Task Four: The Anthem Plays

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Disoriented and confused, your legs collapse out from underneath you. The cold stone wall of the maze bites at your back as you rest against it for a moment. Your hands shake, still emotionally and physically drained from the encounter with your dark copy. The anthem plays and you gaze up at the faces of the fallen...

District 10 Female: Noura Katalin

Noura thought that she had killed her dark copy. Unbeknownst to her, just as she collapsed on the ground to rest and relax, the fog reformed. Noura's dark copy walked up behind her, silent and unknown. Grabbing Noura around the neck, the dark copy clenched her hands tighter and tighter. Noura struggled, gasping for air... for breath. She frantically grasped at the key still in her hand, and tried to get a good angle to strike her dark copy, but the dark copy wasn't going to let her win this round. Her copy twisted her wrist, breaking it. As Noura screamed, she dropped the key. Her copy clenched her hands, digging them into her neck. She jerked and tried to get away, but the copy's grip was like iron. 

The world around her blurred as stars danced at the edge of her vision. Blackness began to settle in. As her vision faded into pitch blackness, she could hear Thom's voice whispering in her ear: "You need to come home."

District 11 Male: Jayden Armati

Just as he had made a decision to live, not for himself but for his mother, another tribute darted toward him faster than he could fully prepare. They rolled around on the ground for several minutes, furiously pounding their fists into one another. Jayden almost got the upper hand, but at the last second, the tribute managed to grab a dagger lying on the ground, and stab Jayden with it. 

As Jayden's body collapsed onto the ground, bleeding out, he was bound and determined that he was not going to die without trying. He yanked the dagger out of his stomach, groaning in pain, and jammed it into the tribute's leg before they realized what he was doing. It became harder and harder for Jayden to breathe. But despite the pain radiating in his stomach, and the gurgles that he made, he died with a grin on his face. 

You cannot find it in yourself to feel relieved. Two more tributes dead. Six are left, including yourself. You can feel it: the Games will be ending soon, and you aren't so sure that it will be you that wins. After all that has happened to you, even if you do win, you will never be the same... 

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