Task Four: Scores and Opinions

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This was the most impressive round so far. All of you did so wonderful! Many of you have increased your writing skills, which is something I really love to see. There are a lot of ties this round, but that's a good thing! Also, a lot of the scores went up simply because I was the one judging, and this round was so impressive I was a little more lenient. 

District 1 Female: Anika Brand - 10

Overall, yes!!! Yes!!! This is exactly the entry I was looking for from Anika! You really used your word count this time, and you completely focused on the fight with her and her dark copy! Because of that, it was amazing! It was intense and dramatic. The action itself was all correct, not to mention extremely descriptive! You added in emotion and feeling from Anika, and I really loved her struggle with killing Myka—especially how you included it. This was by far, your best entry and you've left me impressed! I grinned the instant I finished it, and thought: this is it! This is what I wanted, and this is what Anika needed! Your knowledge of fighting was definitely impressive, making the entire scene beautifully written. The bit with the swords was also my favorite part. It added realism as well as depth to the entry and to Anika's character. Also, I only saw one grammar mistake in the whole entry. Next task I can't wait to see more of how Anika changes and develops! Amazing job! Congratulations on your first perfect score from me! You deserve it!

District 6 Male: Egan Blake - 10

There are no words. I am just... so mind-blown right now. I literally finished reading, and stared at the computer screen for a good five minutes, trying to understand. My heart is going to get broken because of you; I just know it. Feels doesn't even begin to cover the emotion I felt while reading your entry. I teared up, and had to force myself not to cry. There was one mistake where you switched tenses, but other than that, I didn't spot any mistakes and I think that was a typo. This was a perfect entry; the emotion was there, the description was there, the suspense, and fear... I was in the story. Right there with Egan. It was absolutely perfect. So next task (as a fangirl) I want Egan to stop being a sadistic jerk and to realize that he doesn't want to kill Phoebe! Next task (as a judge) I'm interested into where Egan's character development is going and I cannot wait to see how he changes and develops more. Also, I'm interested to know more about his past too. You keep dropping hints and it's torturing me, as both a judge and a fangirl! Perfect job!

District 8 Female: Phoebe Beckham - 10

Overall, this was a fantastic entry. One of your best so far (it's hard for me to choose just one, haha). I only saw one grammar mistake, and it was so tense I couldn't stop reading. I'm sooooo desperately still in love with Egan and Phoebe's ship... and several of their interactions were so darn cute I cannot contain myself. Seriously. Your descriptions and emotions were so consice and clear that I was feeling and experiencing this right along Phoebe. I loved the mantra you did whenever Phoebe faced her copy, and I really really loved the tweak of how Egan and Phoebe saved each other! The last bit seriously gave me so many feels, I just stared at the screen open-mouthed for a minute before I could move. The only thing I have to be a little nitpicky on is the bit with Phoebe and her copy could have been a little longer and a tad bit more extended, but with the word count I understand, so no worries. Also, both scenes (with Phoebe's and Egan's copies), there could have been more emotion from Phoebe, and more of a reaction from her mentally and emotionally. Try to add that in with the next action/task scenes in the next entry. I'm starting to see a broken change in Phoebe, not to mention how she seems to be becoming the strong one. Next entry, I want to see more of that! Fantastic job! Also, your bonus task was great! Way better than what I could have done. It leaves me wondering at what point in her life does this take place? O.O

District 11 Female: Dayshia Kelly - 10

Overall, gosh this entry impressed me too! Your writing has definitely improved, and you just keep getting better and better. I absolutely loved Dayshia and how different she was in this task. She was weak and almost useless—completely different from who she is. There was just the right blend of description, action and emotion to make for a perfect entry. There was one mistake where you said "my" instead of "Dayshia's" but that's just a small mistake, and it didn't take away from the story at all. By the way, I totally called The Voice being the dark copy of Dayshia, and I loved, loved, loved it! I loved their interactions and the way The Voice taunted her! This task was more emotion than action, but it included enough of both to blend it nicely. I seriously can't wait to read how this affects Dayshia in the next task. Keep up the amazing work! Congrats on Dayshia's first ten from me, and your second! (since Anika also earned a ten)!

District 7 Male: Chance Rollen - 9.8

Overall, this was a great entry. I really loved Chance's character throughout it. I like how he was giving up, yet how he continued fighting. Chance thinks and sees himself as the underdog and I absolutely love that. There were a few grammar mistakes but nothing too bad. This entry was strong with his emotions and thought process, which is something I wanted more of. Toward the end, you did great with suspense, because I actually thought for one horrified second that Shadow Chance was going to kill Chance and that you were going to kill him off. It was terrifying. The last few lines did feel a little rushed, as they could have been slightly more detailed and were slightly confusing. I think he passed out, but I'm not entirely sure. Other than that, I have no more harsh critiques though! Next entry, keep playing on Chance and his underdog thoughts, as well as his thoughts and emotions! Great job!

District 10 Female: Noura Katalin - 9.6

Overall, this was a great entry, but not one of your best. I've read what you can do, and you're an extremely talented writer. It felt a bit rushed, not with the story and plot itself, but in the writing. There was several grammar mistakes as well. I still enjoyed it though. The interaction between Noura and her clone was interesting to read. I liked the creativity with Noura's clone having difficulties with speech. It made it unique. I liked Noura's emotions throughout the entry as well. My word of advice to you is that Noura, while a great tribute, is pretty much the same as when she first started. There are a few differences, but not much, not enough to be character development. This, and the fact that there were a bit more mistakes than usual, is the reason why your score dropped from me on this task. Next entry, I need to start seeing major character development changes with her. Great job!

District 11 Male: Jayden Armati - 9.7 but -1 for late so 9.6

Overall, this was another great entry! Jayden's attitude is seriously... just gahhh! I love, love, love it! I smiled all the way through this, except when I was getting the feels. I also loved the character development you included in this entry –going from trying to live, to wanting to let himself die, to living only for his mom, even if he doesn't want to live himself. It was just amazing how many changes he went through, in just one entry. I also really enjoyed the fight scene between Jayden and his dark copy. The action was correct—a little bit vague at times—but correct. There were a few grammar mistakes, which is why your score is a little bit low, but I was still able to read the entry and enjoy it. One thing for realism that I marked off... I thought at the beginning you mentioned that the lava melted the ice caves or the ice caves floor, but a few lines down, you mentioned Jayden looking at the ice cave walls wondering if Dayshia was there. Even if you meant for the lava to only burn the floor, realistically it would have burned the walls too. I think. That's why I counted off a point for realism. Outside of that great job! Next entry, I want to see more with how Jayden has developed and his whole mindset and how it has started to change a bit. Great job! I also loved the bonus entry too!

District 12 Male: Kale Emrys - used automatic score of 9.5

Everyone except for Kale turned in a bonus entry, so all of you get +5 added to your overall score. 

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