Task One Scores and Opinions

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The opinions and feedback listed below the scores is directly from me. If you want more feedback from the other three Gamemakers, you'll have to ask them directly. Remember, sponsored tributes, you can ask for detailed critiqued feedback and entries from the Gamemakers who are sponsoring you if you choose to do so.

Keep in mind that these final scores are the combined average of all four of our judges' scores. One of us might have scored a tribute higher, but the other ones might not have, which could have brought your score a little bit lower than normal.

Below are the scores and opinions for task one:

District 10 Female: Noura Katalin = 9.7

Wow. This entry completely blew me away. Your vocabulary usage is impressive. I loved, loved, loved all your descriptions. The action scenes were spot on. You're creativity in this was definitely just... completely astounding. I was instantly hooked, and you kept me on the edge of my seat the entire time. It was a little confusing, but that was done on purpose, an effect that you pulled off quite well. Your twist at the ending just... my jaw dropped. I was so impressed. Next entry I want to see more emotion from Noura. There was a little, but I want to see it more elaborated. I also love how you made this like a story, complete with a mystery plotline and a cliff hanger. I can't wait to read more.

District 8 Female: Phoebe Beckham = 9.4

Overall, this was a good entry. It was a bit short, and I looked forward to a bit more, but I understand about not having much time to complete it. You only had three punctuation mistakes, all of which were misplaced commas, so it's not a big deal. Even though it was short, you included a lot of impacting emotion, and I loved Pheobe's continuous thought process during the entire entry. Your descriptions were amazing, as usual, and for some reason, I just loved her attitude. I really liked your creativity too. The idea of birds that poop acid was such genius, and for some reason made me laugh so hard. The only thing I would say that needed to be here was more about the maze itself, but since you added the birds pooping acid thing, I'll count that as your unique aspect about the maze. Next task, I want to see more with Pheobe's emotions and her development. She accidentally killed someone, so I want to see how she deals with that. Hopefully, your next entry will be a bit longer. Great job!

District 11 Female: Dayshia Kelly = 9.4

Overall, wow! Just wow! I love, love, loved this entry. Dayshia's attitude seriously had me laughing throughout the entire entry, and instantly, I was hooked, and kept engaged as well. Her emotions and thought process had improved, and was another thing that kept me interested. Your creative touch on the maze was so unique. I loved the added detail to the "zombies" which really aren't actual zombies at all. Also, I don't know why, but the whole Death/Reaper/iron bar thing really reminded me of a show called Supernatural. Don't know if you meant it that way. Anyway, you left me on a cliff hanger, and now I'm not sure if that's even really Anika or not. Next entry, I seriously just can't wait for more. More of Dayshia's attitude, more of her different side. I loved how freaked out she was, how killing and blood affected her more than she thought, how she doubts herself now. I want to see more of her struggling, more of her changing, and definitely can't wait to find out what happens next. Amazing job!

Oh and congratulations on being the first and only perfect score this round! (from me, anyway)

District 11 Male: Jayden Armati = 9.2

You most definitely impressed me. Right away, I was hooked. From the first line, in fact. I don't even know where to begin. It was structured so amazing that I was engaged throughout the entire entry. I was fangirling and freaking out, and just completely engaged. I never once got bored or tired. Also, you only had a few minor grammar errors, so great job. What you've done with Jayden's character development, ahh, it makes me want to dance. I love, love, love how he couldn't focus in the beginning and then throughout the entry, he changed and became himself again. Great! Also, seriously, his attitude is just... wow. I love it. I laughed almost all the way through the entry. I loved his confusion, and his thought process and the realistic nature of him thinking through his problems. Your creative touch to the story was definitely intriguing. Next entry, I want to see more of Jayden's attitude and humor, as well as some more struggle and emotion. It'll be interesting to see how he reacts to situations he can't get or think himself out of.

District 1 Male: Altrin Keene = 9.1

Overall, this was another amazing entry. There were several more grammar mistakes in this one that your previous one, which I know are just the result of having to hurry (which is understandable). Once again, I love his attitude! You included more emotion and thought process, which I definitely loved as well. Seriously, too bad he and Coralie went into different biomes, because they are just so adorable. It was really, really interesting to see his perspective on the story, especially once he was inside the maze. Again, I liked your creative touch to the maze, and how they had to think themselves through everything. Next entry, I want to see more struggle with him, and more conflict within his large ally group. Things are only going to get tougher... and I really want to see that next time.

District 4 Female: Coralie Dunbrylle = 9.1

Overall, I really, really loved this entry. It was long and engaging. Just what I like. You included the most detail about the maze that I've read so far (since at this point I haven't finished reading all the entries yet), and your creativity was completely amazing and impressive. Coralie's thought process was most impressive as well, and made the story that much more realistic. Your descriptiveness of everything, especially the maze was just fantastic. I could see everything like a movie in my head. I was hooked from the beginning, and you kept me engaged and interested without boring me at all. I got to the end and kept scrolling, like "I want more!" It's something you seem to be really good at. You did have a few grammar and punctuation errors, which is what kept you from getting a perfect score, but go through your entries a few times or read them out loud to help you. Her emotion was great throughout this entire entry, as well as her development as a character. Plus, I love her attitude! Next task, keep up the amazing work, and I know you'll do fine. I want to continue to see her grow. I know this next task is going to be a good one for you!

District 7 Male: Chance Rollen = 9.1

Overall, this entry was amazing. His thought process throughout it really threw me into his head, and helped me feel exactly what he was feeling. There were a few minor grammar errors, but there were only a couple, and I was able to stay in the story because of it. You had some great growth with Chance... I love how he changed so much in this one entry, and I can't wait to see it continue. Your action scenes could have included a bit more detail-mostly just specifics. There were several moments were he just stabbed and it never actually mentioned where he stabbed the tribute at. That being said, I know (and loved) your direct approach with this. It really added to the suspense. I held my breath the entire time, frantically reading to try to keep going. Next entry, outside of working on being a little more specific in your action scenes, try to add in specific emotions as well. You did such an awesome job with showing his emotion, rather than telling, but next entry I want a little more struggle, and a little more on how he truly felt about everything that happened to him. Wonderful job!

District 10 Male: Dan Lincoln = 8.9

Overall, this was an interesting entry. Your emotion and description was spot on, not to mention I love Dan's attitude at the beginning. However, there were several grammar and punctuation errors, but all of which can be fixed by reading through your entry once or twice before handing it in. I had a little trouble with realism though. The girl stabbed him... It didn't seem likely that she would. If it was in her character to betray him, I think you should have showed that side of her a bit more. Directly after that, even though he was stabbed, Dan was able to grab onto a spike, while still holding onto the girl? And the fact that he would still try to keep her safe, when she just stabbed and betrayed him? Maybe he wouldn't kill a kid, but he would at least feel hurt by the betrayal and possibly leave her. There was no feeling or emotion in the scene, nothing descriptive about what the wound was or how he felt about it physically or anything. The ending itself seemed really rushed as well. I think you could have taken this scene and drawn it out a lot, making it much more dramatic, and even added the twist of betrayal. It would have been way more impacting and probably would have improved your score a little bit to. Also, you had eight deaths that you said were deaths, but in your entry you only described one in detail. Even if all the mention of screams and the cannons going off were the "deaths" they could have been described way more detailed. Next entry, I want to see more emotion from Dan and I want to start to see character change and development. Take your time and don't rush. And if he still sticks with this girl after she betrayed him, I'm going to have a tough time believing it unless you give me a good reason why. In which case, it better be good and believeable.

District 1 Female: Anika Brand = 8.7

Overall, wow! I was definitely impressed with this entry! You improved so much, as well as Anika's character development and improvement as well. Your descriptions were so concise and clear! Instantly, you hooked me, from the first line, to the very last. The creative touch with the zombies was definitely most impressive; just what I was looking for (not the idea itself, but stretching your creativity). This entry was a great example of what this task was about. You had a few grammar mistakes, but nothing major. I loved everything you added to her character, especially the firm dad thing, as well as her internal thoughts. Keep it up!! There were several one liners throughout the whole thing that just had me sitting here fangirling. So impressive. Next task, I want to see her grow and change more, and add just a little more emotion. Wonderful job!

District 5 Male: Hunter Black = 7.6

Overall, there was significant improvement. I'm proud of you. You took all the advice I gave you an completely changed everything with the way you write. Your paragraphs were much more condensed this time, and the dialogue was broken up way better. Overall the flow was much smoother and it was easier to follow. Your descriptions on the scorpion were great; it made me cringe. You're the perfect example of what these Games are all about: improvement. I'm shocked at how much you've improved in only one task. I can't wait to see how well you grow in future tasks. That being said, there was a lack of emotion and growth when it came to Hunter, so next task I want to see more emotion from him and more character development. Keep up the good work.

District 7 Female: Natalie Pitchford = 7.6

Overall, this was a pretty good entry. You had several grammar mistakes, but only one punctuation mistake. I liked your creativity with the poisonous plants in the maze, and how Natalie's intelligence really shined. I would have liked to see more emotion from her. How does she feel about all this happening? Seeing all the death? Next entry, I want to see more emotion from her, and especially more development. We know she's intelligent when it comes to plants. Now let's see her change. Outside of that, all you really need to work on is varying your sentence structure. Almost every sentence in this whole entry began with "I" with the exception of a few in the middle when you were describing a girl and then they all started with "she." There are other ways of saying and describing things, so practice and then try it out. Also, the dialogue seemed a little bit stiff. Try reading it out loud to yourself to see if it sounds realistic. Good job!

District 12 Male: Kale Emrys = 6.9

Your descriptions were so good. I can't tell you how many times I cringed while reading your entry (which is a good thing). You had quite a few grammatical errors, but nothing too minor. You're a good writer, so you're one that I get nitpicky with, to try to help you improve. I enjoyed your creativeness with the maze, but I would have loved to have seen more. Again, this task, your descriptiveness was your strong suit. Keep it up! I loved Kale's development in this task. I don't know if you meant it that way, but he started off being horrified, to killing mercilessly. Keep up his development, just make sure to keep it realistic. Good job!

District 4 Male: Anthony Shoes = 6.2

Overall, this was really short. There were several grammar errors, and there were several confusing actions and stuff in the story, that made the entry really difficult to follow, which also made it difficult to get into and enjoy as a story. That being said, next task, I would suggest re-reading your entry several times to try to improve grammar errors, to make sure the action is concise and clear, and to make sure it reads well and easy. Use your word count: we gave you 3,000 and you used not even half of that. Don't be afraid to really get into writer's mode and just let the words flow. Don't rush things too much either, and I know you'll improve!

District 5 Female: Catherine Malfoy = 5

Overall, this was an okay entry. There were a lot of grammar, punctuation and sentence structure mistakes. The beginning was rather long, and though the outfits were descriptive, it got a little bit dull. I think it would have been a little better to start closer to the beginning of the Games. I would have liked to see more detail about the maze, but I liked the creative touch you added with the ice. It was brief, because the entire ending (which was the whole bloodbath) felt way too rushed. Next task, take your time, and focus more on the task at hand. The structure itself felt so rushed, and was difficult to understand at times, mostly because of the mistakes. It will be more engaging without them, and if you take your time to make it all seem more realistic.

District 6 Female: Alyssa (Lyss) Cameron

District 6 Male: Egan Blake

District 9 Female: Destiny Muriala

District 12 Female: Heather Xaria Quire

These four tributes have decided to drop out. I am sad to see them go, especially Several7s, the writer of Destiny and Alyssa and wynterblack, the writer of Egan Blake. Several7s is a good friend of mine here on Wattpad, as well as a great writer. And wynterblack is a wonderful writer. It breaks my heart to see them both go.

District 2 Male: Colin Vann = 0

District 2 Female: Athena Kelso = 0

District 3 Male: Alto Prague = 0

District 3 Female: Myka Sterling = 0

District 8 Male: Christian Lewis = 0

District 9 Male: Casper Roswell = 0

A few of these tributes has not turned in entries two times in a row, which is disappointing. I frown upon people who make commitments and don't keep to them when it comes to writing competitions, when there's no reason mentioned, and especially when they don't talk to the Gamemakers about it. That being said, two of these tributes belong to an excellent writer, and I hope this writer continues with us in these Games.

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