Task Four: Dark Side

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Keegan swirled his lemonade around in the glass. The shouting match with Kami had left him drained, but it also embarrassed him because he'd lost his cool. Of course, his dinner partner, Trinket, had lost it far worse than he had.

Still, Trinket was far more emotional and passionate than he was. His reserve was something he clung to as a matter of course. Now he felt bad for losing it and blowing up at Kami.

Not that he intended to apologize in so many words. He wasn't the type to apologize for every little transgression. But he did think that he and Trinket might do a little something to make Kami feel better. The last thing they needed was for the girl to get some hare-brained revenge plot going in the middle of a Game.

"You're quiet tonight," Trinket notes.

"Just thinking... Kami deserves some sort of apology for our behavior. It didn't turn out that badly for all our blustering."

At his words Trinket shot her gaze up to his and raised an eyebrow. "She got several tributes killed with her little stunt with the creatures. Not to mention the meadow is destroyed and now two more tributes are on the risk of death." Trinket huffed and tilted her head back, downing the wine. Irritation swarmed through her and she clenched the glass so her knuckles turned white. The Games were hers. And that snot-nosed little brat had almost ruined it! Now Keegan was taking her side ?

Though at the memory of little Kamis expression and how horrified and guilty she looked... Trinket sighed. "I suppose we could... offer a small gesture... What do you suggest?"

"Well, obviously I don't think we should apologize in the ordinary way. That fluff-headed imbecile did cause a lot of trouble, and I have no intention of admitting I was wrong. However, perhaps if we let her feel like she's involved and useful, she won't do something like this again." He paused, considering his next words carefully. It had to be phrased properly or Trinket wouldn't fall for his idea. "I mean, this only happened because she felt we didn't have any use for her. So, to head off any vengeful ideas she's got, and to avoid another disaster, we let her release her creatures. Under supervision and guidance, of course." He smirked, knowing he had her by the rapt expression on her face. "You like it?"

Trinket frowned deeply, considering his proposal. "She's already had her fun and released her creatures. It took everything we had in order to contain them and prolong the killing. I have special plans for this arena and I won't have her screwing them up." Though she didn't say this it was her last chance to impress the president.

She didn't have anymore chances.

Showing none of her concern to Keegan she smiled evilly, with a wicked gleam in her eye. "Maybe not her creatures... but we could let her do... something else... something... different.. something to test the tributes... "

Keegan laughed. "Sounds evil... What's the plan?" He leaned back, watching her carefully. She might not want him to know it, but he'd heard from a few places that this was her last chance to impress the President with these Games.

If she messed up, he had to be around to pick up the pieces and make himself appear like the one who could handle the position. It wouldn't be too hard to spin that one. If she didn't succeed, all he had to do was say that he was trying to fix her mess ups but couldn't because she held him back. It was the perfect way to undermine her.

He wondered, just for a moment, whether Trinket had already figured out that he wasn't on her side or anyone else's. He wondered if she understood that he was just as much an enemy at the moment as Kami might be. Just as quickly, he tucked the idea away to be pondered at a later date. For now, he would watch and wait. He would file away any clues she might be onto him for later use, but right now, he would focus on manipulating her into the position he needed her in.

He was so sure of his scheme's outcome, but when it was all said and done, who could really say where it would lead?


Tributes, welcome to task four. There are only eight of you left.

You are out of the biomes and have just entered the maze again. You need to get to the Cornucopia to get supplies and food because you have none. The key that you still have unlocks the Cornucopia.

But first, before you even reach the center of the maze where the Cornucopia lies, a deep thick fog appears all around you. Through the fog, a dark version of you appears. You MUST fight AND kill it in order to get to the Cornucopia. YOU DO NOT REACH THE CORNUCOPIA IN THIS TASK. Your entry should end just as you kill the other version of you, or directly after that.

Your evil twin is just like you... dressed the same, same weapons, same fears, strengths, weaknesses...everything. You can try to fight and kill them yourself or you and your partner, if you're still together can try to trade (you take on your allies' copy and they take on yours), or whatever your creative minds can come up with. This entry must be about fighting your dark copy (or your partner's). You can choose to involve other tributes, and even fight them as well, but the ultimate plot for this is the fight with the dark version of you. Keep in mind this "other you" is evil, and is trying to kill you/destroy you mentally/emotionally, etc.

Award this task: Entry that gives us the FEELS.

This task, I'm specifically looking for emotions. There can and should be some action (especially the fight with yourself), but I'm watching out for character change. Chances are you will get a low score if your character hasn't started to change and if they aren't any different between now and when they first started.

Word Count: Because I'm nice, especially because I know some of you will need the word count to roll with this task, I'm extending it to 3,000. Just to be different your entry MUST BE OVER 1,000 words. Any that's under will be deducted points.

Due date: Because of the holiday, the due date is December 5, 6pm central.

Deaths: 3

Ballots: 3

Sponsored tributes PM me for the benefit of knowing task five early on (if you choose to)!

Phoebe, because you ranked highest on the death and ballot ranking, your word count is only 2,500. So sorry.

Noura because you scored second on the death and ballot ranking, your tribute must face the dark copy version BY HERSELF with no trading with your partner.

Chance, because you scored third on the death and ballot ranking, your tribute must get mortally wounded in this task.

Failure to meet these criteria's will result in deducted points.

Also, just for fun, ANY tribute who wants to earn FIVE extra points added onto their score this round, try this fun little challenge:

Write a bonus entry (send it separately, or together with task four, just be sure to separate it in the email), involving a flashback with your character involving the following prompt:

Nowhere and nothing.

The catch to this? The word limit is only 100 words! If you go over even ONE word, your entry won't count and you won't get the five extra points. Yes, the flashback must be anytime from your tribute's past.

Any questions about task four or the small bonus, feel free to comment! Tributes who've been eliminated if you want to try the bonus challenge too, feel free! I'd love to read them :) Also, if ELIMINATED TRIBUTES decide to do this challenge (if they're reading this), then for the final voting, their vote counts for TWO.

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