...and Lauren's. I stood, and almost at the exact same moment another man stood as well, although he nearly fell over doing so. The audience chuckled slightly and Thomas-a man with shaggy brown hair and blue eyes, gave the ladies (tributes and guides alike) a charming smile. Some swooned, while the boys just rolled their eyes, scoffed, or laughed out loud. Another guide smiled at me before whispering, "You'll have your hands full with this one, Anika." He winked, before looking back at the host who was reading out more names.

Thomas made his way over to me, grinning, and before I knew it he had taken a strong grip on my hand and was leading me out of the room. A smell that I was all-too-familiar with hit me in the face and I coughed, memories suddenly resurfacing at the smell of alcohol. Now I knew why Thomas had stumbled, and why he had so shamelessly flirted with the ladies in the room.

The guy was stone drunk.

"Watch it, Lauren," I said cautiously, trying to maintain my stern, mother-hen attitude although failing when Lauren giggled, tipsy, before falling over on her butt, vodka spilling all over the richly carpeted floor of Lauren's house. Lauren stood, with my help, before looking at the large stain on the carpet.

"Oops," she laughed, throwing the now-empty red cup into the air. It landed somewhere behind the velvet couch, "Dad's gonna be soooo pissed."

"Damn right," I said, looking worriedly at the stain, "Are you positively sure we should even be here?"

"Positively sure," Lauren smiled, before jumping onto the bouncy couch, grabbing a pillow and hitting my face with it, hard. "Pillow fight!" she screeched, grabbing another pillow and throwing it at me, "Whoever falls off the bed wins first!"

"Wait," I laughed, deflecting another vicious pillow thrown at me by Lauren, "This is a couch, not a bed, dummy."

Lauren shrugged, before suddenly launching herself at me, "You dare question Lauren McKinley?" she growled in a low voice, and I squeaked, knowing full well what was coming.

"I swear, Laurie, if you try to tickle-"

"Too late!" Lauren crowed, before she started tickling me mercilessly. I laughed like a maniac, trying but failing to throw Lauren off of the couch. She had positioned herself above me, her one freckled arm pinning me down, the other searching for my weak spots.

"Say 'I'm yours', and I'll stop," Lauren smiled mischievously through my gasps of laughter.

"Alright, Lau-laurie!" I gasped out, tears in my eyes, "I'm yours, Lauren!"

Instead of getting off the couch, Lauren stopped her tickling, gave me a look I couldn't decipher, leaned down, and kissed me passionately on the lips.

"Hey, babe," the memory of my first kiss was gone almost as quickly as it appeared, and I stared uncomprehendingly at Thomas. I blinked, and realized that I was now walking through the streets of the Capitol. Several Capitolians had been flanking me, trying to take photos or even catch a glimpse of this year's District One female tribute. I gave them a half-hearted wave before looking back at Thomas, "What is it?"

"You've been awfully quiet during our walk," he said suspiciously. His breath still reeked of vodka, "You sure you okay, baby doll?" his voice slurred slightly, and for the second time today, Thomas stumbled.

I ignored the fact that he had called me 'babe' and 'baby doll' and grabbed his arm, steadying him, "Where are we going?"

"Oh," Thomas waved his free arm, which nearly caused him to fall over again. I groaned softly, before yanking his arm to help me get up, "Here and there..."

"Fine," I released my grip on his muscular arms and shoved my hands in my pockets, "Let's go, then."

Thomas gave me another look and continued walking along the streets, which surprisingly wasn't too busy. I guessed it was because of the time-it was, of course, only seven in the morning. Most Capitolians should still be asleep. A cool morning breeze whipped my golden blonde hair around and hastily, I took out a hairband the Capitol had supplied me with and tied up my hair with it. As I did so, Lauren's silver ring on my pinky finger flashed in the morning sun.

Lauren's ring that she gave me for my sixteenth birthday. It was on that same birthday that Lauren had dragged me over to her house and got drunk, before kissing me.

"Now you can't say you're sweet sixteen and never been kissed." She had whispered.

It was then that I realised something I should've realised a long time ago.

I loved Lauren McKinley.

And she loved me back.

Or so I thought.

Six months after we started dating secretly for the fear of our parents finding out, I headed out to hang out with some other friends of Lauren's, per request. However, halfway I tripped, being the idiot I was, and headed back towards Lauren's house to check my swollen ankle. It was there when I found her on the same couch she had kissed me on, making out with some guy.

The pain in my heart hurt more than my ankle, at that moment.

And then I ran. And I never talked to Lauren McKinley again.

"You're doing it again," the slurred voice of Thomas once again cut through my thoughts, and I looked up, annoyed now. The man had one arm draped over my shoulders and was holding a glass bottle of rum in another. My blue eyes widened slightly. I hadn't noticed the bottle. Where had he gotten it from?

"You know," Thomas said, grinning stupidly, "You're quite pretty. How old are you again?"

"Sixteen," I mumbled, suddenly feeling hot and uncomfortable. I made an effort to shrug Thomas' arm off my shoulder but it didn't budge. My breathing hitched.

"What are you doing, baby?" Thomas mumbled, tightening his arm around my shoulder so I couldn't break loose. I suddenly felt that I was suffocating. Something was wrong...what was he doing?

And before I knew it Thomas' rough lips had crashed down on my smooth ones, kissing me messily and sloppily. I stared, dumbstruck, before jerking my head away and slapping him on the cheek with all of my strength. Thomas jerked back, his brown hair messier than usual, staring at me as if surprised that I had fought back.

"Nice try, perv," I muttered, breathing heavily, "But I'm a lesbian."


District 2 Female: Athena Kelso

My escort for the day was supposed to meet me at a small but very fancy restaurant about ten minutes away from the training center. He appeared to be late though, as I sat by myself for about five minutes in the corner of the dining area. The restaurant was lined floor to ceiling with murals of various pictures of the Hunger Games, starting with the first and ending with the last. Although the eatery was filled with various sorts of people only a quiet murmur of voices could be heard. Wild makeup and hairstyles could be seen on each person although everyone was unique.

I was sipping the glass of water a waiter had placed in front of me when I heard heavy footsteps coming my direction. I looked up to see a man walking towards me. The only words I could think to describe him were tall, dark and handsome, although he wasn't as good looking as the gamemaker Alaric. His brown skin was flawless and his hair was so black it almost looked blue. He wore a dark grey suit with a red shirt underneath but I saw no tie. This task was going to be a lot more fun than I thought.

"You must be Athena," he said as he approached me, holding out his hand. I placed mine on his and he brought my hand to his lips. "I am Hayden. You look quite stunning."

I could not tell if I detected sincerity or sarcasm in his voice, although I knew that I looked absolutely amazing. My designer had dressed me in a skin tight red gown that cut off at my knees. She styled my hair into a messy bun and added just a touch of makeup to complete the look.

"Thank you," I replied, giving him one of my prettiest smiles. "You don't look to bad yourself."

He sat down opposite of where I had been moments before, a scowl moving across his face as I sat down across from him. "What are you drinking?"

"Water, why?"

He grabbed my glass and walked over to the nearest waiter. A muffled argument ensued. He came back with two glasses full of a foaming, cream liquid. He handed me one. I raised my eyebrows in a question.

"I only drink cream soda at this restaurant, their water tastes like the sewers of District 8." His voice seethed with hatred.

Okay, I'm not entirely sure how he knew that but I thought it would be best to make a good impression, despite his weird pickiness. "I agree." I raised my glass as a toast and drank down the liquid. It was cool and tasted of vanilla, unlike anything I had back in District 2.

"I thought we would eat a late lunch here and then move on to bigger and better things."

"Sounds good to me."

He motioned over the waiter he had just harassed only minutes before who came quickly, trying to hide his fear. "We both want the best steak you have to offer, cooked to medium rare. We also want a loaf of your French bread, a side of steamed broccoli, and a baked potato each." He ordered for me, how lovely, today was going to be a long day.

"But sir, the steak doesn't come with all of that," the boy mumbled.

Hayden stood up, towering over the now cowering waiter. "Do I look like I care?" I sighed, I could not wait to be done with this and get to the actual games.

"N-no, but can I suggest you get something else?"

"Is there someone else I can speak with? A manager perhaps."

"No! Don't do that, I'll get your meal." The boy scurried off into the depths of the kitchen.

Hayden sat down and took a deep breath. "So sorry about that."

"It's totally fine," I reassured him, giving him a smile. "It's so hard to find good help these days. My family had to fire the last three servants we had for forgetting what we liked to eat." This was a lie but I was playing a game. "Besides, I like a man who knows what he wants." I winked at him and put my hand on top of his. He smirked at me but didn't move.

"So, Athena, are you ready for the games?"

"Of course, I was born ready."

Hayden laughed, "That's what I like to hear. How far do you think you will get?"

"Oh I'm going to win, there's no doubt about that."

During the fifteen minutes before our food arrived I got to know Hayden more. He was born in the Capitol, no surprise there, twenty-three years ago. He liked the color red, but not any variations of the form. He only liked to eat in the restaurant we sat in once a week, because any more than that and it looked bad. He worked in the filmmaking industry, but would only film the games because "[a]nything else was not worth his time or talents." And guess what? I had similar tastes. Although he was finicky and annoyed the heck out of me, I flirted the whole time, laughing when appropriate, leaning in when the moment was right, kicking his feet under the table and then winking at him. I thought I was doing a pretty bang-up job of impressing him.

Our plates arrived, steaming and filled to the brim with everything Hayden had ordered-almost. Instead of a baked potato was a pile of mashed potatoes. I looked up at Hayden, his eyes had narrowed into slits. He stood up, pushing his plate off the table where it shattered into a million pieces. "I did not order this," he bellowed, causing the restaurant to be silent. Great, I thought, I was going to be known as the tribute that attracted the wrong kind of attention.

Our waiter ran up to us, looking like a deer caught in headlights. "What's the matter now?"

"Those are not the right potatoes! I specifically asked for baked, do those look like baked?" Hayden's dark face was turning red now. I needed to diffuse the situation.

I strung my arm through Hayden's, catching his attention. "Do you want to take a walk?"

"But we haven't eaten yet."

"I know, but I wasn't that hungry anyway. Can you show me your favorite place in the Capitol?"

He was silent for a second before he answered. "Yeah, sure."

We turned and walked out of the restaurant, many gawking Capitol citizens staring at our backs.

Hayden took the lead this time, but he remained silent. We walked towards a big blue pond filled with various sorts of birds. Little Capitol kids lined the beach, throwing bits of food at them.

"It's beautiful here," I broke the silence.

"I know. My mother used to take me here all the time when I was younger." A look of nostalgia crossed his face. This side of Hayden was kind of sweet-I didn't do sweet.

We sat down on a bench and watched the birds for a while before anyone spoke again. "You know, Athena, I went into this whole day expecting to hate you."

What a nice thing to say, I thought. I still dislike you.

"But you actually aren't that bad," he continued. "I actually quite like you." I couldn't hid the smile that spread across my face at that moment.


"I'm sorry I made such a scene back there."

"No worries," I told him, even though I knew how bad he would look on camera. "Any press is good press."

"I like the way you think!" Hayden laughed. "You know, I'm very impressed with you. I wish you the best of luck in the games."

That was the moment I had been waiting for: conformation on my success. The odds were definitely in my favor now.


District 3 Female: Myka Sterling

One day in the last week or so of my life I was sent out into the depths of the Capitol. It was a wild and dangerous place for a girl of only fourteen. So many strange people and objects could be found at every turn. Luckily (or unluckily in my case) each tribute was given an escort. Our task: to 'impress' the Capitol citizen to earn sponsorships for the Hunger Games.

When I first exited the training center, I was in awe at the chaos of the Capitol. Every seemed to be in such a rush but it appeared as though no one knew where they were going, always backtracking and turning around. A limousine waited outside the building. My mentor pushed me in.

"Now Myka," my mentor Nadia told me, "you best please your escort because if you don't you won't get a sponsor. And without a sponsor you will not get very far in the games."

I had my doubts about impressing someone from the Capitol- the living, breathing entity that I hated-but I was going to try to at least please whoever I was meeting. While Nadia rambled on about the importance of this day I tuned her out, staring out the window at the tall and lavish buildings. I tried not to think of my impending doom or about how much I disliked the idea of spending a whole day with a rich, pompous, brat.

The limousine came to a halt outside a fancy blue building. A red carpet lay in front of the apartments and entered inside what I assumed would be a reception hall.

"This is us," Nadia said.

I opened the door and stepped onto the sidewalk, a cool breeze brushing by my face. Nadia remained in the car.

"See you in a few hours, darling. Do behave yourself." Nadia waved at me through an open window, blew a kiss and told the driver to move away.

My escort, Disedaya, was supposed to walk out of the building at any moment. Bored, I started to kick a rock as though it were a ball. I created a game of trying to get rocks as close to a small tree as I could, each time changing my angle and pressure to create an optimal result. I was so involved in my game that I didn't hear the click, click, click, of very high heels until it was too late.

I jumped when a hand was placed on my shoulder. Whirling around, I came face to face with a black haired witch. She wore a purple and black dress that was fitted only around her waist. The top was frilly and the bottom even more so. She wore five inch black heels that looked like they could stab someone. Her dark hair was pulled up high on her head with a few strands falling down her face. She wore purple lipstick a purple blush. She would have been breathtaking had it not been for her beady black eyes. They stared daggers into my soul, sending a shiver down my spine.

"You Myka?" She asked, squeezing my face in between her hands and inspecting it.

"Yes!" I managed to squeal.

"You're not much are you?" She didn't give me time to respond as she continued. "And what are you wearing? No one is going to fall for that innocent school girl look." My stylist had fitted me in a simple green dress with black stars patterned on it. I thought I looked cute but obviously Miss Evil Queen had other ideas.

"Too young, too small, too bright eyed. I can already tell you are a bloodbath tribute," Disedaya continued, her eyes scanning me as though looking for something worth her time.

Disedia didn't know me and she already thought she had me figured out. She was exactly like every other stereotypical Capitol citizen out there: rude and with no filter.

"No, I'm not. Winning the games isn't just about looks you know," I countered her.

A sharp pain shot through my face as soon as the words exited my mouth. Disedaya had slapped me! She grabbed my arm, her claw like nails digging into my skin and most likely drawing blood.

"Do not speak unless spoken too, do you understand?"

Anger welled in my chest, pressured and ready to explode. But I needed sponsors so I nodded, breathing deep and hard. I was starting to hate the Capitol more then I had ever before.

"Good. Now follow me." Still holding my arm she dragged me down the street and turned into an alleyway. This was an area of a Capitol I had not known existed. Under all the glamour and facades was a grimy, dirty, run down community. The area I was in kind of reminded me of the black market in District 3. Old, small, and broken buildings lined the street at the end of the ally. Disedaya pulled me to a building with a sign that read Moe's on it. Only the 'o' was actually lit and even then it was flickering. I had to hold back the urge to fix the lighting.

She pushed open the door. A few three legged tables stood in the room with assorted chairs. A bar with a layer of dirt so thick I could draw pictures in it lined one half of the room. A few wobbling bar stools sat against the bar. The entire place smelled of must and rot. The bar was empty except near the back where a lonely red door and equally lonely man stood. Disedaya walked up to the man, who had covered half of his face with a metal mask and horns on top of his head. As I neared him the pure size of his muscles made him look as though he could crush a melon in his bare hands.

"Hello Dave," Disedaya said as she passed the man. I thought 'Dave' was an extraordinarily odd and even normal name for someone from the Capitol to have.

As soon as I passed the door I wanted to hurl. The stench of sweat, rust, whiskey, and anxiety reached my nose. The noise of many people cheering was nearly deafening. The room was windowless. A small yellow light flickered overhead, allowing me to see only a little of what was going on. The floor was dirt turned to mud from the many spilt drinks. The room was filled to overflowing with men of all shapes and sizes.

Disedaya pushed her way through the throng of people with surprising ease. One man with purple hair and a body covered in tattoos saw her and came over.

"Ahh, Disedaya," he kissed her hand, "as always, it's a pleasure to see you."

"The pleasure is mine, Jix. I assume you saved me a spot."

"Of course," he smiled, showing a mouth full of yellow and broken teeth. The halitosis coming from his mouth was enough to make me want to pass out. "Is this the tribute?" When he looked at me I felt as though I was a piece of meat he wanted to devour.

"Yes, this is the little brat. Myka, this is my cousin Jix." She shoved me forward and into the arms of the repulsive man.

"She is so young; I bet she'll be a lot of fun."

I swallowed the lump of fear that had settled in my throat. "Let me go." I glared into his red, soulless eyes and moved out of his grasp.

"She's got spirit," he laughed, spanking my behind.

"Not now Jix, the game is about to begin." Disedaya cut in. For the first time since I met her I was grateful for her presence.

Jix looked disappointed as he turned around, "Follow me."

What game were they talking about?

Disedaya grabbed my arm again as we moved towards the front of the crowd. It was only then that I heard the barking over the loud barrage of laughing and drunken men. A circle was empty in the middle of the room lined with a makeshift wire fence. A large mutt of some sort stood on one side of the circle. Spittle flew from its mouth. Its brown, misshapen body was covered in scars and open, bloody wounds. On the side closest to me was a smaller dog, its black body quivering in fear at the barking mutt in the arena with him.

"You see that dog, girl?" Disedaya whispered in my ear, her hatred and cruelty cut through me like a knife. "That'll be you in the games." My eyes widened in horror as the animals were released and the mutt attacked the dog. The whole fight probably lasted only a few seconds and when the mutt moved away only a bloodied mound remained of the dog. I watched as the men around the room cheered and laughed, placing bets and collecting winnings.

This was horrible and cruel! How could everyone stand around and watch as the inhumane fights continued? This time it was with a fluffy, tiny, white dog. Then I remembered that this was the Capitol and they ran the Hunger Games so a dog fight was nothing.

I wasn't going to stand for this. I ran into the circle before Disedaya or Jix could stop me. I was a tribute; they couldn't do anything to me until the games without causing an uproar. I threw myself in front of the white puppy as the mutt was being readied to be released.

"Stop!" I yelled and to my surprise the room went silent. "This is awful, stop this right now!" I hugged the dog and removed the collar from its neck.

"Myka, come back here right now," Disedaya commanded, her tone suggesting something terrible would happen if I didn't but I felt the same would happen if I did.

"Get out of the ring girl," the guy holding the now empty rope. He pushed me further into the ring and into the mud and blood. I wiped the disgusting mixture from my face and spat.

Tears threatened to fall down my face but I held them back, these horrible excuses for human beings were not going to see me cry. I was scared but there was no way I would show that either. My hatred for the Capitol and its citizens kept me going.

"No, you will stop cruelty and you will stop it now! No one, not a dog or a person," I emphasized the word person, "deserves to die for entertainment." I swept the puppy into my arms, feeling its body shaking in my grasp. Then I moved towards the edge of the arena and climbed over the fence, scraping the back of my left leg on the way down. I ran through the crowd with the dog, who parted, still shocked at my actions a few minutes before.

I ran past Dave the bouncer, past the broken and blinking sign, past the alleyway and into the street where my mentor had left me. As I collapsed on the sidewalk, tears flowed freely down my face. I probably looked as though I had clawed my way out from hell with the blood and mud that covered me and the dog. I was worried Disedaya would follow me out here and drag me back into the awful place but to my relief she did not.

As I waited for my mentor to pick me up I looked back on the day. I knew that I did not impress Disedaya. I knew I would not get sponsors. I knew I was going to die in a few short days. But I didn't care. I wanted to go home where my bed was waiting. I wanted to go home where I knew the people weren't horrible. I wanted to go home to my annoying brother, who loved me as much as I loved him. And most of all, I wanted to go home to the warm embrace of my father, to have him tell me everything was going to be okay. I wanted him to comfort me one last time.


District 4 Female: Coralie Dunbrylle

I stand in Maximus' obnoxiously large and colorful home. I've not said much of anything to him since we met at the train station. He's an arrogant jerk and doesn't care about much more than himself and his possessions.

Typical Capitol citizen. I don't know how I'm supposed to handle this. He's so...full of himself. It's unbearable.

"You're not particularly...pretty. And what's with that thing on your forehead?" My scar. He continues to circle me like I'm some sort of meal, scrutinizing my every imperfection.

I grit my teeth and take several deep breaths before I even allow myself the thought of answering him.

Even with trying to keep myself calm and rational, I still mumble, "Yeah, because orange skin is so attractive..."

Freaks, I think to myself.

His skin color isn't far off from the orangey red color of my hair. It's not quite as vivacious as my mane, but the color is certainly there.

"Excuse me?" he asks stopping inches from my face.

"Look, we hate each other. Admit it. You hate me and I hate you. Can I just hide in a room and you can pretend I don't exist?" I ask, feigning confidence. Fake it to make it, right?

"What makes you think you can talk to Maximus in such a way?" his voice rumbles with his ridiculous accent. I roll my eyes.

Speaking in third person? That's such a cliché move for someone so arrogant I almost can't believe he'd say it.

Ah, but I can. He's from the great and mighty Capitol. He can do whatever he pleases. He's perfect. I'm but just the scum of the earth.

"Why are we doing this? I've clearly already made my impression on you. I'm not getting sponsored. That's evident. Can I just leave?"

"No, you have to spend the day with me. Capitol orders."

"Doing what?" I ask angrily. There's nothing this man, no, creature, will get me to do.

"I could think of a couple things," his overly plump lips brush across my cheek as he speaks. I fight the instinctive urge to gag. I will not be used by this beast.

I place my hand on my chest and put on the best innocent sounding voice I can muster. "Oh, but I'm merely a tribute that washed up from District Four. I wouldn't want to disgrace your body with mine."

He raises one of his perfectly manicured hands in the air. "I'll hit you. Don't think I won't."

With a sly smile, I answer, "Let me see you try."

He brings his hand down, prepared to smack my face. I block him with my forearm. A look of shock crosses his face. I ignore the pain in my arm from his hit.

"I've been at this for a while. So, by all means, try again," I sneer. I've gotten considerably good at defending myself against brutal people. It's a normal reflex now to block a hit.

He doesn't, as I suspected. These creatures here don't have a vertebrae. I've squashed bugs stronger than the citizens here.

We both glare at each other. I'm assuming he is trying his best to look tough and angry, but with his...modifications he looks far from it. Maximus is the prime picture of too many plastic surgeries.

In our stare down, I decide to look over all of his features just to silently mock them. I need some way to entertain myself for the day.

His lips, which are at least four sizes larger than average, are stained a blood red. His long, curly locks are a very artificial tone of yellow. The tattoos covering his orange skin match the hair.

How do they look in the mirror and call this beauty?

"You've angered me," he states. "Go sit on the sofa until I decide what to do with you."

I fold my arms across my chest and challenge him. "And if I say no?"


"You'll what? Try and hit me? You know, since that went so well last time?" I'm secretly hoping he doesn't consider trying to hit me again. My false coolness might get me into trouble rather than out of it.

"Why don't you just shut up and be a good little tribute?"

"Why don't you try treating me like a human," I shout. I have two personalities. Which one you see depends on how you treat me. Right now, I have my angry personality out.

If you treat me like I'm your lavish, Capitol home floor mat that you can walk all over, you will not get my respect.

He scoffs. "Human?" He waves his bony hand in dismissal. "You're just a piece of my entertainment. I'll enjoy watching you die in the first few seconds of those Games. Now go sit."

"Yes, master." I bow myself in front of him entirely overstated. I'm sure he'll know I'm only mocking him.

"That's more like it."


I sit on the couch and think about his words. I refuse to die in the beginning of these Games. In fact, I'm going to win.

Sure, my plan may have been to just float through the Games hoping to win. But not now. Hope has never been a friend of mine anyway...

I'll show him. I will win.

I begin to play with the soft pink fringe all over the couch. The absence of taste here isn't lacking. From the fringe covered sofa to the large self-portraits that layer the walls...

Maximus keeps his back to me while he speaks through his gem covered phone, clearly about me. To my left I examine the white kitchen. The color is a blunt contrast compared to the rest of the candy colored home.

I fantasize about quietly rummaging for a knife to kill him with. I would make it seem like an accident, obviously. Oh what a sweet revenge...

The thoughts bring a smile to my face. It disappears just as quickly as it came. This isn't me. I don't plot to kill people, no matter how irritating.

I've been here for less than a full day and I'm already being changed. It makes me wonder what kind of person I'll be in the arena.

It doesn't matter, I tell myself.

I'll do what I need to do if it means winning, if it means proving everyone wrong...proving that I am not worthless.

I want to show everyone that they are wrong more than I've ever wanted anything else before. Maybe it's not even that I want them to be wrong, but I want myself to be right.

I've tried to kill myself on multiple occasions, none of which anyone knows about. But I obviously could never do it. To kill myself was to admit that everyone was right and I was wrong. It meant accepting that I was completely worthless. I never wanted to let them win.

I detest being alone with my thoughts. It's a worse place to be than at home with abusive parents sometimes.

"New plan," Maximus hollers with mock excitement.

My head snaps up from the fringe that I was watching move with every shift of my body. No matter what he says, this can't be good.

"And what is your master plan?" I ask dryly.

"What is your plan, master," he tries to correct.

"No," I reply. "I said it how I meant it."

He looks genuinely confused. He is so dense. What's so hard for him to understand? "I don't—"

"Just tell me the stupid plan, please."

"A party!"

"I'm sorry. What?"

"Party. Food, Dancing, socialization."

He must think I'm an idiot..."I know what a party is, but why?"

The last thing I expected or wanted was to attend a party. I don't like people. They make me nervous. Worst of all, it'll be Capitol people.

"It'll get you and me away from each other, but I'll still be fulfilling my duty of spending a day with you. Besides, I haven't let people see me in at least four hours. I owe them that much."

He truly does think he's better than not only me, but everyone. Is there no end to his silly superiority? What is wrong with all these citizens here? Are they all this annoying?

"Chop chop, let's get a move on." He claps his hands together and I groan. This is so dumb. Why do we even pretend to tolerate one another? It's a fruitless, pointless effort.

He ushers me out of his orange front door and starts walking briskly down the candy colored streets of the Capitol. I have to nearly run just to keep pace with him.

"What am I even supposed to do at this party?" People, when there are a lot of them, make me anxious. I feel like they all stare at me and judge me.

"Make friends. Hopefully you'll do better than you have so far."

Maximus stops short and runs up to house sitting a ways back from the sidewalk.

"Is this where the party is?" I shout to him while standing in the place he left me. The area is rather deserted for a party venue. From what I've heard about the Capitol, the parties are never small or dull.

"No, just wait there."

I watch as he knocks on the door of the lavender home, but quickly losing interest in him, I wander across the bright streets to look at some of the shops.

There are so many places here to buy things. This is nothing like 4. We don't have shops that are this lavish. I guess this is one of the many extravagances only Capitol people get to enjoy.

I sigh as I stare into the window of a bakery shop. Even their bakery is ten times more wonderful than the one at home. And the smell is fantastic. I could stand outside the door sniffing all day.

As my feet distractedly carry me down the sidewalk, Maximus calls out my name. I turn around noticing that I've covered a greater distance than I realized. Oops.

I run back to him and the two figures beside him. Great...we have company.

"Coralie, this is Atalina and her tribute from One." He places a quick kiss on the pale face framed by bright pink hair. For a Capitol dweller, she looks mostly normal.

"I've missed you, babe," she whispers seductively.

I have no choice but to wonder what someone like her, one who is actually mostly normal and cute, is doing with...my creature of an escort.

She's had her share of surgeries, I can tell. Somehow she still looks pretty. Her cheek bones are much more exaggerated than normal ones and her eyes have been made larger...and dark purple. She's really tall, too.

"Hey," the boy from one says. "I'm Altrin."

"Coralie," I mumble. Meeting another tribute is much harder than I would've anticipated. Meeting people from the Capitol is bad, yes. But it's a different bad. They are so far from human in the way they think and act at times that it isn't nearly as intimidating. Meeting a tribute...apparently that's different by a long shot.

"Are there going to be more tributes at this party?" I ask Maximus.

"Only if there are people as uninterested with their tributes as we are." He turns his head back to glare at me.

"Speak for yourself," Atalina squeaks like a mouse. "I'm very fond of Altrin."

I roll my eyes. Of course she is. He probably will do anything to get sponsored. He's District 1. Maximus probably would have been fond of me, too, if I would have done what he wanted.

Our two Capitol escorts are walking far enough ahead that I feel completely alone. Altrin is beside me, but I don't want to talk to him. My District may be full of Careers, but I'm not one of them. Careers are entirely too arrogant.

Besides, to talk to Altrin would be trying to make friends. If I want to win I can't have friends. I have to have alliances and that's it.

Just looking at Altrin, the way he carries his no doubt toned body is arrogant. It sickens me. All Careers are full of themselves.

"We're here darlings," Atalina shrieks with excitement. If small animals had voices, they would have hers. She's so squeaky it kind of hurts my ears. But at least she's nice...

"Okay, listen up Coralie." I look over to Maximus with a stony glare. "Feel free to mingle, just don't ever take attention off of me. Not that you could, of course, but don't even try."

"Okay..." Yes, because I have nothing better to do with my time than to steal the lime light from an egotistical maniac.

"Also, try not to disgust anyone with your presence. I know it'll be hard, but...try. Got it?"

"Sure." Whether or not I disgust people isn't my problem. I'm not going to put on some façade just to please Maximus and his so called friends.

"No offense," Altrin says, "but I don't exactly want to be at a party. Can I just go back to your house, Atalina?"

"Well..."she drawls. "I suppose. Just be careful, okay? I'll be home to return you later. Please make sure you're there. I don't want to get in trouble."

"I wouldn't do that." His voice suggests that he's genuine. Not that he would have a reason not to be. He's actually making an attempt to be friendly.

He turns his back to me and walks towards the area we came from. Okay, that isn't fair. Why does he get out of this?

I can't believe I'm doing this, but...


Altrin turns to look at me along with Maximus and Atalina.

"Can I go with him?"

"I don't trust you. No." I hate Maximus...

"But... I don't want to be with all those people. There will be too many. I can't—please."

"People phobia, huh?"

"Please," I beg again.


Ugh. I hate this. Even the thought of facing a group of people who are likely as revolting as Maximus is enough to make me sick. Every part of my insides are screaming. I wish I could scream on the outside.

"What's going on?" I hear Altrin stop behind me.

This just isn't my night...

"Nothing. I'm only being forced to go to a party that's nearly giving me anxiety. That's all." I don't turn to look at him. I keep my eyes on Maximus. He smiles and walks on.

We all reach the massive mahogany doors to the equally massive house. From the sounds of it, Altrin is still following behind me. He should've got out of this while he could. Or maybe he wanted to see me suffer pre-Games.

Maximus shoves the door open dramatically and shouts, "I'm here! Oh and I would love everyone to meet my tribute Coralie. Come over and meet her."

He looks back to me and whispers, "Don't cross me next time."

Everyone is staring...at me. Me! Why me? All of the eyes...some intimidating, some not. But all just staring.

My stomach flips and summersaults over and over. Someone needs to say something. Anything. At this point, my insides are doing more acrobatics than I ever have.

Eyes unblinking. Mouths unmoving. What is happening? Is time somehow moving slower merely to torture me?

Black dots start to appear behind my eyes. Before I even feel it happening, I'm losing the lunch I ate on the train ride here. I don't even have to look up from my bent over position to know that everyone's eyes are huge, probably utterly appalled.

I run to the door without looking at a single person. Tears sting my eyes as I exit out into the evening sun.

I hear Atalina shout, "Altrin, take her home!"

Home would be amazing. Home home. Not the home of Capitol dweller. I want to sit in my hidden cave and watch the waves crash into the shore. Today has easily been one of my worst, and that's saying something. I have this strange feeling that today won't be the last bad day I have before returning home. Dead or alive.

ALLIANCE: Dan Lincoln District 10


District 5 Female: Catherine Malfoy

The van the capitol sent, dropped Catherine off in front of a large cream colored house, leaving her alone in the middle of the usual capitol cold sunny day.

She felt her heart sink as she stopped and stared at large door of the house.

'This is a test,' she reminded herself.

She closed her eyes and continued chanting the words to herself before she heaved a sigh and lifted her knuckles to knock the door.

After a few knocks, the door opened, revealing a very slender woman with bright pink cheeks and bloody red lips. Her yellow hair cascaded down her back, complementing her lush green and pink dress that hugged her perfectly figured body.

She eyed her up and down, looking at her appearance, before she met her eyes again.

"So, you are?"she asked, raising her brows.

'What a brat,' she thought, starting to hate every inch of the woman. She opened her mouth to speak but the woman seem to read her mind and beat her into it.

"Catherine Malfoy, are you?"

She held her head high before her lips curved into a proud smirk. "I am."

The woman's eyes glinted at the confirmation of her name. She stepped aside and held the door out for her. "Come in to my humble home, Miss Malfoy."

She smiled, nodding at her invitation. She looked around the house and saw the different pastel colors draped all over the room, making the room look inviting and bright.

The woman gestured for Catherine to sit at her wooden sofa and turned to leave for the kitchen.

Catherine looked around, taking in all the other details of the room. And after a while, her eyes dropped at the glass coffee table with papers spread on top of it.

She looked down at the papers, noticing the different colorful letters written in them.

'Wait, I shouldn't touch this, maybe these are supposed to be confidential and have no means of being read except for its owner,' she thought.

But her curious self budged her to do otherwise. She scanned her eyes through the documents, picking up some words, but it was not long after when shiny golden words caught her attention.

She looked around the room and see that she was alone. She looked back down,picking up the paper with the headline.

"The Capitol of Panem"

Halfway through the opening of the letter, a sound of footsteps cause her to stop reading and she quickly filed the letter back in its place.

"Sorry, the table is quite messy," she frowned, holding a tray full of foods.

"No worries, it's fine," Catherine replied, shrugging her shoulders.

"Oh," was all the woman had said. She paused for a while as if she was thinking. Then her eyes twinkle as if she remembered something "I'm sorry I forgot to introduce myself to you. By the way, I'm Bettie Lockwood and I am a married woman. My husband's Greigori Lockwood, but you won't meet him until tomorrow,"she said, settling the tray down at the top of the papers.

"nice name" Catherine remarked. Bettie snorted, before she settled on the in across from Catherine. She served Catherine her food and took all the paper away.

After the food was served, they both started digging silently on their food.

Halfway through their silent activity, Bettie decided to speak " So, let's proceed to business," she started.Catherine looked up at her, her fingers that wrapped around a set of delicacy, froze midwaycto her mouthwash focused on the woman" So, It was a surprise that the capitol sent you to me as a guest of my household. And you will be staying for a night, and two days with me as an evaluation of the capitol, that is.

" I might not know exactly what kind of evaluation but the capitol awaits my comment about you.I think they are expecting some extravagant adventures during your stay . But, as the lady of the household, I don't expect you getting involved at anything that is out if a lady's manner. "she paused, looking at Catherine as she sinks all in.

"so in short, I suppose you know the proper etiquette"

Catherine paused, considering her host's rule on her length of stay. But then she nod and say " I doubt I'll break that one,"

"Good, I'm quite positive you won't, knowing that you came from a noble family," Says Mrs. Lockwood.

The rest of minutes left to Mrs. Lockwood, presenting her house rules to her young guest. And Catherine simply agreed.


Catherine went out her room and peeked out the foyer to find her host at the living room, sitting alone.

"Hey"she greeted as she settled across the woman. The woman looked up from her magazine and nod, acknowledging her presence.

"Your done settling your things?"

" yeah, thanks for the room. And I admit it's nice"Catherine said

"follow me"

Bettie stood and gestured for Catherine to follow her. Without a word, Catherine followed.


The backdoor porch was large and grand just like the rest of the house. The terrace was surrounded by strange and exotic set of plants, framing the whole area, green.

She walked across the lawn, to the large archway that was built with bricks. The archway was then followed by tall autumn trees outlining the road across, making a massive tunnel that leads to an, god knows what.

Catherine was getting quite anxious to where they were going, yet she kept their quite atmosphere.

As they reach the end of the tunnel, Bettie looked suddenly speak." so, here we are at our training circle"

In front of her, a clearing surrounded by huge bushes and was filled with different weapons that can be used for degrees of training.

"wow," Catherine muttered, looking amazed at the sight in front of her.

"see I told you, I'm pulling for you. So better make the best of it"Bettie said

"wait, if your pulling for me, then ;we'll not that I'm trying to offend you but your rude when I came?"

"well, I have discovered some information about you from the reaping, and I tried to pull out one that irritates you. Just trying to see if your application is true or not,"Mrs. Lockwood shrugged.

"Oh,"was all Catherine said.

"But then, I can be rude" Mrs. Lockwood added. Catherine let out a snicker as she approach near the bow and arrow.

Her finger brushed against the fine wood and the thick string attached to it. The arrows have bronze metal-ends and has a long and narrow wood stick.

"Mind if I ask you questions?" Mrs. Lockwood asked.

Catherine nod. She pick up the bow and drew out an arrow, setting back a foot and aimed at the target.

"So, I heard you were an only child of a very rich family from 5. So, why sacrifice when you don't have to?"she asked staring at Catherine, who was then glaring down the target.

Out of mixed emotions, she released the arrow forcefully. The arrow dashed across the field in full speed, and it hit the target, perfectly bullseye.

Mrs. Lockwood stared at her, mouth hanging open. Catherine dropped the bow and turned to face her.

Catherine rolled her eyes before her lups curved into a smirk, satisfied at her host's face.

Catherine move to another weapon and admired it's shaped. She picked up the weapon and dragged her fingers through it.

The set of knife was gleaming, it's tip was sharp and it's blade is quite crook at some parts, and it's handle was long and wide with strips of silver.

Mrs. Lockwood came closer and watch as Catherine set the knives into her palms.

"I assume your a pride of your parents," she remarked. But it doesn't seem to please Catherine.

Catherine took no time and slash leaves in a tree with a perfect angle. She held her head high as the branch of leaves fell with perfect cut. Mrs. Lockwood nod, admiring.

After, a shiny weapon took her attention. Attracted, she went to it. Her eyes were shining as she hold it in her palms.

The gold tip glimmers under the ray of the sun. It's long handle was bronze.

Catherine hold it atop of her with full admiration. She took a step back, her arms, drew back and it's bot long adder when her arms darting forward, releasing the spear from her fingers and she let the weapon glide across the air to the same target, hitting the same bullseye.

" Wait, why did-

Mrs. Lockwood's mouth clamped shut as Catherine dropped her arms, exasperated. She then, took off back to tunnel.

It was way too personal for Catherine to contemplate with. And Catherine has just no time for that.

"You got nice shooting skills," Mrs. Lockwood commented as she passed Catherine at her garden table, petting her plant.

"Well thanks. I guess that's what my years of good education was for," Catherine prided.

"I guess so too"

Catherine shrugged and sat silently,Mrs Lockwood situated in front of her. Silence starts to eat their surroundings, when a thought suddenly hit Mrs. Lockwood.

"I heard your the sacrificing type, you love seeing others happy," Mrs. Lockwood stated, as a matter-of-fact.

Catherine didn't bother looking her way, keeping her mouth shut and just kept listening.

Mrs. Lockwood found her silence as a cue to continue." But I also hear your violence and how you hurt others. Why was that?" she asked

The question left Catherine silent. Same question was threwn into her at the reaping, yet it was still questionable to her and to those who have saw through her.

The question hit her hard and she just realize the fact and how true the situation is.

Instead of answering, she stood from and seat and walk. But Mrs. Lockwood wasn't planning on giving up her unanswered questions.

"why do you keep strolling away when you can answer the question,"she asked

Catherine paused midway, before she heavily sighed. There's no way she can walk away with that.

Mrs. Lockwood stared at Catherine's defacing figure, thinking this was a challenge as well.

Catherine shook her head and started to speak " not everyday of your life, your the princess," she started, making Mrs. Lockwood more curious. "sometimes, you have to accept the fact that your a slave. A slave with chains all over her body" and she set off inside the house.

Mrs. Lockwood look at her, mouth hanging open at her statement as she was Catherine retreating back to the house.


Dinner came and Catherine didn't come down, yet.

Mrs. Lockwood was now convince at her, offending Catherine way back at the garden.

She had discovered that talking about her family, isn't a good subject for her nor mention or discuss it. She shook her head at oblivion.

Mrs. Lockwood strolled across the kitchen, moving around for plates, letting her thoughts eat the best of her.

The whole duration of her time in the kitchen, Catherine didn't bother to come down to eat but instead, she lock herself.


Morning came, and Mrs. Lockwood prepared breakfast. Yet her guest didn't come down.

Her guest's absence made her anxious. She decided to fetch her.

'she must be hungry'sge thought

She climbed the stairs and stopped by the room of the guest. Knocking, she opened the door and to her surprise, the room was empty.

She started wondering, thousand thoughts came to her.

'What if she left?' she thought, her concern and anxiousness at peak.

.She went down the stairs and walk out the the backyard porch and found it empty as well.

She proceeded to the long tunnel and to the training circle. She scanned tgw area and at the corner, she saw a figure in all black, holding the long spear between it's fingers.

"Catherine," she said

Catherine looked around, facing her host and nod.

"I got quite nervous, I thought your gone,"she released a heavy sigh, her shoulders lightened, as if weighs have been lifted off her shoulders.

"Sorry, my questions were much personal," Mrs. Lockwood apologized.

Just in time, the spear flew across the field hitting the heart of a leaf. She looked around to Mrs. Lockwood and her face, filled with sympathy.

"sorry, I've been irrational and unreasonable,-

"no it's fine. It's me that shouldn't have been asking personal things,"she insisted.

"no it's fine"Catherine nodded.

"um, you haven't had dinner last night, so I presume you want to share a breakfast with me,"Mrs. Lockwood offered.

"I guess so,"they both laughed and set off to breakfast.


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